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\page ui_configuration_contest_page User Interface Configuration - Contest
\image html config-ui-tabs.png "UI Tabs"
\image latex config-ui-tabs.png "UI Tabs" width=4.0in
Fldigi supports a generic but robust set of contest functions. In
addition to serial-in and serial-out you can capture and transmit three
exchange sequences unique to a specific contest. Enter the
exchange you want to send for each of the three. You can force
the RST in/out to always be 599. That seems to be a norm for many
contests. When operating in a CW contest you can have fldigi send
cut numbers, T for 0, N for nine.
\image html config-ui-contest.png "UI Contest"
\image latex config-ui-contest.png "UI Contest" width=5.0in
The serial number can be set to use leading zeros. You can specify the
starting number for the sequence and how many digits are sent, ie:
0024. Pressing Reset will set the starting number to the QSO logging
serial out field. See \ref contest_how_to_page "Contest How To" for more
You can check for duplicates by any combination of the specified named
fields. You can also specify that the duplicate had to occur with a
given time interval. Some VHF contests allow a duplicate CALL after
a given time interval.
\ref ui_configuration_contest_page "Return to Top of Page"
\ref main_page "Return to Main Page"