431 wiersze
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# pylint: disable = invalid-name, too-few-public-methods
import re
import pprint
import os
import sys
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any
from subprocess import check_output
# Constants
rtl_ext_end = ".dfinish"
su_ext = '.su'
obj_ext = '.o'
manual_ext = '.msu'
read_elf_path = os.getenv("CROSS_COMPILE", "") + "readelf"
stdout_encoding = "utf-8" # System dependant
class Printable:
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<" + type(self).__name__ + "> " + pprint.pformat(vars(self), indent=4, width=1)
class Symbol(Printable):
# value: int = -1
# size: int = -1
type: str = "uninitialized"
binding: str = "uninitialized"
name: str = "uninitialized"
CallNode = Dict[str, Any]
def calc_wcs(fxn_dict2: CallNode, parents: List[CallNode]) -> None:
Calculates the worst case stack for a fxn that is declared (or called from) in a given file.
:param parents: This function gets called recursively through the call graph. If a function has recursion the
tuple file, fxn will be in the parents stack and everything between the top of the stack and the matching entry
has recursion.
# If the wcs is already known, then nothing to do
if 'wcs' in fxn_dict2:
# Check for pointer calls
if fxn_dict2['has_ptr_call']:
fxn_dict2['wcs'] = 'unbounded'
# Check for recursion
if fxn_dict2 in parents:
fxn_dict2['wcs'] = 'unbounded'
# Calculate WCS
call_max = 0
for call_dict in fxn_dict2['r_calls']:
# Calculate the WCS for the called function
calc_wcs(call_dict, parents + [fxn_dict2])
# If the called function is unbounded, so is this function
if call_dict['wcs'] == 'unbounded':
fxn_dict2['wcs'] = 'unbounded'
# Keep track of the call with the largest stack use
call_max = max(call_max, call_dict['wcs'])
# Propagate Unresolved Calls
for unresolved_call in call_dict['unresolved_calls']:
fxn_dict2['wcs'] = call_max + fxn_dict2['local_stack']
class CallGraph:
globals: Dict[str, CallNode] = {}
locals: Dict[str, Dict[str, CallNode]] = {}
weak: Dict[str, CallNode] = {}
def read_obj(self, tu: str) -> None:
Reads the file tu.o and gets the binding (global or local) for each function
:param self: a object used to store information about each function, results go here
:param tu: name of the translation unit (e.g. for main.c, this would be 'main')
for s in read_symbols(tu[0:tu.rindex(".")] + obj_ext):
if s.type == 'FUNC':
if s.binding == 'GLOBAL':
# Check for multiple declarations
if s.name in self.globals or s.name in self.locals:
raise Exception(f'Multiple declarations of {s.name}')
self.globals[s.name] = {'tu': tu, 'name': s.name, 'binding': s.binding}
elif s.binding == 'LOCAL':
# Check for multiple declarations
if s.name in self.locals and tu in self.locals[s.name]:
raise Exception(f'Multiple declarations of {s.name}')
if s.name not in self.locals:
self.locals[s.name] = {}
self.locals[s.name][tu] = {'tu': tu, 'name': s.name, 'binding': s.binding}
elif s.binding == 'WEAK':
if s.name in self.weak:
raise Exception(f'Multiple declarations of {s.name}')
self.weak[s.name] = {'tu': tu, 'name': s.name, 'binding': s.binding}
raise Exception(f'Error Unknown Binding "{s.binding}" for symbol: {s.name}')
def find_fxn(self, tu: str, fxn: str):
Looks up the dictionary associated with the function.
:param self: a object used to store information about each function
:param tu: The translation unit in which to look for locals functions
:param fxn: The function name
:return: the dictionary for the given function or None
if fxn in self.globals:
return self.globals[fxn]
return self.locals[fxn][tu]
except KeyError:
return None
def find_demangled_fxn(self, tu: str, fxn: str):
Looks up the dictionary associated with the function.
:param self: a object used to store information about each function
:param tu: The translation unit in which to look for locals functions
:param fxn: The function name
:return: the dictionary for the given function or None
for f in self.globals.values():
if 'demangledName' in f:
if f['demangledName'] == fxn:
return f
for f in self.locals.values():
if tu in f:
if 'demangledName' in f[tu]:
if f[tu]['demangledName'] == fxn:
return f[tu]
return None
def read_rtl(self, tu: str, rtl_ext: str) -> None:
Read an RTL file and finds callees for each function and if there are calls via function pointer.
:param self: a object used to store information about each function, results go here
:param tu: the translation unit
# Construct A Call Graph
function = re.compile(r'^;; Function (.*) \((\S+), funcdef_no=\d+(, [a-z_]+=\d+)*\)( \([a-z ]+\))?$')
static_call = re.compile(r'^.*\(call.*"(.*)".*$')
other_call = re.compile(r'^.*call .*$')
with open(tu + rtl_ext, "rt", encoding="latin_1") as file_:
for line_ in file_:
m = function.match(line_)
if m:
fxn_name = m.group(2)
fxn_dict2 = self.find_fxn(tu, fxn_name)
if not fxn_dict2:
raise Exception(f"Error locating function {fxn_name} in {tu}")
fxn_dict2['demangledName'] = m.group(1)
fxn_dict2['calls'] = set()
fxn_dict2['has_ptr_call'] = False
m = static_call.match(line_)
if m:
# print("Call: {0} -> {1}".format(current_fxn, m.group(1)))
m = other_call.match(line_)
if m:
fxn_dict2['has_ptr_call'] = True
def read_su(self, tu: str) -> None:
Reads the 'local_stack' for each function. Local stack ignores stack used by callees.
:param self: a object used to store information about each function, results go here
:param tu: the translation unit
# Needs to be able to handle both cases, i.e.:
# c:\\userlibs\\gcc\\arm-none-eabi\\include\\assert.h:41:6:__assert_func 16 static
# main.c:113:6:vAssertCalled 8 static
# Now Matches six groups https://regex101.com/r/Imi0sq/1
su_line = re.compile(r'^(.+):(\d+):(\d+):(.+)\t(\d+)\t(\S+)$')
i = 1
with open(tu[0:tu.rindex(".")] + su_ext, "rt", encoding="latin_1") as file_:
for line in file_:
m = su_line.match(line)
if m:
fxn = m.group(4)
fxn_dict2 = self.find_demangled_fxn(tu, fxn)
fxn_dict2['local_stack'] = int(m.group(5))
print(f"error parsing line {i} in file {tu}")
i += 1
def read_manual(self, file: str) -> None:
reads the manual stack useage files.
:param self: a object used to store information about each function, results go here
:param file: the file name
with open(file, "rt", encoding="latin_1") as file_:
for line in file_:
fxn, stack_sz = line.split()
if fxn in self.globals:
raise Exception(f"Redeclared Function {fxn}")
self.globals[fxn] = {'wcs': int(stack_sz),
'calls': set(),
'has_ptr_call': False,
'local_stack': int(stack_sz),
'is_manual': True,
'name': fxn,
'demangledName': fxn,
'tu': '#MANUAL',
'binding': 'GLOBAL'}
def validate_all_data(self) -> None:
Check that every entry in the call graph has the following fields:
.calls, .has_ptr_call, .local_stack, .scope, .src_line
def validate_dict(d):
if not ('calls' in d and 'has_ptr_call' in d and 'local_stack' in d
and 'name' in d and 'tu' in d):
print(f"Error data is missing in fxn dictionary {d}")
# Loop through every global and local function
# and resolve each call, save results in r_calls
for fxn_dict2 in self.globals.values():
for l_dict in self.locals.values():
for fxn_dict2 in l_dict.values():
def resolve_all_calls(self) -> None:
def resolve_calls(fxn_dict2: CallNode) -> None:
fxn_dict2['r_calls'] = []
fxn_dict2['unresolved_calls'] = set()
for call in fxn_dict2['calls']:
call_dict = self.find_fxn(fxn_dict2['tu'], call)
if call_dict:
# Loop through every global and local function
# and resolve each call, save results in r_calls
for fxn_dict in self.globals.values():
for l_dict in self.locals.values():
for fxn_dict in l_dict.values():
def calc_all_wcs(self) -> None:
# Loop through every global and local function
# and resolve each call, save results in r_calls
for fxn_dict in self.globals.values():
calc_wcs(fxn_dict, [])
for l_dict in self.locals.values():
for fxn_dict in l_dict.values():
calc_wcs(fxn_dict, [])
def print_all_fxns(self) -> None:
def print_fxn(row_format: str, fxn_dict2: CallNode) -> None:
unresolved = fxn_dict2['unresolved_calls']
stack = str(fxn_dict2['wcs'])
if unresolved:
unresolved_str = f"({' ,'.join(unresolved)})"
if stack != 'unbounded':
stack = "unbounded:" + stack
unresolved_str = ''
print(row_format.format(fxn_dict2['tu'], fxn_dict2['demangledName'], stack, unresolved_str))
def get_order(val) -> int:
return 1 if val == 'unbounded' else -val
# Loop through every global and local function
# and resolve each call, save results in r_calls
d_list = []
for fxn_dict in self.globals.values():
for l_dict in self.locals.values():
for fxn_dict in l_dict.values():
d_list.sort(key=lambda item: get_order(item['wcs']))
# Calculate table width
tu_width = max(max(len(d['tu']) for d in d_list), 16)
name_width = max(max(len(d['name']) for d in d_list), 13)
row_format = "{:<" + str(tu_width + 2) + "} {:<" + str(name_width + 2) + "} {:>14} {:<17}"
# Print out the table
print(row_format.format('Translation Unit', 'Function Name', 'Stack', 'Unresolved Dependencies'))
for d in d_list:
print_fxn(row_format, d)
def read_symbols(file: str) -> List[Symbol]:
def to_symbol(read_elf_line: str) -> Symbol:
v = read_elf_line.split()
s2 = Symbol()
# s2.value = int(v[1], 16)
# if ('x' in v[2]):
# #raise Exception(f'Mixed symbol sizes in \'{v}\' ')
# s2.size=int(v[2].split('x')[1],16)
# else:
# s2.size = int(v[2])
s2.type = v[3]
s2.binding = v[4]
s2.name = v[7] if len(v) >= 8 else ""
return s2
output = check_output([read_elf_path, "-s", "-W", file]).decode(stdout_encoding)
lines = output.splitlines()[3:]
return [to_symbol(line) for line in lines]
def find_rtl_ext() -> str:
# Find the rtl_extension
for _, _, filenames in os.walk('.'):
for f in filenames:
if f.endswith(rtl_ext_end):
rtl_ext = f[f[:-len(rtl_ext_end)].rindex("."):]
print("rtl_ext = " + rtl_ext)
return rtl_ext
print("Could not find any files ending with '.dfinish'. Check that the script is being run from the correct "
"directory. Check that the code was compiled with the correct flags")
def find_files(rtl_ext: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
tu: List[str] = []
manual: List[str] = []
all_files: List[str] = []
for root, _, filenames in os.walk('.'):
for filename in filenames:
all_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
for f in [f for f in all_files if os.path.isfile(f) and f.endswith(rtl_ext)]:
base = f[0:-len(rtl_ext)]
short_base = base[0:base.rindex(".")]
if short_base + su_ext in all_files and short_base + obj_ext in all_files:
print(f'Reading: {base}{rtl_ext}, {short_base}{su_ext}, {short_base}{obj_ext}')
for f in [f for f in all_files if os.path.isfile(f) and f.endswith(manual_ext)]:
print(f'Reading: {f}')
# Print some diagnostic messages
if not tu:
print("Could not find any translation units to analyse")
return tu, manual
def main() -> None:
# Find the appropriate RTL extension
rtl_ext = find_rtl_ext()
# Find all input files
call_graph: CallGraph = CallGraph()
tu_list, manual_list = find_files(rtl_ext)
# Read the input files
for tu in tu_list:
call_graph.read_obj(tu) # This must be first
for fxn in call_graph.weak.values():
if fxn['name'] not in call_graph.globals:
call_graph.globals[fxn['name']] = fxn
for tu in tu_list:
call_graph.read_rtl(tu, rtl_ext)
for tu in tu_list:
# Read manual files
for m in manual_list:
# Validate Data
# Resolve All Function Calls
# Calculate Worst Case Stack For Each Function
# Print A Nice Message With Each Function and the WCS