
335 wiersze
12 KiB

* digi.c
* Created on: 28.05.2017
* Author: mateusz
#include <ax25_config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "aprs/digi.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "TimerConfig.h"
#include "delay.h"
#include "station_config.h"
// global variables to store a frame content to be digipeated
uint8_t digi_msg[CONFIG_AX25_FRAME_BUF_LEN];
uint16_t digi_msg_len;
AX25Call digi_path[7];
uint8_t digi_call_len = 0;
// digipeater working mode
digi_mode_t digi_mode;
uint8_t digi_viscous_delay_sec;
uint8_t digi_viscous_counter_sec;
void digi_init(const config_data_mode_t* const config_data_mode) {
digi_viscous_counter_sec = 0;
digi_msg_len = 0;
digi_mode = DIGI_OFF;
if (config_data_mode->digi_viscous == 1) {
if (config_data_mode->digi_only_ssids == 1) {
else {
else if (config_data_mode->digi == 1) {
if (config_data_mode->digi_only_ssids == 1) {
digi_mode = DIGI_ON_SSID_WIDE1;
else {
digi_mode = DIGI_ON_ALL_WIDE1;
else {
digi_viscous_delay_sec = config_data_mode->digi_viscous_delay_sec;
//#ifdef _DIGI_VISCOUS
// #ifdef _DIGI_ONLY_789
// digi_mode = DIGI_VISCOUS_SSID_WIDE1;
// #else
// digi_mode = DIGI_VISCOUS_ALL_WIDE1;
// #endif
// #ifdef _DIGI_ONLY_789
// digi_mode = DIGI_ON_SSID_WIDE1;
// #else
// digi_mode = DIGI_ON_ALL_WIDE1;
// #endif
// digi_viscous_delay_sec =_DIGI_VISCOUS_DEALY;
// digi_viscous_delay_sec = 3;
uint8_t digi_process(struct AX25Msg *msg, const config_data_basic_t* const config, const config_data_mode_t* const config_mode) {
// check if the received message is not too long for the transmit buffers
if (msg->len >= (CONFIG_AX25_FRAME_BUF_LEN - sizeof(AX25Call) * 7) ) {
if ((msg->src.ssid < 7 || msg->src.ssid > 9) && (digi_mode == DIGI_ON_SSID_WIDE1 || digi_mode == DIGI_VISCOUS_SSID_WIDE1)) {
// if (after_tx_lock == 0) {
// if the packet has any path and there is no packed waiting in viscous delay
if(msg->rpt_cnt >= 1 && digi_msg_len == 0) {
// initialize global variables used to store digipeated packet
memset(digi_path, 0x00, sizeof(AX25Call) * 7);
memset(digi_msg, 0x00, CONFIG_AX25_FRAME_BUF_LEN);
// if (msg->rpt_cnt == 1 && strcmp("WIDE2", msg->rpt_lst[0].call) == 0 && (msg->rpt_lst[0].ssid == 1 || msg->rpt_lst[0].ssid == 2)) {
// /* Powtarzanie ścieżki WIDE2-1 i WIDE2-2 */
// strcpy(digi_path[0].call, msg->dst.call); // znak docelowy
// digi_path[0].ssid = msg->dst.ssid;
// strcpy(digi_path[1].call, msg->src.call); // znak zrodlowy
// digi_path[1].ssid = msg->src.ssid;
// sprintf(digi_path[2].call, "%s", "SR8WXO"); // zamiana WIDE2-2 albo WIDE2-1 na znak digi
// digi_path[2].ssid = 0x40;
// sprintf(digi_path[3].call, "%s", "WIDE2"); // dodawanie WIDE2*
// digi_path[3].ssid = 0x40; /* 0x40 oznacza jedynkę na 6 bicie (przy numeracji od zera). Po przesunięciu o jedno miejsce
// otrzymuje się 0x80 czyli jedynkę na H-bicie */
// digi_q = 1;
// call_len = 4; // długość ścieżki
// }
if (msg->rpt_cnt == 1 && strcmp("WIDE1", msg->rpt_lst[0].call) == 0 && msg->rpt_lst[0].ssid == 1 ) {
/* Powtarzanie ścieżki WIDE1-1 */
strcpy(digi_path[0].call, msg->dst.call); // znak docelowy
digi_path[0].ssid = msg->dst.ssid;
strcpy(digi_path[1].call, msg->src.call); // znak zrodlowy
digi_path[1].ssid = msg->src.ssid;
sprintf(digi_path[2].call, "%s", config->callsign); // zamiana WIDE2-2 albo WIDE2-1 na znak digi
digi_path[2].ssid = (config->ssid | 0x40);
sprintf(digi_path[3].call, "%s", "WIDE1"); // dodawanie WIDE2*
digi_path[3].ssid = 0x40; /* 0x40 oznacza jedynkę na 6 bicie (przy numeracji od zera). Po przesunięciu o jedno miejsce
otrzymuje się 0x80 czyli jedynkę na H-bicie */
digi_call_len = 4; // długość ścieżki
else if(msg->rpt_cnt > 1 && strcmp("WIDE1", msg->rpt_lst[0].call) == 0 && strcmp("WIDE2", msg->rpt_lst[1].call) == 0 && msg->rpt_lst[0].ssid == 1 && msg->rpt_lst[1].ssid == 1) {
/* Powtarzanie aliasu WIDE1-1 w sciezce typu WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 */
strcpy(digi_path[0].call, msg->dst.call); // znak docelowy
digi_path[0].ssid = msg->dst.ssid;
strcpy(digi_path[1].call, msg->src.call); // znak zrodlowy
digi_path[1].ssid = msg->src.ssid;
sprintf(digi_path[2].call, "%s", config->callsign); // zamiana WIDE1-1 na własny znak digi
digi_path[2].ssid = (config->ssid | 0x40);
sprintf(digi_path[3].call, "%s", "WIDE1"); // dodawanie WIDE1* na końcu
digi_path[3].ssid = 0x40;
sprintf(digi_path[4].call, "%s", msg->rpt_lst[1].call); // przepisywanie WIDE2-1
digi_path[4].ssid = msg->rpt_lst[1].ssid;
digi_call_len = 5;
else if(msg->rpt_cnt > 1 && strcmp("WIDE1", msg->rpt_lst[0].call) == 0 && strcmp("WIDE2", msg->rpt_lst[1].call) == 0 && msg->rpt_lst[0].ssid == 1 && msg->rpt_lst[1].ssid == 2) {
/* Powtarzanie aliasu WIDE1-1 w sciezce typu WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2 */
strcpy(digi_path[0].call, msg->dst.call); // znak docelowy
digi_path[0].ssid = msg->dst.ssid;
strcpy(digi_path[1].call, msg->src.call); // znak zrodlowy
digi_path[1].ssid = msg->src.ssid;
sprintf(digi_path[2].call, "%s", config->callsign); // zamiana WIDE1-1 na własny znak digi
digi_path[2].ssid = (config->ssid | 0x40);
sprintf(digi_path[3].call, "%s", "WIDE1"); // dodawanie WIDE1* na końcu
digi_path[3].ssid = 0x40;
sprintf(digi_path[4].call, "%s", "WIDE2"); // skracanie dalszej czesci do WIDE2-1
digi_path[4].ssid = 1;
digi_call_len = 5;
// else if (msg->rpt_cnt >= 2 && strcmp("WIDE2", msg->rpt_lst[1].call) == 0 && msg->rpt_lst[1].ssid == 1) {
// /* Powtarzanie aliasu WIDE2-1 w sciezce WIDE2*,WIDE2-1 */
// strcpy(digi_path[0].call, msg->dst.call); // znak docelowy
// digi_path[0].ssid = msg->dst.ssid;
// strcpy(digi_path[1].call, msg->src.call); // znak zrodlowy
// digi_path[1].ssid = msg->src.ssid;
// sprintf(digi_path[2].call, "%s", msg->rpt_lst[0].call); // dołączanie znaku poprzedniego digi
// digi_path[2].ssid = (msg->rpt_lst[0].ssid | 0x40);
// sprintf(digi_path[3].call, "%s", "SR8WXO"); // zamiana WIDE2-1 na własny znak digi
// digi_path[3].ssid = 0x40;
// sprintf(digi_path[4].call, "%s", "WIDE2"); // dodawanie WIDE2* na końcu
// digi_path[4].ssid = 0x40;
// digi_q = 1;
// call_len = 5;
// }
// else if(msg->rpt_cnt >= 2 && strcmp("WIDE2", msg->rpt_lst[2].call) == 0 && (msg->rpt_lst[2].ssid == 1 || msg->rpt_lst[2].ssid == 2)) {
// /* Powtarzanie aliasu WIDE2-1 oraz WIDE 2-2 w sciezce typu WIDE1*,WIDE2-n */
// strcpy(digi_path[0].call, msg->dst.call); // znak docelowy
// digi_path[0].ssid = msg->dst.ssid;
// strcpy(digi_path[1].call, msg->src.call); // znak zrodlowy
// digi_path[1].ssid = msg->src.ssid;
// sprintf(digi_path[2].call, "%s", msg->rpt_lst[0].call); // dołączanie znaku poprzedniego digi
// digi_path[2].ssid = (msg->rpt_lst[0].ssid | 0x40);
// sprintf(digi_path[3].call, "%s", "WIDE1"); // dodawanie WIDE1 na końcu
// digi_path[3].ssid = 0x40;
// sprintf(digi_path[4].call, "%s", "SR8WXO"); // zamiana WIDE2-1 albo WIDE2-2 na własny znak digi
// digi_path[4].ssid = 0x40;
// sprintf(digi_path[5].call, "%s", "WIDE2"); // dodawanie WIDE2* na końcu
// digi_path[5].ssid = 0x40;
// digi_q = 1;
// call_len = 6;
// }
// else if(msg->rpt_cnt >= 4 && strcmp("WIDE2", msg->rpt_lst[3].call) == 0 && (msg->rpt_lst[3].ssid == 1 || msg->rpt_lst[3].ssid == 2)) {
// /* Powtarzanie aliasu WIDE2-1 w sciezce typu WIDE1*,WIDE2*,WIDE2-1 */
// strcpy(digi_path[0].call, msg->dst.call); // znak docelowy
// digi_path[0].ssid = msg->dst.ssid;
// strcpy(digi_path[1].call, msg->src.call); // znak zrodlowy
// digi_path[1].ssid = msg->src.ssid;
// sprintf(digi_path[2].call, "%s", msg->rpt_lst[0].call); // dołączanie znaku poprzedniego digi WIDE1*
// digi_path[2].ssid = (msg->rpt_lst[0].ssid | 0x40);
// sprintf(digi_path[3].call, "%s", "WIDE1"); // dodawanie WIDE1
// digi_path[3].ssid = 0x40;
// sprintf(digi_path[4].call, "%s", msg->rpt_lst[2].call); // dołączanie znaku poprzedniego digi WIDE2*
// digi_path[4].ssid = (msg->rpt_lst[2].ssid | 0x40);
// sprintf(digi_path[5].call, "%s", "SR8WXO"); // zamiana WIDE2-1 na własny znak digi
// digi_path[5].ssid = 0x40;
// sprintf(digi_path[6].call, "%s", "WIDE2"); // dodawanie WIDE2* na końcu
// digi_path[6].ssid = 0x40;
// digi_q = 1;
// call_len = 7;
// }
// copying the content
digi_msg_len = msg->len+1;
snprintf(digi_msg, msg->len+1, "%s", msg->info);
// if Viscous mode is not enabled proceed to transmission immediately
if (digi_mode == DIGI_ON_SSID_WIDE1 || digi_mode == DIGI_ON_ALL_WIDE1) {
// delaying retransmission.. well this will block I/O for a while
// and it could be refactor to ommit that but for now it needs to stay
// as it is.
delay_fixed(config_mode->digi_delay_100msec * 100);
ax25_sendVia(&main_ax25, digi_path, digi_call_len, digi_msg, digi_msg_len-1);
after_tx_lock = 1;
// clear variables when there are not needed
memset(digi_path, 0x00, sizeof(AX25Call) * 7);
memset(digi_msg, 0x00, CONFIG_AX25_FRAME_BUF_LEN);
digi_msg_len = 0;
return retval;
} // digi_mode == DIGI_ON_SSID_WIDE1 || digi_mode == DIGI_ON_ALL_WIDE1
else {
memset(msg, sizeof(AX25Msg), 0x00);
} // msg->rpt_cnt >= 1 && digi_msg_len == 0
// }
// else {
// after_tx_lock = 0;
// }
return retval;
uint8_t digi_check_with_viscous(struct AX25Msg *msg) {
uint8_t retval = 0;
// if there is a message waiting in buffer for digipeating
if (digi_msg_len > 0) {
// check the source call
if (strncmp(msg->src.call, digi_path[1].call, 6) == 0) {
// if the source call is the same check the SSID
if (msg->src.ssid == digi_path[1].ssid) {
// this is a message from the same station check the message content
if (memcmp(msg->info, digi_msg, msg->len) == 0) {
// if the message content is the same it means that current buffer content shall be discarded
// and frame shall not be retransmited
digi_msg_len = 0;
memset(digi_msg, 0x00, CONFIG_AX25_FRAME_BUF_LEN);
// increase viscous drop counter
digi_viscous_counter_sec = 0;
return retval;
uint8_t digi_pool_viscous(void) {
// proceed only if Viscous mode is enabled
if (digi_mode == DIGI_VISCOUS_ALL_WIDE1 || digi_mode == DIGI_VISCOUS_SSID_WIDE1) {
// if there is any message waiting in viscous delay
if (digi_msg_len > 0) {
// if the counter reach the delay limit and packet still waits
// so it hasn't been cleared by 'digi_check_with_viscous'
if (digi_viscous_counter_sec >= digi_viscous_delay_sec) {
// wait when radio channel will became avaliable
// put message vaiting in viscous dealy into AX25 buffer in correct, encoded form
ax25_sendVia(&main_ax25, digi_path, digi_call_len, digi_msg, digi_msg_len-1);
after_tx_lock = 1;
// start transmission (non blicking call)
// clear variables when there are not needed
memset(digi_path, 0x00, sizeof(AX25Call) * 7);
memset(digi_msg, 0x00, CONFIG_AX25_FRAME_BUF_LEN);
digi_msg_len = 0;
digi_viscous_counter_sec = 0;
else {
// if there isn't only zero the counter and do nothing
digi_viscous_counter_sec = 0;
return retval;