from django.test import TestCase from unittest import skip from kepi.bowler_pub.tests import * from kepi.bowler_pub.create import create from kepi.bowler_pub.models.audience import Audience, AUDIENCE_FIELD_NAMES from kepi.bowler_pub.models.mention import Mention from kepi.bowler_pub.models.item import AcItem from kepi.bowler_pub.models.following import Following from django.test import Client from urllib.parse import urlparse import httpretty import logging import json REMOTE_DAVE_ID = "" REMOTE_DAVE_DOMAIN = urlparse(REMOTE_DAVE_ID).netloc REMOTE_DAVE_FOLLOWERS = REMOTE_DAVE_ID + 'followers' REMOTE_DAVE_KEY = REMOTE_DAVE_ID + '#main-key' ALICE_ID = 'https://testserver/users/alice' INBOX = ALICE_ID+'/inbox' INBOX_HOST = 'testserver' ALICE_SOLE_INBOX_PATH = '/users/alice/inbox' BOB_ID = '' BOB_INBOX_URL = '' # as given in OBJECT_FORM = { "@context": ["", {"@language": "en"}], "id": "", "type": "Note", 'attributedTo': BOB_ID, "name": "Chris liked 'Minimal ActivityPub update client'", "object": "", "to": [ALICE_ID, "", ""], "cc": "" } MIME_TYPE = 'application/ld+json; profile=""' INVALID_UTF8 = b"\xa0\xa1" logger = logging.getLogger(name='kepi') class TestInbox2(TestCase): def setUp(self): settings.KEPI['LOCAL_OBJECT_HOSTNAME'] = 'testserver' def _send(self, content, recipient = None, recipientKeys = None, sender = None, senderKeys = None, path = INBOX_PATH, ): settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ 'testserver', 'testserver', ] if recipientKeys is None: recipientKeys = json.load(open('kepi/bowler_pub/tests/keys/keys-0001.json', 'r')) if recipient is None: recipient = create_local_person( name = 'alice', publicKey = recipientKeys['public'], privateKey = recipientKeys['private'], ) if senderKeys is None: senderKeys = json.load(open('kepi/bowler_pub/tests/keys/keys-0002.json', 'r')) if sender is None: sender = create_remote_person( url = BOB_ID, name = 'bob', inbox = BOB_INBOX_URL, publicKey = senderKeys['public'], ) if not isinstance(content, dict): # Overriding the usual content. # This is used for things like checking # whether non-JSON content is handled correctly. f_body = {'content': content} content = {} if '@context' not in content: content['@context'] = '' if 'id' not in content: content['id'] = BOB_ID+'#foo' if 'actor' not in content: content['actor'] = BOB_ID f_body = dict([('f_'+f,v) for f,v in content.items()]) response = post_test_message( path = path, host = INBOX_HOST, secret = senderKeys['private'], **f_body, ) return response @httpretty.activate def test_create(self): self._send( content = { 'type': 'Create', 'object': OBJECT_FORM, 'to': OBJECT_FORM['to'], 'cc': OBJECT_FORM['cc'], }, ) items = AcItem.objects.filter( f_attributedTo=BOB_ID, ) self.assertEqual( len(items), 1) @httpretty.activate def test_follow(self): httpretty.register_uri( httpretty.POST, BOB_INBOX_URL, status=200, body='Thank you!', ) self._send( content = { 'type': 'Follow', 'object': ALICE_ID, 'actor': BOB_ID, }, ) self.assertDictContainsSubset( subset = { "actor": "https://testserver/users/alice", "to": [ "" ], "type": "Accept" }, dictionary = json.loads(httpretty.last_request().body), msg='Acceptance of follow request matched') @httpretty.activate def test_sole_inbox(self): recipientKeys = json.load(open('kepi/bowler_pub/tests/keys/keys-0001.json', 'r')) recipient = create_local_person( name = 'alice', publicKey = recipientKeys['public'], privateKey = recipientKeys['private'], inbox = ALICE_SOLE_INBOX_PATH, ) self._send( content = { 'type': 'Create', 'object': OBJECT_FORM, 'to': OBJECT_FORM['to'], 'cc': OBJECT_FORM['cc'], }, recipient = recipient, path = ALICE_SOLE_INBOX_PATH, ) items = AcItem.objects.filter( f_attributedTo=BOB_ID, ) self.assertEqual( len(items), 1) @httpretty.activate def test_shared_inbox(self): recipientKeys = json.load(open('kepi/bowler_pub/tests/keys/keys-0001.json', 'r')) recipient = create_local_person( name = 'alice', publicKey = recipientKeys['public'], privateKey = recipientKeys['private'], inbox = ALICE_SOLE_INBOX_PATH, sharedInbox = INBOX_PATH, ) self._send( content = { 'type': 'Create', 'object': OBJECT_FORM, 'to': OBJECT_FORM['to'], 'cc': OBJECT_FORM['cc'], }, recipient = recipient, path = INBOX_PATH, ) items = AcItem.objects.filter( f_attributedTo=BOB_ID, ) self.assertEqual( len(items), 1) @httpretty.activate def test_non_json(self): self._send( content = 'Hello', ) items = AcItem.objects.filter( f_attributedTo=BOB_ID, ) self.assertEqual( len(items), 0) @httpretty.activate def test_invalid_utf8(self): self._send( content = INVALID_UTF8, ) items = AcItem.objects.filter( f_attributedTo=BOB_ID, ) self.assertEqual( len(items), 0)