
976 wiersze
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import {
} from '@tldraw/utils'
/** @public */
export type ValidatorFn<T> = (value: unknown) => T
/** @public */
export type ValidatorUsingKnownGoodVersionFn<In, Out = In> = (
knownGoodValue: In,
value: unknown
) => Out
/** @public */
export type Validatable<T> = {
validate: (value: unknown) => T
* This is a performance optimizing version of validate that can use a previous
* version of the value to avoid revalidating every part of the new value if
* any part of it has not changed since the last validation.
* If the value has not changed but is not referentially equal, the function
* should return the previous value.
* @returns
validateUsingKnownGoodVersion?: (knownGoodValue: T, newValue: unknown) => T
function formatPath(path: ReadonlyArray<number | string>): string | null {
if (!path.length) {
return null
let formattedPath = ''
for (const item of path) {
if (typeof item === 'number') {
formattedPath += `.${item}`
} else if (item.startsWith('(')) {
if (formattedPath.endsWith(')')) {
formattedPath = `${formattedPath.slice(0, -1)}, ${item.slice(1)}`
} else {
formattedPath += item
} else {
formattedPath += `.${item}`
// N.B. We don't want id's in the path because they make grouping in Sentry tough.
formattedPath = formattedPath.replace(/id = [^,]+, /, '').replace(/id = [^)]+/, '')
if (formattedPath.startsWith('.')) {
return formattedPath.slice(1)
return formattedPath
/** @public */
export class ValidationError extends Error {
override name = 'ValidationError'
public readonly rawMessage: string,
public readonly path: ReadonlyArray<number | string> = []
) {
const formattedPath = formatPath(path)
const indentedMessage = rawMessage
.map((line, i) => (i === 0 ? line : ` ${line}`))
super(path ? `At ${formattedPath}: ${indentedMessage}` : indentedMessage)
function prefixError<T>(path: string | number, fn: () => T): T {
try {
return fn()
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof ValidationError) {
throw new ValidationError(err.rawMessage, [path, ...err.path])
throw new ValidationError((err as Error).toString(), [path])
function typeToString(value: unknown): string {
if (value === null) return 'null'
if (Array.isArray(value)) return 'an array'
const type = typeof value
switch (type) {
case 'bigint':
case 'boolean':
case 'function':
case 'number':
case 'string':
case 'symbol':
return `a ${type}`
case 'object':
return `an ${type}`
case 'undefined':
return 'undefined'
/** @public */
export type TypeOf<V extends Validatable<any>> = V extends Validatable<infer T> ? T : never
/** @public */
export class Validator<T> implements Validatable<T> {
readonly validationFn: ValidatorFn<T>,
readonly validateUsingKnownGoodVersionFn?: ValidatorUsingKnownGoodVersionFn<T>
) {}
* Asserts that the passed value is of the correct type and returns it. The returned value is
* guaranteed to be referentially equal to the passed value.
validate(value: unknown): T {
const validated = this.validationFn(value)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !, validated)) {
throw new ValidationError('Validator functions must return the same value they were passed')
return validated
validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(knownGoodValue: T, newValue: unknown): T {
if (, newValue)) {
return knownGoodValue as T
if (this.validateUsingKnownGoodVersionFn) {
return this.validateUsingKnownGoodVersionFn(knownGoodValue, newValue)
return this.validate(newValue)
/** Checks that the passed value is of the correct type. */
isValid(value: unknown): value is T {
try {
return true
} catch {
return false
* Returns a new validator that also accepts null or undefined. The resulting value will always be
* null.
nullable(): Validator<T | null> {
return nullable(this)
* Returns a new validator that also accepts null or undefined. The resulting value will always be
* null.
optional(): Validator<T | undefined> {
return optional(this)
* Refine this validation to a new type. The passed-in validation function should throw an error
* if the value can't be converted to the new type, or return the new type otherwise.
refine<U>(otherValidationFn: (value: T) => U): Validator<U> {
return new Validator(
(value) => {
return otherValidationFn(this.validate(value))
(knownGoodValue, newValue) => {
const validated = this.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(knownGoodValue as any, newValue)
if (, validated)) {
return knownGoodValue
return otherValidationFn(validated)
* Refine this validation with an additional check that doesn't change the resulting value.
* @example
* ```ts
* const numberLessThan10Validator = T.number.check((value) => {
* if (value >= 10) {
* throw new ValidationError(`Expected number less than 10, got ${value}`)
* }
* })
* ```
check(name: string, checkFn: (value: T) => void): Validator<T>
check(checkFn: (value: T) => void): Validator<T>
check(nameOrCheckFn: string | ((value: T) => void), checkFn?: (value: T) => void): Validator<T> {
if (typeof nameOrCheckFn === 'string') {
return this.refine((value) => {
prefixError(`(check ${nameOrCheckFn})`, () => checkFn!(value))
return value
} else {
return this.refine((value) => {
return value
/** @public */
export class ArrayOfValidator<T> extends Validator<T[]> {
constructor(readonly itemValidator: Validatable<T>) {
(value) => {
const arr = array.validate(value)
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
prefixError(i, () => itemValidator.validate(arr[i]))
return arr as T[]
(knownGoodValue, newValue) => {
if (!itemValidator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion) return this.validate(newValue)
const arr = array.validate(newValue)
let isDifferent = knownGoodValue.length !== arr.length
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const item = arr[i]
if (i >= knownGoodValue.length) {
isDifferent = true
prefixError(i, () => itemValidator.validate(item))
// sneaky quick check here to avoid the prefix + validator overhead
if ([i], item)) {
const checkedItem = prefixError(i, () =>
itemValidator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion!(knownGoodValue[i], item)
if (!, knownGoodValue[i])) {
isDifferent = true
return isDifferent ? (newValue as T[]) : knownGoodValue
nonEmpty() {
return this.check((value) => {
if (value.length === 0) {
throw new ValidationError('Expected a non-empty array')
lengthGreaterThan1() {
return this.check((value) => {
if (value.length <= 1) {
throw new ValidationError('Expected an array with length greater than 1')
/** @public */
export class ObjectValidator<Shape extends object> extends Validator<Shape> {
public readonly config: {
readonly [K in keyof Shape]: Validatable<Shape[K]>
private readonly shouldAllowUnknownProperties = false
) {
(object) => {
if (typeof object !== 'object' || object === null) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected object, got ${typeToString(object)}`)
for (const [key, validator] of Object.entries(config)) {
prefixError(key, () => {
;(validator as Validator<unknown>).validate(getOwnProperty(object, key))
if (!shouldAllowUnknownProperties) {
for (const key of Object.keys(object)) {
if (!hasOwnProperty(config, key)) {
throw new ValidationError(`Unexpected property`, [key])
return object as Shape
(knownGoodValue, newValue) => {
if (typeof newValue !== 'object' || newValue === null) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected object, got ${typeToString(newValue)}`)
let isDifferent = false
for (const [key, validator] of Object.entries(config)) {
const prev = getOwnProperty(knownGoodValue, key)
const next = getOwnProperty(newValue, key)
// sneaky quick check here to avoid the prefix + validator overhead
if (, next)) {
const checked = prefixError(key, () => {
return (validator as Validator<unknown>).validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(prev, next)
if (!, prev)) {
isDifferent = true
if (!shouldAllowUnknownProperties) {
for (const key of Object.keys(newValue)) {
if (!hasOwnProperty(config, key)) {
throw new ValidationError(`Unexpected property`, [key])
for (const key of Object.keys(knownGoodValue)) {
if (!hasOwnProperty(newValue, key)) {
isDifferent = true
return isDifferent ? (newValue as Shape) : knownGoodValue
allowUnknownProperties() {
return new ObjectValidator(this.config, true)
* Extend an object validator by adding additional properties.
* @example
* ```ts
* const animalValidator = T.object({
* name: T.string,
* })
* const catValidator = animalValidator.extend({
* meowVolume: T.number,
* })
* ```
extend<Extension extends Record<string, unknown>>(extension: {
readonly [K in keyof Extension]: Validatable<Extension[K]>
}): ObjectValidator<Shape & Extension> {
return new ObjectValidator({ ...this.config, ...extension }) as any as ObjectValidator<
Shape & Extension
// pass this into itself e.g. Config extends UnionObjectSchemaConfig<Key, Config>
type UnionValidatorConfig<Key extends string, Config> = {
readonly [Variant in keyof Config]: Validatable<any> & {
validate: (input: any) => { readonly [K in Key]: Variant }
/** @public */
export class UnionValidator<
Key extends string,
Config extends UnionValidatorConfig<Key, Config>,
UnknownValue = never,
> extends Validator<TypeOf<Config[keyof Config]> | UnknownValue> {
private readonly key: Key,
private readonly config: Config,
private readonly unknownValueValidation: (value: object, variant: string) => UnknownValue
) {
(input) => {
const { matchingSchema, variant } = this.getMatchingSchemaAndVariant(input)
if (matchingSchema === undefined) {
return this.unknownValueValidation(input, variant)
return prefixError(`(${key} = ${variant})`, () => matchingSchema.validate(input))
(prevValue, newValue) => {
const { matchingSchema, variant } = this.getMatchingSchemaAndVariant(newValue)
if (matchingSchema === undefined) {
return this.unknownValueValidation(newValue, variant)
if (getOwnProperty(prevValue, key) !== getOwnProperty(newValue, key)) {
// the type has changed so bail out and do a regular validation
return prefixError(`(${key} = ${variant})`, () => matchingSchema.validate(newValue))
return prefixError(`(${key} = ${variant})`, () => {
if (matchingSchema.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion) {
return matchingSchema.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(prevValue, newValue)
} else {
return matchingSchema.validate(newValue)
private expectObject(value: unknown): asserts value is object {
if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected an object, got ${typeToString(value)}`, [])
private getMatchingSchemaAndVariant(object: object): {
matchingSchema: Validatable<any> | undefined
variant: string
} {
const variant = getOwnProperty(object, this.key) as keyof Config | undefined
if (typeof variant !== 'string') {
throw new ValidationError(
`Expected a string for key "${this.key}", got ${typeToString(variant)}`
const matchingSchema = hasOwnProperty(this.config, variant) ? this.config[variant] : undefined
return { matchingSchema, variant }
unknownValueValidation: (value: object, variant: string) => Unknown
): UnionValidator<Key, Config, Unknown> {
return new UnionValidator(this.key, this.config, unknownValueValidation)
/** @public */
export class DictValidator<Key extends string, Value> extends Validator<Record<Key, Value>> {
public readonly keyValidator: Validatable<Key>,
public readonly valueValidator: Validatable<Value>
) {
(object) => {
if (typeof object !== 'object' || object === null) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected object, got ${typeToString(object)}`)
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
prefixError(key, () => {
return object as Record<Key, Value>
(knownGoodValue, newValue) => {
if (typeof newValue !== 'object' || newValue === null) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected object, got ${typeToString(newValue)}`)
let isDifferent = false
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(newValue)) {
if (!hasOwnProperty(knownGoodValue, key)) {
isDifferent = true
prefixError(key, () => {
const prev = getOwnProperty(knownGoodValue, key)
const next = value
// sneaky quick check here to avoid the prefix + validator overhead
if (, next)) {
const checked = prefixError(key, () => {
if (valueValidator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion) {
return valueValidator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(prev as any, next)
} else {
return valueValidator.validate(next)
if (!, prev)) {
isDifferent = true
for (const key of Object.keys(knownGoodValue)) {
if (!hasOwnProperty(newValue, key)) {
isDifferent = true
return isDifferent ? (newValue as Record<Key, Value>) : knownGoodValue
function typeofValidator<T>(type: string): Validator<T> {
return new Validator((value) => {
if (typeof value !== type) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected ${type}, got ${typeToString(value)}`)
return value as T
* Validation that accepts any value. Useful as a starting point for building your own custom
* validations.
* @public
export const unknown = new Validator((value) => value)
* Validation that accepts any value. Generally this should be avoided, but you can use it as an
* escape hatch if you want to work without validations for e.g. a prototype.
* @public
export const any = new Validator((value): any => value)
* Validates that a value is a string.
* @public
export const string = typeofValidator<string>('string')
* Validates that a value is a finite non-NaN number.
* @public
export const number = typeofValidator<number>('number').check((number) => {
if (Number.isNaN(number)) {
throw new ValidationError('Expected a number, got NaN')
if (!Number.isFinite(number)) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected a finite number, got ${number}`)
* Fails if value \< 0
* @public
export const positiveNumber = number.check((value) => {
if (value < 0) throw new ValidationError(`Expected a positive number, got ${value}`)
* Fails if value \<= 0
* @public
export const nonZeroNumber = number.check((value) => {
if (value <= 0) throw new ValidationError(`Expected a non-zero positive number, got ${value}`)
* Fails if number is not an integer
* @public
export const integer = number.check((value) => {
if (!Number.isInteger(value)) throw new ValidationError(`Expected an integer, got ${value}`)
* Fails if value \< 0 and is not an integer
* @public
export const positiveInteger = integer.check((value) => {
if (value < 0) throw new ValidationError(`Expected a positive integer, got ${value}`)
* Fails if value \<= 0 and is not an integer
* @public
export const nonZeroInteger = integer.check((value) => {
if (value <= 0) throw new ValidationError(`Expected a non-zero positive integer, got ${value}`)
* Validates that a value is boolean.
* @public
export const boolean = typeofValidator<boolean>('boolean')
* Validates that a value is a bigint.
* @public
export const bigint = typeofValidator<bigint>('bigint')
* Validates that a value matches another that was passed in.
* @example
* ```ts
* const trueValidator = T.literal(true)
* ```
* @public
export function literal<T extends string | number | boolean>(expectedValue: T): Validator<T> {
return new Validator((actualValue) => {
if (actualValue !== expectedValue) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected ${expectedValue}, got ${JSON.stringify(actualValue)}`)
return expectedValue
* Validates that a value is an array. To check the contents of the array, use T.arrayOf.
* @public
export const array = new Validator<unknown[]>((value) => {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected an array, got ${typeToString(value)}`)
return value
* Validates that a value is an array whose contents matches the passed-in validator.
* @public
export function arrayOf<T>(itemValidator: Validatable<T>): ArrayOfValidator<T> {
return new ArrayOfValidator(itemValidator)
/** @public */
export const unknownObject = new Validator<Record<string, unknown>>((value) => {
if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected object, got ${typeToString(value)}`)
return value as Record<string, unknown>
type ExtractRequiredKeys<T extends object> = {
[K in keyof T]: undefined extends T[K] ? never : K
}[keyof T]
type ExtractOptionalKeys<T extends object> = {
[K in keyof T]: undefined extends T[K] ? K : never
}[keyof T]
* Validate an object has a particular shape.
* @public
export function object<Shape extends object>(config: {
readonly [K in keyof Shape]: Validatable<Shape[K]>
}): ObjectValidator<
{ [P in ExtractRequiredKeys<Shape>]: Shape[P] } & { [P in ExtractOptionalKeys<Shape>]?: Shape[P] }
> {
return new ObjectValidator(config) as any
function isPlainObject(value: unknown): value is Record<string, unknown> {
return (
typeof value === 'object' &&
value !== null &&
(value.constructor === Object || !value.constructor)
function isValidJson(value: any): value is JsonValue {
if (
value === null ||
typeof value === 'number' ||
typeof value === 'string' ||
typeof value === 'boolean'
) {
return true
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value.every(isValidJson)
if (isPlainObject(value)) {
return Object.values(value).every(isValidJson)
return false
* Validate that a value is valid JSON.
* @public
export const jsonValue: Validator<JsonValue> = new Validator<JsonValue>(
(value): JsonValue => {
if (isValidJson(value)) {
return value as JsonValue
throw new ValidationError(`Expected json serializable value, got ${typeof value}`)
(knownGoodValue, newValue) => {
if (Array.isArray(knownGoodValue) && Array.isArray(newValue)) {
let isDifferent = knownGoodValue.length !== newValue.length
for (let i = 0; i < newValue.length; i++) {
if (i >= knownGoodValue.length) {
isDifferent = true
const prev = knownGoodValue[i]
const next = newValue[i]
if (, next)) {
const checked = jsonValue.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion!(prev, next)
if (!, prev)) {
isDifferent = true
return isDifferent ? (newValue as JsonValue) : knownGoodValue
} else if (isPlainObject(knownGoodValue) && isPlainObject(newValue)) {
let isDifferent = false
for (const key of Object.keys(newValue)) {
if (!hasOwnProperty(knownGoodValue, key)) {
isDifferent = true
const prev = knownGoodValue[key]
const next = newValue[key]
if (, next)) {
const checked = jsonValue.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion!(prev!, next)
if (!, prev)) {
isDifferent = true
for (const key of Object.keys(knownGoodValue)) {
if (!hasOwnProperty(newValue, key)) {
isDifferent = true
return isDifferent ? (newValue as JsonValue) : knownGoodValue
} else {
return jsonValue.validate(newValue)
* Validate an object has a particular shape.
* @public
export function jsonDict(): DictValidator<string, JsonValue> {
return dict(string, jsonValue)
* Validation that an option is a dict with particular keys and values.
* @public
export function dict<Key extends string, Value>(
keyValidator: Validatable<Key>,
valueValidator: Validatable<Value>
): DictValidator<Key, Value> {
return new DictValidator(keyValidator, valueValidator)
* Validate a union of several object types. Each object must have a property matching `key` which
* should be a unique string.
* @example
* ```ts
* const catValidator = T.object({ kind: T.value('cat'), meow: T.boolean })
* const dogValidator = T.object({ kind: T.value('dog'), bark: T.boolean })
* const animalValidator = T.union('kind', { cat: catValidator, dog: dogValidator })
* ```
* @public
export function union<Key extends string, Config extends UnionValidatorConfig<Key, Config>>(
key: Key,
config: Config
): UnionValidator<Key, Config> {
return new UnionValidator(key, config, (unknownValue, unknownVariant) => {
throw new ValidationError(
`Expected one of ${Object.keys(config)
.map((key) => JSON.stringify(key))
.join(' or ')}, got ${JSON.stringify(unknownVariant)}`,
* A named object with an ID. Errors will be reported as being part of the object with the given
* name.
* @public
export function model<T extends { readonly id: string }>(
name: string,
validator: Validatable<T>
): Validator<T> {
return new Validator(
(value) => {
return prefixError(name, () => validator.validate(value))
(prevValue, newValue) => {
return prefixError(name, () => {
if (validator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion) {
return validator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(prevValue, newValue)
} else {
return validator.validate(newValue)
/** @public */
export function setEnum<T>(values: ReadonlySet<T>): Validator<T> {
return new Validator((value) => {
if (!values.has(value as T)) {
const valuesString = Array.from(values, (value) => JSON.stringify(value)).join(' or ')
throw new ValidationError(`Expected ${valuesString}, got ${value}`)
return value as T
/** @public */
export function optional<T>(validator: Validatable<T>): Validator<T | undefined> {
return new Validator(
(value) => {
if (value === undefined) return undefined
return validator.validate(value)
(knownGoodValue, newValue) => {
if (knownGoodValue === undefined && newValue === undefined) return undefined
if (newValue === undefined) return undefined
if (validator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion && knownGoodValue !== undefined) {
return validator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(knownGoodValue as T, newValue)
return validator.validate(newValue)
/** @public */
export function nullable<T>(validator: Validatable<T>): Validator<T | null> {
return new Validator(
(value) => {
if (value === null) return null
return validator.validate(value)
(knownGoodValue, newValue) => {
if (newValue === null) return null
if (validator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion && knownGoodValue !== null) {
return validator.validateUsingKnownGoodVersion(knownGoodValue as T, newValue)
return validator.validate(newValue)
/** @public */
export function literalEnum<const Values extends readonly unknown[]>(
...values: Values
): Validator<Values[number]> {
return setEnum(new Set(values))
function parseUrl(str: string) {
try {
return new URL(str)
} catch (error) {
if (str.startsWith('/') || str.startsWith('./')) {
try {
return new URL(str, '')
} catch (error) {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected a valid url, got ${JSON.stringify(str)}`)
throw new ValidationError(`Expected a valid url, got ${JSON.stringify(str)}`)
const validLinkProtocols = new Set(['http:', 'https:', 'mailto:'])
* Validates that a value is a url safe to use as a link.
* @public
export const linkUrl = string.check((value) => {
if (value === '') return
const url = parseUrl(value)
if (!validLinkProtocols.has(url.protocol.toLowerCase())) {
throw new ValidationError(
`Expected a valid url, got ${JSON.stringify(value)} (invalid protocol)`
const validSrcProtocols = new Set(['http:', 'https:', 'data:'])
* Validates that a valid is a url safe to load as an asset.
* @public
export const srcUrl = string.check((value) => {
if (value === '') return
const url = parseUrl(value)
if (!validSrcProtocols.has(url.protocol.toLowerCase())) {
throw new ValidationError(
`Expected a valid url, got ${JSON.stringify(value)} (invalid protocol)`
* Validates that a value is an IndexKey.
* @public
export const indexKey = string.refine<IndexKey>((key) => {
try {
return key
} catch {
throw new ValidationError(`Expected an index key, got ${JSON.stringify(key)}`)