import { nanoid } from 'nanoid' import type { Shape } from 'shapes' import type { CustomBinding } from './constants' import type { machine } from './machine' /* Example API When creating an app like this one, you may want to create an imperative API for interacting with the app state. Such an API is useful for testing, debugging, or even rendering screenshots on a server. In the `app.tsx` file, we create an instance of the API class, pass it into an `onMount` callback, and also add it to the window. To use the API, start the advanced-example development server, visit `localhost:5000`, and open the console. You can control the app by running methods like: ```js api.selectAll() api.delete() api.createShapes({ id: "myBox", type: "box" }) api.getShape('myBox') ``` */ export class Api { constructor(private _machine: typeof machine) { this.send = _machine.send this.isIn = _machine.isIn this.isInAny = _machine.isInAny this.log = _machine.log } reset = () => { this.machine.send('RESET') return this } cancel = () => { this.machine.send('CANCELLED') return this } delete = () => { this.machine.send('DELETED') return this } selectAll = () => { this.machine.send('SELECTED_ALL') return this } deselectAll = () => { this.machine.send('DESELECTED_ALL') return this } zoomToFit = () => { this.machine.send('ZOOMED_TO_FIT') return this } zoomToSelection = () => { this.machine.send('ZOOMED_TO_SELECTION') return this } zoomIn = () => { this.machine.send('ZOOMED_IN') return this } zoomOut = () => { this.machine.send('ZOOMED_OUT') return this } undo = () => { this.machine.send('UNDO') return this } redo = () => { this.machine.send('REDO') return this } selectTool = (name: string) => { this.machine.send('SELECTED_TOOL', { name }) return this } createShapes = (...shapes: (Partial & Pick)[]) => { this.machine.send('CREATED_SHAPES', { shapes }) return this } updateShapes = (...shapes: (Partial & Pick)[]) => { this.machine.send('UPDATED_SHAPES', { shapes }) return this } deleteShapes = (...ids: string[]) => { this.machine.send('DELETED_SHAPES', { ids }) return this } createBindings = ( ...bindings: (Partial & Pick)[] ) => { this.machine.send('CREATED_BINDINGS', { bindings }) return this } updateBindings = (...bindings: (Partial & Pick)[]) => { this.machine.send('UPDATED_BINDINGS', { bindings }) return this } deleteBindings = (...ids: string[]) => { this.machine.send('DELETED_BINDINGS', { ids }) return this } getShape = (id: string) => { return[id] as T } getBinding = (id: string) => { return[id] } createArrowBetweenShapes = (startId: string, endId: string) => { const arrowId = nanoid() const startBindingId = nanoid() const endBindingId = nanoid() this.createShapes({ id: arrowId, type: 'arrow' }) this.createBindings( { id: startBindingId, fromId: arrowId, toId: startId, handleId: 'start' }, { id: endBindingId, fromId: arrowId, toId: endId, handleId: 'end' } ) return this } send: typeof machine.send isIn: typeof machine.isIn isInAny: typeof machine.isInAny log: typeof machine.log get machine() { return this._machine } get state() { return } get page() { return } get pageState() { return } get selectedIds() { return } get lastEvent() { return this.log[0] } }