Removed unnecessary seek into the ZC sym for CFO

It was pointed out that the additional 6 sample seek wasn't necessary.  Tested with a HackRF and DJI Mini 2 to validate.
proto17 2022-09-05 12:23:18 -04:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic a58848eaff
commit 9e2bd4fe55
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1 zmienionych plików z 3 dodań i 2 usunięć

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@ -193,7 +193,8 @@ for burst_idx=1:size(bursts, 1)
% Get the expected starting index of the symbol to be used for CFO estimation
zc_start = long_cp_len + (fft_size * 3) + (short_cp_len * 3);
zc_start = zc_start + 6;
% Extract out the full OFDM symbol (cyclic prefix included)
cfo_est_symbol = burst(zc_start - short_cp_len:zc_start + fft_size - 1);
% Get the cyclic prefix, and then the copy of the cyclic prefix that exists at the end of the OFDM symbol
@ -336,4 +337,4 @@ for idx=1:size(bursts, 1)
frame = frames{idx};
fprintf('FRAME: %s', frame);