from django.conf import settings from django.test import TestCase, Client from kepi.bowler_pub.create import create from . import create_local_person import httpretty import logging import json ALICE_ID = '' OUTBOX = ALICE_ID+'/outbox' OUTBOX_PATH = '/users/alice/outbox' MIME_TYPE = 'application/ld+json; profile=""' logger = logging.getLogger(name='kepi') VICTORIA_WOOD = { "type": "Create", "actor": "", "published": "2019-07-27T13:08:46Z", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "object": { "id": "", "type": "Note", "summary": None, "inReplyTo": "", "published": "2019-07-27T13:08:46Z", "url": "", "attributedTo": "", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "sensitive": False, "conversation": ",2019-07-27:objectId=17498957:objectType=Conversation", "content": "

Victoria Wood parodying Peter Skellern. I laughed so much at this, though you might have to know both singers' work in order to find it quite as funny.

- love song
- self-doubt
- refs to northern England
- preamble
- piano solo
- brass band
- choir backing
- love is cosy
- heavy rhotic vowels

", "contentMap": { "en": "

Victoria Wood parodying Peter Skellern. I laughed so much at this, though you might have to know both singers' work in order to find it quite as funny.

- love song
- self-doubt
- refs to northern England
- preamble
- piano solo
- brass band
- choir backing
- love is cosy
- heavy rhotic vowels

", }, "attachment": [], "tag": [], "replies": { "id": "", "type": "Collection", "first": { "type": "CollectionPage", "partOf": "", "items": [] } } } } BOOST = { "id": "", "type": "Announce", "actor": "", "published": "2019-07-27T11:28:33Z", "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ "" ], "object": "", "atomUri": "" } class TestOutbox(TestCase): def setUp(self): settings.KEPI['LOCAL_OBJECT_HOSTNAME'] = 'testserver' # XXX Add a boolean flag about whether to authenticate self def _get(self, url, client): response = client.get(url, HTTP_ACCEPT = MIME_TYPE, ) self.assertEqual( response.status_code, 200) return json.loads( str(response.content, encoding='UTF-8')) # XXX Add a boolean flag about whether to authenticate self def _get_collection(self, url, client=None): logger.debug('------------------') logger.debug('Get collection: %s', url) if not client: client = Client() result = [] linkname = 'first' while True: logger.debug(' -- get page: %s', url) page = self._get(url, client) logger.debug(' -- received %s', url) if 'orderedItems' in page: result.extend(page['orderedItems']) if linkname not in page:' -- done; collection contains: %s', result) return result url = page[linkname] linkname = 'next' def _put_stuff_in_outbox(self, what): if not hasattr(self, '_example_user'): keys = json.load(open('kepi/bowler_pub/tests/keys/keys-0001.json', 'r')) alice = create_local_person( name='alice', publicKey=keys['public'], privateKey=keys['private'], ) setattr(self, '_example_user', alice) settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ '', 'testserver', ] for thing in what: create(**thing) def test_read_empty(self): self._put_stuff_in_outbox([]) contents = self._get_collection(OUTBOX) self.assertEqual( len(contents), 0) def test_read_create(self): self._put_stuff_in_outbox([ VICTORIA_WOOD, ]) contents = self._get_collection(OUTBOX) self.assertEqual( [x['type'] for x in contents], ['Create']) def test_read_announce(self): # Announce, aka boost self._put_stuff_in_outbox([ BOOST, ]) contents = self._get_collection(OUTBOX) self.assertEqual( [x['type'] for x in contents], ['Announce'])