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* @file cariboulite_setup.h
* @author David Michaeli
* @date March 2023
* @brief System level setup functionality
* High level fucntionality - initialization, de-initialization,
* drivers loading, FPGA programming etc.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "cariboulite.h"
#include "cariboulite_internal.h"
#include "cariboulite_radio.h"
#include "caribou_fpga/caribou_fpga.h"
#include "at86rf215/at86rf215.h"
#include "rffc507x/rffc507x.h"
#include "caribou_smi/caribou_smi.h"
#include "io_utils/io_utils.h"
#include "io_utils/io_utils_spi.h"
#include "io_utils/io_utils_sys_info.h"
#include "cariboulite_config_default.h"
typedef struct
int fpga_fail;
int modem_fail;
int mixer_fail;
int smi_fail;
} cariboulite_self_test_result_st;
* @brief FPGA programming source definition
* While programming the FPGA, using "cariboulite_configure_fpga", it
* expects to receive the FGPA binary file to program either as a
* binary file full path or by a memory allocated buffer blob.
typedef enum
cariboulite_firmware_source_file = 0,
cariboulite_firmware_source_blob = 1,
} cariboulite_firmware_source_en;
typedef enum
cariboulite_ok = 0,
cariboulite_board_detection_failed = 1,
cariboulite_io_setup_failed = 2,
cariboulite_fpga_configuration_failed = 3,
cariboulite_submodules_init_failed = 4,
cariboulite_self_test_failed = 5,
cariboulite_board_dependent_config_failed = 6,
cariboulite_signal_registration_failed = 7,
} cariboulite_errors_en;
* @brief Detects the connected board and returns the detection result
* When a fully configures board is mounted, it is being pre-detected by the
* Linux HAT configuration during startup. Then this information is written as
* a "device-tree"-hat sysfs configuration. This configuration can be found in
* '/proc/device-tree/hat/...' files. They populate the system type, version,
* type and other attributes. This function tries to read these attributes to determine
* the type of system that is connected. If it doesn't find the system, it tries to
* further query it directrly through its i2c interface (EEPROM device on board).
* If all these doesn't work - it fails.
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @return success (1) or failure (0)
int cariboulite_detect_board(sys_st *sys);
* @brief Printing detected board information
* Once the detection succeeded, this function can print the device
* information within the HAT interface.
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @param log if true - print out the information on as log entries. Otherwise print
* it as a stdout (printf) output.
void cariboulite_print_board_info(sys_st *sys, bool log);
* @brief Setting global logging level
* options: cariboulite_log_level_verbose, cariboulite_log_level_info, cariboulite_log_level_none
void cariboulite_set_log_level(cariboulite_log_level_en lvl);
* @brief Fully initialize the system
* This function performs fully entry initialization of the system and
* a short self-test sequence to communication and check all the components
* respond.
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @param info the initialization performs internally the board detection sequence.
* which is stored into the "sys" struct. If the user wants to receive the
* information explicitely, he can pass here a pre-allocated info structure and
* it will be filled with the board information. If this is not needed
* user can pass "NULL"
* @return success / fail codes according to "cariboulite_errors_en"
int cariboulite_init_driver(sys_st *sys, hat_board_info_st *info);
* @brief Partially initialize the system
* Partial initialization of the system (low level drivers only) without the
* SDR functionality. This is mainly used for production where we want only to program the
* FPGA and test the system at its low level.
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @param info the initialization performs internally the board detection sequence.
* which is stored into the "sys" struct. If the user wants to receive the
* information explicitely, he can pass here a pre-allocated info structure and
* it will be filled with the board information. If this is not needed
* user can pass "NULL"
* @return success / fail codes according to "cariboulite_errors_en"
int cariboulite_init_driver_minimal(sys_st *sys, hat_board_info_st *info, bool production);
int cariboulite_init_system_production(sys_st *sys);
int cariboulite_deinit_system_production(sys_st *sys);
* @brief Register an explicit linux signal handler in the application level
* If a linux signal occures it is caught by the system. The user may want to be
* notified on the signal in the app level. This is done by registering a handler
* function with this fucntion.
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @param handler a handler function with the following prototype:
* void (*signal_handler)( struct sys_st_t *sys, // the current cariboulite low-level management struct
* void* context, // custom context - can be a higher level app class
* int signal_number, // the signal number
* siginfo_t *si);
* @param op determines when the handler is shot:
* signal_handler_op_last => The custom sighandler operates (if present) after the default sig handler
* signal_handler_op_first => The custom sighandler operates (if present) before the default sig handler
* signal_handler_op_override => The custom sighandler operates (if present) instead of the default sig handler
* @param context this void* pointer may contain an app specific handle to be passed to the explicit signal handler.
* @return always 0 (success)
int cariboulite_setup_signal_handler (sys_st *sys,
signal_handler handler,
signal_handler_operation_en op,
void *context);
* @brief Program and configure the FPGA
* Programming the FPGA using either an external binary file (.bin) or
* an image of the file within the local memory (a buffer).
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @param src the source of the binary file. In case of the "blob" choise,
* the binary file is stored inside an array named "cariboulite_fpga_firmware"
* which is automatically generated after FPGA binary is created. This
* buffer is located inside a file named "cariboulite_fpga_firmware.h"
* @param fpga_bin_path the path of the binary file - only applicable if
* "cariboulite_firmware_source_file" was chosen as the "src". otherwise
* NULL should be passed here.
* @return 0 (success), -1 (fail)
int cariboulite_configure_fpga (sys_st* sys, cariboulite_firmware_source_en src, char* fpga_bin_path);
* @brief Release resources
* Releasing resources taken during init and program execution. Should be
* called at the end of the session.
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
void cariboulite_release_driver(sys_st *sys);
* @brief Get current API lib version
* @param v a struct containing the version information
void cariboulite_lib_version(cariboulite_lib_version_st* v);
* @brief Get board serial number
* Note - this 32bit serial number is a digest value of the UUID 128 bit that
* is automatically generated for each board. It is basically the result of
* "xor" operations on the UUID's parts.
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @param serial_number a 32bit storage to store the serial number (can be NULL - if not needed)
* @param count the number of 32bit variables returned - always returns as "1".
* @return always 0
int cariboulite_get_serial_number(sys_st *sys, uint32_t* serial_number, int *count);
* @brief Initilize IOs
* This is a sub-part of the initialization sequence and it
* initializes only the IOs (GPIOs, interfaces) of the RPI
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @return 0 (sucess), -1 (fail)
int cariboulite_setup_io (sys_st* sys);
* @brief Release IOs
* Giving back the IOs and returning them to their default state
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @return 0 (sucess), -1 (fail)
int cariboulite_release_io (sys_st* sys);
int cariboulite_init_submodules (sys_st* sys);
int cariboulite_release_submodules(sys_st* sys);
* @brief Component communication test
* Self testing communication with components, their versions, etc.
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @param res test-result
* @return 0 (sucess), -1 (fail)
int cariboulite_self_test(sys_st* sys, cariboulite_self_test_result_st* res);
* @brief Getting the used radio handle
* After initializing the drivers, a radio device is created and stored in
* the device driver main struct. To manipulate the radio features, this radio
* handle (pointer) needs to be obtained by the user. This handle is normally
* passed to the radio manipulation functions in "cariboulite_radio.h"
* @param sys a pre-allocated device handle structure
* @param res test-result
* @return 0 (sucess), -1 (fail)
cariboulite_radio_state_st* cariboulite_get_radio_handle(sys_st* sys, cariboulite_channel_en type);
* @brief Getting CaribouLite Type
* Returns the version of the hardware - ISM / 6G / Unknown
* ISM has two channels - 900MHz and 2.4 GHz
* 6G has two channels - 900MHz and 6000MHz
* @return according to cariboulite_version_en
system_type_en cariboulite_get_system_type(sys_st* sys);
#ifdef __cplusplus