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import { useQuickReactor, useStateTracking } from '@tldraw/state'
import { TLShape, TLShapeId } from '@tldraw/tlschema'
import { memo, useCallback, useRef } from 'react'
import { ShapeUtil } from '../editor/shapes/ShapeUtil'
import { useEditor } from '../hooks/useEditor'
import { useEditorComponents } from '../hooks/useEditorComponents'
import { Mat } from '../primitives/Mat'
import { setStyleProperty } from '../utils/dom'
import { OptionalErrorBoundary } from './ErrorBoundary'
This component renders shapes on the canvas. There are two stages: positioning
and styling the shape's container using CSS, and then rendering the shape's
JSX using its shape util's render method. Rendering the "inside" of a shape is
more expensive than positioning it or changing its color, so we use memo
to wrap the inner shape and only re-render it when the shape's props change.
The shape also receives props for its index and opacity. The index is used to
determine the z-index of the shape, and the opacity is used to set the shape's
opacity based on its own opacity and that of its parent's.
export const Shape = memo(function Shape({
}: {
id: TLShapeId
shape: TLShape
util: ShapeUtil
index: number
backgroundIndex: number
opacity: number
dprMultiple: number
}) {
const editor = useEditor()
const { ShapeErrorFallback } = useEditorComponents()
const containerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
const bgContainerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
const memoizedStuffRef = useRef({
transform: '',
clipPath: 'none',
width: 0,
height: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
isCulled: false,
'set shape stuff',
() => {
const shape = editor.getShape(id)
if (!shape) return // probably the shape was just deleted
const prev = memoizedStuffRef.current
// Clip path
const clipPath = editor.getShapeClipPath(id) ?? 'none'
if (clipPath !== prev.clipPath) {
setStyleProperty(containerRef.current, 'clip-path', clipPath)
setStyleProperty(bgContainerRef.current, 'clip-path', clipPath)
prev.clipPath = clipPath
// Page transform
const pageTransform = editor.getShapePageTransform(id)
const transform = Mat.toCssString(pageTransform)
const bounds = editor.getShapeGeometry(shape).bounds
// Update if the tranform has changed
if (transform !== prev.transform) {
setStyleProperty(containerRef.current, 'transform', transform)
setStyleProperty(bgContainerRef.current, 'transform', transform)
prev.transform = transform
// Width / Height
// We round the shape width and height up to the nearest multiple of dprMultiple
// to avoid the browser making miscalculations when applying the transform.
const widthRemainder = bounds.w % dprMultiple
const heightRemainder = bounds.h % dprMultiple
const width = widthRemainder === 0 ? bounds.w : bounds.w + (dprMultiple - widthRemainder)
const height = heightRemainder === 0 ? bounds.h : bounds.h + (dprMultiple - heightRemainder)
if (width !== prev.width || height !== prev.height) {
setStyleProperty(containerRef.current, 'width', Math.max(width, dprMultiple) + 'px')
setStyleProperty(containerRef.current, 'height', Math.max(height, dprMultiple) + 'px')
setStyleProperty(bgContainerRef.current, 'width', Math.max(width, dprMultiple) + 'px')
setStyleProperty(bgContainerRef.current, 'height', Math.max(height, dprMultiple) + 'px')
prev.width = width
prev.height = height
// This stuff changes pretty infrequently, so we can change them together
'set opacity and z-index',
() => {
const container = containerRef.current
const bgContainer = bgContainerRef.current
// Opacity
setStyleProperty(container, 'opacity', opacity)
setStyleProperty(bgContainer, 'opacity', opacity)
// Z-Index
setStyleProperty(container, 'z-index', index)
setStyleProperty(bgContainer, 'z-index', backgroundIndex)
[opacity, index, backgroundIndex]
'set display',
() => {
const shape = editor.getShape(id)
if (!shape) return // probably the shape was just deleted
const culledShapes = editor.getCulledShapes()
const isCulled = culledShapes.has(id)
if (isCulled !== memoizedStuffRef.current.isCulled) {
setStyleProperty(containerRef.current, 'display', isCulled ? 'none' : 'block')
setStyleProperty(bgContainerRef.current, 'display', isCulled ? 'none' : 'block')
memoizedStuffRef.current.isCulled = isCulled
const annotateError = useCallback(
(error: any) => editor.annotateError(error, { origin: 'shape', willCrashApp: false }),
if (!shape) return null
return (
{util.backgroundComponent && (
className="tl-shape tl-shape-background"
<OptionalErrorBoundary fallback={ShapeErrorFallback} onError={annotateError}>
<InnerShapeBackground shape={shape} util={util} />
<div ref={containerRef} className="tl-shape" data-shape-type={shape.type} draggable={false}>
<OptionalErrorBoundary fallback={ShapeErrorFallback as any} onError={annotateError}>
<InnerShape shape={shape} util={util} />
const InnerShape = memo(
function InnerShape<T extends TLShape>({ shape, util }: { shape: T; util: ShapeUtil<T> }) {
return useStateTracking('InnerShape:' + shape.type, () => util.component(shape))
(prev, next) => prev.shape.props === next.shape.props && prev.shape.meta === next.shape.meta
const InnerShapeBackground = memo(
function InnerShapeBackground<T extends TLShape>({
}: {
shape: T
util: ShapeUtil<T>
}) {
return useStateTracking('InnerShape:' + shape.type, () => util.backgroundComponent?.(shape))
(prev, next) => prev.shape.props === next.shape.props && prev.shape.meta === next.shape.meta