Vaisala RS-41 SGP Modification.

Viasala RS-41

Radiosondes are light weight sensor packages that are attached to weather balloons.
They transmit live RF weather telemetry down to earth as they rise.
One related hobby that a few people enjoy is radiosonde chasing, which is tracking and collecting radiosondes once they have fallen back to the earth.
Some people collect them as trophies, and others like to repurpose them.

Another way to repurpose radiosondes is to reprogram the commonly used Vaisala RS-41 radiosondes into being able to transmit radio APRS, 4FSK, RTTY or CW mode signals in the ISM or HAM bands.
The initial modified firmware was first performed by SQ5RWU, and then OM3BC who managed to create firmware able to configure settings thru the serial connection off the radiosonde.
Darkside did also modified firmware and added a very promising demodulation mode 4FSK, which not only decrease the package size but also has better coverage.
This firmware could be useful for anybody requiring a cheap transmitter for their own high altitude balloon experiments.

Also it is possible to enter the service menu of the Vaisala RS-41 Radiosonde to learn more about its operation.

Hardware Details

The radiosonde RS41-SG was introduced by Vaisala in 2013.
On Vaisala's website it is possible to find very detailed specifications of the RS41-SG.

LED Lights operation.

Red LED:
1 - Temperature or humidity sensor broken.
2 - Low battery.
3 - Battery should be empty.
4 - Expected interface, but there is none.

Flashing Green LED:

Insufficient data for GPS positions.

After switching on the RS41, the LED will flashes four times.

Flashing Green LED:
1 - Turns red when something is wrong.
2 - Enable transmitter.

When the Radiosonde is flying over 100 seconds,

1 - The LED goes out.
2 - And the transmitter operates at full power.

RS-41 Details Thanks to Bazjo

Needed Stuff

    RS-41  SGP                  

USB-TTL converter.
Some wires and connectors.
Soldering tools.

RS-41 Connector

1 - GND

2 - Uart3 Rx

3 - Uart3 Tx

4 - PB1 * (10k + cap + 10k)

5 - Vcc (Boost out) 5.0V

6  VBAT 3.3V

7 - RST



10- GND

ST-Link STM32 Connection

Download ST-LINK STM32 Software

Connect ST-LINK STM32:

RS41 ----- ST-LINK


Pin 1 ----- GND

Pin 8 ----- SWCLK

Pin 9 ----- SWDIO = SWID

Orginal Firmware and Service Menu

For a terminal connection the following data pins are connected to the USB TTL Serial Converter in order to enter the service menu:

Pin 1 ----- GND

Pin 2 ----- TxD

Pin 3 ----- RxD

Pin 4 ----- 3.3V

Pin 5 ----- 3.3V

Build together ->

Connect a terminal (9k6 8N1) to the XDATA UART port.

Select COM Port (most probaly Prolific driver is needed on Windows) .

Start (hyper)terminal like Putty and connect to serial COM Port and use 9600 Baud.

Power on RS-41, Welcome message should appear with information about software version, serial number, etc:

Vaisala RS41 Radiosonde SW V2.02.14                                        
Copyright (c) Vaisala Oyj 2016. All rights reserved.                          
Serial number: P1234567                                                     
Pressure module serial number: Px SW V2.01                              
Transmitter frequency: 403.90 MHz                                            
Transmitter power: 3/7                                                      
Enabled TX 

Now enter the following five characters and press Enter :


Press ENTER again and you should see a service menu.
Where you can change the TX power, frequency and more options.

(S)ensors         Fre(q)uencies  (P)arameters    (A)lfa           TX p(o)wer
TX (f)requency    T(X) state     (T)X registers  TX contin(u)ous  TX ran(d)om
TX (c)arrier      (B)aud rate    Ser(i)al no     (R)ed LED info   (N)o menu
(K)eep test mode  S(W) version   (M)easurements  (L)aunch/Drop    (E)xit
>Enabled TX
A few examples:

X Transmission of the data is stopped.
o Change power level 0 - 7.
f  Change Frequency.
i  Change Serial Number
K Keep test mode, with this setting you do not have to re enter the pw again in order to show the service menu.
M Measurements show the following menu:

(S)ensors     Fre(q)uencies  S(W) reset       (D)efault params  (U)se sensor
(R)eg offset  Reg (c)heck    (T) self-check   St(o)p sequence   (H)eat ref
(G)PS         (N)MEA         D(I)rect GPS mode (E)xit
D Direct GPS mode, with option the RS-41 can be used as a GPS mouse sending True NMEA bidirectional data via UART, you can also send "N" then just NMEA is output.

Unfortunately, the settings are not retained after a power cycle.

The (T)X Registers menu option allows reading and writing of arbitrary register values.
However, these changes are not persistent, and get overwritten on startup, and whenever the transmitter is disabled and re-enabled.
The (T)X register menu is used by entering:
Txx\r   (where xx is the register value in hex)
You get a prompt as follows:
Register number (00-7F) >77
Register value E3 >
At this point you can either send a \r to exit back to the main menu, or you can enter a value in hex + \r which will be written to that register.
Example RS41 onto the 70cm band (434.650 MHz) by programming the following values:

0x75: 61
0x76: 10
0x77: D3

A very handy online Calculator for more Frequencies is overhere.

P (parameters):

Data ID is a hexadecimal number.
The value does not seem to have any meaning other than being used as a selector.
Values ​​are strings or decimal numbers.

ID card Value Changeable Note:

10 5 *
20 14 *
30 0 *
40 0 *
45 S0341201 * Serial number
50 RS41-SG * RS41 model
60 20215 --- Firmware Version (V2.02.15)
70 9089 *
80 4 ---
90 5 ---
D0 600 * Height [m] above the launch site that the RS41 must climb to before entering flight mode.
E0 18 * Low battery voltage threshold [100 mV] below which the probe will turn off (if the condition persists for some time). 18 = 1.8V
110 60
120 1700
130 20
150 50
160 1
170 RSM412 PCB type
180 R4550425 PCB serial
190 0000000000
200 29 --- Current battery voltage [100 mV]. 29 = 2.9 V.
210 0 ---
220 41 --- Current CPU temperature [° C]
230 48 --- Current radio temperature (Si4032) [° C]
240 1 ---
250 42 --- Current temperature reference range [° C]

Modified Firmware

There are a few different firmware's each with their advantages.

1: 70cm Band, GPS and telemetry data in RTTY, APRS and CW on seperately defineable TX frequencies.

2: 70cm Band, GPS and telemetry data in CW, RS41-FOX - RS41 Amateur Radio Direction Finding (Foxhunting) Beacon
This codebase turns a Vaisala RS41 into a 70cm 'radio fox', suitable for use in amateur radio direction finding contests.


Morse Ident containing callsign & current battery voltage.
Long CW beacon (user-defined length and number of repeats)
Low-Voltage Cutout, to avoid destroying rechargable batteries.
Beacon GPS position when battery is below a user-defined threshold.

3: 70cm Band, GPS and telemetry data in 4FSK and RTTY.
Information on the 4FSK mode's performance.

Recommend for short and long HAB floater flights.


Powersave modes for Radio:
Then the transmitter will turn off between transmissions, saves about 50mA of power consumption.

GPS in PowerSave Mode, Transmitting @ 13 dBm = ~120 mA, not Transmitting = 30-50mA, depending on GPS state.

Deep Sleep Mode intended for long duration flights only!
Power consumption in sleep mode = 32mA @ 3V

In this mode, the GPS is turned into a sleep mode in between transmissions.
During this sleep period, we sent one 'pip' every few seconds.
At the end of the sleep period, the GPS is powered back up, and we await the GPS to obtain a fix before transmitting our position.
While waiting for GPS lock, we send a 'double pip'.

Tracking sonde position from habhub.

Settings and Config (edit in config.h) for this software must be written before flashing.

Grab the latest GNU ARM Embedded toolchain from here:
Extract the tarball to ~/opt/

Within the RS41HUP directory:
Edit CMakeLists.txt and set the correct path to the un-tar'd directory.
cmake .


For your own flights, you will need to request a payload ID.

Payload IDs can be requested by either raising an Issue, or a Pull Request on

Change the payload ID in config.h
#define BINARY_PAYLOAD_ID 0 // Payload ID for use in Binary packets

Use the newly created bin or hex file to flash the RS-41.

Example Flights overhere

Program and Flashing                                                      

Connect RS-41 and power on.

Open ST-Link Utility:

st link

Load bin or hex file.

In target menu select Connect.

This message can happen:

Can not read memory!

Read out protection is activated

Disable Read Out Protection and retry.

In the target menu/option bytes/ disable bytes read out protection.

Target menu select Program and wait for flash to finish and disconnect.
Disconnect RS-41 and ST-LINK STM32.


Telemetry demodulator for the following modems in use by Project Horus and RS-41 4FSK Modified Firmware

Horus Binary Modes (4FSK)
v1 - Legacy 22 byte mode, Golay(23,12) FEC
v2 - 16/32-byte modes, LDPC FEC (Under development)
RTTY (7N1, 7N2 and 8N2, standard UKHAS sentences with CRC16 only)

Windows builds overhere
Linux decoder for the 4FSK mode is available overhere

Flash RS-41 with 4FSK Modified Firmware
Tune in with any SDR Application (or the Horus rtl_fm scripts) on the frequency specified in config.h in USB Mode.

Start Horus-gui decoder:

Select audio device (in this example YDP thru GQRX is used).
Mode RTTY of 4FSK, check mark for data feed to habhub upload.

Output is also possible with UDP thru Chasemapper.

OM3BC Firmware

70cm Band, GPS and telemetry data in RTTY, APRS and CW on seperately defineable TX frequencies,
configurable settings thru terminal serial connection from the radiosonde.
Hex file for flashing from
Recommend for playing with the Radiosonde but not for real flight's GPS outage occur for shorts periods during flight.
APRS callsign bugs.

Start (hyper)terminal like Putty and connect to serial COM Port and use 9600 Baud.

Power on RS-41, Welcome message should appear:


$$$$$$ STM32 RTTY & APRS tracker by OM3BC ...

Allowed commands (not case sensitive):

BUTTON ON / OFF - use button to turn off / this parameter specifies whether the push button can be used to turn off the radiosonde or not.
LEDs on / off - use LEDs / you can save energy when you do not use LEDs. After switching on, the LEDs always work, but when set to OFF, they automatically turn off after 10 minutes of operation.
POWER n - rf power n = 1 to 7 (7 is max.) / output power setting 0 = smallest, 7 = maximum power (approx. 40 mW).
APRSFRQ n - n = aprs frequency in kHz / APRS frequency (recommended frequency is 432,500 MHz)
RTTYFRQ n - n = rtty frequency in kHz / RTTY frequency. This frequency is also valid for CW identification.
APRSCALL string - aprs callsign (up to 6 characters)
RTTYCALL string - rtty callsign (up to 15 characters)
CWIDMESS string - cw message (up to 25 characters)
RTTY on / off - send rtty message
HOLDOFF n - n = time between two rtty messages in seconds
BAUD n - n = rtty baudrate
DBITS n - n = rtty databits (7 or 8)
SBITS n - n = rtty stop bits (1 or 2)
SHIFT n - n = 1,2,3,4 1 = 270, 2 = 540, 3 = 810, 4 = 1080 Hz
TEMP on / off - send temperature in rtty messages / (The value is the temperature of the radio chip, not the environment.)
ALT on / off - send altitude in rtty & aprs messages
SPEED on / off - send speed in rtty messages
COURSE ON / OFF - send course in rtty messages
UBAT on / off - send battery voltage in rtty messages
USYS on / off - send system voltage in rtty messages / This is a constant value for testing only.
SAT on / off - the number of GPS satellites heard in rtty messages
APRS on / off - send aprs messages
SPEEDCOURSE on / off - send speed and course in aprs messages
SYMBOL string - symbol from aprs symbol table (2 characters) / two characters that determine how the radiosonde appears on the website.
SSID n - aprs ssid n = 1 to 15 /
the caller ID of the APRS.
TXD n - Tx delay n = 10 to 500
MICE on/off - send coded aprs messages in mic-e format
TELEMETRY on/off - send telemetry data in aprs messages
APRS_EVERY n - time between aprs messages is n x holdoff / APRS packages are not required to be given too often. This parameter specifies the time between the two packets.
TAIL_EVERY n - time between tail text is n x aprs time / frequency of transmission of the attached information text (comment field).
TTEXT string - tail text (up to 100 characters) / attached information text (comment).
CWID on/off - send cwid messages
CWID_EVERY n - time between cw messages is n x holdoff
CW_SPEED n n = the CW identification speed in WPM.
IGATE on/off - monitoring aprs message via UART / after the parameter has been enabled, the radiosonde sends a text through the serial port that the iGate can link to.
NMEA on/off - send MNEA GPGGA and GPRMC messages via UART / If the parameter has been enabled, the radiosonde sends standard NMEA GPGGA and GPRMC text via the serial port.
DISP - shows the set parameters.
SERCOM n - speed of serial communication port (n = 300 to 115200)
DEF - set parameters to default values.
SAVE - save parameters to flash

If you need help, you can use the HELP or the ? command.


RS-41 Sending APRS Decode with Soundmodem.


RS-41 Sending RTTY Decode with FLdigi.


APRS Position showing in APRSIS32.


Connect it with Solar panels like PE2BZ did and launch it :)




UZ7HO SoundModem

FLdigi Appimage

FLdigi Windows

ST-LINK STM32 / USB-TTL Converter can be found on Ali/Ebay.