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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

import createVanilla, { StoreApi } from 'zustand/vanilla'
import create, { UseBoundStore } from 'zustand'
import * as idb from 'idb-keyval'
import { deepCopy } from './copy'
import type { Patch, Command } from '../../types'
import { Utils } from '@tldraw/core'
export class StateManager<T extends Record<string, any>> {
* An ID used to persist state in indexdb.
protected _idbId?: string
* The initial state.
private initialState: T
* A zustand store that also holds the state.
private store: StoreApi<T>
* The index of the current command.
protected pointer = -1
* The current state.
private _state: T
* The state manager's current status, with regard to restoring persisted state.
private _status: 'loading' | 'ready' = 'loading'
* A stack of commands used for history (undo and redo).
protected stack: Command<T>[] = []
* A snapshot of the current state.
protected _snapshot: T
* A React hook for accessing the zustand store.
public readonly useStore: UseBoundStore<T>
* A promise that will resolve when the state manager has loaded any peristed state.
public ready: Promise<'none' | 'restored' | 'migrated'>
public isPaused = false
initialState: T,
id?: string,
version?: number,
update?: (prev: T, next: T, prevVersion: number) => T
) {
this._idbId = id
this._state = deepCopy(initialState)
this._snapshot = deepCopy(initialState)
this.initialState = deepCopy(initialState) = createVanilla(() => this._state)
this.useStore = create(
this.ready = new Promise<'none' | 'restored' | 'migrated'>((resolve) => {
let message: 'none' | 'restored' | 'migrated' = 'none'
if (this._idbId) {
message = 'restored'
.then(async (saved) => {
if (saved) {
let next = saved
if (version) {
const savedVersion = await idb.get<number>(id + '_version')
if (savedVersion && savedVersion < version) {
next = update ? update(saved, initialState, savedVersion) : initialState
message = 'migrated'
await idb.set(id + '_version', version || -1)
this._state = deepCopy(next)
this._snapshot = deepCopy(next), true)
} else {
await idb.set(id + '_version', version || -1)
this._status = 'ready'
.catch((e) => console.error(e))
} else {
// We need to wait for any override to `onReady` to take effect.
this._status = 'ready'
}).then((message) => {
if (this.onReady) this.onReady(message)
return message
* Save the current state to indexdb.
protected persist = (id?: string): void | Promise<void> => {
if (this.onPersist) {
this.onPersist(this._state, id)
if (this._idbId) {
return idb.set(this._idbId, this._state).catch((e) => console.error(e))
* Apply a patch to the current state.
* This does not effect the undo/redo stack.
* This does not persist the state.
* @param patch The patch to apply.
* @param id (optional) An id for the patch.
private applyPatch = (patch: Patch<T>, id?: string) => {
const prev = this._state
const next = Utils.deepMerge(this._state, patch)
const final = this.cleanup(next, prev, patch, id)
if (this.onStateWillChange) {
this.onStateWillChange(final, id)
this._state = final, true)
if (this.onStateDidChange) {
this.onStateDidChange(this._state, id)
return this
// Internal API ---------------------------------
* Perform any last changes to the state before updating.
* Override this on your extending class.
* @param nextState The next state.
* @param prevState The previous state.
* @param patch The patch that was just applied.
* @param id (optional) An id for the just-applied patch.
* @returns The final new state to apply.
protected cleanup = (nextState: T, prevState: T, patch: Patch<T>, id?: string): T => nextState
* A life-cycle method called when the state is about to change.
* @param state The next state.
* @param id An id for the change.
protected onStateWillChange?: (state: T, id?: string) => void
* A life-cycle method called when the state has changed.
* @param state The next state.
* @param id An id for the change.
protected onStateDidChange?: (state: T, id?: string) => void
* Apply a patch to the current state.
* This does not effect the undo/redo stack.
* This does not persist the state.
* @param patch The patch to apply.
* @param id (optional) An id for this patch.
protected patchState = (patch: Patch<T>, id?: string): this => {
this.applyPatch(patch, id)
if (this.onPatch) {
this.onPatch(this._state, id)
return this
* Replace the current state.
* This does not effect the undo/redo stack.
* This does not persist the state.
* @param state The new state.
* @param id An id for this change.
protected replaceState = (state: T, id?: string): this => {
const final = this.cleanup(state, this._state, state, id)
if (this.onStateWillChange) {
this.onStateWillChange(final, 'replace')
this._state = final, true)
if (this.onStateDidChange) {
this.onStateDidChange(this._state, 'replace')
return this
* Update the state using a Command.
* This effects the undo/redo stack.
* This persists the state.
* @param command The command to apply and add to the undo/redo stack.
* @param id (optional) An id for this command.
protected setState = (command: Command<T>, id = => {
if (this.pointer < this.stack.length - 1) {
this.stack = this.stack.slice(0, this.pointer + 1)
this.stack.push({ ...command, id })
this.pointer = this.stack.length - 1
this.applyPatch(command.after, id)
if (this.onCommand) this.onCommand(this._state, id)
return this
// Public API ---------------------------------
public pause() {
this.isPaused = true
public resume() {
this.isPaused = false
* A callback fired when the constructor finishes loading any
* persisted data.
protected onReady?: (message: 'none' | 'restored' | 'migrated') => void
* A callback fired when a patch is applied.
public onPatch?: (state: T, id?: string) => void
* A callback fired when a patch is applied.
public onCommand?: (state: T, id?: string) => void
* A callback fired when the state is persisted.
public onPersist?: (state: T, id?: string) => void
* A callback fired when the state is replaced.
public onReplace?: (state: T) => void
* A callback fired when the state is reset.
public onReset?: (state: T) => void
* A callback fired when the history is reset.
public onResetHistory?: (state: T) => void
* A callback fired when a command is undone.
public onUndo?: (state: T) => void
* A callback fired when a command is redone.
public onRedo?: (state: T) => void
* Reset the state to the initial state and reset history.
public reset = () => {
if (this.onStateWillChange) {
this.onStateWillChange(this.initialState, 'reset')
this._state = this.initialState, true)
if (this.onStateDidChange) {
this.onStateDidChange(this._state, 'reset')
if (this.onReset) {
return this
* Force replace a new undo/redo history. It's your responsibility
* to make sure that this is compatible with the current state!
* @param history The new array of commands.
* @param pointer (optional) The new pointer position.
public replaceHistory = (history: Command<T>[], pointer = history.length - 1): this => {
this.stack = history
this.pointer = pointer
if (this.onReplace) {
return this
* Reset the history stack (without resetting the state).
public resetHistory = (): this => {
this.stack = []
this.pointer = -1
if (this.onResetHistory) {
return this
* Move backward in the undo/redo stack.
public undo = (): this => {
if (!this.isPaused) {
if (!this.canUndo) return this
const command = this.stack[this.pointer]
this.applyPatch(command.before, `undo`)
if (this.onUndo) this.onUndo(this._state)
return this
* Move forward in the undo/redo stack.
public redo = (): this => {
if (!this.isPaused) {
if (!this.canRedo) return this
const command = this.stack[this.pointer]
this.applyPatch(command.after, 'redo')
if (this.onRedo) this.onRedo(this._state)
return this
* Save a snapshot of the current state, accessible at `this.snapshot`.
public setSnapshot = (): this => {
this._snapshot = { ...this._state }
return this
* Force the zustand state to update.
public forceUpdate = () => {, true)
* Get whether the state manager can undo.
public get canUndo(): boolean {
return this.pointer > -1
* Get whether the state manager can redo.
public get canRedo(): boolean {
return this.pointer < this.stack.length - 1
* The current state.
public get state(): T {
return this._state
* The current status.
public get status(): string {
return this._status
* The most-recent snapshot.
protected get snapshot(): T {
return this._snapshot