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38 KiB

* dsp.h -- various DSP algorithms
* based on mt63 code by Pawel Jalocha
* Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Pawel Jalocha, SP9VRC
* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Dave Freese, W1HKJ
* This file is part of fldigi.
* Fldigi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Fldigi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with fldigi. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// double/other-complex type
template <class type> struct Cdspcmpx { type re,im; } ;
typedef Cdspcmpx<double> dspCmpx;
// Some complex operators
template <class type>
inline void operator +=(Cdspcmpx<type> &Dst, Cdspcmpx<type> &Src)
{ Dst.re+=Src.re; Dst.im+=Src.im; }
template <class type>
inline void operator -=(Cdspcmpx<type> &Dst, Cdspcmpx<type> &Src)
{ Dst.re-=Src.re; Dst.im-=Src.im; }
template <class type, class num>
inline void operator *=(Cdspcmpx<type> &Dst, num Src)
{ Dst.re*=Src; Dst.im*=Src; }
template <class type, class num>
inline void operator /=(Cdspcmpx<type> &Dst, num Src)
{ Dst.re/=Src; Dst.im/=Src; }
// scalar product of two vectors
template <class typeA, class typeB>
inline double dspScalProd(Cdspcmpx<typeA> &A, Cdspcmpx<typeB> &B)
{ return A.re*B.re+A.im*B.im; }
template <class typeA, class typeB>
inline double dspScalProd(typeA Ia, typeA Qa, Cdspcmpx<typeB> &B)
{ return Ia*B.re+Qa*B.im; }
// complex multiply
template <class typeDst, class typeA, class typeB>
inline void CdspcmpxMultAxB(Cdspcmpx<typeDst> &Dst, Cdspcmpx<typeA> &A, Cdspcmpx<typeB> &B)
{ Dst.re=A.re*B.re-A.im*B.im;
Dst.im=A.re*B.im+A.im*B.re; }
template <class typeDst, class typeA, class typeB>
inline void CdspcmpxMultAxB(typeDst &DstI, typeDst &DstQ, Cdspcmpx<typeA> &A, Cdspcmpx<typeB> &B)
{ DstI=A.re*B.re-A.im*B.im;
DstQ=A.re*B.im+A.im*B.re; }
// complex multiply, second argument with a "star" (B.im is negated)
template <class typeDst, class typeA, class typeB>
inline void CdspcmpxMultAxBs(Cdspcmpx<typeDst> &Dst, Cdspcmpx<typeA> &A, Cdspcmpx<typeB> &B)
{ Dst.re=A.re*B.re+A.im*B.im;
Dst.im=A.im*B.re-A.re*B.im; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// signed 16-bit format (standard 16-bit audio)
typedef short dspS16;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class type> inline int dspRedspAllocArray(type **Array, int Size)
{ (*Array)=(type *)realloc(*Array,Size*sizeof(type));
return (*Array)==NULL; }
template <class type> inline int dspAllocArray(type **Array, int Size)
{ (*Array)=(type *)malloc(Size*sizeof(type));
return (*Array)==NULL; }
template <class type> inline void dspClearArray(type *Array, int Size)
{ memset(Array,0,Size*sizeof(type)); }
template <class type> inline void dspCopyArray(type *Dst, type *Src, int Size)
{ memcpy(Dst,Src,Size*sizeof(type)); }
template <class type> inline void dspMoveArray(type *Dst, type *Src, int Size)
{ memmove(Dst,Src,Size*sizeof(type)); }
template <class type> int dspAllocArray2D(type ***Array, int Size1, int Size2)
{ int i;
(*Array)=(type **)malloc(Size1*(sizeof(type *)));
if((*Array)==NULL) return 1;
for(i=0; i<Size1; i++) (*Array)[i]=NULL;
for(i=0; i<Size1; i++)
{ (*Array)[i]=(type *)malloc(Size2*sizeof(type));
if((*Array)[i]==NULL) goto Error; }
return 0;
for(i=0; i<Size1; i++) free((*Array)[i]); free(*Array); return 1;
template <class type> void dspFreeArray2D(type **Array, int Size1)
{ int i; for(i=0; i<Size1; i++) free(Array[i]); free(Array); }
template <class type> void dspClearArray2D(type **Array, int Size1, int Size2)
{ int i; for(i=0; i<Size1; i++) memset(Array[i],0,Size2*sizeof(type)); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// processing buffers:
template <class type> class dspSeq
{ public:
int EnsureSpace(int ReqSpace); // make sure that there is enough space
void Free(void); // free space to save RAM when buffer is not in use
int Space; // that much is allocated in *Data
int Len; // that much is filled up
type *Data; // contains Len elements
} ;
template <class type> dspSeq<type>::dspSeq() {
Data = NULL;
Len = Space = 0;
template <class type> dspSeq<type>::~dspSeq() {
template <class type> int dspSeq<type>::EnsureSpace(int ReqSpace)
if (ReqSpace <= Space)
return 0;
Data = (type *)realloc(Data, ReqSpace * sizeof(type));
if (Data == NULL) {
Space = Len = 0;
return -1;
Space = ReqSpace;
return 0;
template <class type> void dspSeq<type>::Free(void)
Data = NULL;
Space = Len = 0;
typedef dspSeq<float> float_buff;
typedef dspSeq<double> double_buff;
typedef dspSeq<dspCmpx> dspCmpx_buff;
typedef dspSeq<dspCmpx> dspCmpx_buff;
// typedef dspSeq<short> int16_buff; <- this doesn't work - why ?!
typedef dspSeq<dspS16> dspS16_buff;
typedef dspSeq<char> char_buff;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// First-In First-Out pipes
template <class type> class dspFIFO
{ public:
dspFIFO(); ~dspFIFO();
int Preset(int Max);
void Free(void);
void Clear(void);
int Inp(type Elem);
int Out(type &Elem);
int InpReady(void);
int OutReady(void);
type *Buff;
int Size;
int Rd,Wr;
} ;
template <class type> dspFIFO<type>::dspFIFO() { Buff=NULL; }
template <class type> dspFIFO<type>::~dspFIFO() { free(Buff); }
template <class type> void dspFIFO<type>::Free(void) { free(Buff); Buff=NULL; }
template <class type> int dspFIFO<type>::Preset(int Max)
{ Size=Max+1;
if(dspRedspAllocArray(&Buff,Size)) return -1;
Rd=0; Wr=0; return 0; }
template <class type> void dspFIFO<type>::Clear(void) { Rd=Wr; }
template <class type> int dspFIFO<type>::Inp(type Elem)
{ int w=Wr;
Buff[w]=Elem; w+=1; if(w>=Size) w=0;
if(w==Rd) return -1;
Wr=w; return 0; }
template <class type> int dspFIFO<type>::Out(type &Elem)
{ if(Rd==Wr) return -1;
Elem=Buff[Rd]; Rd+=1; if(Rd>=Size) Rd=0; return 0; }
template <class type> int dspFIFO<type>::OutReady(void)
{ return (Wr>=Rd) ? Wr-Rd : Wr-Rd+Size; }
template <class type> int dspFIFO<type>::InpReady(void)
{ return (Rd>Wr) ? Rd-Wr-1 : Rd-Wr+Size-1; }
typedef dspFIFO<char> char_dspFIFO;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// dspPower of single and complex values and dspSequences of these
inline double dspPower(double X) { return X*X; }
inline double dspPower(double I, double Q) { return I*I + Q*Q; }
inline double dspPower(dspCmpx X) { return X.re*X.re+X.im*X.im; }
double dspPower(double *X, int Len);
double dspPower(double *I, double *Q, int Len);
double dspPower(dspCmpx *X, int Len);
inline double dspPower(double_buff *buff) { return dspPower(buff->Data,buff->Len); }
inline double dspPower(dspCmpx_buff *buff) { return dspPower(buff->Data,buff->Len); }
// dspAmplitude calculations
inline double dspAmpl(double I, double Q) { return sqrt(I*I+Q*Q); }
inline double dspAmpl(dspCmpx X) { return sqrt(X.re*X.re+X.im*X.im); }
// dspPhase calculation (output = <-PI..PI) )
inline double dspPhase(double I, double Q) { return atan2(Q,I); }
inline double dspPhase(dspCmpx X) { return atan2(X.im,X.re); }
// dspPhase normalization
inline double dspPhaseNorm(double dspPhase)
{ if(dspPhase>=M_PI) return dspPhase-2*M_PI;
if(dspPhase<(-M_PI)) return dspPhase+2*M_PI;
return dspPhase; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// min./max. of integers
inline int dspIntmin(int i1, int i2)
{ return i1<i2 ? i1 : i2; }
inline int dspIntmax(int i1, int i2)
{ return i1>i2 ? i1 : i2; }
inline int dspIntmin(int i1, int i2, int i3)
{ return i1<i2 ? (i1<i3 ? i1 : i3) : (i2<i3 ? i2 : i3); }
inline int dspIntmax(int i1, int i2, int i3)
{ return i1>i2 ? (i1>i3 ? i1 : i3) : (i2>i3 ? i2 : i3); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extreme search, dspAverage, fitting
double dspAverage(double *Data, int Len);
int dspCountInRange(double *Data, int Len, double Low, double Upp);
inline int dspCountInRange(double_buff *Input, double Low, double Upp)
{ return dspCountInRange(Input->Data,Input->Len,Low,Upp); }
inline double dspRMS(double *Data, int Len) { return sqrt(dspPower(Data,Len)/Len); }
inline double dspRMS(dspCmpx *Data, int Len) { return sqrt(dspPower(Data,Len)/Len); }
inline double dspRMS(double_buff *Input) { return dspRMS(Input->Data,Input->Len); }
inline double dspRMS(dspCmpx_buff *Input) { return dspRMS(Input->Data,Input->Len); }
template <class type> type dspFindMin(type *Data, int Len)
{ type Min; int i;
for(i=1; i<Len; i++)
if(Data[i]<Min) Min=Data[i];
return Min; }
template <class type> type dspFindMin(type *Data, int Len, int &MinPos)
{ type Min; int i,pos;
Min=Data[0]; pos=0;
for(i=1; i<Len; i++)
if(Data[i]<Min) { Min=Data[i]; pos=i; }
MinPos=pos; return Min; }
template <class type> type dspFindMax(type *Data, int Len)
{ type Max; int i;
for(i=1; i<Len; i++)
if(Data[i]>Max) Max=Data[i];
return Max; }
template <class type> type dspFindMax(type *Data, int Len, int &MaxPos)
{ type Max; int i,pos;
Max=Data[0]; pos=0;
for(i=1; i<Len; i++)
if(Data[i]>Max) { Max=Data[i]; pos=i; }
MaxPos=pos; return Max; }
double dspFindMaxdspPower(dspCmpx *Data, int Len);
double dspFindMaxdspPower(dspCmpx *Data, int Len, int &MaxPos);
double dspFitPoly1(double *Data, int Len, double &A, double &B);
double dspFitPoly2(double *Data, int Len, double &A, double &B, double &C);
void dspFitPoly2(double Data[3], double &A, double &B, double &C);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// "selective" dspAverage fit
template <class type>
int dspSelFitAver(type *Data, int Len, double SelThres, int Loops,
double &Aver, double &dspRMS, int &Sel)
int i, loop, Incl;//, prev;
double Sum, ErrSum, Lev, dLev, Diff, Thres;
for (ErrSum = Sum = 0.0, i = 0; i < Len; i++) {
Sum += Data[i];
ErrSum += dspPower(Data[i]);
Lev = Sum/Len;
ErrSum /= Len;
ErrSum -= Lev*Lev;
// printf("Len=%d, Lev=%+7.4f, ErrSum=%7.4f, dspRMS=%7.4f\n",
// Len,Lev,ErrSum,sqrt(ErrSum));
// prev = Len;
Incl = 0;
for (loop = 0; loop < Loops; loop++) {
Thres = SelThres * SelThres * ErrSum;
for (ErrSum = Sum = 0.0, Incl = 0, i = 0; i < Len; i++) {
Diff = dspPower(Data[i]-Lev);
if (Diff <= Thres) {
Sum += Data[i];
ErrSum += Diff;
Incl += 1;
// else printf(" %d",i);
Sum /= Incl;
dLev = Sum - Lev;
ErrSum /= Incl;
ErrSum -= dLev * dLev;
Lev += dLev;
ErrSum = fabs(ErrSum);
// printf("\nLoop #%d, Lev=%+7.4f, dLev=%+7.4f, ErrSum=%7.4f, dspRMS=%7.4f, Incl=%d\n",
// loop,Lev,dLev,ErrSum,sqrt(ErrSum),Incl);
// if(Incl==prev) { loop++; break; }
// prev=Incl;
Aver = Lev;
dspRMS = sqrt(ErrSum);
return loop;
template <class type>
int dspSelFitAver(Cdspcmpx<type> *Data, int Len, double SelThres, int Loops,
Cdspcmpx<double> &Aver, double &dspRMS, int &Sel)
int i, loop, Incl;//, prev;
dspCmpx Sum, Lev, dLev;
double ErrSum, Diff, Thres;
for (ErrSum = 0.0, Sum.re = Sum.im = 0.0, i = 0; i < Len; i++) {
Sum.re += Data[i].re;
Sum.im += Data[i].im;
ErrSum += dspPower(Data[i]);
Lev.re = Sum.re / Len;
Lev.im = Sum.im / Len;
ErrSum /= Len;
ErrSum -= dspPower(Lev);
// printf("Len=%d, Lev=[%+7.4f,%+7.4f], ErrSum=%7.4f, dspRMS=%7.4f\n",
// Len,Lev.re,Lev.im,ErrSum,sqrt(ErrSum));
Incl = 0;
// prev = Len;
for (loop = 0; loop < Loops; loop++) {
Thres = 0.5 * SelThres * SelThres * ErrSum;
for (ErrSum = 0.0, Sum.re = Sum.im = 0.0, Incl = 0, i = 0; i < Len; i++) {
Diff = dspPower(Data[i].re - Lev.re, Data[i].im - Lev.im);
if (Diff <= Thres) {
Sum.re += Data[i].re;
Sum.im += Data[i].im;
ErrSum += Diff;
Incl += 1;
// else printf(" %d",i);
Sum.re /= Incl;
Sum.im /= Incl;
dLev.re = Sum.re - Lev.re;
dLev.im = Sum.im - Lev.im;
ErrSum /= Incl;
ErrSum -= dspPower(dLev);
ErrSum = fabs(ErrSum);
Lev.re += dLev.re;
Lev.im += dLev.im;
// printf("\nLoop #%d, Lev=[%+6.3f,%+6.3f], dLev=[%+6.3f,%+6.3f], ErrSum=%7.4f, dspRMS=%7.4f, Incl=%d\n",
// loop, Lev.re,Lev.im, dLev.re,dLev.im, ErrSum,sqrt(ErrSum), Incl);
// if(Incl==prev) { loop++; break; }
// prev=Incl;
Aver = Lev;
dspRMS = sqrt(ErrSum);
Sel = Incl;
return loop;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// white noise generator
template <class type>
void dspWhiteNoise(type &X)
{ double Rand,dspPower,dspPhase;
Rand=((double)rand()+1.0)/((double)RAND_MAX+1.0); dspPower=sqrt(-2*log(Rand));
Rand=(double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; dspPhase=2*M_PI*Rand;
X=dspPower*cos(dspPhase); }
template <class type>
void CdspcmpxdspWhiteNoise(Cdspcmpx<type> &X)
{ double Rand,dspPower,dspPhase;
Rand=((double)rand()+1.0)/((double)RAND_MAX+1.0); dspPower=sqrt(-log(Rand));
Rand=(double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX; dspPhase=2*M_PI*Rand;
X.re=dspPower*cos(dspPhase); X.im=dspPower*sin(dspPhase); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// various window shapes (for the FFT and FIR filters)
// these functions are supposed to be called with the argument "dspPhase"
// between -PI and +PI. Most (or even all) will return zero for input
// euqal -PI or +PI.
double dspWindowHanning(double dspPhase);
double WindowBlackman2(double dspPhase); // from Freq 5.1 FFT analyzer
double dspWindowBlackman3(double dspPhase); // from the Motorola BBS
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FIR shape calculation for a flat response from FreqLow to FreqUpp
void dspWinFirI(double LowOmega, double UppOmega,
double *Shape, int Len, double (*Window)(double), double shift=0.0);
void WinFirQ(double LowOmega, double UppOmega,
double *Shape, int Len, double (*Window)(double), double shift=0.0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// convert 16-bit signed or 8-bit unsigned into doubles
void dspConvS16todouble(dspS16 *dspS16, double *dbl, int Len, double Gain=1.0/32768.0);
int dspConvS16todouble(dspS16 *dspS16, double_buff *dbl, int Len, double Gain=1.0/32768.0);
void dspConvdoubleTodspS16(double *dbl, dspS16 *dspS16, int Len, double Gain=32768.0);
inline int dspConvdoubleTodspS16(double_buff *dbl, dspS16_buff *dspS16, double Gain=32768.0)
{ int err=dspS16->EnsureSpace(dbl->Len); if(err) return -1;
dspConvdoubleTodspS16(dbl->Data,dspS16->Data, dbl->Len,Gain);
dspS16->Len=dbl->Len; return 0; }
void dspConvU8todouble(unsigned char *U8, double *dbl, int Len, double Gain=1.0/128.0);
int dspConvU8todouble(unsigned char *U8, double_buff *dbl, int Len, double Gain=1.0/128.0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// other converts
void dspConvCmpxTodspPower(dspCmpx *Inp, int InpLen, double *Out);
int dspConvCmpxTodspPower(dspCmpx_buff *Input, double_buff *Output);
void dspConvCmpxTodspAmpl(dspCmpx *Inp, int InpLen, double *Out);
int dspConvCmpxTodspAmpl(dspCmpx_buff *Input, double_buff *Output);
void dspConvCmpxTodspPhase(dspCmpx *Inp, int InpLen, double *Out);
int dspConvCmpxTodspPhase(dspCmpx_buff *Input, double_buff *Output);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pulse noise limiter
class dspPulseLimiter
{ public:
dspPulseLimiter(); ~dspPulseLimiter();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int TapLen, double Limit=4.0);
int Process(double *Inp, int InpLen, double *Out);
int Process(double_buff *Input);
double_buff Output;
double dspRMS;
int Len;
double Thres;
double *Tap;
int Ptr;
double PwrSum;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Signal level monitor
class dspLevelMonitor
{ public:
dspLevelMonitor(); ~dspLevelMonitor();
int Preset(double Integ, double Range=0.75);
int Process(double *Inp, int Len);
int Process(double_buff *Input);
double dspRMS;
double OutOfRange;
double PwrMid,PwrOut;
double OutOfRangeMid;
double MaxSqr;
double W1,W2,W5;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Automatic Gain/Level Control for the Mixer
class dspMixerAutoLevel
{ public:
dspMixerAutoLevel(); // ~dspMixerAutoLevel();
int Process(double *Inp, int InpLen);
int Process(double_buff *Inp) { return Process(Inp->Data, Inp->Len); }
int IntegLen; // mean dspPower integration time [samples]
double MinMS; // minimum acceptable dspAverage dspPower
double MaxMS; // maximum acceptable dspAverage dspPower
int PeakHold; // level holding time after a peak [samples]
int MinHold; // minimal time between changing the mixer level [samples]
int AdjStep; // mixer level adjusting step
int MinLevel; // mimimum allowed mixer level
int MaxLevel; // maximum allowed mixer level
double AvedspRMS; // dspAverage dspPower of the input signal
int Hold; // time counter for holding levels
int Level; // actual mixer level
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Two-element IIR low pass filter
struct dspLowPass2elem { double Mid,Out; } ;
struct dspLowPass2weight { double W1,W2,W5; } ;
// first calculate the coefficiants W1,W2 and W5 for given integration time
template <class typeLen, class typeW>
inline void dspLowPass2Coeff(typeLen IntegLen, typeW &W1, typeW &W2, typeW &W5)
{ W1=1.0/IntegLen; W2=2.0/IntegLen; W5=5.0/IntegLen; }
template <class typeLen>
inline void dspLowPass2Coeff(typeLen IntegLen, dspLowPass2weight &Weight)
{ Weight.W1=1.0/IntegLen; Weight.W2=2.0/IntegLen; Weight.W5=5.0/IntegLen; }
// then you can process samples
template <class typeInp, class typeOut, class typeW>
inline void dspLowPass2(typeInp Inp, typeOut &Mid, typeOut &Out,
typeW W1, typeW W2, typeW W5)
{ double Sum, Diff;
Sum=Mid+Out; Diff=Mid-Out; Mid+=W2*Inp-W1*Sum; Out+=W5*Diff; }
template <class typeInp, class typeW>
inline void dspLowPass2(typeInp Inp, dspLowPass2elem &Elem,
typeW W1, typeW W2, typeW W5)
{ double Sum, Diff;
Sum=Elem.Mid+Elem.Out; Diff=Elem.Mid-Elem.Out; Elem.Mid+=W2*Inp-W1*Sum; Elem.Out+=W5*Diff; }
template <class typeInp>
inline void dspLowPass2(typeInp Inp, dspLowPass2elem &Elem, dspLowPass2weight &Weight)
{ double Sum, Diff;
Elem.Out+=Weight.W5*Diff; }
void dspLowPass2(dspCmpx *Inp, dspCmpx *Mid, dspCmpx *Out,
double W1, double W2, double W5);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// periodic low pass
class dspPeriodLowPass2
{ public:
void Free(void);
int Preset(int Period, double IntegLen);
int Process(double Inp, double &Out);
int Process(double *Inp, int InpLen, double *Out);
int Process(double_buff *Input);
double_buff Output;
int Len; double *TapMid,*TapOut; int TapPtr;
double W1,W2,W5;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// a simple dspDelay
template <class type>
class dspDelay
{ public:
dspDelay(); ~dspDelay();
void Free(void); int Preset(int len);
void Process(type *Inp, int InpLen, type *Out);
int Process(dspSeq<type> *Input);
dspSeq<type> Output;
int Len; type *Tap; int TapPtr;
} ;
template <class type>
dspDelay<type>::dspDelay() { Tap=NULL; }
template <class type>
dspDelay<type>::~dspDelay() { free(Tap); }
template <class type>
void dspDelay<type>::Free(void) { free(Tap); Tap=NULL; }
template <class type>
int dspDelay<type>::Preset(int dspDelayLen)
{ Len=dspDelayLen; if(dspRedspAllocArray(&Tap,Len)) return -1;
dspClearArray(Tap,Len); TapPtr=0; return 0; }
template <class type>
void dspDelay<type>::Process(type *Inp, int InpLen, type *Out)
{ int i,batch;
for(i=0; i<InpLen; )
{ for(batch=dspIntmin(InpLen-i,Len-TapPtr), i+=batch; batch; batch--)
{ (*Out++)=Tap[TapPtr]; Tap[TapPtr++]=(*Inp++); }
if(TapPtr>=Len) TapPtr=0; }
template <class type>
int dspDelay<type>::Process(dspSeq<type> *Input)
{ int err=Output.EnsureSpace(Input->Len); if(err) return -1;
Output.Len=Input->Len; return 0; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// dspDelayLine, like dspDelay but more flexible
// The idea is that we hold addressable history of at least MaxdspDelay
// samples.
// After each input batch is processed, the InpPtr points to the first sample
// of this batch and we can address samples backwards upto MaxdspDelay.
// For more optimal performace we allocate more RAM than just for MaxdspDelay.
// Infact the allocated size (MaxSize) should be at least
// MaxdspDelay plus the largest expected input length.
template <class type>
class dspDelayLine
{ public:
dspDelayLine(); ~dspDelayLine();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int MaxdspDelay, int MaxSize=0);
int Process(type *Inp, int Len);
int Process(dspSeq<type> *Input);
type *Line; // line storage
int dspDelay; // how many (at least) backward samples are stored
int LineSize; // allocated size
int DataLen; // length of the valid data
type *InpPtr; // first sample for the most recent processed batch
int InpLen; // number of samples for the most recent input
} ;
template <class type>
dspDelayLine<type>::dspDelayLine() { Line=NULL; }
template <class type>
dspDelayLine<type>::~dspDelayLine() { free(Line); }
template <class type>
void dspDelayLine<type>::Free(void) { free(Line); Line=NULL; }
template <class type>
int dspDelayLine<type>::Preset(int MaxdspDelay, int MaxSize)
{ LineSize=MaxSize; if(LineSize<(2*MaxdspDelay)) LineSize=2*MaxdspDelay;
DataLen=MaxdspDelay; dspDelay=MaxdspDelay;
if(dspRedspAllocArray(&Line,LineSize)) return -1;
InpPtr=Line+DataLen; InpLen=0; return 0; }
template <class type>
int dspDelayLine<type>::Process(type *Inp, int Len)
{ if((DataLen+Len)>LineSize)
{ dspMoveArray(Line,Line+DataLen-dspDelay,dspDelay); DataLen=dspDelay; }
if((DataLen+Len)>LineSize) return -1;
InpPtr=Line+DataLen; InpLen=Len; DataLen+=Len;
return 0; }
template <class type>
int dspDelayLine<type>::Process(dspSeq<type> *Input)
{ return Process(Input->Data,Input->Len); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Low pass "moving box" FIR filter
// very unpure spectral response but CPU complexity very low
// and independent on the integration time
class dspBoxFilter
{ public:
dspBoxFilter(); ~dspBoxFilter();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int BoxLen);
int Process(double Inp, double &Out);
int Process(double *Inp, int InpLen, double *Out);
int Process(double_buff *Input);
void Recalibrate();
double_buff Output;
int Len; double *Tap; int TapPtr; double Sum;
} ;
class dspCmpxBoxFilter
{ public:
dspCmpxBoxFilter(); ~dspCmpxBoxFilter();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int BoxLen);
int Process(dspCmpx *Inp, int InpLen, dspCmpx *Out);
void Recalibrate();
int Process(dspCmpx_buff *Input);
dspCmpx_buff Output;
int Len; dspCmpx *Tap; int TapPtr; dspCmpx Sum;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FIR filter with a given shape
class dspFirFilter
{ public:
dspFirFilter(); ~dspFirFilter();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int FilterLen, double *FilterShape=(double*)NULL);
int Process(double *Inp, int InpLen, double *Out);
int Process(double_buff *Input);
// Response(double Freq, double *Resp);
int ComputeShape(double LowOmega, double UppOmega, double (*Window)(double));
// UseExternShape(double *shape);
double_buff Output;
int Len; // Tap/Shape length
double *Shape; // Response shape
int ExternShape; // that we are using an externally provided shape
double *Tap; int TapPtr;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// a pair of FIR filters. quadrature split, decimate
// the decimation rate must be integer
class dspQuadrSplit
{ public:
dspQuadrSplit(); ~dspQuadrSplit();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int FilterLen,
double *FilterShape_I, double *FilterShape_Q,
int DecimateRate);
int ComputeShape(double LowOmega, double UppOmega, double (*Window)(double));
// int Process(double *Inp, int InpLen,
// double *OutI, double *OutQ, int MaxOutLen, int *OutLen);
// int Process(double *Inp, int InpLen,
// dspCmpx *Out, int MaxOutLen, int *OutLen);
int Process(double_buff *Input);
dspCmpx_buff Output;
int Len;
double_buff Tap;
double *ShapeI, *ShapeQ; int ExternShape;
int Rate;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// reverse of dspQuadrSplit: interpolates and combines the I/Q
// back into 'real' signal.
class dspQuadrComb
{ public:
dspQuadrComb(); ~dspQuadrComb();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int FilterLen,
double *FilterShape_I, double *FilterShape_Q,
int DecimateRate);
int ComputeShape(double LowOmega, double UppOmega, double (*Window)(double));
int Process(dspCmpx_buff *Input);
double_buff Output;
int Len; double *Tap; int TapPtr;
double *ShapeI, *ShapeQ; int ExternShape;
int Rate;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// complex mix with an oscilator (carrier)
// here we could avoid computing sine/cos at every sample
class dspCmpxMixer
{ public:
dspCmpxMixer(); // ~dspCmpxMixer();
void Free(void);
int Preset(double CarrierOmega);
int ProcessFast(double *InpI, double *InpQ, int InpLen,
double *OutI, double *OutQ);
int Process(dspCmpx *Inp, int InpLen, dspCmpx *Out);
int ProcessFast(dspCmpx *Inp, int InpLen, dspCmpx *Out);
int Process(dspCmpx_buff *Input);
int ProcessFast(dspCmpx_buff *Input);
dspCmpx_buff Output;
double dspPhase,Omega;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FM demodulator (dspPhase rotation speed-meter)
class dspFMdemod
{ public:
dspFMdemod(); // ~dspFMdemod();
int Preset(double CenterOmega);
int Process(double *InpI, double *InpQ, int InpLen, double *Out);
int Process(dspCmpx *Inp, int InpLen, double *Out);
int Process(dspCmpx_buff *Input);
double_buff Output;
double PrevdspPhase;
double RefOmega;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rate converter - real input/output, linear interpolation
// expect large error when high frequency components are present
// thus the best place to convert rates is after a low pass filter
// of a demodulator.
class dspRateConvLin
{ public:
dspRateConvLin(); // ~dspRateConvLin();
void SetOutVsInp(double OutVsInp);
void SetInpVsOut(double InpVsOut);
int Process(double_buff *InpBuff);
double_buff Output;
double OutStep, OutdspPhase;
double PrevSample;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rate converter - real input/output, quadratic interpolation
// similar limits like for RateConv1
class dspRateConvQuadr
{ public:
dspRateConvQuadr(); // ~dspRateConvQuadr();
void SetOutVsInp(double OutVsInp);
void SetInpVsOut(double InpVsOut);
int Process(double *Inp, int InpLen,
double *Out, int MaxOutLen, int *OutLen);
int Process(double_buff *InpBuff);
double_buff Output;
double OutStep, OutdspPhase;
double Tap[4]; int TapPtr;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rate converter, real input/output,
// bandwidth-limited interpolation, several shifted FIR filters
class dspRateConvBL
{ public:
dspRateConvBL(); ~dspRateConvBL();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int FilterLen, double *FilterShape[], int FilterShapeNum);
int ComputeShape(double LowOmega, double UppOmega, double (*Window)(double));
void SetOutVsInp(double OutVsInp);
void SetInpVsOut(double InpVsOut);
int Process(double_buff *Input);
int ProcessLinI(double_buff *Input);
double_buff Output;
double OutStep, OutdspPhase;
int Len;
double *Tap; int TapSize;
double **Shape; int ShapeNum; int ExternShape;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sliding window (for FFT input)
class dspCmpxSlideWindow
{ public:
dspCmpxSlideWindow(); ~dspCmpxSlideWindow();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int WindowLen, int SlideDist, double *WindowShape=(double*)NULL);
int SetWindow(double (*NewWindow)(double dspPhase), double Scale=1.0);
int Process(dspCmpx_buff *Input);
dspCmpx_buff Output;
int Len; // Window length
dspCmpx *Buff; // storage
int Dist; // distance between slides
int Ptr; // data pointer in Buff
double *Window; // window shape
int ExternWindow;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Overlapping window (for IFFT output)
class dspCmpxOverlapWindow
{ public:
dspCmpxOverlapWindow(); ~dspCmpxOverlapWindow();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int WindowLen, int SlideDist, double *WindowShape=(double*)NULL);
int SetWindow(double (*NewWindow)(double dspPhase), double Scale=1.0);
void Process(dspCmpx *Inp, dspCmpx *Out);
int ProcessSilence(int Slides=1);
int Process(dspCmpx_buff *Input);
int Process(dspCmpx *Input);
// int Process(dspCmpx_buff *Input);
dspCmpx_buff Output;
int Len; // Window length
dspCmpx *Buff; // storage
int Dist; // distance between slides
double *Window; // window shape
int ExternWindow;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FFT dspPhase corrector
class dspFFT_TimeShift
{ public:
void Free(void);
int Preset(int FFTlen, int Backwards=0);
int Process(dspCmpx *Data, int Time);
int Len; // FFT length
int LenMask; // length-1 for pointer wrapping
dspCmpx *FreqTable; // sin/cos table
int dspPhase;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// bit synchronizer, the bit rate is the input rate divided by four
class dspDiffBitSync4
{ public:
dspDiffBitSync4(int IntegBits); ~dspDiffBitSync4();
void Free(void);
int Process(double *Inp, int InpLen,
double *BitOut, double *IbitOut,
int MaxOutLen, int *OutLen);
double GetSyncDriftRate(); // get aver. sync. drift
double GetSyncConfid();
private: // eg. 0.01 means 1 bit drift per 100 bits
double *InpTap; int InpTapLen, InpTapPtr; // buffer tap, length and pointer
int IntegLen; // integrate tdspIntming over that many bits
double W1,W2,W5; // weights for the two-stage IIR lopass filter
double DiffInteg0[4], DiffInteg[4]; // signal diff. integrators
int DiffTapPtr; // integrator and bit-sdspAmpling pointer
int BitPtr; double SyncdspPhase; // sync. pointer/dspPhase
double SyncDrift0,SyncDrift; // low pass filter for the sync. drift rate
double SyncConfid;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// bit slicer, SNR/Tune meter
class dspBitSlicer
{ public:
dspBitSlicer(int IntegBits);
int Process(double *Bits, double *IBits, int InpLen, double *OutBits);
double GetSigToNoise(); double GetdspAmplAsym(); double GetTimeAsym();
int IntegLen,TapLen; double W1,W2,W5;
double Sum0[2], Sum[2];
double SumSq0[2], SumSq[2];
double TimeAsym0, TimeAsym;
double dspAmplAsym0, dspAmplAsym;
double Noise[2]; double OptimThres;
double *Tap; int TapPtr;
double PrevBit, PrevIBit;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The decoder for the HDLC frames,
// makes no AX.25 CRC check, only the length in bytes against MinLen and MaxLen
// however it does not pass frames with non-complete bytes.
class dspHDLCdecoder
{ public:
dspHDLCdecoder(int minlen, int maxlen, int diff, int invert,
int chan, int (*handler)(int, char *, int));
int Process(double *Inp, int InpLen);
int AllFrameCount;
int BadFrameCount;
int MinLen,MaxLen;
int RxDiff,RxInvert;
int ChanId;
int (*FrameHandler)(int ChanId, char *Frame, int Len);
char *Buff; int Len,PrevLev;
unsigned int ShiftReg; int BitCount,Count1s;
} ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AX.25 CRC
short unsigned int dspAX25CRC(char *Data, int Len);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// check if the given number (an integer) is a dspPower of 2
template <class type> int dspPowerOf2(type I)
{ int c; if(I<=0) return 0;
for(c=0; I!=0; I>>=1) c+=I&1;
return c==1; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class dsp_r2FFT // radix-2 FFT
{ public: // size must a dspPower of 2: 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,...
void Free(void);
// preset tables for given processing size
int Preset(int size);
// scramble/unscramble input
void Scramble(dspCmpx x[]);
// apply input window
// separate the result of a two real channels FFT
void SeparTwoReals(dspCmpx Buff[], dspCmpx Out0[], dspCmpx Out1[]);
// join spectra of two real channels
void JoinTwoReals(dspCmpx Inp0[], dspCmpx Inp1[], dspCmpx Buff[]);
// core process: the classic tripple loop of butterflies
void CoreProc(dspCmpx x[]);
// complex FFT process in place, includes unscrambling
inline void ProcInPlace(dspCmpx x[]) { Scramble(x); CoreProc(x); }
// define the FFT window and input/output scales (NULL => rectangular window)
int Size; // FFT size
int *BitRevIdx; // Bit-reverse indexing table for data (un)scrambling
dspCmpx *Twiddle; // Twiddle factors (sine/cos values)
// double *Window; // window shape (NULL => rectangular window
// double WinInpScale, WinOutScale; // window scales on input/output
// classic radix-2 butterflies
inline void FFTbf(dspCmpx &x0, dspCmpx &x1, dspCmpx &W);
// special 2-elem. FFT for the first pass
inline void FFT2(dspCmpx &x0, dspCmpx &x1);
// special 2-elem. FFT for the second pass
inline void FFT4(dspCmpx &x0, dspCmpx &x1, dspCmpx &x2, dspCmpx &x3);
} ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sliding window FFT for spectral analysis (e.g. SETI)
// input: real-valued time-domain signal,
// output: complex-valued Fourier Transform
// We use a little trick here to process two real-valued FFT
// in one go using the complex FFT engine.
// This cuts the CPU but makes the input->output dspDelay longer.
class dspSlideWinFFT
{ public:
dspSlideWinFFT(); ~dspSlideWinFFT();
void Free();
int Preset(int size, int step, double *window);
int Preset(int size, int step,
double (*NewWindow)(double dspPhase), double Scale=1.0);
int SetWindow(double *window);
int SetWindow(double (*NewWindow)(double dspPhase), double Scale=1.0);
int Process(double_buff *Input);
dsp_r2FFT FFT; // FFT engine
dspCmpx_buff Output; // output buffer
int Size; int SizeMask; // FFT size, size mask for pointer wrapping
int Dist; int Left; // distance between slides, samples left before the next slide
int Slide; // even/odd slide
double *SlideBuff; int SlidePtr; // sliding window buffer, pointer
double *Window; int ExternWindow; // window shape
dspCmpx *FFTbuff; // FFT buffer
} ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Overlapping window Inverse FFT to convert spectra into time-domain signal
class dspOvlapWinIFFT
{ public:
dspOvlapWinIFFT(); ~dspOvlapWinIFFT();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int size, int step, double *window);
int Preset(int size, int step,
double (*NewWindow)(double dspPhase), double Scale=1.0);
int SetWindow(double *window);
int SetWindow(double (*NewWindow)(double dspPhase), double Scale=1.0);
int Process(dspCmpx *Input);
dsp_r2FFT FFT; // FFT engine
double_buff Output; // output buffer
int Size; int SizeMask; // FFT size, size mask for pointer wrapping
int Dist; // distance between slides
int Slide;
dspCmpx *Spectr[2];
dspCmpx *FFTbuff; // FFT buffer
double *Window; int ExternWindow; // window shape
double *OvlapBuff; int OvlapPtr;
} ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sliding window FFT for spectral processing (e.g. de-noising)
// input: real-valued signal
// in the middle you are given a chance to process
// the complex-valued Fourier Transform (SpectraProc() routine).
// output: real-valued signal
// If you don't touch the spectra in SpectralProc()
// the output will be an exact copy (only dspDelayed) of the input.
class dspSlideWinFFTproc
{ public:
dspSlideWinFFTproc(); ~dspSlideWinFFTproc();
void Free(void);
int Preset(int size, int step, void (*proc)(dspCmpx *Spectra, int Len),
double *window);
int Preset(int size, int step, void (*proc)(dspCmpx *Spectra, int Len),
double (*NewWindow)(double dspPhase), double Scale=0.0);
int SetWindow(double *window);
int SetWindow(double (*NewWindow)(double dspPhase), double Scale=0.0);
int Process(double_buff *Input);
dsp_r2FFT FFT;
double_buff Output;
int Size; int SizeMask;
int Dist; int Left;
int Slide;
double *SlideBuff; int SlidePtr;
double *Window; int ExternWindow;
dspCmpx *FFTbuff;
dspCmpx *Spectr[2];
void (*SpectraProc)(dspCmpx *Spectra, int Len);
double *OvlapBuff; int OvlapPtr;
} ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Walsh (Hadamard ?) transform.
void dspWalshTrans(double *Data, int Len);
void dspWalshInvTrans(double *Data, int Len);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------