
118 wiersze
3.3 KiB

const schema = {
"123_starts_with_digits": ["content"],
"Table With Space In Name": ["content", "pk"],
attraction_characteristic: ["name", "pk"],
binary_data: ["data"],
complex_foreign_keys: ["f1", "f2", "f3", "pk"],
compound_primary_key: ["content", "pk1", "pk2"],
compound_three_primary_keys: ["content", "pk1", "pk2", "pk3"],
custom_foreign_key_label: ["foreign_key_with_custom_label", "pk"],
facet_cities: ["id", "name"],
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infinity: ["value"],
no_primary_key: ["a", "b", "c", "content"],
primary_key_multiple_columns: ["content", "content2", "id"],
primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label: ["content", "content2", "id"],
roadside_attraction_characteristics: ["attraction_id", "characteristic_id"],
roadside_attractions: [
searchable: ["name with . and spaces", "pk", "text1", "text2"],
searchable_fts: [
"name with . and spaces",
searchable_fts_docsize: ["docid", "size"],
searchable_fts_segdir: [
searchable_fts_segments: ["block", "blockid"],
searchable_fts_stat: ["id", "value"],
searchable_tags: ["searchable_id", "tag"],
select: ["and", "group", "having", "json"],
simple_primary_key: ["content", "id"],
sortable: [
"table/with/slashes.csv": ["content", "pk"],
tags: ["tag"],
units: ["distance", "frequency", "pk"],
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