
928 wiersze
28 KiB

import { TLBounds, TLTransformInfo, Utils, TLPageState } from '@tldraw/core'
import {
} from '~types'
import { Vec } from '@tldraw/vec'
import type { TLDrawShapeUtil } from './shapes/TLDrawShapeUtil'
import { getShapeUtils } from './shapes'
export class TLDR {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
static getShapeUtils<T extends TLDrawShape>(type: T['type']): TLDrawShapeUtil<T>
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
static getShapeUtils<T extends TLDrawShape>(shape: T): TLDrawShapeUtil<T>
static getShapeUtils<T extends TLDrawShape>(shape: T | T['type']) {
return getShapeUtils<T>(shape)
static getSelectedShapes(data: Data, pageId: string) {
const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
const selectedIds = TLDR.getSelectedIds(data, pageId)
return => page.shapes[id])
static screenToWorld(data: Data, point: number[]) {
const camera = TLDR.getPageState(data, data.appState.currentPageId).camera
return Vec.sub(Vec.div(point, camera.zoom), camera.point)
static getCameraZoom(zoom: number) {
return Utils.clamp(zoom, 0.1, 5)
static getPage(data: Data, pageId: string): TLDrawPage {
return data.document.pages[pageId]
static getPageState(data: Data, pageId: string): TLPageState {
return data.document.pageStates[pageId]
static getSelectedIds(data: Data, pageId: string): string[] {
return TLDR.getPageState(data, pageId).selectedIds
static getShapes(data: Data, pageId: string): TLDrawShape[] {
return Object.values(TLDR.getPage(data, pageId).shapes)
static getCamera(data: Data, pageId: string): TLPageState['camera'] {
return TLDR.getPageState(data, pageId).camera
static getShape<T extends TLDrawShape = TLDrawShape>(
data: Data,
shapeId: string,
pageId: string
): T {
return TLDR.getPage(data, pageId).shapes[shapeId] as T
static getCenter<T extends TLDrawShape>(shape: T) {
return TLDR.getShapeUtils(shape).getCenter(shape)
static getBounds<T extends TLDrawShape>(shape: T) {
return TLDR.getShapeUtils(shape).getBounds(shape)
static getRotatedBounds<T extends TLDrawShape>(shape: T) {
return TLDR.getShapeUtils(shape).getRotatedBounds(shape)
static getSelectedBounds(data: Data): TLBounds {
return Utils.getCommonBounds(
TLDR.getSelectedShapes(data, data.appState.currentPageId).map((shape) =>
static getParentId(data: Data, id: string, pageId: string) {
return TLDR.getShape(data, id, pageId).parentId
// static getPointedId(data: Data, id: string, pageId: string): string {
// const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
// const pageState = TLDR.getPageState(data, data.appState.currentPageId)
// const shape = TLDR.getShape(data, id, pageId)
// if (!shape) return id
// return shape.parentId === pageState.currentParentId || shape.parentId ===
// ? id
// : TLDR.getPointedId(data, shape.parentId, pageId)
// }
// static getDrilledPointedId(data: Data, id: string, pageId: string): string {
// const shape = TLDR.getShape(data, id, pageId)
// const { currentPageId } = data.appState
// const { currentParentId, pointedId } = TLDR.getPageState(data, data.appState.currentPageId)
// return shape.parentId === currentPageId ||
// shape.parentId === pointedId ||
// shape.parentId === currentParentId
// ? id
// : TLDR.getDrilledPointedId(data, shape.parentId, pageId)
// }
// static getTopParentId(data: Data, id: string, pageId: string): string {
// const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
// const pageState = TLDR.getPageState(data, pageId)
// const shape = TLDR.getShape(data, id, pageId)
// if (shape.parentId === {
// throw Error(`Shape has the same id as its parent! ${}`)
// }
// return shape.parentId === || shape.parentId === pageState.currentParentId
// ? id
// : TLDR.getTopParentId(data, shape.parentId, pageId)
// }
// Get an array of a shape id and its descendant shapes' ids
static getDocumentBranch(data: Data, id: string, pageId: string): string[] {
const shape = TLDR.getShape(data, id, pageId)
if (shape.children === undefined) return [id]
return [
...shape.children.flatMap((childId) => TLDR.getDocumentBranch(data, childId, pageId)),
// Get a deep array of unproxied shapes and their descendants
static getSelectedBranchSnapshot<K>(
data: Data,
pageId: string,
fn: (shape: TLDrawShape) => K
): ({ id: string } & K)[]
static getSelectedBranchSnapshot(data: Data, pageId: string): TLDrawShape[]
static getSelectedBranchSnapshot<K>(
data: Data,
pageId: string,
fn?: (shape: TLDrawShape) => K
): (TLDrawShape | K)[] {
const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
const copies = TLDR.getSelectedIds(data, pageId)
.flatMap((id) => TLDR.getDocumentBranch(data, id, pageId).map((id) => page.shapes[id]))
.filter((shape) => !shape.isLocked)
if (fn !== undefined) {
return => ({ id:, ...fn(shape) }))
return copies
// Get a shallow array of unproxied shapes
static getSelectedShapeSnapshot(data: Data, pageId: string): TLDrawShape[]
static getSelectedShapeSnapshot<K>(
data: Data,
pageId: string,
fn?: (shape: TLDrawShape) => K
): ({ id: string } & K)[]
static getSelectedShapeSnapshot<K>(
data: Data,
pageId: string,
fn?: (shape: TLDrawShape) => K
): (TLDrawShape | K)[] {
const copies = TLDR.getSelectedShapes(data, pageId)
.filter((shape) => !shape.isLocked)
if (fn !== undefined) {
return => ({ id:, ...fn(shape) }))
return copies
// For a given array of shape ids, an array of all other shapes that may be affected by a mutation to it.
// Use this to decide which shapes to clone as before / after for a command.
static getAllEffectedShapeIds(data: Data, ids: string[], pageId: string): string[] {
const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
const visited = new Set(ids)
ids.forEach((id) => {
const shape = page.shapes[id]
// Add descendant shapes
function collectDescendants(shape: TLDrawShape): void {
if (shape.children === undefined) return
.filter((childId) => !visited.has(childId))
.forEach((childId) => {
// Add asecendant shapes
function collectAscendants(shape: TLDrawShape): void {
const parentId = shape.parentId
if (parentId === return
if (visited.has(parentId)) return
// Add bindings that are to or from any of the visited shapes (this does not have to be recursive)
visited.forEach((id) => {
.filter((binding) => binding.fromId === id || binding.toId === id)
.forEach((binding) => visited.add(binding.fromId === id ? binding.toId : binding.fromId))
// Return the unique array of visited shapes
return Array.from(visited.values())
static updateBindings(
data: Data,
id: string,
beforeShapes: Record<string, Partial<TLDrawShape>> = {},
afterShapes: Record<string, Partial<TLDrawShape>> = {},
pageId: string
): Data {
const page = { ...TLDR.getPage(data, pageId) }
return Object.values(page.bindings)
.filter((binding) => binding.fromId === id || binding.toId === id)
.reduce((cData, binding) => {
if (!beforeShapes[binding.fromId]) {
beforeShapes[binding.fromId] = Utils.deepClone(
TLDR.getShape(cData, binding.fromId, pageId)
if (!beforeShapes[binding.toId]) {
beforeShapes[binding.toId] = Utils.deepClone(TLDR.getShape(cData, binding.toId, pageId))
TLDR.getShape(cData, binding.fromId, pageId),
TLDR.getShape(cData, binding.toId, pageId)
afterShapes[binding.fromId] = Utils.deepClone(TLDR.getShape(cData, binding.fromId, pageId))
afterShapes[binding.toId] = Utils.deepClone(TLDR.getShape(cData, binding.toId, pageId))
return cData
}, data)
static getLinkedShapes(
data: Data,
pageId: string,
direction: 'center' | 'left' | 'right',
includeArrows = true
) {
const selectedIds = TLDR.getSelectedIds(data, pageId)
const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
const linkedIds = new Set<string>(selectedIds)
const checkedIds = new Set<string>()
const idsToCheck = [...selectedIds]
const arrows = new Set(
Object.values(page.shapes).filter((shape) => {
return (
shape.type === TLDrawShapeType.Arrow &&
(shape.handles.start.bindingId || shape.handles?.end.bindingId)
}) as ArrowShape[]
while (idsToCheck.length) {
const id = idsToCheck.pop()
if (!(id && arrows.size)) break
if (checkedIds.has(id)) continue
arrows.forEach((arrow) => {
const {
handles: {
start: { bindingId: startBindingId },
end: { bindingId: endBindingId },
} = arrow
const startBinding = startBindingId ? page.bindings[startBindingId] : null
const endBinding = endBindingId ? page.bindings[endBindingId] : null
let hit = false
if (startBinding && startBinding.toId === id) {
if (direction === 'center') {
hit = true
} else if (arrow.decorations?.start && endBinding) {
// The arrow is pointing to this shape at its start
hit = direction === 'left'
} else {
// The arrow is pointing away from this shape
hit = direction === 'right'
if (hit) {
// This arrow is bound to this shape
if (includeArrows) linkedIds.add(
if (endBinding) {
} else if (endBinding && endBinding.toId === id) {
// This arrow is bound to this shape at its end
if (direction === 'center') {
hit = true
} else if (arrow.decorations?.end && startBinding) {
// The arrow is pointing to this shape
hit = direction === 'left'
} else {
// The arrow is pointing away from this shape
hit = direction === 'right'
if (hit) {
if (includeArrows) linkedIds.add(
if (startBinding) {
if (
(!startBinding || linkedIds.has(startBinding.toId)) &&
(!endBinding || linkedIds.has(endBinding.toId))
) {
return Array.from(linkedIds.values())
static getChildIndexAbove(data: Data, id: string, pageId: string): number {
const page = data.document.pages[pageId]
const shape = page.shapes[id]
let siblings: TLDrawShape[]
if (shape.parentId === {
siblings = Object.values(page.shapes)
.filter((shape) => shape.parentId ===
.sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex)
} else {
const parent = page.shapes[shape.parentId]
if (!parent.children) throw Error('No children in parent!')
siblings = parent.children
.map((childId) => page.shapes[childId])
.sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex)
const index = siblings.indexOf(shape)
const nextSibling = siblings[index + 1]
if (!nextSibling) return shape.childIndex + 1
return nextSibling.childIndex
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* Mutations */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
static getBeforeShape<T extends TLDrawShape>(shape: T, change: Partial<T>): Partial<T> {
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.keys(change).map((k) => [k, shape[k as keyof T]])
) as Partial<T>
static mutateShapes<T extends TLDrawShape>(
data: Data,
ids: string[],
fn: (shape: T, i: number) => Partial<T> | void,
pageId: string
): {
before: Record<string, Partial<T>>
after: Record<string, Partial<T>>
data: Data
} {
const beforeShapes: Record<string, Partial<T>> = {}
const afterShapes: Record<string, Partial<T>> = {}
ids.forEach((id, i) => {
const shape = TLDR.getShape<T>(data, id, pageId)
const change = fn(shape, i)
if (change) {
beforeShapes[id] = TLDR.getBeforeShape(shape, change)
afterShapes[id] = change
const dataWithMutations = Utils.deepMerge(data, {
document: {
pages: {
[data.appState.currentPageId]: {
shapes: afterShapes,
const dataWithBindingChanges = ids.reduce<Data>((cData, id) => {
return TLDR.updateBindings(cData, id, beforeShapes, afterShapes, pageId)
}, dataWithMutations)
return {
before: beforeShapes,
after: afterShapes,
data: dataWithBindingChanges,
static createShapes(data: Data, shapes: TLDrawShape[], pageId: string): TLDrawCommand {
const before: TLDrawPatch = {
document: {
pages: {
[pageId]: {
shapes: {
shapes.flatMap((shape) => {
const results: [string, Partial<TLDrawShape> | undefined][] = [
[, undefined],
// If the shape is a child of another shape, also save that shape
if (shape.parentId !== pageId) {
const parent = TLDR.getShape(data, shape.parentId, pageId)
if (!parent.children) throw Error('No children in parent!')
results.push([, { children: parent.children }])
return results
const after: TLDrawPatch = {
document: {
pages: {
[pageId]: {
shapes: {
shapes: {
shapes.flatMap((shape) => {
const results: [string, Partial<TLDrawShape> | undefined][] = [
[, shape],
// If the shape is a child of a different shape, update its parent
if (shape.parentId !== pageId) {
const parent = TLDR.getShape(data, shape.parentId, pageId)
if (!parent.children) throw Error('No children in parent!')
results.push([, { children: [...parent.children,] }])
return results
return {
static deleteShapes(
data: Data,
shapes: TLDrawShape[] | string[],
pageId?: string
): TLDrawCommand {
pageId = pageId ? pageId : data.appState.currentPageId
const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
const shapeIds =
typeof shapes[0] === 'string'
? (shapes as string[])
: (shapes as TLDrawShape[]).map((shape) =>
const before: TLDrawPatch = {
document: {
pages: {
[pageId]: {
shapes: {
// These are the shapes that we're going to delete
shapeIds.flatMap((id) => {
const shape = page.shapes[id]
const results: [string, Partial<TLDrawShape> | undefined][] = [[, shape]]
// If the shape is a child of another shape, also add that shape
if (shape.parentId !== pageId) {
const parent = page.shapes[shape.parentId]
if (!parent.children) throw Error('No children in parent!')
results.push([, { children: parent.children }])
return results
bindings: {
// These are the bindings that we're going to delete
.filter((binding) => {
return shapeIds.includes(binding.fromId) || shapeIds.includes(binding.toId)
.map((binding) => {
return [, binding]
const after: TLDrawPatch = {
document: {
pages: {
[pageId]: {
shapes: {
shapeIds.flatMap((id) => {
const shape = page.shapes[id]
const results: [string, Partial<TLDrawShape> | undefined][] = [
[, undefined],
// If the shape is a child of a different shape, update its parent
if (shape.parentId !== {
const parent = page.shapes[shape.parentId]
if (!parent.children) throw Error('No children in parent!')
{ children: parent.children.filter((id) => id !== },
return results
return {
static onSessionComplete<T extends TLDrawShape>(shape: T) {
const delta = TLDR.getShapeUtils(shape).onSessionComplete?.(shape)
if (!delta) return shape
return { ...shape, }
static onChildrenChange<T extends TLDrawShape>(data: Data, shape: T, pageId: string) {
if (!shape.children) return
const delta = TLDR.getShapeUtils(shape).onChildrenChange?.(
shape, => TLDR.getShape(data, id, pageId))
if (!delta) return shape
return { ...shape, }
static onBindingChange<T extends TLDrawShape>(
shape: T,
binding: TLDrawBinding,
otherShape: TLDrawShape
) {
const delta = TLDR.getShapeUtils(shape).onBindingChange?.(
if (!delta) return shape
return { ...shape, }
static transform<T extends TLDrawShape>(shape: T, bounds: TLBounds, info: TLTransformInfo<T>) {
const delta = TLDR.getShapeUtils(shape).transform(shape, bounds, info)
if (!delta) return shape
return { ...shape, }
static transformSingle<T extends TLDrawShape>(
shape: T,
bounds: TLBounds,
info: TLTransformInfo<T>
) {
const delta = TLDR.getShapeUtils(shape).transformSingle(shape, bounds, info)
if (!delta) return shape
return { ...shape, }
* Rotate a shape around an origin point.
* @param shape a shape.
* @param center the shape's center in page space.
* @param origin the page point to rotate around.
* @param rotation the amount to rotate the shape.
static getRotatedShapeMutation<T extends TLDrawShape>(
shape: T, // in page space
center: number[], // in page space
origin: number[], // in page space (probably the center of common bounds)
delta: number // The shape's rotation delta
): Partial<T> | void {
// The shape's center relative to the shape's point
const relativeCenter = Vec.sub(center, shape.point)
// Rotate the center around the origin
const rotatedCenter = Vec.rotWith(center, origin, delta)
// Get the top left point relative to the rotated center
const nextPoint = Vec.round(Vec.sub(rotatedCenter, relativeCenter))
// If the shape has handles, we need to rotate the handles instead
// of rotating the shape. Shapes with handles should never be rotated,
// because that makes a lot of other things incredible difficult.
if (shape.handles !== undefined) {
const change = this.getShapeUtils(shape).onHandleChange?.(
// Base the change on a shape with the next point
{ ...shape, point: nextPoint },
Object.entries(shape.handles).map(([handleId, handle]) => {
// Rotate each handle's point around the shape's center
// (in relative shape space, as the handle's point will be).
const point = Vec.round(Vec.rotWith(handle.point, relativeCenter, delta))
return [handleId, { ...handle, point }]
) as T['handles'],
{ shiftKey: false }
return change
// If the shape has no handles, move the shape to the new point
// and set the rotation.
// Clamp the next rotation between 0 and PI2
const nextRotation = Utils.clampRadians((shape.rotation || 0) + delta)
return {
point: nextPoint,
rotation: nextRotation,
} as Partial<T>
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* Parents */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
static updateParents(data: Data, pageId: string, changedShapeIds: string[]): void {
const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
if (changedShapeIds.length === 0) return
const { shapes } = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
const parentToUpdateIds = Array.from(
new Set( => shapes[id].parentId).values())
).filter((id) => id !==
for (const parentId of parentToUpdateIds) {
const parent = shapes[parentId]
if (!parent.children) {
throw Error('A shape is parented to a shape without a children array.')
TLDR.onChildrenChange(data, parent, pageId)
TLDR.updateParents(data, pageId, parentToUpdateIds)
static getSelectedStyle(data: Data, pageId: string): ShapeStyles | false {
const { currentStyle } = data.appState
const page = data.document.pages[pageId]
const pageState = data.document.pageStates[pageId]
if (pageState.selectedIds.length === 0) {
return currentStyle
const shapeStyles = => page.shapes[id].style)
const commonStyle = {} as ShapeStyles
const overrides = new Set<string>([])
for (const shapeStyle of shapeStyles) {
const styles = Object.keys(currentStyle) as (keyof ShapeStyles)[]
styles.forEach((key) => {
if (overrides.has(key)) return
if (commonStyle[key] === undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
commonStyle[key] = shapeStyle[key]
} else {
if (commonStyle[key] === shapeStyle[key]) return
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
commonStyle[key] = currentStyle[key]
return commonStyle
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* Bindings */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
static getBinding(data: Data, id: string, pageId: string): TLDrawBinding {
return TLDR.getPage(data, pageId).bindings[id]
static getBindings(data: Data, pageId: string): TLDrawBinding[] {
const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
return Object.values(page.bindings)
static getBindableShapeIds(data: Data) {
return TLDR.getShapes(data, data.appState.currentPageId)
.filter((shape) => TLDR.getShapeUtils(shape).canBind)
.sort((a, b) => b.childIndex - a.childIndex)
.map((shape) =>
static getBindingsWithShapeIds(data: Data, ids: string[], pageId: string): TLDrawBinding[] {
return Array.from(
new Set(
TLDR.getBindings(data, pageId).filter((binding) => {
return ids.includes(binding.toId) || ids.includes(binding.fromId)
static getRelatedBindings(data: Data, ids: string[], pageId: string): TLDrawBinding[] {
const changedShapeIds = new Set(ids)
const page = TLDR.getPage(data, pageId)
// Find all bindings that we need to update
const bindingsArr = Object.values(page.bindings)
// Start with bindings that are directly bound to our changed shapes
const bindingsToUpdate = new Set(
(binding) => changedShapeIds.has(binding.toId) || changedShapeIds.has(binding.fromId)
// Next, look for other bindings that effect the same shapes
let prevSize = bindingsToUpdate.size
let delta = -1
while (delta !== 0) {
bindingsToUpdate.forEach((binding) => {
const fromId = binding.fromId
for (const otherBinding of bindingsArr) {
if (otherBinding.fromId === fromId) {
if (otherBinding.toId === fromId) {
// Continue until we stop finding new bindings to update
delta = bindingsToUpdate.size - prevSize
prevSize = bindingsToUpdate.size
return Array.from(bindingsToUpdate.values())
static copyStringToClipboard = (string: string) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
const textarea = document.createElement('textarea')
textarea.setAttribute('position', 'fixed')
textarea.setAttribute('top', '0')
textarea.setAttribute('readonly', 'true')
textarea.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true') = 'fixed'
textarea.value = string
try {
const range = document.createRange()
const sel = window.getSelection()
if (sel) {
textarea.setSelectionRange(0, textarea.value.length)
} catch (err) {
null // Could not copy to clipboard
} finally {
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* Groups */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
static flattenShape = (data: Data, shape: TLDrawShape): TLDrawShape[] => {
return [
...(shape.children ?? [])
.map((childId) => TLDR.getShape(data, childId, data.appState.currentPageId))
.sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex)
.flatMap((shape) => TLDR.flattenShape(data, shape)),
static flattenPage = (data: Data, pageId: string): TLDrawShape[] => {
return Object.values(data.document.pages[pageId].shapes)
.sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex)
.reduce<TLDrawShape[]>((acc, shape) => [...acc, ...TLDR.flattenShape(data, shape)], [])
static getTopChildIndex = (data: Data, pageId: string): number => {
const shapes = TLDR.getShapes(data, pageId)
return shapes.length === 0
? 1
: shapes
.filter((shape) => shape.parentId === pageId)
.sort((a, b) => b.childIndex - a.childIndex)[0].childIndex + 1
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* Assertions */
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
static assertShapeHasProperty<P extends keyof TLDrawShape>(
shape: TLDrawShape,
prop: P
): asserts shape is ShapesWithProp<P> {
if (shape[prop] === undefined) {
throw new Error()