FILENAME_BUILDNO = '.pio/versioning' FILENAME_VERSION_H = 'include/version.h' version = 'v0.4.' import datetime from subprocess import * build_no = 0 try: with open(FILENAME_BUILDNO) as f: build_no = int(f.readline()) + 1 except: print('Starting build number from 1..') build_no = 1 with open(FILENAME_BUILDNO, 'w+') as f: f.write(str(build_no)) print('Build number: {}'.format(build_no)) version_full = version + str(build_no) try: git_id = Popen('git rev-parse --short HEAD', stdout=PIPE, shell=True)'ascii') version_full = "%s-%s" % (version_full, git_id) except: pass version_string = "{} - {}".format(version_full, hf = """ #ifndef BUILD_NUMBER #define BUILD_NUMBER "{}" #endif #ifndef VERSION #define VERSION "{}" #endif #ifndef VERSION_SHORT #define VERSION_SHORT "{}" #endif """.format(build_no, version_string, version_full) with open(FILENAME_VERSION_H, 'w+') as f: f.write(hf) with open("data_embed/index.html", "r") as f: index_html_content = index_html_content = index_html_content.replace('', version_string) with open("data_embed/index.html.out", "w") as f: f.write(index_html_content)