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// Project Horus - Browser-Based Chase Mapper - Utility Functions
// Copyright (C) 2019 Mark Jessop <>
// Released under GNU GPL v3 or later
// Color cycling for balloon traces and icons - Hopefully 4 colors should be enough for now!
var colour_values = ['blue','green','purple'];
var colour_idx = 0;
// Create a set of icons for the different colour values.
var balloonAscentIcons = {};
var balloonDescentIcons = {};
var balloonLandingIcons = {};
var balloonPayloadIcons = {};
// TODO: Make these /static URLS be filled in with templates (or does it not matter?)
for (_col in colour_values){
balloonAscentIcons[colour_values[_col]] = L.icon({
iconUrl: "/static/img/balloon-" + colour_values[_col] + '.png',
iconSize: [46, 85],
iconAnchor: [23, 76]
balloonDescentIcons[colour_values[_col]] = L.icon({
iconUrl: "/static/img/parachute-" + colour_values[_col] + '.png',
iconSize: [46, 84],
iconAnchor: [23, 76]
balloonLandingIcons[colour_values[_col]] = L.icon({
iconUrl: "/static/img/target-" + colour_values[_col] + '.png',
iconSize: [20, 20],
iconAnchor: [10, 10]
balloonPayloadIcons[colour_values[_col]] = L.icon({
iconUrl: "/static/img/payload-" + colour_values[_col] + '.png',
iconSize: [17, 18],
iconAnchor: [8, 14]
// Burst Icon
var burstIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: "/static/img/balloon-pop.png",
iconSize: [20,20],
iconAnchor: [10,10]
// Abort prediction icon (red)
var abortIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: "/static/img/target-red.png",
iconSize: [20,20],
iconAnchor: [10,10]
// Icons for our own chase car.
var carIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: "/static/img/car-blue.png",
iconSize: [55,25],
iconAnchor: [27,12] // Revisit this
var carIconFlip = L.icon({
iconUrl: "/static/img/car-blue-flip.png",
iconSize: [55,25],
iconAnchor: [27,12] // Revisit this
// Home Icon.
var homeIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: '/static/img/antenna-green.png',
iconSize: [26, 34],
iconAnchor: [13, 34]
// Habitat (or APRS?) sourced chase car icons.
var car_colour_values = ['red', 'green', 'yellow'];
var car_colour_idx = 0;
var habitat_car_icons = {};
var habitat_car_icons_flipped = {};
for (_col in car_colour_values){
habitat_car_icons[car_colour_values[_col]] = L.icon({
iconUrl: "/static/img/car-"+car_colour_values[_col]+".png",
iconSize: [55,25],
iconAnchor: [27,12] // Revisit this
habitat_car_icons_flipped[car_colour_values[_col]] = L.icon({
iconUrl: "/static/img/car-"+car_colour_values[_col]+"-flip.png",
iconSize: [55,25],
iconAnchor: [27,12] // Revisit this
// calculates look angles between two points
// format of a and b should be {lon: 0, lat: 0, alt: 0}
// returns {elevention: 0, azimut: 0, bearing: "", range: 0}
// based on
// Copyright 2012 (C) Daniel Richman; GNU GPL 3
var DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180.0;
var EARTH_RADIUS = 6371000.0;
function calculate_lookangles(a, b) {
// degrees to radii = * DEG_TO_RAD;
a.lon = a.lon * DEG_TO_RAD; = * DEG_TO_RAD;
b.lon = b.lon * DEG_TO_RAD;
var d_lon = b.lon - a.lon;
var sa = Math.cos( * Math.sin(d_lon);
var sb = (Math.cos( * Math.sin( - (Math.sin( * Math.cos( * Math.cos(d_lon));
var bearing = Math.atan2(sa, sb);
var aa = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(sa, 2) + Math.pow(sb, 2));
var ab = (Math.sin( * Math.sin( + (Math.cos( * Math.cos( * Math.cos(d_lon));
var angle_at_centre = Math.atan2(aa, ab);
var great_circle_distance = angle_at_centre * EARTH_RADIUS;
ta = EARTH_RADIUS + a.alt;
tb = EARTH_RADIUS + b.alt;
ea = (Math.cos(angle_at_centre) * tb) - ta;
eb = Math.sin(angle_at_centre) * tb;
var elevation = Math.atan2(ea, eb) / DEG_TO_RAD;
// Use Math.coMath.sine rule to find unknown side.
var distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ta, 2) + Math.pow(tb, 2) - 2 * tb * ta * Math.cos(angle_at_centre));
// Give a bearing in range 0 <= b < 2pi
bearing += (bearing < 0) ? 2 * Math.PI : 0;
bearing /= DEG_TO_RAD;
var value = Math.round(bearing % 90);
value = ((bearing > 90 && bearing < 180) || (bearing > 270 && bearing < 360)) ? 90 - value : value;
var str_bearing = "" + ((bearing < 90 || bearing > 270) ? 'N' : 'S')+ " " + value + '° ' + ((bearing < 180) ? 'E' : 'W');
return {
'elevation': elevation,
'azimuth': bearing,
'range': distance,
'bearing': str_bearing
function textToClipboard(text) {
// Copy a string to the user's clipboard.
// From here:
var dummy = document.createElement("textarea");
dummy.value = text;;