import sqlite3 import urllib import jinja2 from sanic.exceptions import NotFound from sanic.request import RequestParameters from datasette.utils import ( Filters, compound_keys_after_sql, escape_sqlite, filters_should_redirect, is_url, path_from_row_pks, path_with_added_args, to_css_class, urlsafe_components ) from .base import BaseView, DatasetteError, ureg class RowTableShared(BaseView): def sortable_columns_for_table(self, name, table, use_rowid): table_metadata = self.table_metadata(name, table) if "sortable_columns" in table_metadata: sortable_columns = set(table_metadata["sortable_columns"]) else: table_info = self.ds.inspect()[name]["tables"].get(table) or {} sortable_columns = set(table_info.get("columns", [])) if use_rowid: sortable_columns.add("rowid") return sortable_columns async def display_columns_and_rows( self, database, table, description, rows, link_column=False, expand_foreign_keys=True, ): "Returns columns, rows for specified table - including fancy foreign key treatment" table_metadata = self.table_metadata(database, table) info = self.ds.inspect()[database] sortable_columns = self.sortable_columns_for_table(database, table, True) columns = [ {"name": r[0], "sortable": r[0] in sortable_columns} for r in description ] tables = info["tables"] table_info = tables.get(table) or {} pks = table_info.get("primary_keys") or [] # Prefetch foreign key resolutions for later expansion: fks = {} labeled_fks = {} if table_info and expand_foreign_keys: foreign_keys = table_info["foreign_keys"]["outgoing"] for fk in foreign_keys: label_column = ( # First look in metadata.json definition for this foreign key table: self.table_metadata(database, fk["other_table"]).get("label_column") # Fall back to label_column from .inspect() detection: or tables.get(fk["other_table"], {}).get("label_column") ) if not label_column: # No label for this FK fks[fk["column"]] = fk["other_table"] continue ids_to_lookup = set([row[fk["column"]] for row in rows]) sql = 'select "{other_column}", "{label_column}" from {other_table} where "{other_column}" in ({placeholders})'.format( other_column=fk["other_column"], label_column=label_column, other_table=escape_sqlite(fk["other_table"]), placeholders=", ".join(["?"] * len(ids_to_lookup)), ) try: results = await self.execute( database, sql, list(set(ids_to_lookup)) ) except sqlite3.OperationalError: # Probably hit the timelimit pass else: for id, value in results: labeled_fks[(fk["column"], id)] = (fk["other_table"], value) cell_rows = [] for row in rows: cells = [] # Unless we are a view, the first column is a link - either to the rowid # or to the simple or compound primary key if link_column: cells.append( { "column": pks[0] if len(pks) == 1 else "Link", "value": jinja2.Markup( '{flat_pks}'.format( database=database, table=urllib.parse.quote_plus(table), flat_pks=str( jinja2.escape( path_from_row_pks(row, pks, not pks, False) ) ), flat_pks_quoted=path_from_row_pks(row, pks, not pks), ) ), } ) for value, column_dict in zip(row, columns): column = column_dict["name"] if link_column and len(pks) == 1 and column == pks[0]: # If there's a simple primary key, don't repeat the value as it's # already shown in the link column. continue if (column, value) in labeled_fks: other_table, label = labeled_fks[(column, value)] display_value = jinja2.Markup( '{label} {id}'.format( database=database, table=urllib.parse.quote_plus(other_table), link_id=urllib.parse.quote_plus(str(value)), id=str(jinja2.escape(value)), label=str(jinja2.escape(label)), ) ) elif column in fks: display_value = jinja2.Markup( '{id}'.format( database=database, table=urllib.parse.quote_plus(fks[column]), link_id=urllib.parse.quote_plus(str(value)), id=str(jinja2.escape(value)), ) ) elif value is None: display_value = jinja2.Markup(" ") elif is_url(str(value).strip()): display_value = jinja2.Markup( '{url}'.format( url=jinja2.escape(value.strip()) ) ) elif column in table_metadata.get("units", {}) and value != "": # Interpret units using pint value = value * ureg(table_metadata["units"][column]) # Pint uses floating point which sometimes introduces errors in the compact # representation, which we have to round off to avoid ugliness. In the vast # majority of cases this rounding will be inconsequential. I hope. value = round(value.to_compact(), 6) display_value = jinja2.Markup( "{:~P}".format(value).replace(" ", " ") ) else: display_value = str(value) cells.append({"column": column, "value": display_value}) cell_rows.append(cells) if link_column: # Add the link column header. # If it's a simple primary key, we have to remove and re-add that column name at # the beginning of the header row. if len(pks) == 1: columns = [col for col in columns if col["name"] != pks[0]] columns = [ {"name": pks[0] if len(pks) == 1 else "Link", "sortable": len(pks) == 1} ] + columns return columns, cell_rows class TableView(RowTableShared): async def data(self, request, name, hash, table): table = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(table) canned_query = self.ds.get_canned_query(name, table) if canned_query is not None: return await self.custom_sql( request, name, hash, canned_query["sql"], editable=False, canned_query=table, ) is_view = bool( list( await self.execute( name, "SELECT count(*) from sqlite_master WHERE type = 'view' and name=:n", {"n": table}, ) )[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) view_definition = None table_definition = None if is_view: view_definition = list( await self.execute( name, 'select sql from sqlite_master where name = :n and type="view"', {"n": table}, ) )[ 0 ][ 0 ] else: table_definition_rows = list( await self.execute( name, 'select sql from sqlite_master where name = :n and type="table"', {"n": table}, ) ) if not table_definition_rows: raise NotFound("Table not found: {}".format(table)) table_definition = table_definition_rows[0][0] info = self.ds.inspect() table_info = info[name]["tables"].get(table) or {} pks = table_info.get("primary_keys") or [] use_rowid = not pks and not is_view if use_rowid: select = "rowid, *" order_by = "rowid" order_by_pks = "rowid" else: select = "*" order_by_pks = ", ".join([escape_sqlite(pk) for pk in pks]) order_by = order_by_pks if is_view: order_by = "" # We roll our own query_string decoder because by default Sanic # drops anything with an empty value e.g. ?name__exact= args = RequestParameters( urllib.parse.parse_qs(request.query_string, keep_blank_values=True) ) # Special args start with _ and do not contain a __ # That's so if there is a column that starts with _ # it can still be queried using ?_col__exact=blah special_args = {} special_args_lists = {} other_args = {} for key, value in args.items(): if key.startswith("_") and "__" not in key: special_args[key] = value[0] special_args_lists[key] = value else: other_args[key] = value[0] # Handle ?_filter_column and redirect, if present redirect_params = filters_should_redirect(special_args) if redirect_params: return self.redirect( request, path_with_added_args(request, redirect_params), forward_querystring=False, ) # Spot ?_sort_by_desc and redirect to _sort_desc=(_sort) if "_sort_by_desc" in special_args: return self.redirect( request, path_with_added_args( request, { "_sort_desc": special_args.get("_sort"), "_sort_by_desc": None, "_sort": None, }, ), forward_querystring=False, ) table_metadata = self.table_metadata(name, table) units = table_metadata.get("units", {}) filters = Filters(sorted(other_args.items()), units, ureg) where_clauses, params = filters.build_where_clauses() # _search support: fts_table = info[name]["tables"].get(table, {}).get("fts_table") search_args = dict( pair for pair in special_args.items() if pair[0].startswith("_search") ) search_descriptions = [] search = "" if fts_table and search_args: if "_search" in search_args: # Simple ?_search=xxx search = search_args["_search"] where_clauses.append( "rowid in (select rowid from [{fts_table}] where [{fts_table}] match :search)".format( fts_table=fts_table ) ) search_descriptions.append('search matches "{}"'.format(search)) params["search"] = search else: # More complex: search against specific columns valid_columns = set(info[name]["tables"][fts_table]["columns"]) for i, (key, search_text) in enumerate(search_args.items()): search_col = key.split("_search_", 1)[1] if search_col not in valid_columns: raise DatasetteError("Cannot search by that column", status=400) where_clauses.append( "rowid in (select rowid from [{fts_table}] where [{search_col}] match :search_{i})".format( fts_table=fts_table, search_col=search_col, i=i ) ) search_descriptions.append( 'search column "{}" matches "{}"'.format( search_col, search_text ) ) params["search_{}".format(i)] = search_text table_rows_count = None sortable_columns = set() if not is_view: table_rows_count = table_info["count"] sortable_columns = self.sortable_columns_for_table(name, table, use_rowid) # Allow for custom sort order sort = special_args.get("_sort") if sort: if sort not in sortable_columns: raise DatasetteError("Cannot sort table by {}".format(sort)) order_by = escape_sqlite(sort) sort_desc = special_args.get("_sort_desc") if sort_desc: if sort_desc not in sortable_columns: raise DatasetteError("Cannot sort table by {}".format(sort_desc)) if sort: raise DatasetteError("Cannot use _sort and _sort_desc at the same time") order_by = "{} desc".format(escape_sqlite(sort_desc)) from_sql = "from {table_name} {where}".format( table_name=escape_sqlite(table), where=( "where {} ".format(" and ".join(where_clauses)) ) if where_clauses else "", ) count_sql = "select count(*) {}".format(from_sql) _next = special_args.get("_next") offset = "" if _next: if is_view: # _next is an offset offset = " offset {}".format(int(_next)) else: components = urlsafe_components(_next) # If a sort order is applied, the first of these is the sort value if sort or sort_desc: sort_value = components[0] # Special case for if non-urlencoded first token was $null if _next.split(",")[0] == "$null": sort_value = None components = components[1:] # Figure out the SQL for next-based-on-primary-key first next_by_pk_clauses = [] if use_rowid: next_by_pk_clauses.append("rowid > :p{}".format(len(params))) params["p{}".format(len(params))] = components[0] else: # Apply the tie-breaker based on primary keys if len(components) == len(pks): param_len = len(params) next_by_pk_clauses.append( compound_keys_after_sql(pks, param_len) ) for i, pk_value in enumerate(components): params["p{}".format(param_len + i)] = pk_value # Now add the sort SQL, which may incorporate next_by_pk_clauses if sort or sort_desc: if sort_value is None: if sort_desc: # Just items where column is null ordered by pk where_clauses.append( "({column} is null and {next_clauses})".format( column=escape_sqlite(sort_desc), next_clauses=" and ".join(next_by_pk_clauses), ) ) else: where_clauses.append( "({column} is not null or ({column} is null and {next_clauses}))".format( column=escape_sqlite(sort), next_clauses=" and ".join(next_by_pk_clauses), ) ) else: where_clauses.append( "({column} {op} :p{p}{extra_desc_only} or ({column} = :p{p} and {next_clauses}))".format( column=escape_sqlite(sort or sort_desc), op=">" if sort else "<", p=len(params), extra_desc_only="" if sort else " or {column2} is null".format( column2=escape_sqlite(sort or sort_desc) ), next_clauses=" and ".join(next_by_pk_clauses), ) ) params["p{}".format(len(params))] = sort_value order_by = "{}, {}".format(order_by, order_by_pks) else: where_clauses.extend(next_by_pk_clauses) where_clause = "" if where_clauses: where_clause = "where {} ".format(" and ".join(where_clauses)) if order_by: order_by = "order by {} ".format(order_by) # _group_count=col1&_group_count=col2 group_count = special_args_lists.get("_group_count") or [] if group_count: sql = 'select {group_cols}, count(*) as "count" from {table_name} {where} group by {group_cols} order by "count" desc limit 100'.format( group_cols=", ".join( '"{}"'.format(group_count_col) for group_count_col in group_count ), table_name=escape_sqlite(table), where=where_clause, ) return await self.custom_sql(request, name, hash, sql, editable=True) extra_args = {} # Handle ?_page_size=500 page_size = request.raw_args.get("_size") if page_size: if page_size == "max": page_size = self.max_returned_rows try: page_size = int(page_size) if page_size < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise DatasetteError("_size must be a positive integer", status=400) if page_size > self.max_returned_rows: raise DatasetteError( "_size must be <= {}".format(self.max_returned_rows), status=400 ) extra_args["page_size"] = page_size else: page_size = self.page_size sql = "select {select} from {table_name} {where}{order_by}limit {limit}{offset}".format( select=select, table_name=escape_sqlite(table), where=where_clause, order_by=order_by, limit=page_size + 1, offset=offset, ) if request.raw_args.get("_timelimit"): extra_args["custom_time_limit"] = int(request.raw_args["_timelimit"]) rows, truncated, description = await self.execute( name, sql, params, truncate=True, **extra_args ) # facets support try: facets = request.args["_facet"] except KeyError: facets = table_metadata.get("facets", []) facet_results = {} for column in facets: facet_sql = """ select {col} as value, count(*) as count {from_sql} group by {col} order by count desc limit 20 """.format( col=escape_sqlite(column), from_sql=from_sql ) try: facet_rows = await self.execute( name, facet_sql, params, truncate=False, custom_time_limit=200 ) facet_results[column] = [ { "value": row["value"], "count": row["count"], "toggle_url": urllib.parse.urljoin( request.url, path_with_added_args(request, {column: row["value"]}), ), } for row in facet_rows ] except sqlite3.OperationalError: # Hit time limit pass columns = [r[0] for r in description] rows = list(rows) filter_columns = columns[:] if use_rowid and filter_columns[0] == "rowid": filter_columns = filter_columns[1:] # Pagination next link next_value = None next_url = None if len(rows) > page_size and page_size > 0: if is_view: next_value = int(_next or 0) + page_size else: next_value = path_from_row_pks(rows[-2], pks, use_rowid) # If there's a sort or sort_desc, add that value as a prefix if (sort or sort_desc) and not is_view: prefix = rows[-2][sort or sort_desc] if prefix is None: prefix = "$null" else: prefix = urllib.parse.quote_plus(str(prefix)) next_value = "{},{}".format(prefix, next_value) added_args = {"_next": next_value} if sort: added_args["_sort"] = sort else: added_args["_sort_desc"] = sort_desc else: added_args = {"_next": next_value} next_url = urllib.parse.urljoin( request.url, path_with_added_args(request, added_args) ) rows = rows[:page_size] # Number of filtered rows in whole set: filtered_table_rows_count = None if count_sql: try: count_rows = list(await self.execute(name, count_sql, params)) filtered_table_rows_count = count_rows[0][0] except sqlite3.OperationalError: # Almost certainly hit the timeout pass # human_description_en combines filters AND search, if provided human_description_en = filters.human_description_en(extra=search_descriptions) if sort or sort_desc: sorted_by = "sorted by {}{}".format( (sort or sort_desc), " descending" if sort_desc else "" ) human_description_en = " ".join( [b for b in [human_description_en, sorted_by] if b] ) async def extra_template(): display_columns, display_rows = await self.display_columns_and_rows( name, table, description, rows, link_column=not is_view, expand_foreign_keys=True, ) metadata = self.ds.metadata.get("databases", {}).get(name, {}).get( "tables", {} ).get( table, {} ) self.ds.update_with_inherited_metadata(metadata) return { "database_hash": hash, "supports_search": bool(fts_table), "search": search or "", "use_rowid": use_rowid, "filters": filters, "display_columns": display_columns, "filter_columns": filter_columns, "display_rows": display_rows, "is_sortable": any(c["sortable"] for c in display_columns), "path_with_added_args": path_with_added_args, "request": request, "sort": sort, "sort_desc": sort_desc, "disable_sort": is_view, "custom_rows_and_columns_templates": [ "_rows_and_columns-{}-{}.html".format( to_css_class(name), to_css_class(table) ), "_rows_and_columns-table-{}-{}.html".format( to_css_class(name), to_css_class(table) ), "_rows_and_columns.html", ], "metadata": metadata, } return { "database": name, "table": table, "is_view": is_view, "view_definition": view_definition, "table_definition": table_definition, "human_description_en": human_description_en, "rows": rows[:page_size], "truncated": truncated, "table_rows_count": table_rows_count, "filtered_table_rows_count": filtered_table_rows_count, "columns": columns, "primary_keys": pks, "units": units, "query": {"sql": sql, "params": params}, "facet_results": facet_results, "next": next_value and str(next_value) or None, "next_url": next_url, }, extra_template, ( "table-{}-{}.html".format(to_css_class(name), to_css_class(table)), "table.html", ) class RowView(RowTableShared): async def data(self, request, name, hash, table, pk_path): table = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(table) pk_values = urlsafe_components(pk_path) info = self.ds.inspect()[name] table_info = info["tables"].get(table) or {} pks = table_info.get("primary_keys") or [] use_rowid = not pks select = "*" if use_rowid: select = "rowid, *" pks = ["rowid"] wheres = ['"{}"=:p{}'.format(pk, i) for i, pk in enumerate(pks)] sql = 'select {} from "{}" where {}'.format(select, table, " AND ".join(wheres)) params = {} for i, pk_value in enumerate(pk_values): params["p{}".format(i)] = pk_value # rows, truncated, description = await self.execute(name, sql, params, truncate=True) rows, truncated, description = await self.execute( name, sql, params, truncate=True ) columns = [r[0] for r in description] rows = list(rows) if not rows: raise NotFound("Record not found: {}".format(pk_values)) async def template_data(): display_columns, display_rows = await self.display_columns_and_rows( name, table, description, rows, link_column=False, expand_foreign_keys=True, ) for column in display_columns: column["sortable"] = False return { "database_hash": hash, "foreign_key_tables": await self.foreign_key_tables( name, table, pk_values ), "display_columns": display_columns, "display_rows": display_rows, "custom_rows_and_columns_templates": [ "_rows_and_columns-{}-{}.html".format( to_css_class(name), to_css_class(table) ), "_rows_and_columns-row-{}-{}.html".format( to_css_class(name), to_css_class(table) ), "_rows_and_columns.html", ], "metadata": self.ds.metadata.get("databases", {}).get(name, {}).get( "tables", {} ).get( table, {} ), } data = { "database": name, "table": table, "rows": rows, "columns": columns, "primary_keys": pks, "primary_key_values": pk_values, "units": self.table_metadata(name, table).get("units", {}), } if "foreign_key_tables" in (request.raw_args.get("_extras") or "").split(","): data["foreign_key_tables"] = await self.foreign_key_tables( name, table, pk_values ) return data, template_data, ( "row-{}-{}.html".format(to_css_class(name), to_css_class(table)), "row.html" ) async def foreign_key_tables(self, name, table, pk_values): if len(pk_values) != 1: return [] table_info = self.ds.inspect()[name]["tables"].get(table) if not table_info: return [] foreign_keys = table_info["foreign_keys"]["incoming"] if len(foreign_keys) == 0: return [] sql = "select " + ", ".join( [ '(select count(*) from {table} where "{column}"=:id)'.format( table=escape_sqlite(fk["other_table"]), column=fk["other_column"] ) for fk in foreign_keys ] ) try: rows = list(await self.execute(name, sql, {"id": pk_values[0]})) except sqlite3.OperationalError: # Almost certainly hit the timeout return [] foreign_table_counts = dict( zip( [(fk["other_table"], fk["other_column"]) for fk in foreign_keys], list(rows[0]), ) ) foreign_key_tables = [] for fk in foreign_keys: count = foreign_table_counts.get( (fk["other_table"], fk["other_column"]) ) or 0 foreign_key_tables.append({**fk, **{"count": count}}) return foreign_key_tables