
989 wiersze
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"""Datastore model classes."""
from datetime import timedelta, timezone
import itertools
import json
import logging
import random
from urllib.parse import quote, urlparse
from arroba.datastore_storage import AtpRemoteBlob
from arroba.util import parse_at_uri
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from flask import g, request
from import ndb
from granary import as1, as2, bluesky, microformats2
from oauth_dropins.webutil import util
from oauth_dropins.webutil.appengine_info import DEBUG
from oauth_dropins.webutil.flask_util import error
from oauth_dropins.webutil.models import (
from oauth_dropins.webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads
import common
from common import add, base64_to_long, long_to_base64, redirect_unwrap
import ids
# maps string label to Protocol subclass. populated by ProtocolUserMeta.
# seed with old and upcoming protocols that don't have their own classes (yet).
PROTOCOLS = {'ostatus': None}
# 2048 bits makes tests slow, so use 1024 for them
KEY_BITS = 1024 if DEBUG else 2048
# auto delete old objects of these types via the Object.expire property
OBJECT_EXPIRE_AGE = timedelta(days=90)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Target(ndb.Model):
""":class:`protocol.Protocol` + URI pairs for identifying objects.
These are currently used for:
* delivery destinations, eg ActivityPub inboxes, webmention targets, etc.
* copies of :class:`Object`\s and :class:`User`\s elsewhere,
eg ``at://`` URIs for ATProto records, nevent etc bech32-encoded Nostr ids,
ATProto user DIDs, etc.
Used in :class:``\s inside
:class:`Object` and :class:`User`\;
not stored as top-level entities in the datastore.
ndb implements this by hoisting each property here into a corresponding
property on the parent entity, prefixed by the StructuredProperty name
below, eg ``delivered.uri``, ``delivered.protocol``, etc.
For repeated StructuredPropertys, the hoisted properties are all repeated on
the parent entity, and reconstructed into StructuredPropertys based on their
uri = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
# choices is populated in app via reset_protocol_properties, after all User
# subclasses are created, so that PROTOCOLS is fully populated
protocol = ndb.StringProperty(choices=[], required=True)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality excludes Targets' :class:`Key`."""
return self.uri == other.uri and self.protocol == other.protocol
def __hash__(self):
"""Allow hashing so these can be dict keys."""
return hash((self.protocol, self.uri))
class ProtocolUserMeta(type(ndb.Model)):
""":class:`User` metaclass. Registers all subclasses in the ``PROTOCOLS`` global."""
def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict):
cls = super().__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict)
if hasattr(cls, 'LABEL') and cls.LABEL not in ('protocol', 'user'):
for label in (cls.LABEL, cls.ABBREV) + cls.OTHER_LABELS:
if label:
PROTOCOLS[label] = cls
return cls
def reset_protocol_properties():
"""Recreates various protocol properties to include choices from ``PROTOCOLS``."""
Target.protocol = ndb.StringProperty(
'protocol', choices=list(PROTOCOLS.keys()), required=True)
Object.source_protocol = ndb.StringProperty(
'source_protocol', choices=list(PROTOCOLS.keys()))
def _validate_atproto_did(prop, val):
if not val.startswith('did:plc:'):
raise ValueError(f'Expected did:plc, got {val}')
return val
class User(StringIdModel, metaclass=ProtocolUserMeta):
"""Abstract base class for a Bridgy Fed user.
Stores some protocols' keypairs. Currently:
* RSA keypair for ActivityPub HTTP Signatures
properties: ``mod``, ``public_exponent``, ``private_exponent``, all
encoded as base64url (ie URL-safe base64) strings as described in RFC
4648 and section 5.1 of the Magic Signatures spec:
* *Not* K-256 signing or rotation keys for AT Protocol, those are stored in
:class:`arroba.datastore_storage.AtpRepo` entities
obj_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='Object') # user profile
mod = ndb.StringProperty()
use_instead = ndb.KeyProperty()
atproto_did = ndb.StringProperty(validator=_validate_atproto_did)
# Proxy copies of this user elsewhere, eg DIDs for ATProto records, bech32
# npub Nostr ids, etc. Similar to rel-me links in microformats2, alsoKnownAs
# in DID docs (and now AS2), etc.
copies = ndb.StructuredProperty(Target, repeated=True)
# whether this user signed up or otherwise explicitly, deliberately
# interacted with Bridgy Fed. For example, if fediverse user looks
# up via WebFinger, we'll create Users for both,
# will be direct, will not.
direct = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
# these are for ActivityPub HTTP Signatures
public_exponent = ndb.StringProperty()
private_exponent = ndb.StringProperty()
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
# OLD. some stored entities still have this; do not reuse.
# actor_as2 = JsonProperty()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Sets :attr:`obj` explicitly because however
:class:`` sets it doesn't work with
``@property`` and ``@obj.setter`` below.
obj = kwargs.pop('obj', None)
if obj:
self.obj = obj
def new(cls, **kwargs):
"""Try to prevent instantiation. Use subclasses instead."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _post_put_hook(self, future):'Wrote {self.key}')
def get_by_id(cls, id):
"""Override :meth:`` to follow the
``use_instead`` property.
user = cls._get_by_id(id)
if user and user.use_instead:'{user.key} use_instead => {user.use_instead}')
return user.use_instead.get()
return user
def get_for_copy(copy_id):
"""Fetches a user with a given id in copies.
Thin wrapper around :meth:`User.get_copies` that returns the first
matching :class:`User`.
users = User.get_for_copies([copy_id])
if users:
return users[0]
def get_for_copies(copy_ids):
"""Fetches users (across all protocols) for a given set of copies.
copy_ids (sequence of str)
sequence of :class:`User` subclass instances
assert copy_ids
return list(itertools.chain(*(
for cls in set(PROTOCOLS.values()) if cls)))
# TODO: default to looking up copy_ids as key ids, across protocols? is
# that useful anywhere?
def get_or_create(cls, id, propagate=False, **kwargs):
"""Loads and returns a :class:`User`\. Creates it if necessary.
propagate (bool): whether to create copies of this user in push-based
protocols, eg ATProto and Nostr.
assert cls != User
user = cls.get_by_id(id)
if user:
# override direct from False => True if set
# TODO: propagate more props into user?
direct = kwargs.get('direct')
if direct and not'Setting {user.key} direct={direct}') = direct
if not propagate:
return user
user = cls(id=id, **kwargs)
if propagate and cls.LABEL != 'atproto' and not user.atproto_did:
# generate keys for all protocols _except_ our own
# these can use urandom() and do nontrivial math, so they can take time
# depending on the amount of randomness available and compute needed.
if cls.LABEL != 'activitypub':
key = RSA.generate(KEY_BITS, randfunc=random.randbytes if DEBUG else None)
user.mod = long_to_base64(key.n)
user.public_exponent = long_to_base64(key.e)
user.private_exponent = long_to_base64(key.d)
except AssertionError as e:
error(f'Bad {cls.__name__} id {id} : {e}')'Created new {user}')
return user
def obj(self):
"""Convenience accessor that loads :attr:`obj_key` from the datastore."""
if self.obj_key:
if not hasattr(self, '_obj'):
self._obj = self.obj_key.get()
return self._obj
def obj(self, obj):
if obj:
assert isinstance(obj, Object)
assert obj.key
self._obj = obj
self.obj_key = obj.key
self._obj = self.obj_key = None
def load_multi(cls, users):
"""Loads :attr:`obj` for multiple users in parallel.
users (sequence of User)
objs = ndb.get_multi(u.obj_key for u in users if u.obj_key)
keys_to_objs = {o.key: o for o in objs if o}
for u in users:
u._obj = keys_to_objs.get(u.obj_key)
def as2(self):
"""Returns this user as an AS2 actor."""
return self.obj.as_as2() if self.obj else {}
def handle(self):
"""This user's unique, human-chosen handle, eg ````.
To be implemented by subclasses.
raise NotImplementedError()
def readable_id(self):
"""DEPRECATED: replaced by handle. Kept for backward compatibility."""
return None
def handle_as(self, to_proto):
"""Returns this user's handle in a different protocol.
to_proto (str or Protocol)
if isinstance(to_proto, str):
to_proto = PROTOCOLS[to_proto]
return ids.convert_handle(handle=self.handle, from_proto=self.__class__,
def id_as(self, to_proto):
"""Returns this user's id in a different protocol.
to_proto (str or Protocol)
if isinstance(to_proto, str):
to_proto = PROTOCOLS[to_proto]
return ids.convert_id(, from_proto=self.__class__,
def handle_or_id(self):
"""Returns handle if we know it, otherwise id."""
return self.handle or
def public_pem(self):
rsa = RSA.construct((base64_to_long(str(self.mod)),
return rsa.exportKey(format='PEM')
def private_pem(self):
assert self.mod and self.public_exponent and self.private_exponent, str(self)
rsa = RSA.construct((base64_to_long(str(self.mod)),
return rsa.exportKey(format='PEM')
def name(self):
"""Returns this user's human-readable name, eg ``Ryan Barrett``."""
if self.obj and self.obj.as1:
name = self.obj.as1.get('displayName')
if name:
return name
return self.handle_or_id()
def web_url(self):
"""Returns this user's web URL (homepage), eg ````.
To be implemented by subclasses.
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_web_url(self, url):
"""Returns True if the given URL is this user's web URL (homepage).
url (str)
if not url:
return False
url = url.strip().rstrip('/')
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
if parsed_url.scheme not in ('http', 'https', ''):
return False
this = self.web_url().rstrip('/')
parsed_this = urlparse(this)
return (url == this or url == parsed_this.netloc or
parsed_url[1:] == parsed_this[1:]) # ignore http vs https
def ap_address(self):
"""Returns this user's ActivityPub address, eg ````.
# TODO: use self.handle_as? need it to fall back to id?
return f'@{self.handle_or_id()}@{self.ABBREV}{common.SUPERDOMAIN}'
def ap_actor(self, rest=None):
"""Returns this user's ActivityPub/AS2 actor id.
Eg ````.
May be overridden by subclasses.
rest (str): optional, appended to URL path
# must match the URL route for
url = self.subdomain_url(f'/ap/{}')
if rest:
url += f'/{rest.lstrip("/")}'
return url
def profile_id(self):
"""Returns the id of this user's profile object in its native protocol.
* Web: home page URL, eg ````
* ActivityPub: actor URL, eg ````
* ATProto: profile AT URI, eg ``at://did:plc:123/``
Defaults to this user's key id.
def user_page_path(self, rest=None):
"""Returns the user's Bridgy Fed user page path."""
path = f'/{self.ABBREV}/{self.handle_or_id()}'
if rest:
if not rest.startswith('?'):
path += '/'
path += rest
return path
def user_page_link(self):
"""Returns a pretty user page link with the user's name and profile picture."""
actor = self.obj.as1 if self.obj and self.obj.as1 else {}
img = util.get_url(actor, 'image') or ''
return f'<a class="h-card u-author" href="{self.user_page_path()}"><img src="{img}" class="profile"> {}</a>'
class Object(StringIdModel):
"""An activity or other object, eg actor.
Key name is the id. We synthesize ids if necessary.
STATUSES = ('new', 'in progress', 'complete', 'failed', 'ignored')
LABELS = ('activity',
# DEPRECATED, replaced by users, notify, feed
'feed', 'notification', 'user')
# Keys for user(s) who created or otherwise own this activity.
# DEPRECATED: this used to include all users related the activity, including
# followers, but we've now moved those to the notify and feed properties.
users = ndb.KeyProperty(repeated=True)
# User keys who should see this activity in their user page, eg in reply to,
# reaction to, share of, etc.
notify = ndb.KeyProperty(repeated=True)
# User keys who should see this activity in their feeds, eg followers of its
# creator
feed = ndb.KeyProperty(repeated=True)
# DEPRECATED but still used read only to maintain backward compatibility
# with old Objects in the datastore that we haven't bothered migrating.
domains = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True)
status = ndb.StringProperty(choices=STATUSES)
# choices is populated in app, after all User subclasses are created,
# so that PROTOCOLS is fully populated
# TODO: remove? is this redundant with the protocol-specific data fields below?
source_protocol = ndb.StringProperty(choices=[])
labels = ndb.StringProperty(repeated=True, choices=LABELS)
# TODO: switch back to ndb.JsonProperty if/when they fix it for the web console
as2 = JsonProperty() # only one of the rest will be populated...
bsky = JsonProperty() # Bluesky / AT Protocol
mf2 = JsonProperty() # HTML microformats2 item (ie _not_ the top level
# parse object with items inside an 'items' field)
our_as1 = JsonProperty() # AS1 for activities that we generate or modify ourselves
raw = JsonProperty() # other standalone data format, eg DID document
deleted = ndb.BooleanProperty()
delivered = ndb.StructuredProperty(Target, repeated=True)
undelivered = ndb.StructuredProperty(Target, repeated=True)
failed = ndb.StructuredProperty(Target, repeated=True)
# Copies of this object elsewhere, eg at:// URIs for ATProto records and
# nevent etc bech32-encoded Nostr ids, where this object is the original.
# Similar to u-syndication links in microformats2 and
# upstream/downstreamDuplicates in AS1.
copies = ndb.StructuredProperty(Target, repeated=True)
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
new = None
changed = None
"""Protocol and subclasses set these in fetch if this :class:`Object` is
new or if its contents have changed from what was originally loaded from the
datastore. If either one is None, that means we don't know whether this
:class:`Object` is new/changed.
:attr:`changed` is populated by :meth:`Object.activity_changed()`.
def as1(self):
# TODO: bring back log or assert? we have prod entities that currently
# fail this though.
# assert (self.as2 is not None) ^ (self.bsky is not None) ^ (self.mf2 is not None), \
# f'{self.as2} {self.bsky} {self.mf2}'
# if bool(self.as2) + bool(self.bsky) + bool(self.mf2) > 1:
# logger.warning(f'{self.key} has multiple! {bool(self.as2)} {bool(self.bsky)} {bool(self.mf2)}')
owner = None
if self.our_as1:
obj = redirect_unwrap(self.our_as1)
elif self.as2:
obj = as2.to_as1(redirect_unwrap(self.as2))
elif self.bsky:
owner, _, _ = parse_at_uri(
ATProto = PROTOCOLS['atproto']
handle = ATProto(id=owner).handle
obj = bluesky.to_as1(self.bsky, repo_did=owner, repo_handle=handle,
elif self.mf2:
obj = microformats2.json_to_object(self.mf2,
# postprocess: if no id, use url
if url := util.get_url(obj):
obj.setdefault('id', url)
for field in 'author', 'actor', 'object': # None is obj itself
if url := util.get_url(obj, field):
as1.get_object(obj, field).setdefault('id', url)
return None
# populate id if necessary
if self.key:
# populate actor/author if necessary and available
type = obj.get('objectType')
owner_field = ('actor' if type == 'activity'
else 'author' if type not in as1.ACTOR_TYPES
else None)
if owner_field and owner:'Replacing {owner_field} {obj.get(owner_field)}...')
# load matching user, if any
user = User.get_for_copy(owner)
if user:
if user.obj and user.obj.as1:
obj[owner_field] = {
obj[owner_field] =
obj[owner_field] = owner' with {obj[owner_field]}')
return obj
def type(self): # AS1 objectType, or verb if it's an activity
if self.as1:
return as1.object_type(self.as1)
def _object_ids(self): # id(s) of inner objects
if self.as1:
return redirect_unwrap(as1.get_ids(self.as1, 'object'))
object_ids = ndb.ComputedProperty(_object_ids, repeated=True)
def _expire(self):
"""Maybe automatically delete this Object after 90d using a TTL policy.
They recommend not indexing TTL properties:
if self.type in OBJECT_EXPIRE_TYPES:
return (self.updated or + OBJECT_EXPIRE_AGE
expire = ndb.ComputedProperty(_expire, indexed=False)
def _pre_put_hook(self):
assert '^^' not in
repo, _, _ = parse_at_uri(
if not repo.startswith('did:'):
# TODO: if we hit this, that means the AppView gave us an AT URI
# with a handle repo/authority instead of DID. that's surprising!
# ...if so, and if we need to handle it, add a new
# arroba.did.canonicalize_at_uri() function, then use it here,
# or before.
raise ValueError(
f'at:// URI ids must have DID repos; got {}')
if self.as1 and self.as1.get('objectType') == 'activity':
add(self.labels, 'activity')
elif 'activity' in self.labels:
def _post_put_hook(self, future):
"""Update :meth:`Protocol.load` cache."""
# TODO: assert that as1 id is same as key id? in pre put hook?
# log, pruning data fields
props = util.trim_nulls({
'changed': self.changed,
for prop in 'as2', 'bsky', 'mf2', 'our_as1', 'raw':
if props.get(prop):
props[prop] = "..."
for prop in 'created', 'updated', 'as1', 'expire':
props.pop(prop, None)'Wrote {self.key} {props}')
if '#' not in
import protocol # TODO: actually fix this circular import
# make a copy so that if we later modify this object in memory,
# those modifications don't affect the cache.
# NOTE: keep in sync with Protocol.load!
protocol.objects_cache[] = Object(,
# exclude computed properties
**self.to_dict(exclude=['as1', 'expire', 'object_ids', 'type']))
def get_by_id(cls, id):
"""Override :meth:`` to un-escape
``^^`` to ``#``.
Only needed for compatibility with historical URL paths, we're now back
to URL-encoding ``#``s instead.
See "meth:`proxy_url()` for the inverse.
return super().get_by_id(id.replace('^^', '#'))
def get_or_create(cls, id, **props):
"""Returns an :class:`Object` with the given property values.
If a matching :class:`Object` doesn't exist in the datastore, creates it
first. Only populates non-False/empty property values in props into the
object. Also populates the :attr:`new` and :attr:`changed` properties.
obj = cls.get_by_id(id)
if obj: = False
orig_as1 = obj.as1
obj = Object(id=id) = True
if set(props.keys()) & set(('our_as1', 'as2', 'mf2', 'bsky', 'raw')):
k: v for k, v in props.items()
if v and not isinstance(getattr(Object, k), ndb.ComputedProperty)
if not
obj.changed = obj.activity_changed(orig_as1)
return obj
def clear(self):
"""Clears all data properties."""
for prop in 'our_as1', 'as2', 'bsky', 'mf2', 'raw':
val = getattr(self, prop, None)
if val:
logger.warning(f'Wiping out existing {prop}: {json_dumps(val, indent=2)}')
setattr(self, prop, None)
def as_as2(self):
"""Returns this object as an AS2 dict."""
return self.as2 or as2.from_as1(self.as1) or {}
def as_bsky(self, fetch_blobs=False):
"""Returns this object as a Bluesky record.
fetch_blobs (bool): whether to fetch images and other blobs, store
them in :class:`arroba.datastore_storage.AtpRemoteBlob`\s if they
don't already exist, and fill them into the returned object.
if self.bsky:
return self.bsky
elif self.as1:
blobs = {} # maps str URL to dict blob object
if fetch_blobs:
for obj in self.as1, as1.get_object(self.as1):
for url in util.get_urls(self.as1, 'image'):
if url not in blobs:
blob = AtpRemoteBlob.get_or_create(
url=url, get_fn=util.requests_get)
blobs[url] = blob.as_object()
return bluesky.from_as1(self.as1, blobs=blobs)
return {}
def activity_changed(self, other_as1):
"""Returns True if this activity is meaningfully changed from ``other_as1``.
...otherwise False.
Used to populate :attr:`changed`.
other_as1 (dict): AS1 object, or none
return (as1.activity_changed(self.as1, other_as1)
if self.as1 and other_as1
else bool(self.as1) != bool(other_as1))
def proxy_url(self):
"""Returns the Bridgy Fed proxy URL to render this post as HTML.
Note that some webmention receivers are struggling with the ``%23``s
(URL-encoded ``#``s) in these paths:
See "meth:`get_by_id()` for the inverse.
# TODO: fix this circular import
from protocol import Protocol
id = quote(, safe=':/')
if not self.source_protocol:
logger.warning(f'!!! No source_protocol for {id} !!!')
protocol = PROTOCOLS.get(self.source_protocol) or Protocol
return protocol.subdomain_url(f'convert/web/{id}')
def actor_link(self):
"""Returns a pretty actor link with their name and profile picture."""
attrs = {'class': 'h-card u-author'}
if (self.source_protocol in ('web', 'webmention', 'ui') and g.user
and (g.user.key in self.users or in
# outbound; show a nice link to the user
return g.user.user_page_link()
actor = {}
if self.as1:
actor = (util.get_first(self.as1, 'actor')
or util.get_first(self.as1, 'author')
or {})
if isinstance(actor, str):
return common.pretty_link(actor, attrs=attrs)
url = util.get_first(actor, 'url') or ''
name = actor.get('displayName') or actor.get('username') or ''
image = util.get_url(actor, 'image')
if not image:
return common.pretty_link(url, text=name, attrs=attrs)
return f"""\
<a class="h-card u-author" href="{url}" title="{name}">
<img class="profile" src="{image}" />
{util.ellipsize(name, chars=40)}
class Follower(ndb.Model):
"""A follower of a Bridgy Fed user."""
STATUSES = ('active', 'inactive')
# these are both subclasses of User
from_ = ndb.KeyProperty(name='from', required=True)
to = ndb.KeyProperty(required=True)
follow = ndb.KeyProperty(Object) # last follow activity
status = ndb.StringProperty(choices=STATUSES, default='active')
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
updated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
# OLD. some stored entities still have these; do not reuse.
# src = ndb.StringProperty()
# dest = ndb.StringProperty()
# last_follow = JsonProperty()
def _pre_put_hook(self):
if self.from_.kind() == 'Fake' and == 'Fake':
# we're a bridge! stick with bridging.
assert self.from_.kind() !=, f'from {self.from_} to {}'
def _post_put_hook(self, future):
# log, pruning data fields
props = util.trim_nulls(self.to_dict())
if props.get('follow'):
props['follow'] = "..."
for prop in 'created', 'updated':
props.pop(prop, None)'Wrote {self.key} {props}')
def get_or_create(cls, *, from_, to, **kwargs):
"""Returns a Follower with the given ``from_`` and ``to`` users.
If a matching :class:`Follower` doesn't exist in the datastore, creates
it first.
from_ (User)
to (User)
assert from_
assert to
follower = Follower.query(Follower.from_ == from_.key, == to.key,
if not follower:
follower = Follower(from_=from_.key, to=to.key, **kwargs)
elif kwargs:
# update existing entity with new property values, eg to make an
# inactive Follower active again
for prop, val in kwargs.items():
setattr(follower, prop, val)
return follower
def fetch_page(collection):
"""Fetches a page of Followers for the current user.
Wraps :func:`fetch_page`. Paging uses the ``before`` and ``after`` query
parameters, if available in the request.
collection (str): ``followers`` or ``following``
(followers, new_before, new_after) tuple with:
followers: list of :class:`Follower` entities, annotated with an extra
`user` attribute that holds the follower or following :class:`User`
new_before, new_after: str query param values for `before` and `after`
to fetch the previous and next pages, respectively
assert collection in ('followers', 'following'), collection
filter_prop = if collection == 'followers' else Follower.from_
query = Follower.query(
Follower.status == 'active',
filter_prop == g.user.key,
followers, before, after = fetch_page(query, Follower)
users = ndb.get_multi(f.from_ if collection == 'followers' else
for f in followers)
User.load_multi(u for u in users if u)
for f, u in zip(followers, users):
f.user = u
return followers, before, after
def fetch_page(query, model_class):
"""Fetches a page of results from a datastore query.
Uses the ``before`` and ``after`` query params (if provided; should be
ISO8601 timestamps) and the queried model class's ``updated`` property to
identify the page to fetch.
Populates a ``log_url_path`` property on each result entity that points to a
its most recent logged request.
query (ndb.Query)
model_class (class)
(list of entities, str, str) tuple:
(results, new_before, new_after), where new_before and new_after are query
param values for ``before`` and ``after`` to fetch the previous and next
pages, respectively
# if there's a paging param ('before' or 'after'), update query with it
# TODO: unify this with Bridgy's user page
def get_paging_param(param):
val = request.values.get(param)
if val:
dt = util.parse_iso8601(val.replace(' ', '+'))
except BaseException as e:
error(f"Couldn't parse {param}, {val!r} as ISO8601: {e}")
if dt.tzinfo:
dt = dt.astimezone(timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
return dt
before = get_paging_param('before')
after = get_paging_param('after')
if before and after:
error("can't handle both before and after")
elif after:
query = query.filter(model_class.updated >= after).order(model_class.updated)
elif before:
query = query.filter(model_class.updated < before).order(-model_class.updated)
query = query.order(-model_class.updated)
query_iter = query.iter()
results = sorted(itertools.islice(query_iter, 0, PAGE_SIZE),
key=lambda r: r.updated, reverse=True)
# calculate new paging param(s)
has_next = results and query_iter.probably_has_next()
new_after = (
before if before
else results[0].updated if has_next and after
else None)
if new_after:
new_after = new_after.isoformat()
new_before = (
after if after else
results[-1].updated if has_next
else None)
if new_before:
new_before = new_before.isoformat()
return results, new_before, new_after