
1262 wiersze
64 KiB

** **
** Leaflet Plugin "Leaflet.PolylineMeasure" **
** Version: 2018-08-10 **
** **
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD
define(['leaflet'], factory);
} else if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
// Node/CommonJS
module.exports = factory(require('leaflet'));
} else {
// Browser globals
if (typeof window.L === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Leaflet must be loaded first');
}(function (L) {
var _measureControlId = 'polyline-measure-control';
var _unicodeClass = 'polyline-measure-unicode-icon';
* Polyline Measure class
* @extends L.Control
L.Control.PolylineMeasure = L.Control.extend({
* Default options for the tool
* @type {Object}
options: {
* Position to show the control. Possible values are: 'topright', 'topleft', 'bottomright', 'bottomleft'
* @type {String}
* @default
position: 'topleft',
* Which units the distances are displayed in. Possible values are: 'metres', 'landmiles', 'nauticalmiles'
* @type {String}
* @default
unit: 'metres',
* Clear the measurements on stop
* @type {Boolean}
* @default
clearMeasurementsOnStop: true,
* Whether bearings are displayed within the tooltips
* @type {Boolean}
* @default
showBearings: false,
* Text for the bearing In
* @type {String}
* @default
bearingTextIn: 'In',
* Text for the bearing Out
* @type {String}
* @default
bearingTextOut: 'Out',
* Text for last point's tooltip
* @type {String}
* @default
tooltipTextDraganddelete: 'Click and drag to <b>move point</b><br>Press ALT-key and click to <b>delete point</b>',
tooltipTextResume: '<br>Press CTRL-key and click to <b>resume line</b>',
tooltipTextAdd: 'Press CTRL-key and click to <b>add point</b>',
* Title for the control going to be switched on
* @type {String}
* @default
measureControlTitleOn: "Turn on PolylineMeasure",
* Title for the control going to be switched off
* @type {String}
* @default
measureControlTitleOff: "Turn off PolylineMeasure",
* Label of the Measure control (maybe a unicode symbol)
* @type {String}
* @default
measureControlLabel: '&#8614;',
* Classes to apply to the Measure control
* @type {Array}
* @default
measureControlClasses: [],
* Show a control to clear all the measurements
* @type {Boolean}
* @default
showClearControl: false,
* Title text to show on the Clear measurements control button
* @type {String}
* @default
clearControlTitle: 'Clear Measurements',
* Label of the Clear control (maybe a unicode symbol)
* @type {String}
* @default
clearControlLabel: '&times;',
* Classes to apply to Clear control button
* @type {Array}
* @default
clearControlClasses: [],
* Show a control to change the units of measurements
* @type {Boolean}
* @default
showUnitControl: false,
* Title texts to show on the Unit Control button
* @type {Object}
* @default
unitControlTitle: {
text: 'Change Units',
metres: 'metres',
landmiles: 'land miles',
nauticalmiles: 'nautical miles'
* Label symbols to show in the Unit Control button
* @type {Object}
* @default
unitControlLabel: {
metres: 'm',
kilometres: 'km',
feet: 'ft',
landmiles: 'mi',
nauticalmiles: 'nm'
* Styling settings for the temporary dashed rubberline
* @type {Object}
tempLine: {
* Dashed line color
* @type {String}
* @default
color: '#00f',
* Dashed line weight
* @type {Number}
* @default
weight: 2
* Styling for the fixed polyline
* @type {Object}
fixedLine: {
* Solid line color
* @type {String}
* @default
color: '#006',
* Solid line weight
* @type {Number}
* @default
weight: 2
* Style settings for circle marker indicating the starting point of the polyline
* @type {Object}
startCircle: {
* Color of the border of the circle
* @type {String}
* @default
color: '#000',
* Weight of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
weight: 1,
* Fill color of the circle
* @type {String}
* @default
fillColor: '#0f0',
* Fill opacity of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
fillOpacity: 1,
* Radius of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
radius: 3
* Style settings for all circle markers between startCircle and endCircle
* @type {Object}
intermedCircle: {
* Color of the border of the circle
* @type {String}
* @default
color: '#000',
* Weight of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
weight: 1,
* Fill color of the circle
* @type {String}
* @default
fillColor: '#ff0',
* Fill opacity of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
fillOpacity: 1,
* Radius of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
radius: 3
* Style settings for circle marker indicating the latest point of the polyline during drawing a line
* @type {Object}
currentCircle: {
* Color of the border of the circle
* @type {String}
* @default
color: '#000',
* Weight of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
weight: 1,
* Fill color of the circle
* @type {String}
* @default
fillColor: '#f0f',
* Fill opacity of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
fillOpacity: 1,
* Radius of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
radius: 6
* Style settings for circle marker indicating the end point of the polyline
* @type {Object}
endCircle: {
* Color of the border of the circle
* @type {String}
* @default
color: '#000',
* Weight of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
weight: 1,
* Fill color of the circle
* @type {String}
* @default
fillColor: '#f00',
* Fill opacity of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
fillOpacity: 1,
* Radius of the circle
* @type {Number}
* @default
radius: 3
* Create a control button
* @param {String} label Label to add
* @param {String} title Title to show on hover
* @param {Array} classesToAdd Collection of classes to add
* @param {Element} container Parent element
* @param {Function} fn Callback function to run
* @param {Object} context Context
* @returns {Element} Created element
* @private
_createControl: function (label, title, classesToAdd, container, fn, context) {
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.innerHTML = label;
anchor.setAttribute('title', title);
classesToAdd.forEach(function(c) {
L.DomEvent.on (anchor, 'click', fn, context);
return anchor;
* Method to fire on add to map
* @param {Object} map Map object
* @returns {Element} Containing element
onAdd: function(map) {
this._container = document.createElement('div');
L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation(this._container); // otherwise drawing process would instantly start at controls' container or double click would zoom-in map
var title = this.options.measureControlTitleOn;
var label = this.options.measureControlLabel;
var classes = this.options.measureControlClasses;
if (label.indexOf('&') != -1) {
// initialize state
this._arrPolylines = [];
this._measureControl = this._createControl (label, title, classes, this._container, this._toggleMeasure, this);
this._defaultControlBgColor =;
this._measureControl.setAttribute('id', _measureControlId);
if (this.options.showClearControl) {
var title = this.options.clearControlTitle;
var label = this.options.clearControlLabel;
var classes = this.options.clearControlClasses;
if (label.indexOf('&') != -1) {
this._clearMeasureControl = this._createControl (label, title, classes, this._container, this._clearAllMeasurements, this);
if (this.options.showUnitControl) {
if (this.options.unit == "metres") {
var label = this.options.unitControlLabel.metres;
var title = this.options.unitControlTitle.text + " [" + this.options.unitControlTitle.metres + "]";
} else if (this.options.unit == "landmiles") {
var label = this.options.unitControlLabel.landmiles;
var title = this.options.unitControlTitle.text + " [" + this.options.unitControlTitle.landmiles + "]";
} else {
var label = this.options.unitControlLabel.nauticalmiles;
var title = this.options.unitControlTitle.text + " [" + this.options.unitControlTitle.nauticalmiles + "]";
var classes = [];
this._unitControl = this._createControl (label, title, classes, this._container, this._changeUnit, this);
this._unitControl.setAttribute ('id', 'unitControlId');
return this._container;
* Method to fire on remove from map
onRemove: function () {
if (this._measuring) {
* Toggle the measure functionality on or off
* @private
_toggleMeasure: function () {
this._measuring = !this._measuring;
if (this._measuring) { // if measuring is going to be switched on
this._measureControl.classList.add ('polyline-measure-controlOnBgColor'); = this.options.backgroundColor;
this._measureControl.title = this.options.measureControlTitleOff;
this._oldCursor =; // save former cursor type = 'crosshair';
this._doubleClickZoom = this._map.doubleClickZoom.enabled(); // save former status of doubleClickZoom
// create LayerGroup "layerPaint" (only) the first time Measure Control is switched on
if (!this._layerPaint) {
this._layerPaint = L.layerGroup().addTo(this._map);
this._map.on ('mousemove', this._mouseMove, this); // enable listing to 'mousemove', 'click', 'keydown' events
this._map.on ('click', this._mouseClick, this);
L.DomEvent.on (document, 'keydown', this._onKeyDown, this);
} else { // if measuring is going to be switched off
this._measureControl.classList.remove ('polyline-measure-controlOnBgColor'); = this._defaultControlBgColor;
this._measureControl.title = this.options.measureControlTitleOn; = this._oldCursor; ('mousemove', this._mouseMove, this); ('click', this._mouseClick, this); (document, 'keydown', this._onKeyDown, this);
if(this._doubleClickZoom) {
if(this.options.clearMeasurementsOnStop && this._layerPaint) {
// to remove temp. Line if line at the moment is being drawn and not finished while clicking the control
if (this._cntCircle !== 0) {
// allow easy to connect the measure control to the app, f.e. to disable the selection on the map when the measurement is turned on'polylinemeasure:toggle', {sttus: this._measuring});
* Clear all measurements from the map
_clearAllMeasurements: function() {
if ((this._cntCircle !== undefined) && (this._cntCircle !== 0)) {
if (this._layerPaint) {
this._arrPolylines = [];
_changeUnit: function() {
if (this.options.unit == "metres") {
this.options.unit = "landmiles";
document.getElementById("unitControlId").innerHTML = this.options.unitControlLabel.landmiles;
this._unitControl.title = this.options.unitControlTitle.text +" [" + this.options.unitControlTitle.landmiles + "]";
} else if (this.options.unit == "landmiles") {
this.options.unit = "nauticalmiles";
document.getElementById("unitControlId").innerHTML = this.options.unitControlLabel.nauticalmiles;
this._unitControl.title = this.options.unitControlTitle.text +" [" + this.options.unitControlTitle.nauticalmiles + "]";
} else {
this.options.unit = "metres";
document.getElementById("unitControlId").innerHTML = this.options.unitControlLabel.metres;
this._unitControl.title = this.options.unitControlTitle.text +" [" + this.options.unitControlTitle.metres + "]";
} (function(line) {
var totalDistance = 0; (function(point, point_index) {
if (point_index >= 1) {
var distance = line.circleCoords [point_index - 1].distanceTo (line.circleCoords [point_index]);
totalDistance += distance;
this._updateTooltip (line.tooltips [point_index], line.tooltips [point_index - 1], totalDistance, distance, line.circleCoords [point_index - 1], line.circleCoords [point_index]);
* Event to fire when a keyboard key is depressed.
* Currently only watching for ESC key (= keyCode 27). 1st press finishes line, 2nd press turns Measuring off.
* @param {Object} e Event
* @private
_onKeyDown: function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 27) {
// if resuming a line at its first point is active
if (resumeFirstpointFlag === true) {
resumeFirstpointFlag = false; ('mousemove', this._resumeFirstpointMousemove, this); ('click', this._resumeFirstpointClick, this);
this._layerPaint.removeLayer (this._rubberlinePath2);
this._layerPaint.removeLayer (tooltipNew);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleMarkers [0].setStyle (this.options.startCircle);
text = '';
var totalDistance = 0;
if (this.options.showBearings === true) {
text = this.options.bearingTextIn+':---°<br>'+this.options.bearingTextOut+':---°';
text = text + '<div class="polyline-measure-tooltip-difference">+' + '0</div>';
text = text + '<div class="polyline-measure-tooltip-total">' + '0</div>';
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips [0]._icon.innerHTML = text;
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
if (index >= 1) {
var distance = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index-1].distanceTo (this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index]);
var lastCircleCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index - 1];
var mouseCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index];
totalDistance += distance;
var prevTooltip = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips[index-1]
this._updateTooltip (item, prevTooltip, totalDistance, distance, lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords);
}.bind (this));
this._map.on ('mousemove', this._mouseMove, this);
// if NOT drawing a line, ESC will directly switch of measuring
if (!this._currentLine) {
} else {
* Get the distance in the format specified in the options
* @param {Number} distance Distance to convert
* @returns {{value: *, unit: *}}
* @private
_getDistance: function (distance) {
var dist = distance;
if (this.options.unit === 'nauticalmiles') {
unit = this.options.unitControlLabel.nauticalmiles;
if (dist >= 1852000) {
dist = (dist/1852).toFixed(0);
} else if (dist >= 185200) {
dist = (dist/1852).toFixed(1);
// don't use 3 decimal digits, cause especially in countries using the "." as thousands separator a number could optically be confused (e.g. "1.234 nm": is it 1234 nm or 1,234 nm ?)
} else if (dist >= 1852) {
dist = (dist/1852).toFixed(2);
} else {
dist = (dist/0.3048).toFixed(0);
unit = this.options.unitControlLabel.feet;
} else if (this.options.unit === 'landmiles') {
unit = this.options.unitControlLabel.landmiles;
if (dist >= 1609344) {
dist = (dist/1609.344).toFixed(0);
} else if (dist >= 160934.4) {
dist = (dist/1609.344).toFixed(1);
// don't use 3 decimal digits, cause especially in countries using the "." as thousands separator a number could optically be confused (e.g. "1.234mi": is it 1234mi or 1,234mi ?)
} else if (dist >= 1609.344) {
dist = (dist/1609.344).toFixed(2);
} else {
dist = (dist/0.3048).toFixed(0);
unit = this.options.unitControlLabel.feet;
else {
unit = this.options.unitControlLabel.kilometres;
if (dist >= 1000000) {
dist = (dist/1000).toFixed(0);
} else if (dist >= 100000) {
dist = (dist/1000).toFixed(1);
// don't use 3 decimal digits, cause especially in countries using the "." as thousands separator a number could optically be confused (e.g. "1.234 km": is it 1234 km or 1,234 km ?)
} else if (dist >= 1000) {
dist = (dist/1000).toFixed(2);
} else {
dist = (dist).toFixed(1);
unit = this.options.unitControlLabel.metres;
return {value:dist, unit:unit};
* Calculate Great-circle Arc (= shortest distance on a sphere like the Earth) between two coordinates
* formulas:
* @private
_polylineArc: function (_from, _to) {
function _GCinterpolate (f) {
A = Math.sin((1 - f) * d) / Math.sin(d);
B = Math.sin(f * d) / Math.sin(d);
x = A * Math.cos(fromLat) * Math.cos(fromLng) + B * Math.cos(toLat) * Math.cos(toLng);
y = A * Math.cos(fromLat) * Math.sin(fromLng) + B * Math.cos(toLat) * Math.sin(toLng);
z = A * Math.sin(fromLat) + B * Math.sin(toLat);
// atan2 better than atan-function cause results are from -pi to +pi
// => results of latInterpol, lngInterpol always within range -180° ... +180° => conversion into values < -180° or > + 180° has to be done afterwards
latInterpol = 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(z, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2)));
lngInterpol = 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(y, x);
// don't split polyline if it crosses dateline ( -180° or +180°). Without the polyline would look like: +179° ==> +180° ==> -180° ==> -179°...
// algo: if difference lngInterpol-from.lng is > 180° there's been an unwanted split from +180 to -180 cause an arc can never span >180°
diff = lngInterpol-fromLng*180/Math.PI;
function trunc(n) { return Math[n > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](n); } // alternatively we could use the new Math.trunc method, but Internet Explorer doesn't know it
if (diff < 0) {
lngInterpol = lngInterpol - trunc ((diff - 180)/ 360) * 360;
} else {
lngInterpol = lngInterpol - trunc ((diff +180)/ 360) * 360;
return [latInterpol, lngInterpol];
function _GCarc (npoints) {
arrArcCoords = [];
var delta = 1.0 / (npoints-1 );
// first point of Arc should NOT be returned
for (var i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
var step = delta * i;
var coordPair = _GCinterpolate (step);
arrArcCoords.push (coordPair);
return arrArcCoords;
var fromLat =; // work with with copies of object's elements and _from.lng, otherwise they would get modiefied due to call-by-reference on Objects in Javascript
var fromLng = _from.lng;
var toLat =;
var toLng = _to.lng;
fromLat=fromLat * Math.PI / 180;
fromLng=fromLng * Math.PI / 180;
toLat=toLat * Math.PI / 180;
toLng=toLng * Math.PI / 180;
d = 2.0 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(Math.pow (Math.sin((fromLat - toLat) / 2.0), 2) + Math.cos(fromLat) * Math.cos(toLat) * Math.pow(Math.sin((fromLng - toLng) / 2.0), 2)));
if (d === 0) {
arrLatLngs = [[fromLat, fromLng]];
} else {
arcpoints = 100; // 100 points = 99 line segments. lower value to make arc less accurate or increase value to make it more accurate.
arrLatLngs = _GCarc(arcpoints);
return arrLatLngs;
* Update the tooltip distance
* @param {Number} total Total distance
* @param {Number} difference Difference in distance between 2 points
* @private
_updateTooltip: function (currentTooltip, prevTooltip, total, difference, lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords) {
// Explanation of formula:
calcAngle = function (p1, p2, direction) {
var lat1 = / 180 * Math.PI;
var lat2 = / 180 * Math.PI;
var lng1 = p1.lng / 180 * Math.PI;
var lng2 = p2.lng / 180 * Math.PI;
var y = Math.sin(lng2-lng1) * Math.cos(lat2);
var x = Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2) - Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(lng2-lng1);
if (direction === "inbound") {
var brng = (Math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI + 180).toFixed(0);
} else {
var brng = (Math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI + 360).toFixed(0);
return (brng % 360);
var angleIn = calcAngle (mouseCoords, lastCircleCoords, "inbound");
var angleOut = calcAngle (lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords, "outbound");
var totalRound = this._getDistance (total);
var differenceRound = this._getDistance (difference);
var textCurrent = '';
if (differenceRound.value > 0 ) {
if (this.options.showBearings === true) {
textCurrent = this.options.bearingTextIn + ': ' + angleIn + '°<br>'+this.options.bearingTextOut+':---°';
textCurrent += '<div class="polyline-measure-tooltip-difference">+' + differenceRound.value + '&nbsp;' + differenceRound.unit + '</div>';
textCurrent += '<div class="polyline-measure-tooltip-total">' + totalRound.value + '&nbsp;' + totalRound.unit + '</div>';
currentTooltip._icon.innerHTML = textCurrent;
if ((this.options.showBearings === true) && (prevTooltip)) {
textPrev = prevTooltip._icon.innerHTML;
var regExp = new RegExp(this.options.bearingTextOut + '.*\°');
textReplace = textPrev.replace(regExp, this.options.bearingTextOut + ': ' + angleOut + "°");
prevTooltip._icon.innerHTML = textReplace;
_drawArrow: function (arcLine) {
var P48 = arcLine[48];
var P49 = arcLine[49];
var diffLng4849 = P49[1] - P48[1];
var diffLat4849 = P49[0] - P48[0];
var center = [P48[0] + diffLat4849/2, P48[1] + diffLng4849/2]; // center of Great-circle distance, NOT of the arc on a Mercator map! reason: a) to complicated b) map not always Mercator c) good optical feature to see where real center of distance is not the "virtual" warped arc center due to Mercator projection
// angle just an aprroximation, which could be somewhat off if Line runs near high latitudes. Use of *geographical coords* for line segment [48] to [49] is best method. Use of *Pixel coords* for just one arc segement [48] to [49] could create for short lines unexact rotation angles, and the use Use of Pixel coords between endpoints [0] to [98] results in even more rotation difference for high latitudes as with geogrpaphical coords-method
var cssAngle = -Math.atan2(diffLat4849, diffLng4849)*57.29578 // convert radiant to degree as needed for use as CSS value; cssAngle is opposite to mathematical angle.
iconArrow = L.divIcon ({
className: "", // to avoid getting a default class with paddings and borders assigned by Leaflet
iconSize: [16, 16],
iconAnchor: [8, 8],
// html : "<img src='iconArrow.png' style='background:green; height:100%; vertical-align:top; transform:rotate("+ cssAngle +"deg)'>" <<=== alternative method by the use of an image instead of a Unicode symbol.
html : "<div style = 'font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; vertical-align:top; transform: rotate("+ cssAngle +"deg)'>&#x27a4;</div>" // best results if iconSize = font-size = line-height and iconAnchor font-size/2 .both values needed to position symbol in center of L.divIcon for all font-sizes.
newArrowMarker = L.marker (center, {icon: iconArrow}).addTo(this._layerPaint);
newArrowMarker.bindTooltip (this.options.tooltipTextAdd, {direction:'top', opacity:0.7, className:'polyline-measure-popupTooltip'});
newArrowMarker.on ('click', this._clickedArrow, this);
return newArrowMarker;
* Event to fire on mouse move
* @param {Object} e Event
* @private
_mouseMove: function (e) {
var mouseCoords = e.latlng;
this._map.on ('click', this._mouseClick, this); // necassary for _dragCircle. If switched on already within _dragCircle an unwanted click is fired at the end of the drag.
if(!mouseCoords || !this._currentLine) {
var lastCircleCoords = this._currentLine.circleCoords.last();
this._rubberlinePath.setLatLngs (this._polylineArc (lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords));
var currentTooltip = this._currentLine.tooltips.last();
var prevTooltip = this._currentLine.tooltips.slice(-2,-1)[0];
currentTooltip.setLatLng (mouseCoords);
var distanceSegment = mouseCoords.distanceTo (lastCircleCoords);
this._updateTooltip (currentTooltip, prevTooltip, this._currentLine.distance + distanceSegment, distanceSegment, lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords);
_startLine: function (clickCoords) {
var icon = L.divIcon({
className: 'polyline-measure-tooltip',
iconAnchor: [-4, -4]
var last = function() {
return this.slice(-1)[0];
this._rubberlinePath = L.polyline ([], {
// Style of temporary, dashed line while moving the mouse
color: this.options.tempLine.color,
weight: this.options.tempLine.weight,
interactive: false,
dashArray: '8,8'
var polylineState = this; // use "polylineState" instead of "this" to allow measuring on 2 different maps the same time
this._currentLine = {
id: 0,
circleCoords: [],
circleMarkers: [],
arrowMarkers: [],
tooltips: [],
distance: 0,
polylinePath: L.polyline([], {
// Style of fixed, polyline after mouse is clicked
color: this.options.fixedLine.color,
weight: this.options.fixedLine.weight,
interactive: false
handleMarkers: function (latlng) {
// update style on previous marker
var lastCircleMarker = this.circleMarkers.last();
if (lastCircleMarker) { ('click', polylineState._finishPolylinePath, polylineState);
if (this.circleMarkers.length === 1) {
lastCircleMarker.setStyle (polylineState.options.startCircle);
lastCircleMarker.unbindTooltip ();
lastCircleMarker.bindTooltip (polylineState.options.tooltipTextDraganddelete + polylineState.options.tooltipTextResume, {direction:'top', opacity:0.7, className:'polyline-measure-popupTooltip'});
} else {
lastCircleMarker.setStyle (polylineState.options.intermedCircle);
var newCircleMarker = new L.CircleMarker (latlng, polylineState.options.currentCircle).addTo(polylineState._layerPaint);
newCircleMarker.bindTooltip (polylineState.options.tooltipTextDraganddelete, {direction:'top', opacity:0.7, className:'polyline-measure-popupTooltip'});
newCircleMarker.cntLine =;
newCircleMarker.cntCircle = polylineState._cntCircle;
newCircleMarker.on ('mousedown', polylineState._dragCircle, polylineState);
newCircleMarker.on ('click', polylineState._finishPolylinePath, polylineState);
this.circleMarkers.push (newCircleMarker);
getNewToolTip: function(latlng) {
return L.marker (latlng, {
icon: icon,
interactive: false
addPoint: function (mouseCoords) {
var lastCircleCoords = this.circleCoords.last();
if (lastCircleCoords && lastCircleCoords.equals (mouseCoords)) { // don't add a new circle if the click was onto the last circle
this.circleCoords.push (mouseCoords);
// update polyline
if (this.circleCoords.length > 1) {
var arc = polylineState._polylineArc (lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords);
if (this.circleCoords.length > 2) {
arc.shift(); // remove first coordinate og the arc, cause it is identical with last coordinate of previous arc
this.polylinePath.setLatLngs (this.polylinePath.getLatLngs().concat(arc));
// following lines needed especially for Mobile Browsers where we just use mouseclicks. No mousemoves, no tempLine.
var arrowMarker = polylineState._drawArrow (arc);
arrowMarker.cntLine =;
arrowMarker.cntArrow = polylineState._cntCircle - 1;
polylineState._currentLine.arrowMarkers.push (arrowMarker);
distanceSegment = lastCircleCoords.distanceTo (mouseCoords);
this.distance += distanceSegment;
var currentTooltip = polylineState._currentLine.tooltips.last();
var prevTooltip = polylineState._currentLine.tooltips.slice(-1,-2)[0];
polylineState._updateTooltip (currentTooltip, prevTooltip, this.distance, distanceSegment, lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords);
// update last tooltip with final value
if (currentTooltip) {
currentTooltip.setLatLng (mouseCoords);
// add new tooltip to update on mousemove
var tooltipNew = this.getNewToolTip(mouseCoords);
this.tooltips.push (tooltipNew);
this.handleMarkers (mouseCoords);
finalize: function() {
// remove tooltip created by last click
polylineState._layerPaint.removeLayer (this.tooltips.last());
// remove temporary rubberline
polylineState._layerPaint.removeLayer (polylineState._rubberlinePath);
if (this.circleCoords.length > 1) {
this.tooltips.last()._icon.classList.add('polyline-measure-tooltip-end'); // add Class e.g. another background-color to the Previous Tooltip (which is the last fixed tooltip, cause the moving tooltip is being deleted later)
var lastCircleMarker = this.circleMarkers.last()
lastCircleMarker.setStyle (polylineState.options.endCircle);
// use Leaflet's own tooltip method to shwo a popuo tooltip if user hovers the last circle of a polyline
lastCircleMarker.unbindTooltip ();
lastCircleMarker.bindTooltip (polylineState.options.tooltipTextDraganddelete + polylineState.options.tooltipTextResume, {direction:'top', opacity:0.7, className:'polyline-measure-popupTooltip'}); ('click', polylineState._finishPolylinePath, polylineState);
lastCircleMarker.on ('click', polylineState._resumePolylinePath, polylineState);
} else {
// if there is only one point, just clean it up
polylineState._layerPaint.removeLayer (this.circleMarkers.last());
firstTooltip = L.marker (clickCoords, {
icon: icon,
interactive: false
text = '';
if (this.options.showBearings === true) {
text = this.options.bearingTextIn+':---°<br>'+this.options.bearingTextOut+':---°';
text = text + '<div class="polyline-measure-tooltip-difference">+' + '0</div>';
text = text + '<div class="polyline-measure-tooltip-total">' + '0</div>';
firstTooltip._icon.innerHTML = text;
this._currentLine.tooltips.push (firstTooltip);
this._currentLine.circleCoords.last = last;
this._currentLine.tooltips.last = last;
this._currentLine.circleMarkers.last = last; = this._arrPolylines.length;
* Event to fire on mouse click
* @param {Object} e Event
* @private
_mouseClick: function (e) {
// skip if there are no coords provided by the event, or this event's screen coordinates match those of finishing CircleMarker for the line we just completed
if (!e.latlng || (this._finishCircleScreencoords && this._finishCircleScreencoords.equals(e.containerPoint))) {
if (!this._currentLine) {
this._startLine (e.latlng);
this._currentLine.addPoint (e.latlng);
* Finish the drawing of the path by clicking onto the last circle or pressing ESC-Key
* @private
_finishPolylinePath: function (e) {
if (e) {
this._finishCircleScreencoords = e.containerPoint;
* Resume the drawing of a polyline by pressing CTRL-Key and clicking onto the last circle
* @private
_resumePolylinePath: function (e) {
if (e.originalEvent.ctrlKey === true) { // just resume if user pressed the CTRL-Key while clicking onto the last circle
this._currentLine = this._arrPolylines [];
this._rubberlinePath = L.polyline ([], {
// Style of temporary, rubberline while moving the mouse
color: this.options.tempLine.color,
weight: this.options.tempLine.weight,
interactive: false,
dashArray: '8,8'
this._currentLine.tooltips.last()._icon.classList.remove ('polyline-measure-tooltip-end'); // remove extra CSS-class of previous, last tooltip
var tooltipNew = this._currentLine.getNewToolTip (e.latlng);
tooltipNew.addTo (this._layerPaint);
this._currentLine.circleMarkers.last().unbindTooltip(); // remove popup-tooltip of previous, last circleMarker
this._currentLine.circleMarkers.last().bindTooltip (this.options.tooltipTextDraganddelete, {direction:'top', opacity:0.7, className:'polyline-measure-popupTooltip'});
this._currentLine.circleMarkers.last().setStyle (this.options.currentCircle);
this._cntCircle = this._currentLine.circleCoords.length;
* After completing a path, reset all the values to prepare in creating the next polyline measurement
* @private
_resetPathVariables: function() {
this._cntCircle = 0;
this._currentLine = null;
_clickedArrow: function(e) {
if (e.originalEvent.ctrlKey) {
var lineNr =;
var arrowNr =;
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].arrowMarkers [arrowNr].removeFrom (this._layerPaint);
var newCircleMarker = new L.CircleMarker (e.latlng, this.options.intermedCircle).addTo(this._layerPaint);
newCircleMarker.cntLine = lineNr;
newCircleMarker.on ('mousedown', this._dragCircle, this);
newCircleMarker.bindTooltip (this.options.tooltipTextDraganddelete, {direction:'top', opacity:0.7, className:'polyline-measure-popupTooltip'});
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleMarkers.splice (arrowNr+1, 0, newCircleMarker);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
item.cntCircle = index;
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords.splice (arrowNr+1, 0, e.latlng);
lineCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].polylinePath.getLatLngs(); // get Coords of each Point of the current Polyline
var arc1 = this._polylineArc (this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[arrowNr], e.latlng);
var arc2 = this._polylineArc (e.latlng, this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[arrowNr+2]);
Array.prototype.splice.apply (lineCoords, [(arrowNr)*(arcpoints-1), arcpoints].concat (arc1, arc2));
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].polylinePath.setLatLngs (lineCoords);
arrowMarker = this._drawArrow (arc1);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].arrowMarkers[arrowNr] = arrowMarker;
arrowMarker = this._drawArrow (arc2);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
item.cntLine = lineNr;
item.cntArrow = index;
tooltipNew = L.marker (e.latlng, {
icon: L.divIcon({
className: 'polyline-measure-tooltip',
iconAnchor: [-4, -4]
interactive: false
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips.splice (arrowNr+1, 0, tooltipNew);
var totalDistance = 0;
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
if (index >= 1) {
var distance = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index-1].distanceTo (this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index]);
var lastCircleCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index - 1];
var mouseCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index];
totalDistance += distance;
var prevTooltip = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips[index-1]
this._updateTooltip (item, prevTooltip, totalDistance, distance, lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords);
_dragCircleMouseup: function () {
// bind new popup-tooltip to the last CircleMArker if dragging finished
if ((circleNr === 0) || (circleNr === this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords.length-1)) { (this.options.tooltipTextDraganddelete + this.options.tooltipTextResume, {direction:'top', opacity:0.7, className:'polyline-measure-popupTooltip'});
} else { (this.options.tooltipTextDraganddelete, {direction:'top', opacity:0.7, className:'polyline-measure-popupTooltip'});
this._resetPathVariables(); ('mousemove', this._dragCircleMousemove, this);
this._map.on ('mousemove', this._mouseMove, this); ('mouseup', this._dragCircleMouseup, this);
_dragCircleMousemove: function (e2) {
var mouseNewLat =;
var mouseNewLng = e2.latlng.lng;
var latDifference = mouseNewLat - this._mouseStartingLat;
var lngDifference = mouseNewLng - this._mouseStartingLng;
var currentCircleCoords = L.latLng (this._circleStartingLat + latDifference, this._circleStartingLng + lngDifference);
lineNr =;
circleNr =; (currentCircleCoords);; // unbind popup-tooltip cause otherwise it would be annoying during dragging, or popup instantly again if it's just closed
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[circleNr] = currentCircleCoords;
lineCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].polylinePath.getLatLngs(); // get Coords of each Point of the current Polyline
if (circleNr >= 1) { // redraw previous arc just if circle is not starting circle of polyline
newLineSegment1 = this._polylineArc(this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[circleNr-1], currentCircleCoords);
// the next line's syntax has to be used since Internet Explorer doesn't know new spread operator (...) for inserting the individual elements of an array as 3rd argument of the splice method; Otherwise we could write: lineCoords.splice (circleNr*(arcpoints-1), arcpoints, ...newLineSegment1);
Array.prototype.splice.apply (lineCoords, [(circleNr-1)*(arcpoints-1), arcpoints].concat (newLineSegment1));
arrowMarker = this._drawArrow (newLineSegment1);
arrowMarker.cntLine = lineNr;
arrowMarker.cntArrow = circleNr-1;
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].arrowMarkers [circleNr-1].removeFrom (this._layerPaint);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].arrowMarkers [circleNr-1] = arrowMarker;
if (circleNr < this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords.length-1) { // redraw following arc just if circle is not end circle of polyline
newLineSegment2 = this._polylineArc (currentCircleCoords, this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[circleNr+1]);
Array.prototype.splice.apply (lineCoords, [circleNr*(arcpoints-1), arcpoints].concat (newLineSegment2));
arrowMarker = this._drawArrow (newLineSegment2);
arrowMarker.cntLine = lineNr;
arrowMarker.cntArrow = circleNr;
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].arrowMarkers [circleNr].removeFrom (this._layerPaint);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].arrowMarkers [circleNr] = arrowMarker;
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].polylinePath.setLatLngs (lineCoords);
if (circleNr >= 0) { // just update tooltip position if moved circle is 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. circle of a polyline
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips[circleNr].setLatLng (currentCircleCoords);
var totalDistance = 0;
// update tooltip texts of each tooltip
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
if (index >= 1) {
var distance = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index-1].distanceTo (this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index]);
var lastCircleCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index - 1];
var mouseCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index];
totalDistance += distance;
var prevTooltip = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips[index-1]
this._updateTooltip (item, prevTooltip, totalDistance, distance, lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords);
this._map.on ('mouseup', this._dragCircleMouseup, this);
_resumeFirstpointMousemove: function (e) {
this._map.on ('click', this._resumeFirstpointClick, this); // necassary for _dragCircle. If switched on already within _dragCircle an unwanted click is fired at the end of the drag.
var mouseCoords = e.latlng;
this._rubberlinePath2.setLatLngs (this._polylineArc (mouseCoords, currentCircleCoords));
tooltipNew.setLatLng (mouseCoords);
var totalDistance = 0;
var distance = mouseCoords .distanceTo (this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[0]);
var lastCircleCoords = mouseCoords;
var currentCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[0];
totalDistance += distance;
var prevTooltip = tooltipNew;
var currentTooltip = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips[0]
this._updateTooltip (currentTooltip, prevTooltip, totalDistance, distance, lastCircleCoords, currentCoords);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
if (index >= 1) {
var distance = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index-1].distanceTo (this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index]);
var lastCircleCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index - 1];
var mouseCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index];
totalDistance += distance;
var prevTooltip = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips[index-1]
this._updateTooltip (item, prevTooltip, totalDistance, distance, lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords);
}.bind (this));
_resumeFirstpointClick: function (e) {
resumeFirstpointFlag = false; ('mousemove', this._resumeFirstpointMousemove, this); ('click', this._resumeFirstpointClick, this);
this._layerPaint.removeLayer (this._rubberlinePath2);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleMarkers [0].setStyle (this.options.intermedCircle);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleMarkers [0].unbindTooltip();
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleMarkers [0].bindTooltip (this.options.tooltipTextDraganddelete, {direction:'top', opacity:0.7, className:'polyline-measure-popupTooltip'});
var newCircleMarker = new L.CircleMarker (e.latlng, this.options.startCircle).addTo(this._layerPaint);
newCircleMarker.cntLine = lineNr;
newCircleMarker.cntCircle = 0;
newCircleMarker.on ('mousedown', this._dragCircle, this);
newCircleMarker.bindTooltip (this.options.tooltipTextDraganddelete + this.options.tooltipTextResume, {direction:'top', opacity:0.7, className:'polyline-measure-popupTooltip'});
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
item.cntCircle = index;
var arc = this._polylineArc (e.latlng, currentCircleCoords);
arrowMarker = this._drawArrow (arc);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
item.cntLine = lineNr;
item.cntArrow = index;
arc.pop(); // remove last coordinate of arc, cause it's already part of the next arc.
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].polylinePath.setLatLngs (arc.concat(this._arrPolylines[lineNr].polylinePath.getLatLngs()));
this._map.on ('mousemove', this._mouseMove, this);
// not just used for dragging Cirles but also for deleting circles and resuming line at its starting point.
_dragCircle: function (e1) {
if (e1.originalEvent.ctrlKey) { // if user wants to resume drawing a line ('click', this._mouseClick, this); // to avoid unwanted creation of a new line if CTRL-clicked onto a point
// if user wants resume the line at its starting point
if ( === 0) {
resumeFirstpointFlag = true;
lineNr =;
circleNr =;
currentCircleCoords = e1.latlng;
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleMarkers [0].setStyle (this.options.currentCircle);
this._rubberlinePath2 = L.polyline ([], {
// Style of temporary, rubberline while moving the mouse
color: this.options.tempLine.color,
weight: this.options.tempLine.weight,
interactive: false,
dashArray: '8,8'
tooltipNew = L.marker (currentCircleCoords, {
icon: L.divIcon({
className: 'polyline-measure-tooltip',
iconAnchor: [-4, -4]
interactive: false
if (this.options.showBearings === true) {
text = text + this.options.bearingTextIn+':---°<br>'+this.options.bearingTextOut+':---°';
text = text + '<div class="polyline-measure-tooltip-difference">+' + '0</div>';
text = text + '<div class="polyline-measure-tooltip-total">' + '0</div>';
tooltipNew._icon.innerHTML = text; ('mousemove', this._mouseMove, this);
this._map.on ('mousemove', this._resumeFirstpointMousemove, this);
// if user wants to delete a circle
if (e1.originalEvent.altKey) {
lineNr =;
circleNr =;
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleMarkers [circleNr].removeFrom (this._layerPaint);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
item.cntCircle = index;
lineCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].polylinePath.getLatLngs();
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips [circleNr].removeFrom (this._layerPaint);
// if first Circle is being removed
if (circleNr === 0) {
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleMarkers [0].setStyle (this.options.startCircle);
lineCoords.splice (0, arcpoints-1)
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].arrowMarkers [circleNr].removeFrom (this._layerPaint);
if (this.options.showBearings === true) {
text = this.options.bearingTextIn+':---°<br>'+this.options.bearingTextOut+':---°';
text = text + '<div class="polyline-measure-tooltip-difference">+' + '0</div>';
text = text + '<div class="polyline-measure-tooltip-total">' + '0</div>';
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips [0]._icon.innerHTML = text;
// if last Circle is being removed
} else if (circleNr === this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords.length) {
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleMarkers.slice(-1)[0].setStyle (this.options.endCircle); // get last element of the array
lineCoords.splice (-(arcpoints-1), arcpoints-1)
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].arrowMarkers [circleNr-1].removeFrom (this._layerPaint);
// if intermediate Circle is being removed
} else {
newLineSegment = this._polylineArc (this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[circleNr-1], this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[circleNr]);
Array.prototype.splice.apply (lineCoords, [(circleNr-1)*(arcpoints-1), (2*arcpoints-1)].concat (newLineSegment));
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].arrowMarkers [circleNr-1].removeFrom (this._layerPaint);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].arrowMarkers [circleNr].removeFrom (this._layerPaint);
arrowMarker = this._drawArrow (newLineSegment);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr].polylinePath.setLatLngs (lineCoords);
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
item.cntLine = lineNr;
item.cntArrow = index;
var totalDistance = 0;
this._arrPolylines[lineNr] (function (item, index) {
if (index >= 1) {
var distance = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index-1].distanceTo (this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index]);
var lastCircleCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index - 1];
var mouseCoords = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].circleCoords[index];
totalDistance += distance;
var prevTooltip = this._arrPolylines[lineNr].tooltips[index-1]
this._updateTooltip (item, prevTooltip, totalDistance, distance, lastCircleCoords, mouseCoords);
}.bind (this));
this._e1 = e1;
if ((this._measuring) && (this._cntCircle === 0)) { // just execute drag-function if Measuring tool is active but no line is being drawn at the moment.
this._map.dragging.disable(); // turn of moving of the map during drag of a circle ('mousemove', this._mouseMove, this); ('click', this._mouseClick, this);
this._mouseStartingLat =;
this._mouseStartingLng = e1.latlng.lng;
this._circleStartingLat =;
this._circleStartingLng =;
this._map.on ('mousemove', this._dragCircleMousemove, this);
PolylineMeasureControl: false
L.Map.addInitHook(function () {
if (this.options.polylineMeasureControl) {
this.PMControl = new L.Control.PolylineMeasure();
L.control.polylineMeasure = function (options) {
return new L.Control.PolylineMeasure (options);
return L.Control.PolylineMeasure;
// to allow
// import PolylineMeasure from 'leaflet.polylinemeasure';
// const measureControl = new PolylineMeasure();
// together with
// import 'leaflet.polylinemeasure';
// const measureControl = new L.Control.PolylineMeasure();