import * as React from 'react' import { Utils, SVGContainer, TLBounds } from '@tldraw/core' import { Vec } from '@tldraw/vec' import { defaultStyle, getShapeStyle } from '../shared/shape-styles' import { DrawShape, DashStyle, TDShapeType, TransformInfo, TDMeta } from '~types' import { TDShapeUtil } from '../TDShapeUtil' import { intersectBoundsBounds, intersectBoundsPolyline, intersectLineSegmentBounds, intersectLineSegmentLineSegment, } from '@tldraw/intersect' import { getDrawStrokePathTDSnapshot, getFillPath, getSolidStrokePathTDSnapshot, } from './drawHelpers' import { GHOSTED_OPACITY } from '~constants' type T = DrawShape type E = SVGSVGElement export class DrawUtil extends TDShapeUtil { type = TDShapeType.Draw as const pointsBoundsCache = new WeakMap([]) shapeBoundsCache = new Map() rotatedCache = new WeakMap([]) pointCache: Record = {} canClone = true getShape = (props: Partial): T => { return Utils.deepMerge( { id: 'id', type: TDShapeType.Draw, name: 'Draw', parentId: 'page', childIndex: 1, point: [0, 0], rotation: 0, style: defaultStyle, points: [], isComplete: false, }, props ) } Component = TDShapeUtil.Component( ({ shape, meta, isSelected, isGhost, events }, ref) => { const { points, style, isComplete } = shape const polygonPathTDSnapshot = React.useMemo(() => { return getFillPath(shape) }, [points, style.size]) const pathTDSnapshot = React.useMemo(() => { return style.dash === DashStyle.Draw ? getDrawStrokePathTDSnapshot(shape) : getSolidStrokePathTDSnapshot(shape) }, [points, style.size, style.dash, isComplete]) const styles = getShapeStyle(style, meta.isDarkMode) const { stroke, fill, strokeWidth } = styles // For very short lines, draw a point instead of a line const bounds = this.getBounds(shape) const verySmall = bounds.width <= strokeWidth / 2 && bounds.height <= strokeWidth / 2 if (verySmall) { const sw = 1 + strokeWidth return ( ) } const shouldFill = style.isFilled && points.length > 3 && Vec.dist(points[0], points[points.length - 1]) < strokeWidth * 2 if ( === DashStyle.Draw) { return ( {shouldFill && ( )} ) } // For solid, dash and dotted lines, draw a regular stroke path const strokeDasharray = { [DashStyle.Draw]: 'none', [DashStyle.Solid]: `none`, [DashStyle.Dotted]: `0.1 ${strokeWidth * 4}`, [DashStyle.Dashed]: `${strokeWidth * 4} ${strokeWidth * 4}`, }[style.dash] const strokeDashoffset = { [DashStyle.Draw]: 'none', [DashStyle.Solid]: `none`, [DashStyle.Dotted]: `0`, [DashStyle.Dashed]: `0`, }[style.dash] const sw = 1 + strokeWidth * 1.5 return ( ) } ) Indicator = TDShapeUtil.Indicator(({ shape }) => { const { points } = shape const pathTDSnapshot = React.useMemo(() => { return getSolidStrokePathTDSnapshot(shape) }, [points]) const bounds = this.getBounds(shape) const verySmall = bounds.width < 4 && bounds.height < 4 if (verySmall) { return } return }) transform = ( shape: T, bounds: TLBounds, { initialShape, scaleX, scaleY }: TransformInfo ): Partial => { const initialShapeBounds = Utils.getFromCache(this.boundsCache, initialShape, () => Utils.getBoundsFromPoints(initialShape.points) ) const points =[x, y, r]) => { return [ bounds.width * (scaleX < 0 // * sin? ? 1 - x / initialShapeBounds.width : x / initialShapeBounds.width), bounds.height * (scaleY < 0 // * cos? ? 1 - y / initialShapeBounds.height : y / initialShapeBounds.height), r, ] }) const newBounds = Utils.getBoundsFromPoints(shape.points) const point = Vec.sub([bounds.minX, bounds.minY], [newBounds.minX, newBounds.minY]) return { points, point, } } getBounds = (shape: T) => { // The goal here is to avoid recalculating the bounds from the // points array, which is expensive. However, we still need a // new bounds if the point has changed, but we will reuse the // previous bounds-from-points result if we can. const pointsHaveChanged = !this.pointsBoundsCache.has(shape.points) const pointHasChanged = !(this.pointCache[] === shape.point) if (pointsHaveChanged) { // If the points have changed, then bust the points cache const bounds = Utils.getBoundsFromPoints(shape.points) this.pointsBoundsCache.set(shape.points, bounds) this.shapeBoundsCache.set(, Utils.translateBounds(bounds, shape.point)) this.pointCache[] = shape.point } else if (pointHasChanged && !pointsHaveChanged) { // If the point have has changed, then bust the point cache this.pointCache[] = shape.point this.shapeBoundsCache.set(, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion Utils.translateBounds(this.pointsBoundsCache.get(shape.points)!, shape.point) ) } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion return this.shapeBoundsCache.get(! } shouldRender = (prev: T, next: T) => { return ( next.points !== prev.points || !== || next.isComplete !== prev.isComplete ) } hitTestPoint = (shape: T, point: number[]) => { const ptA = Vec.sub(point, shape.point) return Utils.pointInPolyline(ptA, shape.points) } hitTestLineSegment = (shape: T, A: number[], B: number[]): boolean => { const { points, point } = shape const ptA = Vec.sub(A, point) const ptB = Vec.sub(B, point) const bounds = this.getBounds(shape) if (bounds.width < 8 && bounds.height < 8) { return Vec.distanceToLineSegment(A, B, Utils.getBoundsCenter(bounds)) < 5 // divide by zoom } if (intersectLineSegmentBounds(ptA, ptB, bounds)) { for (let i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { if (intersectLineSegmentLineSegment(points[i - 1], points[i], ptA, ptB).didIntersect) { return true } } } return false } hitTestBounds = (shape: T, bounds: TLBounds) => { // Test axis-aligned shape if (!shape.rotation) { const shapeBounds = this.getBounds(shape) return ( Utils.boundsContain(bounds, shapeBounds) || ((Utils.boundsContain(shapeBounds, bounds) || intersectBoundsBounds(shapeBounds, bounds).length > 0) && intersectBoundsPolyline(Utils.translateBounds(bounds, Vec.neg(shape.point)), shape.points) .length > 0) ) } // Test rotated shape const rBounds = this.getRotatedBounds(shape) const rotatedBounds = Utils.getFromCache(this.rotatedCache, shape, () => { const c = Utils.getBoundsCenter(Utils.getBoundsFromPoints(shape.points)) return => Vec.rotWith(pt, c, shape.rotation || 0)) }) return ( Utils.boundsContain(bounds, rBounds) || intersectBoundsPolyline(Utils.translateBounds(bounds, Vec.neg(shape.point)), rotatedBounds) .length > 0 ) } }