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* wx_handler.c
* Created on: 26.01.2019
* Author: mateusz
#include "wx_handler.h"
#include <rte_wx.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stm32f10x.h>
#include "drivers/_dht22.h"
#include "drivers/ms5611.h"
#include "drivers/analog_anemometer.h"
#include "drivers/tx20.h"
#include "station_config.h"
#include "delay.h"
#include "telemetry.h"
#include "main.h"
uint32_t wx_last_good_temperature_time = 0;
uint32_t wx_last_good_wind_time = 0;
wx_pwr_state_t wx_pwr_state;
uint8_t wx_inhibit_slew_rate_check = 1;
uint32_t wx_wind_pool_call_counter = 0;
static const float direction_constant = M_PI/180.0f;
void wx_get_all_measurements(void) {
int8_t j = 0;
int32_t i = 0;
int32_t return_value = 0;
float pressure_average_sum = 0.0f;
#if (defined _METEO && defined _SENSOR_MS5611)
// quering MS5611 sensor for temperature
return_value = ms5611_get_temperature(&rte_wx_temperature_ms, &rte_wx_ms5611_qf);
if (return_value == MS5611_OK) {
rte_wx_temperature_ms_valid = rte_wx_temperature_ms;
#if (defined _METEO && defined _SENSOR_BMA150)
// reading raw values
return_value = bma150_read_raw_data(bma150_data_buffer, &rte_wx_bma150_qf);
if (return_value == BMA150_OK) {
// converting raw values to humidity
bma150_get_humidity(&rte_wx_humidity, bma150_data_buffer);
// converting raw values to temperature
bma150_get_temperature(&rte_wx_temperature_ms_valid, bma150_data_buffer);
// converting raw values to pressure
bma150_get_pressure(&rte_wx_pressure, bma150_data_buffer);
// add the current pressure into buffer
rte_wx_pressure_history[rte_wx_pressure_it++] = rte_wx_pressure;
// reseting the average length iterator
j = 0;
// check if and end of the buffer was reached
if (rte_wx_pressure_it >= PRESSURE_AVERAGE_LN) {
rte_wx_pressure_it = 0;
// calculating the average of pressure measuremenets
for (i = 0; i < PRESSURE_AVERAGE_LN; i++) {
// skip empty slots in the history to provide proper value even for first wx packet
if (rte_wx_pressure_history[i] < 10.0f) {
// add to the average
pressure_average_sum += rte_wx_pressure_history[i];
// increase the average lenght iterator
rte_wx_pressure_valid = pressure_average_sum / (float)j;
#if defined _METEO || defined _DALLAS_AS_TELEM
// quering dallas DS12B20 thermometer for current temperature
rte_wx_temperature_dallas = dallas_query(&rte_wx_current_dallas_qf);
// checking if communication was successfull
if (rte_wx_temperature_dallas != -128.0f) {
// calculate the slew rate
rte_wx_temperature_dalls_slew_rate = rte_wx_temperature_dallas - rte_wx_temperature_dallas_valid;
// chcecking the positive (ascending) slew rate of the temperature measuremenets
if (rte_wx_temperature_dalls_slew_rate > WX_MAX_TEMPERATURE_SLEW_RATE && wx_inhibit_slew_rate_check == 0) {
// if temeperature measuremenet has changed more than maximum allowed slew rate set degradadet QF
rte_wx_error_dallas_qf = DALLAS_QF_DEGRADATED;
// and increase the temperature only by 1.0f to decrease slew rate
rte_wx_temperature_dallas += 1.0f;
// chcecking the negaive (descending) slew rate of the temperature measuremenets
if (rte_wx_temperature_dalls_slew_rate < -WX_MAX_TEMPERATURE_SLEW_RATE && wx_inhibit_slew_rate_check == 0) {
// if temeperature measuremenet has changed more than maximum allowed slew rate set degradadet QF
rte_wx_error_dallas_qf = DALLAS_QF_DEGRADATED;
// and decrease the temperature only by 1.0f to decrease slew rate
rte_wx_temperature_dallas -= 1.0f;
// store current value
rte_wx_temperature_dallas_valid = rte_wx_temperature_dallas;
// include current temperature into the average
dallas_average(rte_wx_temperature_dallas, &rte_wx_dallas_average);
// update the current temperature with current average
rte_wx_temperature_average_dallas_valid = dallas_get_average(&rte_wx_dallas_average);
// update current minimal temperature
rte_wx_temperature_min_dallas_valid = dallas_get_min(&rte_wx_dallas_average);
// and update maximum also
rte_wx_temperature_max_dallas_valid = dallas_get_max(&rte_wx_dallas_average);
// updating last good measurement time
wx_last_good_temperature_time = master_time;
else {
// if there were a communication error set the error to unavaliable
rte_wx_error_dallas_qf = DALLAS_QF_NOT_AVALIABLE;
// enabling slew rate checking after first power up
wx_inhibit_slew_rate_check = 0;
#if (defined _METEO) && (defined _SENSOR_MS5611)
// quering MS5611 sensor for pressure
return_value = ms5611_get_pressure(&rte_wx_pressure, &rte_wx_ms5611_qf);
if (return_value == MS5611_OK) {
// add the current pressure into buffer
rte_wx_pressure_history[rte_wx_pressure_it++] = rte_wx_pressure;
// reseting the average length iterator
j = 0;
// check if and end of the buffer was reached
if (rte_wx_pressure_it >= PRESSURE_AVERAGE_LN) {
rte_wx_pressure_it = 0;
// calculating the average of pressure measuremenets
for (i = 0; i < PRESSURE_AVERAGE_LN; i++) {
// skip empty slots in the history to provide proper value even for first wx packet
if (rte_wx_pressure_history[i] < 10.0f) {
// add to the average
pressure_average_sum += rte_wx_pressure_history[i];
// increase the average lenght iterator
rte_wx_pressure_valid = pressure_average_sum / (float)j;
#ifdef _METEO
// if humidity sensor is idle trigger the communiction & measuremenets
if (dht22State == DHT22_STATE_DONE || dht22State == DHT22_STATE_TIMEOUT)
dht22State = DHT22_STATE_IDLE;
#if defined(_UMB_MASTER)
if (rte_wx_umb_qf == UMB_QF_FULL) {
rte_wx_temperature_average_dallas_valid = umb_get_temperature();
rte_wx_pressure_valid = umb_get_qfe();
void wx_pool_dht22(void) {
switch (dht22State) {
rte_wx_dht_valid = rte_wx_dht; // powrot do stanu DHT22_STATE_IDLE jest w TIM3_IRQHandler
//rte_wx_dht_valid.qf = DHT22_QF_FULL;
dht22State = DHT22_STATE_DONE;
#ifdef _DBG_TRACE
trace_printf("DHT22: temperature=%d,humi=%d\r\n", dht_valid.scaledTemperature, dht_valid.humidity);
rte_wx_dht_valid.qf = DHT22_QF_UNAVALIABLE;
default: break;
void wx_pool_anemometer(void) {
// locals
uint32_t average_windspeed = 0;
int32_t wind_direction_x_avg = 0;
int32_t wind_direction_y_avg = 0;
int16_t wind_direction_x = 0;
int16_t wind_direction_y = 0;
volatile float dir_temp = 0;
volatile float arctan_value = 0.0f;
short i = 0;
uint8_t average_ln;
uint16_t scaled_windspeed = 0;
// this windspeed is scaled * 10. Example: 0.2 meters per second is stored as 2
scaled_windspeed = analog_anemometer_get_ms_from_pulse(rte_wx_windspeed_pulses);
scaled_windspeed = tx20_get_scaled_windspeed();
rte_wx_winddirection_last = tx20_get_wind_direction();
#if defined(_UMB_MASTER)
rte_wx_average_winddirection = umb_get_winddirection();
rte_wx_average_windspeed = umb_get_windspeed();
rte_wx_max_windspeed = umb_get_windgusts();
// check how many times before the pool function was called
if (wx_wind_pool_call_counter < WIND_AVERAGE_LEN) {
// if it was called less time than a length of buffers, the average length
// needs to be shortened to handle the underrun properly
average_ln = (uint8_t)wx_wind_pool_call_counter;
else {
average_ln = WIND_AVERAGE_LEN;
// putting the wind speed into circular buffer
rte_wx_windspeed[rte_wx_windspeed_it] = scaled_windspeed;
// increasing the iterator to the windspeed buffer
// checking if iterator reached an end of the buffer
if (rte_wx_windspeed_it >= WIND_AVERAGE_LEN) {
rte_wx_windspeed_it = 0;
// calculating the average windspeed
for (i = 0; i < average_ln; i++)
average_windspeed += rte_wx_windspeed[i];
average_windspeed /= average_ln;
// store the value in rte
rte_wx_average_windspeed = average_windspeed;
// reuse the local variable to find maximum value
average_windspeed = 0;
// looking for gusts
for (i = 0; i < average_ln; i++) {
if (average_windspeed < rte_wx_windspeed[i])
average_windspeed = rte_wx_windspeed[i];
// storing wind gusts value in rte
rte_wx_max_windspeed = average_windspeed;
// adding last wind direction to the buffers
if (rte_wx_winddirection_it >= WIND_AVERAGE_LEN)
rte_wx_winddirection_it = 0;
rte_wx_winddirection[rte_wx_winddirection_it++] = rte_wx_winddirection_last;
// calculating average wind direction
for (i = 0; i < average_ln; i++) {
dir_temp = (float)rte_wx_winddirection[i];
// split the wind direction into x and y component
wind_direction_x = (int16_t)(100.0f * cosf(dir_temp * direction_constant));
wind_direction_y = (int16_t)(100.0f * sinf(dir_temp * direction_constant));
// adding components to calculate average
wind_direction_x_avg += wind_direction_x;
wind_direction_y_avg += wind_direction_y;
// dividing to get average of x and y componen
wind_direction_x_avg /= average_ln;
wind_direction_y_avg /= average_ln;
// converting x & y component of wind direction back to an angle
arctan_value = atan2f(wind_direction_y_avg , wind_direction_x_avg);
rte_wx_average_winddirection = (int16_t)(arctan_value * (180.0f/M_PI));
if (rte_wx_average_winddirection < 0)
rte_wx_average_winddirection += 360;
void wx_pwr_init(void) {
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_8;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
#if (defined PARATNC_HWREV_A || defined PARATNC_HWREV_B)
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_OD;
#elif (defined PARATNC_HWREV_C)
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;
#error ("Hardware Revision not chosen.")
GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
#if (defined PARATNC_HWREV_C)
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_6;
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
wx_pwr_state = WX_PWR_OFF;
GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_8);
#if (defined PARATNC_HWREV_C)
GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_6);
void wx_pwr_periodic_handle(void) {
// check when last measuremenets was sent by wind or temperature sensor
if ( (master_time - wx_last_good_temperature_time >= WX_WATCHDOG_PERIOD ||
master_time - wx_last_good_wind_time >= WX_WATCHDOG_PERIOD) &&
wx_pwr_state == WX_PWR_ON) {
// if timeout watchod expired there is a time to reset the supply voltage
wx_pwr_state = WX_PWR_UNDER_RESET;
// pulling the output down to switch the relay and disable +5V_ISOL (VDD_SW)
GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_8);
// setting the last_good timers to current value to prevent reset loop
wx_last_good_temperature_time = master_time;
wx_last_good_wind_time = master_time;
// service actual supply state
switch (wx_pwr_state) {
case WX_PWR_OFF:
// one second delay
#if (defined PARATNC_HWREV_C)
// Turn on the +12V_SW voltage
GPIO_SetBits(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_6);
// Turn on the +5V_ISOL (VDD_SW) voltage
GPIO_SetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_8);
// power is off after power-up and needs to be powered on
wx_pwr_state = WX_PWR_ON;
case WX_PWR_ON:
// Turn on the +5V_ISOL (VDD_SW) voltage
GPIO_SetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_8);
wx_pwr_state = WX_PWR_ON;
void wx_pwr_disable_12v_sw(void) {
#if (defined PARATNC_HWREV_C)
wx_pwr_state = WX_PWR_DISABLED;
GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_6);
void wx_pwr_disable_5v_isol(void) {
wx_pwr_state = WX_PWR_DISABLED;
GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_8);
void wx_pwr_enable_12v_sw(void) {
#if (defined PARATNC_HWREV_C)
wx_pwr_state = WX_PWR_OFF;
// setting last good measurements timers to inhibit relay clicking
// just after the power is applied
wx_last_good_temperature_time = master_time;
wx_last_good_wind_time = master_time;
void wx_pwr_enable_5v_isol(void) {
#if (defined PARATNC_HWREV_C)
wx_pwr_state = WX_PWR_OFF;
// setting last good measurements timers to inhibit relay clicking
// just after the power is applied
wx_last_good_temperature_time = master_time;
wx_last_good_wind_time = master_time;