
226 wiersze
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* Properties shared by all `options` provided to file save and open operations
export interface CoreFileOptions {
/** Acceptable file extensions. Defaults to [""]. */
extensions?: string[]
/** Suggested file description. Defaults to "". */
description?: string
/** Acceptable MIME types. [] */
mimeTypes?: string[]
* Properties shared by the _first_ `options` object provided to file save and
* open operations (any additional options objects provided to those operations
* cannot have these properties)
export interface FirstCoreFileOptions extends CoreFileOptions {
startIn?: WellKnownDirectory | FileSystemHandle
/** By specifying an ID, the user agent can remember different directories for different IDs. */
id?: string
excludeAcceptAllOption?: boolean | false
* The first `options` object passed to file save operations can also specify
* a filename
export interface FirstFileSaveOptions extends FirstCoreFileOptions {
/** Suggested file name. Defaults to "Untitled". */
fileName?: string
* Configurable cleanup and `Promise` rejector usable with legacy API for
* determining when (and reacting if) a user cancels the operation. The
* method will be passed a reference to the internal `rejectionHandler` that
* can, e.g., be attached to/removed from the window or called after a
* timeout. The method should return a function that will be called when
* either the user chooses to open a file or the `rejectionHandler` is
* called. In the latter case, the returned function will also be passed a
* reference to the `reject` callback for the `Promise` returned by
* `fileOpen`, so that developers may reject the `Promise` when desired at
* that time.
* Example rejector:
* const file = await fileOpen({
* legacySetup: (rejectionHandler) => {
* const timeoutId = setTimeout(rejectionHandler, 10_000);
* return (reject) => {
* clearTimeout(timeoutId);
* if (reject) {
* reject('My error message here.');
* }
* };
* },
* });
* ToDo: Remove this workaround once
* is specified and supported.
legacySetup?: (
resolve: (value: Blob) => void,
rejectionHandler: () => void,
anchor: HTMLAnchorElement
) => (reject?: (reason?: any) => void) => void
* The first `options` object passed to file open operations can specify
* whether multiple files can be selected (the return type of the operation
* will be updated appropriately) and a way of handling cleanup and rejection
* for legacy open operations.
export interface FirstFileOpenOptions<M extends boolean | undefined> extends FirstCoreFileOptions {
/** Allow multiple files to be selected. Defaults to false. */
multiple?: M
* Configurable cleanup and `Promise` rejector usable with legacy API for
* determining when (and reacting if) a user cancels the operation. The
* method will be passed a reference to the internal `rejectionHandler` that
* can, e.g., be attached to/removed from the window or called after a
* timeout. The method should return a function that will be called when
* either the user chooses to open a file or the `rejectionHandler` is
* called. In the latter case, the returned function will also be passed a
* reference to the `reject` callback for the `Promise` returned by
* `fileOpen`, so that developers may reject the `Promise` when desired at
* that time.
* Example rejector:
* const file = await fileOpen({
* legacySetup: (rejectionHandler) => {
* const timeoutId = setTimeout(rejectionHandler, 10_000);
* return (reject) => {
* clearTimeout(timeoutId);
* if (reject) {
* reject('My error message here.');
* }
* };
* },
* });
* ToDo: Remove this workaround once
* is specified and supported.
legacySetup?: (
resolve: (value: M extends false | undefined ? FileWithHandle : FileWithHandle[]) => void,
rejectionHandler: () => void,
input: HTMLInputElement
) => (reject?: (reason?: any) => void) => void
* Opens file(s) from disk.
export function fileOpen<M extends boolean | undefined = false>(
options?: [FirstFileOpenOptions<M>, ...CoreFileOptions[]] | FirstFileOpenOptions<M>
): M extends false | undefined ? Promise<FileWithHandle> : Promise<FileWithHandle[]>
export type WellKnownDirectory =
| 'desktop'
| 'documents'
| 'downloads'
| 'music'
| 'pictures'
| 'videos'
* Saves a file to disk.
* @returns Optional file handle to save in place.
export function fileSave(
/** To-be-saved `Blob` or `Response` */
blobOrResponse: Blob | Response,
options?: [FirstFileSaveOptions, ...CoreFileOptions[]] | FirstFileSaveOptions,
* A potentially existing file handle for a file to save to. Defaults to
* null.
existingHandle?: FileSystemHandle | null,
* Determines whether to throw (rather than open a new file save dialog)
* when existingHandle is no longer good. Defaults to false.
throwIfExistingHandleNotGood?: boolean | false
): Promise<FileSystemHandle | null>
* Opens a directory from disk using the File System Access API.
* @returns Contained files.
export function directoryOpen(options?: {
/** Whether to recursively get subdirectories. */
recursive: boolean
/** Suggested directory in which the file picker opens. */
startIn?: WellKnownDirectory | FileSystemHandle
/** By specifying an ID, the user agent can remember different directories for different IDs. */
id?: string
/** Callback to determine whether a directory should be entered, return `true` to skip. */
skipDirectory?: (fileSystemDirectoryEntry: FileSystemDirectoryEntry) => boolean
* Configurable setup, cleanup and `Promise` rejector usable with legacy API
* for determining when (and reacting if) a user cancels the operation. The
* method will be passed a reference to the internal `rejectionHandler` that
* can, e.g., be attached to/removed from the window or called after a
* timeout. The method should return a function that will be called when
* either the user chooses to open a file or the `rejectionHandler` is
* called. In the latter case, the returned function will also be passed a
* reference to the `reject` callback for the `Promise` returned by
* `fileOpen`, so that developers may reject the `Promise` when desired at
* that time.
* Example rejector:
* const file = await directoryOpen({
* legacySetup: (rejectionHandler) => {
* const timeoutId = setTimeout(rejectionHandler, 10_000);
* return (reject) => {
* clearTimeout(timeoutId);
* if (reject) {
* reject('My error message here.');
* }
* };
* },
* });
* ToDo: Remove this workaround once
* is specified and supported.
legacySetup?: (
resolve: (value: FileWithDirectoryHandle) => void,
rejectionHandler: () => void,
input: HTMLInputElement
) => (reject?: (reason?: any) => void) => void
}): Promise<FileWithDirectoryHandle[]>
* Whether the File System Access API is supported.
export const supported: boolean
export function imageToBlob(img: HTMLImageElement): Promise<Blob>
export interface FileWithHandle extends File {
handle?: FileSystemHandle
export interface FileWithDirectoryHandle extends File {
directoryHandle?: FileSystemHandle
// The following typings implement the relevant parts of the File System Access
// API. This can be removed once the specification reaches the Candidate phase
// and is implemented as part of microsoft/TSJS-lib-generator.
export interface FileSystemHandlePermissionDescriptor {
mode?: 'read' | 'readwrite'
export interface FileSystemHandle {
readonly kind: 'file' | 'directory'
readonly name: string
isSameEntry: (other: FileSystemHandle) => Promise<boolean>
queryPermission: (descriptor?: FileSystemHandlePermissionDescriptor) => Promise<PermissionState>
requestPermission: (descriptor?: FileSystemHandlePermissionDescriptor) => Promise<PermissionState>