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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
// Adapted from the Diamond 3 reference implementation by Nick Mudge:
// https://github.com/mudgen/diamond-3-hardhat
import {LibDiamond} from "../libraries/LibDiamond.sol";
import {IDiamondLoupe} from "../interfaces/IDiamondLoupe.sol";
import {IDiamondCut} from "../interfaces/IDiamondCut.sol";
import {IERC173} from "../interfaces/IERC173.sol";
import {IERC165} from "../interfaces/IERC165.sol";
// It is exapected that this contract is customized if you want to deploy your diamond
// with data from a deployment script. Use the init function to initialize state variables
// of your diamond. Add parameters to the init funciton if you need to.
contract DiamondInit {
// You can add parameters to this function in order to pass in
// data to set your own state variables
function init() external {
// adding ERC165 data
LibDiamond.DiamondStorage storage ds = LibDiamond.diamondStorage();
ds.supportedInterfaces[type(IERC165).interfaceId] = true;
ds.supportedInterfaces[type(IDiamondCut).interfaceId] = true;
ds.supportedInterfaces[type(IDiamondLoupe).interfaceId] = true;
ds.supportedInterfaces[type(IERC173).interfaceId] = true;
// add your own state variables
// EIP-2535 specifies that the `diamondCut` function takes two optional
// arguments: address _init and bytes calldata _calldata
// These arguments are used to execute an arbitrary function using delegatecall
// in order to set state variables in the diamond during deployment or an upgrade
// More info here: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2535#diamond-interface