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\page kiss_command_page FLDIGI KISS Hardware Commands
<h2>Custom Frame Extensions</h2>
These commands are NON-STANDARD extension(s) to the KISS interface
specifications and designed to control/configure aspects of FLDIGI not
normally found in Hardware TNC's. Undefined kiss frame types 6 and 7 are used
to identify these custom frames.
Definition | Kiss frame ID
:---------: | :-----------------:
RAW | 7
External program which conform to the official KISS I/O specifications are
expected to operate normally.
UDP/IP Connectionless communications are used to transfer information between
FLDIGI and the host program. See \ref config_io_page and
\ref command_line_switches_page for specific address and port number
\section sSetCommands Set Commands
Command \<parameters\(s\)\> | Use
:------------------------------- | :----------------------------
<b>BCHN:</b>\<ON\|OFF\> | Busy Channel On/Off
<b>BCHNS:</b>\<0-999\> | Busy Channel Wait Duration (seconds)
<b>CSMA:</b>\<ON\|OFF\> | Enable/Disable CSMA. Used on a shared frequency
<b>IBCHN:</b>\<N\> | Set Inhibit busy channel duration to N seconds
<b>IBCHN:</b>0 | Resets temporary duration to default setting.
<b>IBCHN:</b>S | Inhibit busy channel temporarily. 'S' (character) (default 5 seconds)
<b>KISSRAW:</b>\<ON\|OFF\|ONLY\> | Pass non HDLC encoded data to the transmitter.
ON = HDLC and Unaltered data.
OFF = HDLC data only.
ONLY = Unaltered data only.
Command | Use
:------------------------------- |:-------------------------------------------------
<b>KISSCRCM:</b>\<NONE\|SMACK\|CCITT\|XOR\|FCS\> | Enable KISS frame checksum type
<b>KPSATT:</b>\<value\> | Set the fractional ratio gain value (1/value)
<b>KPSQL:</b>\<ON\|OFF\> | OFF=Histogram Mode, ON=User set level
<b>KPSQLS:</b>\<0-100\> | Set squelch level (percent)
<b>MODEM:</b>\<modem_id_string\> | Set modem type. Example MODEM:PSK63RC32
<b>RSIDBCAST:</b>\<ON\|OFF\> | Enable/disable RSID broadcast state change (default: OFF)
<b>RSIDRX:</b>\<ON\|OFF\> | Enable/disable RX RSID
<b>RSIDTX:</b>\<ON\|OFF\> | Enable/disable TX RSID
<b>SQL:</b>\<ON\|OFF\> | SQL On/Off
<b>SQLS:</b>\<0-100\> | Set SQL Level (percent)
<b>TRXSBCAST:</b>\<ON\|OFF\> | Enable/disable TX/RX state change broadcast (default: OFF)
<b>TXBEBCAST:</b>\<ON\|OFF\> | Enable/disable TX buffer empty broadcast (default: OFF)
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<b>TXLOCK:</b>\<ON\|OFF\> | Enable/disable TX waterfall position lock.
<b>WFF:</b>\<integer value\> | Move TXRX cursor to frequency on waterfall.
NONE = No CRC used
SMACK = Enable CRC use for Host <-> TNC ASYNC links
FCS = Enable FCS CRC
XOR = Enable BPQ's XOR CRC
Command \<parameters\(s\)\> | Use
<b>RSIDM:</b>\<BANDPASS\|MODEM\>,\<ACTIVE\|NOTIFY\> | Set the RSID mode to,...
BANDPASS = Search entire bandpass for RSID signals
MODEM = Search Modem bandpass (+/- 200HZ) for RSID signals
ACTIVE = When RSID received, move frequency transmit/receive cursor to location.
NOTIFY = Report RSID when detected (Notify only).
\section sQueryCommands Query Commands
Command / Return Status | Use
:-------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------
<b>BCHN:</b> FLDIGI returns BCHN:\<ON\|OFF\> | Busy Channel State On/Off Query
<b>BCHNS:</b> FLDIGI returns BCHNS:\<0-999\> | Busy Channel Wait Duration Query (seconds)
<b>BUSY:</b> FLDIGI returns BUSY:\<Y\|N\> | Return the state of the squelch, if there is a signal present
<b>CSMA:</b> FLDIGI returns CSMA:\<ON\|OFF\> | CSMA State ON/OFF
<b>FLSTAT:</b> FLDIGI returns FLSTAT:\<INIT\|OK\>,\<HH:MM:SS\> | Start up State and runtime. Returns OK and after initial Query
<b>IBCHN:</b> FLDIGI returns IBCHN:\<SECONDS\> | Inhibit busy channel durations in seconds.
<b>KPSATT:</b> FLDIGI returns KPSATT:\<value\> | Fractional value of KPSQL ratio gain figure (1/value)
<b>KPSQL:</b> FLDIGI returns KPSQL:\<ON\|OFF\> | OFF=Histogram Mode, ON=User set level
<b>KPSQLP:</b> FLDIGI returns KPSQLP \<0-100\> | Current Power Level
<b>KPSQLS:</b> FLDIGI returns KPSQLS:\<0-100\> | Squelch set level Query (percent)
<b>MODEM:</b> FLDIGI returns MODEM:\<Modem ID String\> | Current Modem
<b>MODEMBW:</b> FLDIGI returns MODEMBW:\<Bandwidth in Hz\> | Current Modem Bandwidth
<b>MODEML:</b> FLDIGI returns MODEML:Modem1,Modem2,... | A List of comma delimited modem ID strings.
<b>RSIDM:</b> FLDIGI returns RSIDM:\<BANDPASS\|MODEM\>,\<ACTIVE\|NOTIFY\> | Return current RSID Mode
<b>RSIDRX:</b> FLDIGI returns RSIDRX:\<ON\|OFF\> | RX RSID ON?
<b>RSIDTX:</b> FLDIGI returns RSIDTX:\<ON\|OFF\> | TX RSID ON?
<b>SQL:</b> FLDIGI returns SQL:\<ON\|OFF\> | SQL On/Off
<b>SQLP:</b> FLDIGI returns SQLP:\<0-100\> | Current Symbol Quality Level (Currently Not returning valid data)
<b>SQLS:</b> FLDIGI returns SQLS:\<0-100\> | Set SQL Level Query (percent)
<b>TNC:</b> FLDIGI returns TNC:FLDIGI \<Version Number\> | Returns the version number of FLDIGI
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<b>TRXS:</b> FLDIGI returns TRXS:\<RX\|TX\> | Return the current RX/TX state of FLDIGI
<b>TXBUF:</b> FLDIGI returns TXBUF:\<count\> | Return the number of byte in the transmit queue
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<b>TXLOCK:</b> FLDIGI returns TXLOCK:\<ON\|OFF\> | Return TX waterfall position lock state.
<b>WFBW:</b> FLDIGI returns WFBW:\<LOWER HZ\>,\<UPPER HZ\> | Return the active waterfall bandwidth
<b>WFF:</b> FLDIGI returns WFF:\<integer value\> | Current modem position on waterfall (center)
\subsection ssQueryCommand Query Commands (FLDIGI to HOST)
Command | Use
:------------ |:-------------------------------------------------
<b>HOST:</b> | Host returns HOST:\<program_name\> \<version\>
\par Note:
Not required
\section sBroadcastCommands Broadcast Status Messages (FLDIGI to HOST)
Status \<parameters\(s\)\> | Use
:-------------------------- |:-------------------------------------------------
<b>TRXS:</b>\<RX\|TX\> | Transmitted during a state change between RX/TX or TX/RX.
<b>TXBE:</b> | Broadcast on emptied transmit buffer.
NEW_WF_OFFSET = 0-4000
NEW_MODEM = Modem ID string of newly switched modem.
OLD_WF_OFFSET = 0-4000
OLD_MODEM = Modem ID string of modem prior to switching.
ACTIVE = Indicating TXRX cursor changed.
NOTIFY = Notice only.
USER = Report User or commanded via KISS interface modem change.
\section sCommandFormat Format of Hardware Commands
FLDIGI will only except KISS frames with a PORT ID of '0' (zero). The hardware
frame is a kiss frame type 6.
\section sRawDataFormat Format of RAW Data
To enable RAW use, issue hardware command <b>KISSRAW</b>:<ON|OFF|ONLY>. The
encode of the raw data is the same as the encoding of normal kiss data. The
host program is responsible for the proper protocol data syntax.
Dn=8 bit data (byte)
<li>The transmit buffer has a ten minute timer association. In the
event data has been retained in the transmit buffer for more then 10
minutes without being transmitted in part or whole the buffer is
cleared. This will prevent a build up of data and a subsequent
transmit for an extended period once the frequency is clear.
Consider all packets in the transmit queue lost. If enabled,
TXBE will be issued when this occurs.</li>
<li>Both ARQ and KISS IO ports are active for the reception of data.
However, only the selected port will pass data to the higher functions
and the other port will not buffer the data for later use. Reason: see
note 1.</li>
<li>By keeping a complete ARQ (RAW) packet in one KISS frame both
HDLC and ARQ (RAW) data can coexist. This allows for sequential data
transmission without interleaving data at the byte level.</li>