* remove from install process
  * retain for developer testing
David Freese 2015-04-13 04:13:23 -05:00
rodzic ee19668733
commit a45006dad8
5 zmienionych plików z 3 dodań i 166 usunięć

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@ -29,10 +29,6 @@ present on your system:
* The PulseAudio sound backend is compiled if the development files
for libpulse-simple, the PulseAudio simple API library, are present.
* The embedded XML-RPC web server is enabled if `configure' can find
the C++ bindings for the libxmlrpc-c3 library. An example client
can be found in scripts/fldigi-shell.
Once you have installed the required packages, the following commands
should be sufficient to compile fldigi and install it under /usr/local:

Wyświetl plik

@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
ASCIIDOC_CONF = asciidoc.conf
ASCIIDOC_SRC = fldigi.1.txt fldigi-shell.1.txt flarq.1.txt guide.txt
ASCIIDOC_MAN_DIST = fldigi.1 fldigi-shell.1 flarq.1
ASCIIDOC_SRC = fldigi.1.txt flarq.1.txt guide.txt
ASCIIDOC_MAN_DIST = fldigi.1 flarq.1
ASCIIDOC_MAN_INST += fldigi-shell.1
ASCIIDOC_HTML += guide.html
@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ endif
#$(ASCIIDOC_MAN_INST): asciidoc.conf
# a2x $(A2X_ARGS) $@.txt
#fldigi.1: fldigi.1.txt
#fldigi-shell.1: fldigi-shell.1.txt
# The rest of the Makefile is enabled only if we have asciidoc

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
== NAME ==
fldigi-shell - program for controlling fldigi
*fldigi-shell* ['OPTIONS'] ['FILE']
The fldigi-shell program controls +fldigi(1)+ over HTTP via XML-encoded remote
procedure calls (XML-RPC). It can call any XML-RPC method exported by fldigi,
and also defines some useful commands of its own.
Enable debug output.
*-u* 'URL'::
Use 'URL' to access the server. Defaults to ``http://localhost:7362/RPC2'',
which corresponds to fldigi's default listen address and port.
*-c* 'COMMAND'::
Execute command 'COMMAND' and exit.
The ``x:yz'' notation refers to the return type and argument type(s). They are:
``n'' (nil), ``i'' (integer), and ``s'' (string).
debug (n:n:)::
Toggle debug output.
eval (s:s)::
Evaluate Perl code.
exit (n:n)::
Exit the shell.
help (n:n)::
Print help for server (fldigi) methods and shell commands.
history (s:n)::
Print command history.
modems (s:n)::
List all modem names.
poll (s:i)::
Poll for new received text every 'i' seconds. Defaults to '1'.
pskrqsy (n:si)::
QSY to 'i'^th^ best frequency for grid 's'. The list of frequencies is
retrieved from the PSK Reporter website; see *RESOURCES*. The grid square
string may be left empty, and the index argument defaults to '0' (first
recvtext (s:n)::
Get all received text.
reinit (n:n)::
Fetch commands from the server and rebuild command list.
send (n:s)::
Send text interactively, one line at a time.
sendchar (n:s)::
Send text interactively, one character at a time.
sendfile (n:s)::
Send text read from file 's'.
sendstr (n:s)::
Send string 's'.
source (n:s)::
Read commands from file 's'.
time (s:s)::
Time a command.
wait (n:s)::
Wait for server TRX state to become 's'.
The shell has three modes of operation:
. Interactive mode with history, tab completion and command line editing. This
is the default mode when fldigi-shell is run without arguments.
. Batch mode for a single command with the *-c* option.
. Batch mode to ``source'' a file containing Perl code. Fldigi-shell commands
can be called using ``execute("COMMAND [ARG ...]")'' calls.
== FILES ==
Contains the fldigi-shell command history.
+while :; do fldigi-shell -c pskrqsy; sleep 900; done+::
Change to the ``best frequency'' (see PSK Reporter) every fifteen minutes.
== SEE ALSO ==
fldigi(1), xmlrpc(1), readline(3), RPC::XML(3pm)
== BUGS ==
* Some additional command wrappers are needed.
* Command completion should be enabled for the arguments of some commands.
* The XML-RPC handling code should probably go in a separate module.
* It should be possible to pass multiple '-c CMD' arguments.
Fldigi web site: http://www.w1hkj.com/Fldigi.html
The PSK Automatic Propagation Reporter site can be found at
The GNU Readline Library: http://directory.fsf.org/project/readline/
XML-RPC home page: http://www.xmlrpc.com/
== AUTHOR ==
Fldigi-shell and this manual page were written by Stelios Bounanos, +M0GLD+
License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later.
// Emacs settings
// Local Variables:
// mode: doc
// End:

Wyświetl plik

@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ AGMemberList.txt or eqsl.txt::
+ssh -L 7362:localhost:7362 remote-host xvfb-run fldigi -display :99+::
Start fldigi on 'remote-host' under a ``fake'' X server. (The +xvfb-run(1)+
utility is available on Debian systems). The remote ``headless'' fldigi is
then controlled via XML-RPC on port 7362, e.g. using +fldigi-shell(1)+.
then controlled via XML-RPC on port 7362, i.e from flrig, flamp etc.
+fldigi --benchmark-input 480000 --benchmark-modem 1+::
Benchmark the DominoEX-4 modem with 480K audio samples.

Wyświetl plik

@ -119,10 +119,6 @@ endif
if test -f $(srcdir)/../scripts/fldigi-shell; then \
$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)/$(bindir); \
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(srcdir)/../scripts/fldigi-shell $(DESTDIR)/$(bindir); \
if test -f $(srcdir)/../scripts/ftp_kml_files.sh; then \
$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)/$(bindir); \
$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(srcdir)/../scripts/ftp_kml_files.sh $(DESTDIR)/$(bindir); \
@ -179,7 +175,6 @@ endif
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/fldigi-shell
rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/pixmaps/fldigi.xpm
rm -f $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/applications/fldigi.desktop
rm -fr $(DESTDIR)/$(datadir)/fldigi
@ -745,7 +740,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
$(srcdir)/../scripts/mkappbundle.sh \
$(srcdir)/../scripts/mkhamlibstatic.sh \
$(srcdir)/../scripts/mknsisinst.sh \
$(srcdir)/../scripts/fldigi-shell \
$(srcdir)/../scripts/tests/cr.sh \
$(srcdir)/../scripts/tests/config-h.sh \
$(srcdir)/../data/fldigi-psk.png \