
26 wiersze
960 B

import path from 'path'
import { Articles, GeneratedContent, InputSection } from '../../types/content-types'
import { generateSection } from './generateSection'
const { log: nicelog } = console
export async function generateApiContent(): Promise<GeneratedContent> {
const articles: Articles = {}
const CONTENT_DIRECTORY = path.join(process.cwd(), 'content')
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const sections = require(path.join(CONTENT_DIRECTORY, 'sections.json')) as InputSection[]
try {
const inputApiSection = sections.find((s) => === 'reference')
if (!inputApiSection) throw new Error(`Could not find section with id 'reference'`)
const outputApiSection = generateSection(inputApiSection, articles, 999999) // always at the end!
const contentComplete = { sections: [outputApiSection], articles }
return contentComplete
} catch (error) {
nicelog(`x Could not generate API content`)
throw error