tldraw License This License governs use of the accompanying Software, and your use of the Software constitutes acceptance of this license. You may use this Software for any non-commercial purpose, subject to the restrictions in this license. Some purposes which can be non- commercial are teaching, academic research, and personal experimentation. You may not use or distribute this Software or any derivative works in any form for commercial purposes. Examples of commercial purposes would be running business operations, licensing, leasing, or selling the Software, distributing the Software for use with commercial products or for internal products within commercial entities, or otherwise using the Software in any way that provides you with a commercial benefit. To purchase an alternative license for commercial use, contact Subject to your compliance with the restrictions and obligations in this License, you may modify this Software and distribute the modified Software for non-commercial purposes, however, you may not grant rights to the Software or derivative works that are broader than those provided by this License. For example, you may not distribute modifications of the Software under terms that provide a commercial benefit to you, permit commercial use, or under terms that purport to require the Software or derivative works to be sublicensed to others. In return for these conditions of use, you agree: Not to remove any copyright or other notices from the Software. That if you distribute the Software in source or object form, you will include a verbatim copy of this license. That if you distribute derivative works of the Software in source code form you do so only under a license that includes all of the provisions of this License, and if you distribute derivative works of the Software solely in object form you must make the source code form available upon request and do so only under a license that complies with this License. That that the word "tldraw" shall not be used to refer to any derivative works of the Software except in the phrase "Based on the tldraw library (", provided such phrase is not used to promote the derivative works or to imply that tldraw endorses you or the derivative works. THAT THE SOFTWARE COMES "AS IS", WITH NO WARRANTIES. THIS MEANS NO EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALSO, YOU MUST PASS THIS DISCLAIMER ON WHENEVER YOU DISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE OR DERIVATIVE WORKS. THAT TLDRAW WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RELATED TO THE SOFTWARE OR THIS LICENSE, INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT THE LAW PERMITS, NO MATTER WHAT LEGAL THEORY IT IS BASED ON. ALSO, YOU MUST PASS THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ON WHENEVER YOU DISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE OR DERIVATIVE WORKS. That if you sue anyone over patents that you think may apply to the Software or anyones use of the Software, your license to the Software ends automatically. That your rights under the License end automatically if you breach it in any way. tldraw reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this license.