Use better sqrtf approximation (precise, no divisions)

Bim Overbohm 2020-02-22 12:38:26 +01:00
rodzic 6df8d2d70f
commit 3e73c9884b
1 zmienionych plików z 22 dodań i 19 usunięć

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@ -392,16 +392,16 @@ private:
static constexpr T _WindowCompensationFactors[10] = {
2, /* rectangle (Box car) */
1.8549343278 * 2, /* hamming */
1.8554726898 * 2, /* hann */
2.0039186079 * 2, /* triangle (Bartlett) */
2.8163172034 * 2, /* nuttall */
2.367347436 * 2, /* blackman */
2.7557840395 * 2, /* blackman nuttall */
2.7929062517 * 2, /* blackman harris*/
3.5659039231 * 2, /* flat top */
1.5029392863 * 2 /* welch */
1.0000000000 * 2.0, // rectangle (Box car)
1.8549343278 * 2.0, // hamming
1.8554726898 * 2.0, // hann
2.0039186079 * 2.0, // triangle (Bartlett)
2.8163172034 * 2.0, // nuttall
2.3673474360 * 2.0, // blackman
2.7557840395 * 2.0, // blackman nuttall
2.7929062517 * 2.0, // blackman harris
3.5659039231 * 2.0, // flat top
1.5029392863 * 2.0 // welch
// Mathematial constants
@ -419,24 +419,27 @@ private:
// Fast inverse square root aka "Quake 3 fast inverse square root", multiplied by x.
// Uses one iteration of Halley's method for precision.
// See:
// And:
template<typename V = T>
static inline V sqrt_internal(typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<V, float>::value, V>::type x)
union {
int i;
union // get bits for float value
float x;
int32_t i;
} u;
u.x = x;
u.i = (1 << 29) + (u.i >> 1) - (1 << 22);
// Two Babylonian Steps (simplified from:)
// u.x = 0.5f * (u.x + x/u.x);
// u.x = 0.5f * (u.x + x/u.x);
u.x = u.x + x / u.x;
u.x = 0.25f * u.x + x / u.x;
u.i = 0x5f375a86 - (u.i >> 1); // gives initial guess y0. use 0x5fe6ec85e7de30da for double
float xu = x * u.x;
float xu2 = xu * u.x;
u.x = (0.125 * 3.0) * xu * (5.0 - xu2 * ((10.0 / 3.0) - xu2)); // Halley's method, repeating increases accuracy
return u.x;
// At least on the ESP32, the approximation is not faster, so we use the standard function
template<typename V = T>
static inline V sqrt_internal(typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<V, float>::value, V>::type x)