
380 wiersze
10 KiB

import { mapObjectMapValues } from '@tldraw/utils'
import isEqual from 'lodash.isequal'
import { T, Validator } from '..'
class RandomSource {
private seed: number
constructor(seed: number) {
this.seed = seed
nextFloat(): number {
this.seed = (this.seed * 9301 + 49297) % 233280
return this.seed / 233280
nextInt(max: number): number {
return Math.floor(this.nextFloat() * max)
nextIntInRange(min: number, max: number): number {
return this.nextInt(max - min) + min
nextId(): string {
return this.nextInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(36)
selectOne<T>(arr: readonly T[]): T {
return arr[this.nextInt(arr.length)]
choice(probability: number): boolean {
return this.nextFloat() < probability
_choices: Record<string, (() => Result) | { weight?: number; do(): Result }>
): Result {
const choices = Object.values(_choices).map((choice) => {
if (typeof choice === 'function') {
return { weight: 1, do: choice }
return choice
const totalWeight = Object.values(choices).reduce(
(total, choice) => total + (choice.weight ?? 1),
const randomWeight = this.nextInt(totalWeight)
let weight = 0
for (const choice of Object.values(choices)) {
weight += choice.weight ?? 1
if (randomWeight < weight) {
throw new Error('unreachable')
nextPropertyName(): string {
return this.selectOne(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'mux', 'bah'])
nextJsonValue(): any {
return this.executeOne<any>({
string: { weight: 1, do: () => this.nextId() },
number: { weight: 1, do: () => this.nextFloat() },
integer: { weight: 1, do: () => this.nextInt(100) },
boolean: { weight: 1, do: () => this.choice(0.5) },
null: { weight: 1, do: () => null },
array: {
weight: 1,
do: () => {
const numItems = this.nextInt(4)
const result = []
for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
return result
object: {
weight: 1,
do: () => {
const numItems = this.nextInt(4)
const result = {} as any
for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
result[this.nextPropertyName()] = this.nextJsonValue()
return result
nextTestType(depth: number): TestType {
if (depth >= 3) {
return this.selectOne(Object.values(builtinTypes))
return this.executeOne<TestType>({
primitive: () => this.selectOne(Object.values(builtinTypes)),
array: () => generateArrayType(this, depth),
object: () => generateObjectType(this, {}, depth),
union: () => generateUnionType(this, depth),
dict: () => generateDictType(this, depth),
model: () => {
const objType = generateObjectType(this, {}, depth)
const name = this.nextPropertyName()
return {
validator: T.model(name, objType.validator),
type TestType = {
validator: T.Validator<any>
generateValid: (source: RandomSource) => any
generateInvalid: (source: RandomSource) => any
const builtinTypes = {
string: {
validator: T.string,
generateValid: (source) => source.selectOne(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']),
generateInvalid: (source) => source.selectOne([5, /regexp/, {}]),
number: {
validator: T.number,
generateValid: (source) => source.nextInt(5),
generateInvalid: (source) => source.selectOne(['a', /num/]),
integer: {
validator: T.integer,
generateValid: (source) => source.nextInt(5),
generateInvalid: (source) => source.selectOne([0.2, '3', 5n, /int/]),
json: {
validator: T.jsonValue,
generateValid: (source) => source.nextJsonValue(),
generateInvalid: (source) => source.selectOne([/regexp/, 343n, { key: /regexp/ }]),
} as const satisfies Record<string, TestType>
function generateObjectType(
source: RandomSource,
injectProperties: Record<string, TestType>,
depth: number
): TestType {
const numProperties = source.nextIntInRange(1, 5)
const propertyTypes: Record<string, TestType> = {
const optionalTypes = new Set<string>()
const nullableTypes = new Set<string>()
for (let i = 0; i < numProperties; i++) {
const type = source.nextTestType(depth + 1)
const name = source.nextPropertyName()
if (source.choice(0.2)) {
if (source.choice(0.2)) {
let validator = type.validator
if (nullableTypes.has(name)) {
validator = validator.nullable()
if (optionalTypes.has(name)) {
validator = validator.optional()
propertyTypes[name] = { ...type, validator }
const generateValid = (source: RandomSource) => {
const result = {} as any
for (const [name, type] of Object.entries(propertyTypes)) {
if (optionalTypes.has(name) && source.choice(0.2)) {
} else if (nullableTypes.has(name) && source.choice(0.2)) {
result[name] = null
result[name] = type.generateValid(source)
return result
return {
validator: T.object(mapObjectMapValues(propertyTypes, (_, { validator }) => validator)),
generateInvalid: (source) => {
return source.executeOne<any>({
otherType: () =>
string: () => source.selectOne(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']),
number: () => source.nextInt(5),
array: () => [source.nextId(), source.nextFloat()],
bool: () => true,
missingProperty: () => {
const val = generateValid(source)
const keyToDelete = source.selectOne(
Object.keys(val).filter((key) => !optionalTypes.has(key))
if (!keyToDelete) {
// no non-optional properties, do a invalid property test instead
val[keyToDelete] =
return val
delete val[keyToDelete]
return val
extraProperty: () => {
const val = generateValid(source)
val[source.nextPropertyName() + '_'] = source.nextJsonValue()
return val
invalidProperty: () => {
const val = generateValid(source)
const keyToChange = source.selectOne(Object.keys(propertyTypes))
val[keyToChange] = propertyTypes[keyToChange].generateInvalid(source)
return val
function generateDictType(source: RandomSource, depth: number): TestType {
const keyType = builtinTypes.string
const keySet = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] as const
const valueType = source.nextTestType(depth + 1)
const validator = T.dict(keyType.validator, valueType.validator)
const generateValid = (source: RandomSource) => {
const result = {} as any
const numItems = source.nextInt(4)
for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
result[source.selectOne(keySet)] = valueType.generateValid(source)
return result
return {
generateInvalid: (source) => {
const result = generateValid(source)
const key = source.selectOne(Object.keys(result)) ?? source.nextPropertyName()
result[key] = valueType.generateInvalid(source)
return result
function createLiteralType(value: string): TestType {
return {
validator: T.literal(value),
generateValid: () => value,
generateInvalid: (source) => source.selectOne(['_invalid_' + value, 2324, {}]),
function generateUnionType(source: RandomSource, depth: number): TestType {
const key = source.selectOne(['type', 'name', 'kind'])
const numMembers = source.nextIntInRange(1, 4)
const members: TestType[] = []
const unionMap: Record<string, Validator<any>> = {}
for (let i = 0; i < numMembers; i++) {
const id = source.nextId()
const keyType = createLiteralType(id)
const type = generateObjectType(source, { [key]: keyType }, depth + 1)
unionMap[id] = type.validator
const validator = T.union(key, unionMap)
return {
generateValid: (source) => {
const member = source.selectOne(members)
return member.generateValid(source)
generateInvalid(source) {
return source.executeOne<any>({
otherType: () => source.selectOne(['_invalid_', 2324, {}]),
badMember: {
weight: 4,
do() {
const member = source.selectOne(members)
return member.generateInvalid(source)
function generateArrayType(source: RandomSource, depth: number): TestType {
const valueType = source.nextTestType(depth + 1)
const validator = T.arrayOf(valueType.validator)
const generateValid = (source: RandomSource) => {
const result = [] as any[]
const numItems = source.nextInt(4)
for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
return result
return {
generateInvalid: (source) => {
return source.executeOne<any>({
otherType: () =>
string: () => source.nextId(),
number: () => source.nextInt(100),
object: () => ({ key: source.nextId() }),
invalidItem: () => {
const val = generateValid(source)
if (val.length === 0) {
return [valueType.generateInvalid(source)]
const indexToChange = source.nextInt(val.length)
val[indexToChange] = valueType.generateInvalid(source)
return val
function runTest(seed: number) {
test(`fuzz test with seed ${seed}`, () => {
const source = new RandomSource(seed)
const type = source.nextTestType(0)
const oldValid = type.generateValid(source)
const newValid = source.choice(0.5) ? type.generateValid(source) : oldValid
const didChange = !isEqual(oldValid, newValid)
const invalid = type.generateInvalid(source)
expect(() => {
expect(() => type.validator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(oldValid, newValid)).not.toThrow()
expect(() => type.validator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(oldValid, invalid)).toThrow()
if (didChange) {
expect(type.validator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(oldValid, newValid)).toBe(newValid)
} else {
expect(type.validator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(oldValid, newValid)).toBe(oldValid)
const NUM_TESTS = 1000
const source = new RandomSource(Math.random())
// 54480484
const onlySeed: null | number = null
if (onlySeed) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < NUM_TESTS; i++) {
const seed = source.nextInt(100000000)