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* "This code is not a code of honour... no highly esteemed code is commemorated here... nothing valued is here."
* "What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger."
* This is a rudimentary, single-file, low complexity, minimum functionality, ActivityPub server.
* For educational purposes only.
* The Server produces an Actor who can be followed.
* The Actor can send messages to followers.
* Those messages can have linkable URls and hashtags.
* The Server saves logs about requests it receives and sends.
* This code is NOT suitable for production use.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
* This code is also "licenced" under CRAPL v0 -
* "Any appearance of design in the Program is purely coincidental and should not in any way be mistaken for evidence of thoughtful software construction."
* For more information, please re-read.
// Preamble: Set your details here
// This is where you set up your account's name and bio. You also need to provide a public/private keypair. The posting page is protected with a password that also needs to be set here.
// Set up the Actor's information
$username = rawurlencode("example"); // Encoded as it is often used as part of a URl
$realName = "E. Xample. Jr.";
$summary = "Some text about the user.";
$server = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; // Domain name this is hosted on
// Generate locally or from
// Newlines must be replaced with "\n"
$key_private = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
$key_public = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n...\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
// Password for sending messages
$password = "P4ssW0rd";
// Logging:
// ActivityPub is a "chatty" protocol. This takes all the requests your server receives and saves them in `/logs/` as a datestamped text file.
// Get all headers and requests sent to this server
$headers = print_r( getallheaders(), true );
$postData = print_r( $_POST, true );
$getData = print_r( $_GET, true );
$filesData = print_r( $_FILES, true );
$body = json_decode( file_get_contents( "php://input" ), true );
$bodyData = print_r( $body, true );
$requestData = print_r( $_REQUEST, true );
$serverData = print_r( $_SERVER, true );
// Get the type of request - used in the log filename
if ( isset( $body["type"] ) ) {
$type = " " . $body["type"];
} else {
$type = "";
// Create a timestamp in ISO 8601 format for the filename
$timestamp = date( "c" );
// Filename for the log
$filename = "{$timestamp}{$type}.txt";
// Save headers and request data to the timestamped file in the logs directory
if( ! is_dir( "logs" ) ) { mkdir( "logs"); }
file_put_contents( "logs/{$filename}",
"Headers: \n$headers \n\n" .
"Body Data: \n$bodyData \n\n" .
"POST Data: \n$postData \n\n" .
"GET Data: \n$getData \n\n" .
"Files Data: \n$filesData \n\n" .
"Request Data:\n$requestData\n\n" .
"Server Data: \n$serverData \n\n"
// Routing:
// The .htaccess changes /whatever to /?path=whatever
// This runs the function of the path requested.
!empty( $_GET["path"] ) ? $path = $_GET["path"] : die();
switch ($path) {
case ".well-known/webfinger":
case rawurldecode( $username ):
case "following":
case "followers":
case "inbox":
case "write":
case "send":
// The [WebFinger Protocol]( is used to identify accounts.
// It is requested with ``
// This server only has one user, so it ignores the query string and always returns the same details.
function webfinger() {
global $username, $server;
$webfinger = array(
"subject" => "acct:{$username}@{$server}",
"links" => array(
"rel" => "self",
"type" => "application/activity+json",
"href" => "https://{$server}/{$username}"
header( "Content-Type: application/json" );
echo json_encode( $webfinger );
// User:
// Requesting `` returns a JSON document with the user's information.
function username() {
global $username, $realName, $summary, $server, $key_public;
$user = array(
"@context" => [
"id" => "https://{$server}/{$username}",
"type" => "Person",
"following" => "https://{$server}/following",
"followers" => "https://{$server}/followers",
"inbox" => "https://{$server}/inbox",
"preferredUsername" => rawurldecode($username),
"name" => "{$realName}",
"summary" => "{$summary}",
"url" => "https://{$server}",
"manuallyApprovesFollowers" => true,
"discoverable" => true,
"published" => "2024-02-12T11:51:00Z",
"icon" => [
"type" => "Image",
"mediaType" => "image/png",
"url" => "https://{$server}/icon.png"
"publicKey" => [
"id" => "https://{$server}/{$username}#main-key",
"owner" => "https://{$server}/{$username}",
"publicKeyPem" => $key_public
header( "Content-Type: application/activity+json" );
echo json_encode( $user );
// Follower / Following:
// These JSON documents show how many users are following / followers-of this account.
// The information here is self-attested. So you can lie and use any number you want.
function following() {
global $server;
$following = array(
"@context" => "",
"id" => "https://{$server}/following",
"type" => "Collection",
"totalItems" => 0,
"items" => []
header( "Content-Type: application/activity+json" );
echo json_encode( $following );
function followers() {
global $server;
$followers = array(
"@context" => "",
"id" => "https://{$server}/followers",
"type" => "Collection",
"totalItems" => 0,
"items" => []
header( "Content-Type: application/activity+json" );
echo json_encode( $followers );
// Inbox:
// The `/inbox` is the main server. It receives all requests.
// This server only responds to "Follow" requests.
// A remote server sends a follow request which is a JSON file saying who they are.
// This code does not cryptographically validate the headers of the received message.
// The name of the remote user's server is saved to a file so that future messages can be delivered to it.
// An accept request is cryptographically signed and POST'd back to the remote server.
function inbox() {
global $body, $server, $username, $key_private;
// Get the message and type
$inbox_message = $body;
$inbox_type = $inbox_message["type"];
// This inbox only responds to follow requests
if ( "Follow" != $inbox_type ) { die(); }
// Get the parameters
$inbox_id = $inbox_message["id"];
$inbox_actor = $inbox_message["actor"];
$inbox_host = parse_url( $inbox_actor, PHP_URL_HOST );
// Does this account have any followers?
if( file_exists( "followers.json" ) ) {
$followers_file = file_get_contents( "followers.json" );
$followers_json = json_decode( $followers_file, true );
} else {
$followers_json = array();
// Add user to list. Don't care about duplicate users, server is what's important
$followers_json[$inbox_host]["users"][] = $inbox_actor;
// Save the new followers file
file_put_contents( "followers.json", print_r( json_encode( $followers_json ), true ) );
// Response Message ID
// This isn't used for anything important so could just be a random number
$guid = uuid();
// Create the Accept message
$message = [
"@context" => "",
"id" => "https://{$server}/{$guid}",
"type" => "Accept",
"actor" => "https://{$server}/{$username}",
"object" => [
"@context" => "",
"id" => $inbox_id,
"type" => $inbox_type,
"actor" => $inbox_actor,
"object" => "https://{$server}/{$username}",
// The Accept is sent to the server of the user who requested the follow
// TODO: The path doesn't *always* end with/inbox
$host = $inbox_host;
$path = parse_url( $inbox_actor, PHP_URL_PATH ) . "/inbox";
// Get the signed headers
$headers = generate_signed_headers( $message, $host, $path );
// Specify the URL of the remote server's inbox
// TODO: The path doesn't *always* end with /inbox
$remoteServerUrl = $inbox_actor . "/inbox";
// POST the message and header to the requester's inbox
$ch = curl_init( $remoteServerUrl );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST" );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($message) );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );
curl_exec( $ch );
// Check for errors
if( curl_errno( $ch ) ) {
file_put_contents( "error.txt", curl_error( $ch ) );
// Unique ID:
// Every message sent should have a unique ID.
// This can be anything you like. Some servers use a random number.
// I prefer a date-sortable string.
function uuid() {
return sprintf( "%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x",
mt_rand(0, 0xffff),
mt_rand(0, 0xffff),
mt_rand(0, 0x3fff) | 0x8000,
mt_rand(0, 0xffffffffffff)
// Headers:
// Every message that your server sends needs to be cryptographically signed with your Private Key.
// This is a complicated process. Please read for more information.
function generate_signed_headers( $message, $host, $path ) {
global $server, $username, $key_private;
// Encode the message object to JSON
$message_json = json_encode( $message );
// Location of the Public Key
$keyId = "https://{$server}/{$username}#main-key";
// Generate signing variables
$hash = hash( "sha256", $message_json, true );
$digest = base64_encode( $hash );
$date = date( "D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T" );
// Get the Private Key
$signer = openssl_get_privatekey( $key_private );
// Sign the path, host, date, and digest
$stringToSign = "(request-target): post $path\nhost: $host\ndate: $date\ndigest: SHA-256=$digest";
// The signing function returns the variable $signature
// Encode the signature
$signature_b64 = base64_encode( $signature );
// Full signature header
$signature_header = 'keyId="' . $keyId . '",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date digest",signature="' . $signature_b64 . '"';
// Header for POST reply
$headers = array(
"Host: {$host}",
"Date: {$date}",
"Digest: SHA-256={$digest}",
"Signature: {$signature_header}",
"Content-Type: application/activity+json",
"Accept: application/activity+json",
return $headers;
// User Interface for Writing:
// This creates a basic HTML form. Type in your message and your password. It then POSTs the data to the `/send` endpoint.
function write() {
echo <<< HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-GB">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Send Message</title>
<form action="/send" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label for="content">Your message:</label><br>
<textarea id="content" name="content" rows="5" cols="32"></textarea><br>
<label for="password">Password</label><br>
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="32"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Post Message">
// Send Endpoint:
// This takes the submitted message and checks the password is correct.
// It reads the `followers.json` file and sends the message to every server that is following this account.
function send() {
global $password, $server, $username, $key_private;
// Does the posted password match the stored password?
if( $password != $_POST["password"] ) { die(); }
// Get the posted content
$content = $_POST["content"];
// Process the content into HTML to get hashtags etc
list( "HTML" => $content, "TagArray" => $tags ) = process_content( $content );
// Current time - ISO8601
$timestamp = date( "c" );
// Outgoing Message ID
$guid = uuid();
// Construct the Note
// contentMap is used to prevent unnecessary "translate this post" pop ups
// hardcoded to English
$note = [
"@context" => array(
"id" => "https://{$server}/posts/{$guid}.json",
"type" => "Note",
"published" => $timestamp,
"attributedTo" => "https://{$server}/{$username}",
"content" => $content,
"contentMap" => ["en" => $content],
"to" => [""],
"tag" => $tags
// Construct the Message
// The audience is public and it is sent to all followers
$message = [
"@context" => "",
"id" => "https://{$server}/posts/{$guid}.json",
"type" => "Create",
"actor" => "https://{$server}/{$username}",
"to" => [
"cc" => [
"object" => $note
// Create the context for the permalink
$note = [ "@context" => "", ...$note ];
// Save the permalink
$note_json = json_encode( $note );
// Check for posts/ directory and create it
if( ! is_dir( "posts" ) ) { mkdir( "posts"); }
file_put_contents( "posts/{$guid}.json", print_r( $note_json, true ) );
// Read existing users and get their hosts
$followers_file = file_get_contents( "followers.json" );
$followers_json = json_decode( $followers_file, true );
$hosts = array_keys( $followers_json );
// Prepare to use the multiple cURL handle
$mh = curl_multi_init();
// Loop through all the severs of the followers
// Each server needs its own cURL handle
// Each POST to an inbox needs to be signed separately
foreach ( $hosts as $host ) {
// TODO: Not every host uses /inbox
$path = "/inbox";
// Get the signed headers
$headers = generate_signed_headers( $message, $host, $path );
// Specify the URL of the remote server
$remoteServerUrl = "https://{$host}{$path}";
// POST the message and header to the requester's inbox
$ch = curl_init( $remoteServerUrl );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST" );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($message) );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );
// Add the handle to the multi-handle
curl_multi_add_handle( $mh, $ch );
// Execute the multi-handle
do {
$status = curl_multi_exec( $mh, $active );
if ( $active ) {
curl_multi_select( $mh );
} while ( $active && $status == CURLM_OK );
// Close the multi-handle
curl_multi_close( $mh );
// Render the JSON so the user can see the POST has worked
header( "Location: https://{$server}/posts/{$guid}.json" );
// Content can be plain text. But to add clickable links and hashtags, it needs to be turned into HTML.
// Tags are also included separately in the note
function process_content( $content ) {
global $server;
// Convert any URls into hyperlinks
$link_pattern = '/\bhttps?:\/\/\S+/iu';
$replacement = function ( $match ) {
$url = htmlspecialchars( $match[0], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8" );
return "<a href=\"$url\">$url</a>";
$content = preg_replace_callback( $link_pattern, $replacement, $content );
// Get any hashtags
$hashtags = [];
$hashtag_pattern = '/(?:^|\s)\#(\w+)/'; // Beginning of string, or whitespace, followed by #
preg_match_all( $hashtag_pattern, $content, $matches );
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
$hashtags[] = $match;
// Construct the tag value for the note object
$tags = [];
foreach ( $hashtags as $hashtag ) {
$tags[] = array(
"type" => "Hashtag",
"name" => "#{$hashtag}",
// Add HTML links for hashtags into the text
$content = preg_replace(
"<a href='https://{$server}/tag/$1'>#$1</a>",
// Construct the content
$content = "<p>{$content}</p>";
return ["HTML" => $content, "TagArray" => $tags];
// "One to stun, two to kill, three to make sure"