arduinoFFT ========== # Fast Fourier Transform for Arduino This is a fork from which has been abandoned since 2011. ~~This is a C++ library for Arduino for computing FFT.~~ Now it works both on Arduino and C projects. Tested on Arduino 1.6.11 and 1.8.10. ## Installation on Arduino Use the Arduino Library Manager to install and keep it updated. Just look for arduinoFFT. Only for Arduino 1.5+ ## Manual installation on Arduino To install this library, just place this entire folder as a subfolder in your Arduino installation. When installed, this library should look like: `Arduino\libraries\arduinoFTT` (this library's folder) `Arduino\libraries\arduinoFTT\arduinoFTT.h` (the library header file, uses 32 bit floats or 64bit doubles) `Arduino\libraries\arduinoFTT\keywords.txt` (the syntax coloring file) `Arduino\libraries\arduinoFTT\examples` (the examples in the "open" menu) `Arduino\libraries\arduinoFTT\LICENSE` (GPL license file) `Arduino\libraries\arduinoFTT\` (this file) ## Building on Arduino After this library is installed, you just have to start the Arduino application. You may see a few warning messages as it's built. To use this library in a sketch, go to the Sketch | Import Library menu and select arduinoFTT. This will add a corresponding line to the top of your sketch: `#include ` ## TODO * Ratio table for windowing function. * Document windowing functions advantages and disadvantages. * Optimize usage and arguments. * Add new windowing functions. * ~~Spectrum table?~~ ## API * **ArduinoFFT**(T *vReal, T *vImag, uint_fast16_t samples, T samplingFrequency, T * weighingFactors = nullptr); Constructor. The type `T` can be `float` or `double`. `vReal` and `vImag` are pointers to arrays of real and imaginary data and have to be allocated outside of ArduinoFFT. `samples` is the number of samples in `vReal` and `vImag` and `weighingFactors` (if specified). `samplingFrequency` is the sample frequency of the data. `weighingFactors` can optionally be specified to cache weighing factors for the windowing function. This speeds up repeated calls to **windowing()** significantly. * **~ArduinoFFT**(void); Destructor. * **complexToMagnitude**(); Convert complex values to their magnitude and store in vReal. * **compute**(FFTDirection dir); Calcuates the Fast Fourier Transform. * **dcRemoval**(); Removes the DC component from the sample data. * **majorPeak**(); Looks for and returns the frequency of the biggest spike in the analyzed signal. * **revision**(); Returns the library revision. * **windowing**(FFTWindow windowType, FFTDirection dir); Performs a windowing function on the values array. The possible windowing options are: * Rectangle * Hamming * Hann * Triangle * Nuttall * Blackman * Blackman_Nuttall * Blackman_Harris * Flat_top * Welch ## Special flags You can define these before including arduinoFFT.h: * #define FFT_SPEED_OVER_PRECISION Define this to use reciprocal multiplication for division and some more speedups that might decrease precision. * #define FFT_SQRT_APPROXIMATION Define this to use a low-precision square root approximation instead of the regular sqrt() call. This might only work for specific use cases, but is significantly faster. Only works if `T == float`.