
371 wiersze
9.8 KiB

# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0109
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
decl {\#include <config.h>} {}
decl {\#include <string>} {}
decl {\#include "flarq.h"} {}
decl {\#include "flinput2.h"} {public
decl {\#include "flslider2.h"} {public
decl {\#include "combo.h"} {public
Function {arq_dialog()} {} {
Fl_Window {} {
label flarq
callback {arqCLOSE();} open
xywh {415 60 515 415} type Double color 50 resizable visible
} {
Fl_Menu_Bar mnu {open
xywh {0 0 516 22}
} {
Submenu {} {
label {&File} open
xywh {0 0 70 21}
} {
MenuItem mnuExit {
label {E&xit}
callback {arqCLOSE();}
xywh {0 0 36 21}
Submenu mnuSend {
label {&Send} open
xywh {0 0 70 21}
} {
MenuItem mnuSendEmail {
label Email
callback {sendEmailFile();}
xywh {0 0 34 21}
MenuItem mnuSendText {
label {Text File}
callback {sendAsciiFile();}
xywh {0 0 36 21}
MenuItem mnuSendImage {
label {Image File}
callback {sendImageFile();}
xywh {0 0 36 21}
MenuItem mnuSendBinary {
label {Binary File}
callback {sendBinaryFile();}
xywh {0 0 36 21}
MenuItem mnuCompose {
label Compose
callback {ComposeMail();}
xywh {0 0 30 20}
code0 {extern void ComposeMail();}
MenuItem mnuConfig {
label {&Config}
callback {cbMenuConfig();}
xywh {0 0 36 21}
code0 {extern void cbMenuConfig();}
Submenu mnuHelp {
label {&Help} open
xywh {0 0 62 20}
} {
MenuItem mnuHowTo {
label {How To}
callback {help_cb();}
xywh {0 0 30 20}
MenuItem mnuAbout {
label {&About}
callback {cbMenuAbout();}
xywh {5 5 36 21}
code0 {extern void cbMenuAbout();}
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 25 515 60}
} {
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 25 515 31} box ENGRAVED_FRAME
} {
Fl_Button btnCONNECT {
label Connnect
callback {arqCONNECT();}
tooltip {Connect to other station} xywh {5 28 90 24} color 50
Fl_Input txtURCALL {
tooltip {Connect-to callsign} xywh {97 28 70 24} align 20
class Fl_Input2
Fl_Light_Button btnBEACON {
label Beacon
callback {arqBEACON();}
tooltip {Beacon ON / OFF} xywh {168 28 79 24} selection_color 2
Fl_Output txtBeaconing {
label {output:}
xywh {249 28 261 24} box FLAT_BOX color 50 align 20 resizable
code0 {o->type(FL_NORMAL_OUTPUT);}
class Fl_Input2
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 54 515 31} box ENGRAVED_FRAME
} {
Fl_Box indCONNECT {
tooltip {ARQ state} xywh {5 60 18 18} box DIAMOND_DOWN_BOX color 50 labelfont 13 align 24
Fl_Output txtState {
label Disconnecting
xywh {27 57 483 24} box FLAT_BOX color 50 align 20 resizable
code0 {o->type(FL_NORMAL_OUTPUT);}
class Fl_Input2
Fl_Text_Display txtARQ {
xywh {0 87 515 117} box DOWN_BOX textfont 4 resizable
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 206 516 26} box DOWN_BOX
} {
Fl_Output txtStatus {
tooltip {Status messages} xywh {5 208 220 22} align 20 resizable
code0 {o->type(FL_NORMAL_OUTPUT);}
class Fl_Input2
Fl_Output txtStatus2 {
xywh {225 208 170 22} align 20
code0 {o->type(FL_NORMAL_OUTPUT);}
class Fl_Input2
Fl_Progress prgStatus {
tooltip {Tx/Rx ARQ file transfer progress} xywh {395 210 70 18} selection_color 70 labelfont 1
code0 {o->minimum(0.0);}
code1 {o->maximum(1.0);}
Fl_Button btnClearText {
label Clear
callback {cbClearText();}
xywh {468 210 45 20}
Fl_Group {} {
label {Plain Talk} open
xywh {0 235 515 180} box ENGRAVED_FRAME align 21
} {
Fl_Text_Display txtRX {
xywh {5 255 505 130} box DOWN_BOX textfont 4 resizable
Fl_Group {} {open
xywh {0 387 515 28} box ENGRAVED_FRAME
} {
Fl_Input txtTX {
label {input:}
callback {cbSendTalk();}
tooltip {Plain talk text - ENTER to send} xywh {5 390 450 22} align 0 when 8 resizable
code0 {txtTX->value("");}
code1 {txtTX->maximum_size(80);}
class Fl_Input2
Fl_Button btnSendTalk {
label Clear
callback {cbClearTalk();}
xywh {460 390 49 22}
Function {arq_configure()} {open
} {
Fl_Window {} {
label {Configure flarq} open selected
xywh {475 671 480 162} type Double resizable visible
} {
Fl_Input txtMyCall {
label {My Call:}
callback {changeMyCall(o->value());}
xywh {98 13 150 24}
code0 {o->value(MyCall.c_str());}
class Fl_Input2
Fl_Input txtBEACONTXT {
label {Beacon Text}
callback {changeBeaconText(o->value());}
tooltip {Text for the beacon 64 chars max} xywh {98 42 370 24} resizable
code0 {o->value(beacontext.c_str());}
class Fl_Input2
Fl_Spinner spnRetries {
label {Retries:}
callback {iretries = (int)o->value();
tooltip {\# retries before connection declared down} xywh {146 71 45 22} value 1
code0 {o->minimum(2);}
code1 {o->maximum(20);}
code2 {o->step(1);}
code3 {o->value(iretries);}
class Fl_Spinner2
Fl_Spinner spnWaitTime {
label {Wait time (sec):}
callback {iwaittime = (int)(1000 * o->value());
tooltip {Time between retries} xywh {121 98 70 22} value 1
code0 {o->minimum(10);}
code1 {o->maximum(30);}
code2 {o->step(5);}
code3 {o->value(iwaittime/1000);}
class Fl_Spinner2
Fl_Spinner spnTimeout {
label {Timeout (sec):}
callback {itimeout = (int)(o->value() * 1000.0);
tooltip {Time out for dead connection} xywh {121 126 70 22} value 1
code0 {o->minimum(30);}
code1 {o->maximum(300);}
code2 {o->step(15);}
code3 {o->value(itimeout / 1000);}
class Fl_Spinner2
Fl_Spinner spnTxDelay {
label {Tx delay (msec):}
callback {txdelay = (int)o->value();
tooltip {delay from Rx to Tx} xywh {317 98 70 22} value 1
code0 {o->minimum(200);}
code1 {o->maximum(2000);}
code2 {o->step(100);}
code3 {o->value(txdelay);}
class Fl_Spinner2
Fl_Spinner spnBcnInterval {
label {Beacon interval (sec)}
callback {bcnInterval = (int)o->value();
tooltip {Time between beacon transmissions} xywh {398 71 70 22} value 120
code0 {o->minimum(60); o->maximum(3600);}
code1 {o->step(30);}
code2 {o->value(bcnInterval);}
class Fl_Spinner2
Fl_Button btnOK {
label Ok
callback {closeConfig();}
xywh {406 126 62 24}
Fl_Group choiceBlockSize {
label {Block Size:}
callback {exponent = (int)o->index() + 4;
cbSetConfig();} open
xywh {314 126 72 24} box DOWN_BOX color 7 align 4
class Fl_ComboBox
} {}
Function {arq_SendSelect()} {open
} {
Fl_Window {} {
label {Select Email} open
xywh {427 717 500 170} type Double hide resizable modal
} {
Fl_Box tblOutgoing {
xywh {0 3 500 140} box DOWN_BOX color 7 selection_color 246 align 16
code0 {\#include "table.h"}
class Table
Fl_Button send_Cancel {
label Cancel
callback {sendCancel();}
xywh {335 145 70 20}
code0 {extern void sendCancel();}
Fl_Return_Button send_OK {
label OK
callback {sendOK();}
xywh {420 145 72 20}
code0 {extern void sendOK();}
Function {arq_composer()} {open
} {
Fl_Window {} {
label {Flarq Mail Composer} open
xywh {575 537 515 275} type Double hide resizable
} {
Fl_Input inpMailTo {
label {To:}
xywh {48 4 460 24}
class Fl_Input2
Fl_Input inpMailSubj {
label {Subj:}
xywh {48 30 460 24}
class Fl_Input2
Fl_Text_Editor txtMailText {
xywh {0 56 510 188} resizable
Fl_Pack {} {open
xywh {0 247 515 28} type HORIZONTAL
} {
Fl_Button btnOpenComposedMail {
label Open
callback {cb_OpenComposeMail();}
tooltip {Open existing Composed email} xywh {4 251 70 20}
code0 {extern void cb_OpenComposeMail();}
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {75 251 5 20}
Fl_Button btnClearComposer {
label Clear
callback {cb_ClearComposer();}
tooltip {Clear all fields} xywh {81 251 70 20}
code0 {extern void cb_ClearComposer();}
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {152 251 5 20}
Fl_Button btnUseTemplate {
label Template
callback {cb_UseTemplate();}
tooltip {Use template file} xywh {159 251 70 20}
code0 {extern void cb_UseTemplate();}
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {230 251 127 20} resizable
Fl_Button btnCancelComposedMail {
label Cancel
callback {cb_CancelComposeMail();}
tooltip {Close Dialog} xywh {358 251 70 20}
code0 {extern void cb_CancelComposeMail();}
Fl_Box {} {
xywh {429 251 5 20}
Fl_Button btnSaveComposedMail {
label Save
callback {cb_SaveComposeMail();}
tooltip {Save this message (shift click Save Template)} xywh {436 251 70 20}
code0 {extern void cb_SaveComposeMail();}