import { Utils } from '@tldraw/core' import { ImageShape, TDAssetType, TDAssets, TDExportType, TDShape, TDShapeType, TLDR, Tldraw, TldrawApp, } from '@tldraw/tldraw' import Vec from '@tldraw/vec' import * as React from 'react' export default function Export() { const handleExport = React.useCallback(async (app: TldrawApp) => { exportViaServer(app, TDExportType.PNG) }, []) return (
) } async function exportViaServer(app: TldrawApp, type: TDExportType) { app.setIsLoading(true) const name = ?? 'export' // Export the selection, if any, or else the entire page. const { currentPageId } = app const shapeIds = app.selectedIds.length ? app.selectedIds : Object.keys( try { const assets: TDAssets = {} // Collect shapes and assets (serializing assets if needed) const shapes: TDShape[] = => { const shape = { } if (shape.assetId) { const asset = {[shape.assetId] } // If the asset is a GIF, then serialize an image if (asset.src.toLowerCase().endsWith('gif')) { asset.src = app.serializeImage( } // If the asset is an image, then serialize an image if (shape.type === TDShapeType.Video) { asset.src = app.serializeVideo( asset.type = TDAssetType.Image // Cast shape to image shapes to properly display snapshots ;(shape as unknown as ImageShape).type = TDShapeType.Image } // Patch asset table assets[shape.assetId] = asset } return shape }) const { width, height } = Utils.expandBounds(TLDR.getSelectedBounds(app.state), 64) const size = [width, height] // Create serialized data for JSON or SVGs let serialized: string | undefined switch (type) { case TDExportType.SVG: { const svg = await app.getSvg(shapeIds, { includeFonts: true, }) if (!svg) { throw Error('Could not get an SVG.') } serialized = TLDR.getSvgString(svg, 1) break } case TDExportType.JSON: { serialized = JSON.stringify(shapes, null, 2) break } } if (serialized) { // If we have serialized data, then just download this locally as a file const link = document.createElement('a') link.href = 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(serialized) = name + '.' + type return } // Post the export info to a server that can create an image. // See: const endpoint = 'some_serverless_endpoint' // The response should be a blob (e.g. an image or JSON file) const response = await fetch(endpoint, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ name, currentPageId, shapes, assets, type, size: type === 'png' ? Vec.mul(size, 2) : size, }), }) // Download the blob from the response const blob = await response.blob() const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob) const link = document.createElement('a') link.href = blobUrl = name + '.' + type } catch (error) { console.error(error) } finally { app.setIsLoading(false) } }