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2021-03-11 17:27:23 +00:00
#ifndef RadioControl_h
#define RadioControl_h
#define VERSION "1.4"
#define RIGNAME "SimpleSSB"
//#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
extern char debugmsg[];
//=============================== FEATURE SELECTION =========================
// Each flag below enables optional features
// DISPLAY_X - uncomment one line depending on the display that is attached
// BFOxXMHS - IF filter center frequency - eitherr 9MHz or 12MHZ
// SMNETER - Uncomment if S-meter sensor circuit is installed
// DUAL_BAND - Uncomment to enable band switching 20/40 if installed
// CW - Uncomment if CW mod installed (future)
//=============================== DISPLAY TYPE ==============================
#define DISPLAY_LCD //uncomment for 20x4 LCD
//#define DISPLAY_TFT // uncomment for 320x240 TFT
//#define DISPLAY_NEXTION //uncomment for 2.8" Nextion
//=============================== IF FILTER FREQ ============================
#define BFO9MHZ // uncomment for 9.0 MHz IF
//#define BFO12MHZ // uncomment for 12.0 MHz IF
//=============================== S-METER INSTALLED =========================
//#define SMETER // uncomment if SMETER mod installed
//=============================== DUAL BAND MOD INSTALLED ===================
//#define DUAL_BAND // uncomment if dual band mod installed 20/40
//=============================== DISPLAY TYPE ==============================
//#define CW // uncomment if CW enabled (not complete)
//============================== BOARD TYPE (Nano, Every) =====================
#define Nano 0
#define Every 1
#define Uno 2
#if defined(ARDUINO_AVR_NANO)
#define _BOARDTYPE Nano
#define _BOARDTYPE Every
#if defined (ARDUINO_AVR_UNO)
#define _BOARDTYPE Uno
//============================= INCLUDES =====================================
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "Utility.h" // General purpose common functions
#include "SSB_Display.h" // Display handling
#include "RotaryEnc.h" // Rotary encoder handling
#include "si5351.h" // SI 5351 clock
#include "CAT.h" // CAT Control handling
#include "Settings.h" // Get/Store Settings in EEPROM
#include "Smeter.h" // Smeter definitions
//============================== Symbolic constants ==========================
// //
// Arduino Pin Definitions //
// //
#define ENCODER_A 2 // Rotary Lib Default - Encoder pin A D2 (interrupt pin)
#define ENCODER_B 3 // Rotary Lib Default - Encoder pin B D3 (interrupt pin)
#define PTT_SENSE 4 // Detect Mic PT
#define PTT 5 // LOW=Rx, HIGH=Tx
// Dual Band Pins (requires dual band mod)
#define BAND_BTN 6 // Band Switch momentary button
#define BAND_PIN 7 // Band Switch Relay - LOW = Band A (40M), HIGH = Band B (20M)
#define VFO_BTN A0 // VFO A/B button
#define SIDEBAND_BTN A1 // USB/LSB button
#define TUNE_BTN A2 // Tune Button
#define ENCODER_BTN A3 // Rotary Lib Default - Encoder push button
#define I2C_SDA A4 // I2C SDA Pin
#define I2C_SCL A5 // I2C SCL Pin
#define TONE_PIN A6 // Audio out for tune tone
// Smeter
#define SMETER_PIN A7 // Requires Signal Strength Sensor
// For Nextion / Nano Every Only
// Pin 0,1 Serial RX/TX
// For color TFT Only
// Arduino
// Pin TFT Pin
// -----------|---------
// 8 | RST - any free Arduino Pin (not used in this sketch)
// 9 | DC - any free Arduino Pin
// 10 | CS - any free Arduino Pin
// 11 | MOSI - fixed
// 12 | MISO - fixed
// 13 | CLK - fixed
// Tune Tone
#define NOTE_B5 988 // Tune tone
// Dual Band Mode Constants (requires DUAL_BAND)
#define BAND20 1
#define BAND40 2
#define BAND20_EDGE 14000000
#define BAND40_EDGE 7000000
// VFO, Sideband and TX state are used both here and in the display
// Define here if not already defined
// VFO selection
#define VFOA 0
#define VFOB 1
// Sideband selection
#define USB 0
#define LSB 1
// Transmit state
#define TX LOW // TX is on when PTT switched to ground
#define RX HIGH
// PTT Source
#define PTT_MIC 0
#define PTT_CAT 1
#define PTT_TUNE 2
//=============== Globals ============================================
// Rotary Encoder
extern Rotary encoder;
// BFO
extern const uint32_t USB_BFO;
extern const uint32_t LSB_BFO;
extern uint32_t bfo; // Startup BFO frequency
extern const uint32_t BFO_DELTA; // Difference between USB and LSB for BFO change
// VFO A/B frequencies
extern uint32_t vfoAfreq;
extern uint32_t vfoBfreq;
extern byte vfoASideband;
extern byte vfoBSideband;
// Tuning increment
extern uint32_t increment;
// Active VFO indicator
extern byte active_vfo;
// Active sideband (USB or LSB)
extern byte sideband;
// Band specific memory - requires DUAL_BAND
extern uint32_t band20Freq;
extern uint32_t band40Freq;
extern byte band20Sideband;
extern byte band40Sideband;
extern byte band;
// Transmit state
extern byte TxRxState;
extern byte lastTxRxState;
// Transmoit source (mic, CAT)
extern byte txSource;
// S Meter
extern byte smeter;
// Split mode
extern bool split;
//=============== Function Prototypes ============================================
extern void setupEncoder();
extern void setVFO(uint32_t freq);
extern void setBFO(uint32_t freq);
extern void CheckIncrement();
extern void AdvanceIncrement();
extern void CheckEncoder();
extern void AdjustVFO(long delta);
extern void CheckSB();
extern void SwapSB();
extern void CheckTune();
extern void DoTune();
extern void CheckVFO();
extern void SwapVFO();
extern void CheckPTT();
extern void setupPins();
extern void startTx(byte PTT_source);
extern void stopTx();
extern void startSplit();
extern void stopSplit();
extern void CheckBand(); // Only called if DUAL_BAND enabled
extern void CheckSmeter(); // Only called if SMETER enabled
#ifdef CW
extern void setCW();