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Button2.cpp - Arduino Library to simplify working with buttons.
Created by Lennart Hennigs, October 28, 2017.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Button2.h"
Button2::Button2(byte attachTo, byte buttonMode /*= INPUT_PULLUP*/, unsigned int debounceTimeout /*= DEBOUNCE_MS*/) {
pin = attachTo;
pinMode(attachTo, buttonMode);
bool Button2::operator==(Button2 &rhs) {
return (this==&rhs);
void Button2::setDebounceTime(unsigned int ms) {
debounce_time_ms = ms;
void Button2::setChangedHandler(CallbackFunction f) {
change_cb = f;
void Button2::setPressedHandler(CallbackFunction f) {
pressed_cb = f;
void Button2::setReleasedHandler(CallbackFunction f) {
released_cb = f;
void Button2::setClickHandler(CallbackFunction f) {
click_cb = f;
void Button2::setTapHandler(CallbackFunction f) {
tap_cb = f;
void Button2::setLongClickHandler(CallbackFunction f) {
long_cb = f;
void Button2::setDoubleClickHandler(CallbackFunction f) {
double_cb = f;
void Button2::setTripleClickHandler(CallbackFunction f) {
triple_cb = f;
unsigned int Button2::wasPressedFor() {
return down_time_ms;
boolean Button2::isPressed() {
return (state == LOW);
unsigned int Button2::getNumberOfClicks() {
return click_count;
unsigned int Button2::getClickType() {
return last_click_type;
void Button2::loop() {
if(pin < 0)return;
prev_state = state;
state = digitalRead(pin);
// is button pressed?
if (prev_state == HIGH && state == LOW) {
down_ms = millis();
pressed_triggered = false;
click_ms = down_ms;
// is the button released?
} else if (prev_state == LOW && state == HIGH) {
down_time_ms = millis() - down_ms;
// is it beyond debounce time?
if (down_time_ms >= debounce_time_ms) {
// trigger release
if (change_cb != NULL) change_cb (*this);
if (released_cb != NULL) released_cb (*this);
// trigger tap
if (tap_cb != NULL) tap_cb (*this);
// was it a longclick? (preceeds single / double / triple clicks)
if (down_time_ms >= LONGCLICK_MS) {
longclick_detected = true;
// trigger pressed event (after debounce has passed)
} else if (state == LOW && !pressed_triggered && (millis() - down_ms >= debounce_time_ms)) {
if (change_cb != NULL) change_cb (*this);
if (pressed_cb != NULL) pressed_cb (*this);
pressed_triggered = true;
// is the button pressed and the time has passed for multiple clicks?
} else if (state == HIGH && millis() - click_ms > DOUBLECLICK_MS) {
// was there a longclick?
if (longclick_detected) {
// was it part of a combination?
if (click_count == 1) {
last_click_type = LONG_CLICK;
if (long_cb != NULL) long_cb (*this);
longclick_detected = false;
// determine the number of single clicks
} else if (click_count > 0) {
switch (click_count) {
case 1:
last_click_type = SINGLE_CLICK;
if (click_cb != NULL){
click_cb (*this);
case 2:
last_click_type = DOUBLE_CLICK;
if (double_cb != NULL) double_cb (*this);
case 3:
last_click_type = TRIPLE_CLICK;
if (triple_cb != NULL) triple_cb (*this);
click_count = 0;
click_ms = 0;