#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 """ GPS3 Code below sourced from https://github.com/wadda/gps3 and is licensed under the MIT license. Modifications made by M.Jessop to make use of logging when reporting errors. GPS3 (gps3.py) is a Python 2.7-3.5 GPSD interface (http://www.catb.org/gpsd) Default host='', port=2947, gpsd_protocol='json' in two classes. 1) 'GPSDSocket' creates a GPSD socket connection & request/retrieve GPSD output. 2) 'DataStream' Streamed gpsd JSON data literates it into python dictionaries. Import from gps3 import gps3 Instantiate gpsd_socket = gps3.GPSDSocket() data_stream = gps3.DataStream() Run gpsd_socket.connect() gpsd_socket.watch() Iterate for new_data in gpsd_socket: if new_data: data_stream.unpack(new_data) Use print('Altitude = ',data_stream.TPV['alt']) print('Latitude = ',data_stream.TPV['lat']) Consult Lines 144-ff for Attribute/Key possibilities. or http://www.catb.org/gpsd/gpsd_json.html Run human.py; python[X] human.py [arguments] for a human experience. """ from __future__ import print_function import json import logging import select import socket import sys import time import traceback from threading import Thread GPSD_HOST = "" # gpsd GPSD_PORT = 2947 # defaults GPSD_PROTOCOL = "json" # " class GPSDSocket(object): """Establish a socket with gpsd, by which to send commands and receive data.""" def __init__(self): self.streamSock = None self.response = None def connect(self, host=GPSD_HOST, port=GPSD_PORT): """Connect to a host on a given port. Arguments: host: default host='' port: default port=2947 """ for alotta_stuff in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM): family, socktype, proto, _canonname, host_port = alotta_stuff try: self.streamSock = socket.socket(family, socktype, proto) self.streamSock.connect(host_port) self.streamSock.setblocking(False) return True except (OSError, IOError) as error: logging.error("GPSD - GPSDSocket connect exception: %s" % str(error)) return False def watch(self, enable=True, gpsd_protocol=GPSD_PROTOCOL, devicepath=None): """watch gpsd in various gpsd_protocols or devices. Arguments: enable: (bool) stream data to socket gpsd_protocol: (str) 'json' | 'nmea' | 'rare' | 'raw' | 'scaled' | 'split24' | 'pps' devicepath: (str) device path - '/dev/ttyUSBn' for some number n or '/dev/whatever_works' Returns: command: (str) e.g., '?WATCH={"enable":true,"json":true};' """ # N.B.: 'timing' requires special attention, as it is undocumented and lives with dragons. command = '?WATCH={{"enable":true,"{0}":true}}'.format(gpsd_protocol) if ( gpsd_protocol == "rare" ): # 1 for a channel, gpsd reports the unprocessed NMEA or AIVDM data stream command = command.replace('"rare":true', '"raw":1') if ( gpsd_protocol == "raw" ): # 2 channel that processes binary data, received data verbatim without hex-dumping. command = command.replace('"raw":true', '"raw",2') if not enable: command = command.replace( "true", "false" ) # sets -all- command values false . if devicepath: command = command.replace("}", ',"device":"') + devicepath + '"}' return self.send(command) def send(self, command): """Ship commands to the daemon Arguments: command: e.g., '?WATCH={{'enable':true,'json':true}}'|'?VERSION;'|'?DEVICES;'|'?DEVICE;'|'?POLL;' """ # The POLL command requests data from the last-seen fixes on all active GPS devices. # Devices must previously have been activated by ?WATCH to be pollable. try: self.streamSock.send(bytes(command, encoding="utf-8")) except TypeError: self.streamSock.send(command) # 2.7 chokes on 'bytes' and 'encoding=' except (OSError, IOError) as error: # MOE, LEAVE THIS ALONE!...for now. logging.error("GPSD - GPS3 send command fail with %s" % str(error)) def __iter__(self): """banana""" # <--- for scale return self def next(self, timeout=0): """Return empty unless new data is ready for the client. Arguments: timeout: Default timeout=0 range zero to float specifies a time-out as a floating point number in seconds. Will sit and wait for timeout seconds. When the timeout argument is omitted the function blocks until at least one file descriptor is ready. A time-out value of zero specifies a poll and never blocks. """ try: waitin, _waitout, _waiterror = select.select( (self.streamSock,), (), (), timeout ) if not waitin: return None else: gpsd_response = ( self.streamSock.makefile() ) # '.makefile(buffering=4096)' In strictly Python3 self.response = gpsd_response.readline() return self.response except StopIteration as error: logging.error( "GPSD - The readline exception in GPSDSocket.next is %s" % str(error) ) __next__ = next # Workaround for changes in iterating between Python 2.7 and 3 def close(self): """turn off stream and close socket""" if self.streamSock: self.watch(enable=False) self.streamSock.close() self.streamSock = None class DataStream(object): """Retrieve JSON Object(s) from GPSDSocket and unpack it into respective gpsd 'class' dictionaries, TPV, SKY, etc. yielding hours of fun and entertainment. """ packages = { "VERSION": {"release", "proto_major", "proto_minor", "remote", "rev"}, "TPV": { "alt", "climb", "device", "epc", "epd", "eps", "ept", "epv", "epx", "epy", "lat", "lon", "mode", "speed", "tag", "time", "track", }, "SKY": {"satellites", "gdop", "hdop", "pdop", "tdop", "vdop", "xdop", "ydop"}, # Subset of SKY: 'satellites': {'PRN', 'ss', 'el', 'az', 'used'} # is always present. "GST": { "alt", "device", "lat", "lon", "major", "minor", "orient", "rms", "time", }, "ATT": { "acc_len", "acc_x", "acc_y", "acc_z", "depth", "device", "dip", "gyro_x", "gyro_y", "heading", "mag_len", "mag_st", "mag_x", "mag_y", "mag_z", "pitch", "pitch_st", "roll", "roll_st", "temperature", "time", "yaw", "yaw_st", }, # 'POLL': {'active', 'tpv', 'sky', 'time'}, "PPS": { "device", "clock_sec", "clock_nsec", "real_sec", "real_nsec", "precision", }, "TOFF": {"device", "clock_sec", "clock_nsec", "real_sec", "real_nsec"}, "DEVICES": {"devices", "remote"}, "DEVICE": { "activated", "bps", "cycle", "mincycle", "driver", "flags", "native", "parity", "path", "stopbits", "subtype", }, # 'AIS': {} # see: http://catb.org/gpsd/AIVDM.html "ERROR": {"message"}, } # TODO: Full suite of possible GPSD output def __init__(self): """Potential data packages from gpsd for a generator of class attribute dictionaries""" for package_name, dataset in self.packages.items(): _emptydict = {key: "n/a" for key in dataset} setattr(self, package_name, _emptydict) self.DEVICES["devices"] = { key: "n/a" for key in self.packages["DEVICE"] } # How does multiple listed devices work? # self.POLL = {'tpv': self.TPV, 'sky': self.SKY, 'time': 'n/a', 'active': 'n/a'} def unpack(self, gpsd_socket_response): """Sets new socket data as DataStream attributes in those initialised dictionaries Arguments: gpsd_socket_response (json object): Provides: self attribute dictionaries, e.g., self.TPV['lat'], self.SKY['gdop'] Raises: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'keys' when the device falls out of the system ValueError, KeyError: most likely extra, or mangled JSON data, should not happen, but that applies to a lot of things. """ try: fresh_data = json.loads( gpsd_socket_response ) # The reserved word 'class' is popped from JSON object class package_name = fresh_data.pop( "class", "ERROR" ) # gpsd data package errors are also 'ERROR'. package = getattr( self, package_name, package_name ) # packages are named for JSON object class for key in package.keys(): package[key] = fresh_data.get( key, "n/a" ) # Restores 'n/a' if key is absent in the socket response except AttributeError: # 'str' object has no attribute 'keys' logging.error( "GPSD Parser - There is an unexpected exception in DataStream.unpack." ) return except (ValueError, KeyError) as error: logging.error("GPSD Parser - Other Error - %s" % str(error)) return class GPSDAdaptor(object): """ Connect to a GPSD instance, and pass data onto a callback function """ def __init__(self, hostname="", port=2947, callback=None): """ Initialize a GPSAdaptor object. This class uses the GPSDSocket class to connect to a GPSD instance, and then formats all received data appropriately and passes it on to chasemapper. Args: hostname (str): Hostname of where GPSD is listening. port (int): GPSD listen port (default = 2947) callback (function): Callback to pass appropriately formatted dictionary data to. """ self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.callback = callback self.gpsd_thread_running = False self.gpsd_thread = None self.start() def start(self): """ Start the GPSD thread """ if self.gpsd_thread != None: return else: self.gpsd_thread_running = True self.gpsd_thread = Thread(target=self.gpsd_process_thread) self.gpsd_thread.start() def close(self): """ Stop the GPSD thread. """ self.gpsd_thread_running = False # Wait for the thread to close. if self.gpsd_thread != None: self.gpsd_thread.join() def send_to_callback(self, data): """ Send the current GPS data snapshot onto the callback function, if one exists. """ # Attempt to pass it onto the callback function. if self.callback != None: try: self.callback(data) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("GPSD - Error Passing data to callback - %s" % str(e)) def gpsd_process_thread(self): """ Attempt to connect to a GPSD instance, and read position information """ while self.gpsd_thread_running: # Attempt to connect. _gpsd_socket = GPSDSocket() _data_stream = DataStream() _success = _gpsd_socket.connect(host=self.hostname, port=self.port) # If we could not connect, wait and try again. if not _success: logging.error( "GPSD - Connect failed. Waiting 10 seconds before re-trying." ) time.sleep(10) continue # Start watching for data. _gpsd_socket.watch(gpsd_protocol="json") logging.info("GPSD - Connected to GPSD instance at %s" % self.hostname) _old_state = {} while self.gpsd_thread_running: # We should be getting GPS data every second. # If this isn't the case, we should close the connection and re-connect. _gpsd_data = _gpsd_socket.next(timeout=10) if _gpsd_data == None or _gpsd_data == "": logging.error("GPSD - No data received. Attempting to reconnect.") # Break out of this loop back to the connection loop. break else: # Attempt to parse the data. _data_stream.unpack(_gpsd_data) # Extract the Time-Position-Velocity report. # This will have fields as defined in: http://www.catb.org/gpsd/gpsd_json.html _TPV = _data_stream.TPV if _TPV["lat"] == "n/a" or _TPV["lon"] == "n/a" or _TPV["alt"] == "n/a": # No position data. Continue. continue else: # Produce output data structure. if _TPV["speed"] != "n/a": _speed = _TPV["speed"] else: _speed = 0.0 _gps_state = { "type": "GPS", "latitude": _TPV["lat"], "longitude": _TPV["lon"], "altitude": _TPV["alt"], "speed": _speed, "valid": True, } if _gps_state != _old_state: self.send_to_callback(_gps_state) _old_state = _gps_state # Close the GPSD connection. try: _gpsd_socket.close() except Exception as e: logging.error("GPSD - Error when closing connection: %s" % str(e)) if __name__ == "__main__": def print_dict(data): print(data) logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG ) _gpsd = GPSDAdaptor(callback=print_dict) time.sleep(30) _gpsd.close() # gpsd_socket = GPSDSocket() # data_stream = DataStream() # gpsd_socket.connect() # gpsd_socket.watch() # for new_data in gpsd_socket: # if new_data: # data_stream.unpack(new_data) # print(data_stream.TPV) # #print(data_stream.SKY)