from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.conf import settings from kepi.bowler_pub.models import * from kepi.bowler_pub.create import create from import KepiCommand, objects_by_keywords from collections import abc import os import logging logger = logging.Logger('kepi') class Command(KepiCommand): help = 'show users, statuses, and so on' def add_arguments(self, parser): super().add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument('id', help='the object to show: @name for a user, or an '+\ '8-digit number', metavar='OBJECT', nargs='+', ) parser.add_argument('--raw', help='print the actual fields; don\'t try to interpret them', action='store_true', ) parser.add_argument('--json', help='pretty-print the json that would be sent over the wire', action='store_true', ) ################################ def _show_actor(self, somebody, *args, **options): followers = Following.objects.filter( following = somebody, ) following = Following.objects.filter( follower = somebody, ) statuses = [x['object__obj'] for x in AcCreate.objects.filter( f_actor = somebody.short_id, )] result = [ ('url', somebody.url), ('bio', somebody.f_summary), ('auto-follow', somebody.auto_follow), ('followers', followers), ('following', following), ('statuses', statuses), ] self._display_table(result,, ) def _show_activity(self, activity, *args, **options): result = [ ('type', activity.f_type), ('actor', activity['actor']), ('object', activity['object']), ('target', activity['target']), ] self._display_table(result, title='activity %s' % (activity.number,), ) def _show_item(self, item, *args, **options): # XXX date etc # XXX find activity which created it result = [ ('by', item['attributedTo']), ('date', item['published']), ('content', item['content']), ('visibility', item.visibility), ] if item.is_reply: result.append(('reply_to', item['replyTo'])) self._display_table(result, title='item %s' % (item.number,), ) def _display_table(self, items, title=None): if title: print('== %s ==' % (title,)) width = max([len(f) for f,v in items]) for f,v in items: print('%*s: ' % ( width, f, ), end='') if isinstance(v, str): print(v) elif isinstance(v, abc.Iterable): print(len(v)) spaces = (' '*width)+' ' for line in v: print(spaces+str(line)) else: print(v) def _show_raw_object(self, thing, *args, **options): self._display_table( sorted(thing.activity_form.items())) def _show_json(self, thing, *args, **options): from kepi.bowler_pub.utils import as_json print(as_json(thing.activity_form)) ################################ def _show_thing(self, thing, *args, **options): if options['raw']: self._show_raw_object(thing, *args, **options) elif options['json']: self._show_json(thing, *args, **options) elif isinstance(thing, AcActor): self._show_actor(thing, *args, **options) elif isinstance(thing, AcActivity): self._show_activity(thing, *args, **options) elif isinstance(thing, AcItem): self._show_item(thing, *args, **options) else: self._show_raw_object(thing, *args, **options) ################################ def handle(self, *args, **options): super().handle(*args, **options) logger.debug('Showing: %s', options['id']) try: things = objects_by_keywords(options['id']) logger.debug(' -- which are: %s', things) for thing in things: self._show_thing(thing, *args, **options) except KeyError as ke: logger.debug(' -- which don\'t all exist: %s', ke.args[0]) self.stdout.write( ke.args[0],))