Add details for installation

mister-monster 2019-12-14 05:15:41 -06:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic ef7d92e53d
commit fb2a0125f2
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@ -12,12 +12,16 @@ If you need to archive a YouTube channel with lots of existing videos, this tool
## Installation
To install, clone the repository to a directory on your machine. Then, navigate to that directory in a terminal and run:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will create a virtual environment for the tool and install all dependencies required to run.
## Dependencies
This tool depends on:
@ -54,8 +58,6 @@ If <delete_videos> is set to True, videos and metadata will be deleted from the
To run the bot, simply run The bot will run indefinitely until stopped.
You will need to make sure all dependencies are met.
The first time a channel is found in the config, the most recent videos returned by the youtube RSS endpoint are mirrored, and a new entry is added to channels_timestamps.csv with the timestamp of the last video. Subsequently each channel is checked for an entry in channels_timestamps.csv and only videos later than the last timestamp for the channel's entry are mirrored. The tool decides if it is the first time a channel is found based on whether it has an entry in channels_timestamps.csv. It is designed this way so that the tool can be stopped and restarted without attempting to upload duplicate videos when restarted.
After that, the tool polls all channels in config.toml periodically based on the parameter <poll_frequency> which is in minutes, and mirrors all new videos for each channel as they are found.