654 wiersze
18 KiB

* thread-keeper
* @module utils.TwitterCapture
* @author The Harvard Library Innovation Lab
* @license MIT
import fs from "fs";
import { spawnSync } from "child_process";
import { chromium } from "playwright";
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
import { PDFDocument } from "pdf-lib";
import { CERTS_PATH, TMP_PATH, EXECUTABLES_FOLDER } from "../const.js";
* Generates a "sealed" PDF out of a url using Playwright.
* Usage:
* ```
* const tweet = new TwitterCapture(url);
* const pdf = await tweet.capture();
* fs.writeFileSync("tweet.pdf", pdf);
* ```
export class TwitterCapture {
* Defaults for options that can be passed to `TwitterCapture`.
* @property {string} privateKeyPath - Path to `.pem` file containing a private key.
* @property {string} certPath - Path to a `.pem` file containing a certificate.
* @property {string} tmpFolderPath - Path to a folder in which temporary file can be written.
* @property {string} ytDlpPath - Path to the `yt-dlp` executable.
* @property {string} timestampServerUrl - Timestamping server.
* @property {number} networkidleTimeout - Time to wait for "networkidle" state.
* @property {boolean} runBrowserBehaviors - If `true`, will try to auto-scroll and open more responses. Set to `false` automatically when trying to capture a profile url.
* @property {number} browserBehaviorsTimeout - Maximum browser behaviors execution time.
* @property {number} videoCaptureTimeout - Maximum yt-dlp execution time.
* @property {number} renderTimeout - Time to wait for re-renders.
static defaults = {
privateKeyPath: `${CERTS_PATH}key.pem`,
certPath: `${CERTS_PATH}cert.pem`,
tmpFolderPath: `${TMP_PATH}`,
ytDlpPath: `${EXECUTABLES_FOLDER}yt-dlp`,
timestampServerUrl: "",
networkidleTimeout: 5000,
runBrowserBehaviors: true,
browserBehaviorsTimeout: 33500,
videoCaptureTimeout: 10000,
renderTimeout: 4000,
/** @type {object} */
options = {}; // Based on TwitterCapture.defaults
/** @type {?string} */
url = null;
/** @type {?string} */
urlType = null;
* @type {{
* browser: playwright.Browser,
* context: playwright.BrowserContext,
* page: playwright.Page,
* viewport: ?{width: number, height: number},
* ready: boolean
* }}
playwright = {
browser: null,
context: null,
page: null,
viewport: null,
ready: false
/** @type {object<string, Buffer>} */
interceptedJPEGs = {};
* @param {string} url - `` url to capture. Works best on statuses and threads.
* @param {object} options - See `TwitterCapture.defaults` for detailed options. Will use defaults unless overridden.
constructor(url, options = {}) {
// Options adjustments:
if (this.urlType === "profile") {
this.options.runBrowserBehaviors = false;
* Captures the current url and makes it a signed PDF.
* @returns {Promise<Buffer>} - Signed PDF.
capture = async() => {
let rawPDF = null;
let editablePDF = null;
let editedPDF = null;
// Playwright init
await this.setup();
// Page load + network idle
try {
await, {
waitUntil: "networkidle",
timeout: this.options.networkidleTimeout,
catch(err) { /* Timeout errors are non-blocking */ }
// Adjust UI (#1)
await this.adjustUIForCapture();
// Run browser behaviors
if (this.options.runBrowserBehaviors === true) {
await this.runBrowserBehaviors();
else {
await new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(resolve, this.options.networkidleTimeout + this.options.renderTimeout)
// Wait for network idle
try {
await this.waitForLoadState("networkidle", {timeout: this.options.networkidleTimeout});
catch(err) { /* Timeout errors are non-blocking */ }
// Adjust UI (#2 - Accounts for re-renders)
await this.adjustUIForCapture();
// Resize browser to fit document dimensions
if (this.urlType !== "profile") { // Skipped on profile pages
await this.resizeViewportToFitDocument();
// Generate raw PDF and open editable PDF
rawPDF = await this.generateRawPDF();
editablePDF = await PDFDocument.load(rawPDF);
// Add intercepted JPEGs as attachments
await this.addInterceptedJPEGsToPDF(editablePDF);
// Remove extraneous page, add metadata
try {
editablePDF.setTitle(`Capture of ${this.url} by thread-keeper on ${new Date().toISOString()}`);
editablePDF.setCreationDate(new Date());
editablePDF.setModificationDate(new Date());
catch {
// Try to crop remaining white space
await this.cropMarginsOnPDF(editablePDF);
// Try to capture video, if any, and add it as attachment
await this.captureAndAddVideoToPDF(editablePDF);
// Freeze edited PDF in memory
editedPDF = await;
// Sign
editedPDF = await this.signPDF(editedPDF);
// Teardown
try {
await this.teardown();
catch { /* Ignore teardown errors */ }
// Return buffer
return editedPDF;
* Sets up the browser used for capture as well as network interception for images capture.
* Populates `this.playwright`.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
setup = async() => {
const userAgent = chromium._playwright.devices["Pixel 2 XL"].userAgent;
const viewport = chromium._playwright.devices["Pixel 2 XL"].viewport;
this.playwright.browser = await chromium.launch({
headless: true,
channel: "chrome",
this.playwright.context = await this.playwright.browser.newContext({ userAgent }); = await this.playwright.context.newPage();
this.playwright.viewport = viewport;;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); // [Debug]"response", this.interceptJpegs);
this.playwright.ready = true;
* Closes browser used for capture.
teardown = async() => {
await this.playwright.context.close();
await this.playwright.browser.close();
this.playwright.ready = true;
* Adjusts the current page's DOM so the resulting PDF is not affected by UI artifact.
* Playwright needs to be ready.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
adjustUIForCapture = async() => {
if (this.playwright.ready !== true) {
throw new Error("Playwright is not ready.");
await => {
// Nav bar and header
?.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
?.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
// Bottom bar
?.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
?.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
?.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
// Full-screen dialog
?.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
// "Log in" bar
"//span[text()='Not now']",
* Runs browser behaviors:
* - Tries to scroll through the page.
* - Tries to click on the next available "Show replies" button.
* Playwright needs to be ready.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
runBrowserBehaviors = async() => {
if (this.playwright.ready !== true) {
throw new Error("Playwright is not ready.");
try {
await Promise.race([
// Max execution time for the browser behaviors
new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, this.options.browserBehaviorsTimeout)),
// Behaviors script () => {
let scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
while (true) {
// Auto scroll: +100px every 250ms
scrollTop += 100;
window.scrollTo({top: scrollTop});
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 250));
// Auto click on first available "Show replies" button
let showRepliesButton = document.evaluate(
"//span[text()='Show replies']",
if (showRepliesButton) {;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1500));
// Break when reaching bottom of page
if (scrollTop >= Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, window.outerHeight)) {
catch(err) {
// Ignore behavior errors.
* Stretches the viewport to match the document's dimensions.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
resizeViewportToFitDocument = async() => {
const viewport = await this.getDocumentDimensions();
width: viewport.width,
height: viewport.height
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, this.options.renderTimeout));
* Returns the current dimensions of the document.
* Playwright needs to be ready.
* @returns {Promise<{width: number, height: number}>}
getDocumentDimensions = async() => {
if (this.playwright.ready !== true) {
throw new Error("Playwright is not ready.");
return await => {
const width = Math.max(document.body.scrollWidth, window.outerWidth);
const height = Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, window.outerHeight);
return {width, height}
* Uses Playwright's network interception to capture images and add them to `this.interceptedJPEGs`.
* Called whenever Playwright processes an HTTP response.
* @param {playwright.Response} response
* @returns {Promise<void>}
interceptJpegs = async(response) => {
try {
const headers = await response.allHeaders();
if (["image/jpeg"].includes(headers["content-type"])) {
const image = await response.body();
const url = await response.url();
this.interceptedJPEGs[url] = image;
catch (err) {
// Some exchanges can't be captured, and that's okay :).
* Generates a PDF of the current page using Chrome Dev Tools.
* Playwright needs to be ready.
* Populates `this.pdf`.
* @returns {Promise<Buffer>} - PDF Bytes
generateRawPDF = async() => {
if (this.playwright.ready !== true) {
throw new Error("Playwright is not ready.");
// Scroll up
await => window.scrollTo({top: 0}));
//await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, this.options.renderTimeout));
// Generate document
await{media: 'screen'});
const dimensions = await this.getDocumentDimensions();
return await{
printBackground: true,
width: dimensions.width,
height: dimensions.height
* Adds entries from `this.interceptedJPEGs`
* @param {PDFDocument} - Editable PDF object from `pdf-lib`.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
addInterceptedJPEGsToPDF = async(editablePDF) => {
for (const [url, buffer] of Object.entries(this.interceptedJPEGs)) {
const parsedUrl = new URL(url);
let filename = `${parsedUrl.pathname}${}`.replaceAll("/", "-");
if (!filename.endsWith(".jpg")) {
filename += ".jpg";
if (filename.startsWith("-")) {
filename = filename.substring(1);
await editablePDF.attach(buffer.buffer, filename, {
mimeType: 'image/jpeg',
description: `Image captured from ${this.url}`,
creationDate: new Date(),
modificationDate: new Date(),
* Tries to capture main video from current Twitter url and add it as attachment to the PDF.
* @param {PDFDocument} - Editable PDF object from `pdf-lib`.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
captureAndAddVideoToPDF = async(editablePDF) => {
const id = uuidv4();
const filepathOut = `${this.options.tmpFolderPath}${id}.mp4`;
const ytDlpExecutable = this.options.ytDlpPath;
// yt-dlp health check
try {
const result = spawnSync(ytDlpExecutable, ["--version"], {encoding: "utf8"});
if (result.status !== 0) {
throw new Error(result.stderr);
const version = result.stdout.trim();
if (!version.match(/^[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}$/)) {
throw new Error(`Unknown version: ${version}`);
catch(err) {
throw new Error(`"yt-dlp" executable is not available or cannot be executed. ${err}`);
// Capture
try {
const dlpOptions = [
"--no-warnings", // Prevents pollution of stdout
"--no-progress", // (Same as above)
"--format", "mp4", // Forces .mp4 format
"--output", filepathOut,
const spawnOptions = {
timeout: this.options.videoCaptureTimeout,
encoding: "utf8",
const result = spawnSync(ytDlpExecutable, dlpOptions, spawnOptions);
if (result.status !== 0) {
throw new Error(result.stderr);
const video = fs.readFileSync(filepathOut);
if (!video) {
await editablePDF.attach(video.buffer, "video.mp4", {
mimeType: 'video/mp4',
description: `Video captured from ${this.url}`,
creationDate: new Date(),
modificationDate: new Date(),
fs.unlink(filepathOut, () => {});
catch(err) { }
* Tries to remove some of the white space at the bottom of the PDF.
* [!] TODO: This is a "let's ship it" hack. We will need to find a better solution.
* @param {PDFDocument} editablePDF
cropMarginsOnPDF = async(editablePDF) => {
const page = editablePDF.getPage(0);
const originalHeight = page.getHeight();
// Only crop if content > viewport
if (this.playwright.viewport.height > originalHeight) {
const reductionFactor = this.options.runBrowserBehaviors ? 44 : 88;
const newHeight = Math.floor(originalHeight - (originalHeight / 100 * reductionFactor));
const yShift = originalHeight - newHeight;
page.setSize(page.getWidth(), newHeight);
page.translateContent(0, -yShift);
* @param {Buffer} editedPDF - PDF Bytes
* @returns {Buffer} - PDF Bytes
signPDF = async(editedPDF) => {
// Save PDF to disk
const id = uuidv4();
const filepathIn = `${this.options.tmpFolderPath}${id}-in.pdf`;
const filepathOut = `${this.options.tmpFolderPath}${id}-out.pdf`;
fs.writeFileSync(filepathIn, editedPDF);
const run = spawnSync("pyhanko",
"--field", "Sig1",
"--timestamp-url", this.options.timestampServerUrl,
"--key", this.options.privateKeyPath,
"--cert", this.options.certPath,
{encoding: "utf-8"});
if (run.status !== 0) {
throw new Error(run.stderr);
// Load signed file from disk and return
editedPDF = fs.readFileSync(filepathOut);
fs.unlink(filepathIn, () => {});
fs.unlink(filepathOut, () => {});
return editedPDF;
* Applies some basic filtering to new option objects and fills gaps with defaults.
* Replaces `this.options` after filtering.
* @param {Promise<object>} newOptions
filterOptions = async(newOptions) => {
const options = {};
const defaults = TwitterCapture.defaults;
for (const key of Object.keys(defaults)) {
options[key] = key in newOptions ? newOptions[key] : defaults[key];
switch (typeof defaults[key]) {
case "boolean":
options[key] = Boolean(options[key]);
case "number":
options[key] = Number(options[key]);
case "string":
options[key] = String(options[key]);
this.options = options;
* Filters a given URL to ensure it's a `` one.
* Also asserts it's "type": "status", "search", "profile".
* Automatically populates `this.url` and `this.urlType`.
* @param {string} url
* @returns {bool}
filterUrl = (url) => {
/** @type {?URL} */
let parsedUrl = null;
/** @type {?string} */
let urlType = null;
// Determine if `url` is a valid `` and remove known tracking params
try {
parsedUrl = new URL(url); // Will throw if not a valid url.
if (parsedUrl.origin !== "") {
throw new Error();
catch (err) {
throw new Error(`${url} is not a valid Twitter url.`);
// Determine Twitter url "type"
if (parsedUrl.pathname.includes("/status/")) {
urlType = "status";
else if (parsedUrl.pathname.includes("/search")) {
urlType = "search";
else {
urlType = "profile";
this.url = parsedUrl.href;
this.urlType = urlType;
return true;