
280 wiersze
10 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <correct.h>
#include <fec.h>
// this program allows us to find all of the polynomials that come with libfec
// this way, we can provide compatibility with libfec-encoded streams and vice versa
// we can do this without directly copy-pasting from libfec's source, thanks
// to this finder
typedef struct {
void *vit;
int update_len;
int (*init)(void *, int);
int (*update)(void *, unsigned char *, int);
int (*chainback)(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned int, unsigned int);
} libfec_decoder_t;
void byte2bit(uint8_t *bytes, uint8_t *bits, size_t n_bits) {
unsigned char cmask = 0x80;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n_bits; i++) {
bits[i] = (bytes[i/8] & cmask) ? 255 : 0;
cmask >>= 1;
if (!cmask) {
cmask = 0x80;
correct_convolutional_polynomial_t *resize_poly_list(correct_convolutional_polynomial_t *polys, size_t cap) {
polys = realloc(polys, cap * sizeof(correct_convolutional_polynomial_t));
return polys;
void find_poly_coeff(size_t rate, size_t order, uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_len, libfec_decoder_t libfec, correct_convolutional_polynomial_t **polys_dest, size_t *polys_len, size_t search_coeff) {
// find a single coefficient of an unknown convolutional polynomial
// we are given a payload to encode, and we'll test all possible coefficients
// to see which ones yield correct decodings by libfec, which has some
// unknown polynomial "baked in"
// temp poly (this will be the one we search with)
correct_convolutional_polynomial_t *poly = malloc(rate * sizeof(correct_convolutional_polynomial_t));
// what's the largest coefficient value we'll test?
correct_convolutional_polynomial_t maxcoeff = (1 << order) - 1;
// note that we start about half way in
// this sum asks that we have the
// a) highest order bit set
// b) lowest order bit set
// we're only interested in coefficient values for which this is
// true because if it weren't, the coefficient would actually be
// of a smaller order than its supposed given order
correct_convolutional_polynomial_t startcoeff = (1 << (order - 1)) + 1;
// the values of this don't really matter except for the coeff we're searching for
// but just to be safe, we set them all
for (size_t i = 0; i < rate; i++) {
poly[i] = startcoeff;
// create a dummy encoder so that we can find how long the resulting encoded value is
correct_convolutional *conv_dummy = correct_convolutional_create(rate, order, poly);
size_t enclen_bits = correct_convolutional_encode_len(conv_dummy, msg_len);
size_t enclen = (enclen_bits % 8) ? (enclen_bits / 8 + 1) : enclen_bits / 8;
// compact encoded format (this comes from libcorrect)
uint8_t *encoded = malloc(enclen * sizeof(uint8_t));
// soft encoded format (this goes to libfec, one byte per bit)
uint8_t *encoded_bits = malloc(enclen * 8 * sizeof(uint8_t));
// resulting decoded message which we'll compare to our given payload
uint8_t *msg_cmp = malloc(msg_len * sizeof(uint8_t));
// we keep a list of coefficients which yielded correct decodings
// there could be 0, 1, or more than 1, and we'll return all of them
// we'll dynamically resize this as we go
size_t polys_cap = 1;
*polys_len = 0;
correct_convolutional_polynomial_t *polys = NULL;
polys = resize_poly_list(polys, polys_cap);
// iteration constants -- we go by 2 because we want the lowest order bit to
// stay set
for (correct_convolutional_polynomial_t i = startcoeff; i <= maxcoeff; i += 2) {
poly[search_coeff] = i;
correct_convolutional *conv = correct_convolutional_create(rate, order, poly);
correct_convolutional_encode(conv, (uint8_t*)msg, msg_len, encoded);
byte2bit(encoded, encoded_bits, enclen);
// now erase all the bits we're not searching for
for (size_t i = 0; i < msg_len * 8; i++) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < rate; j++) {
if (j != search_coeff) {
// 128 is a soft erasure
encoded_bits[i * rate + j] = 128;
libfec.init(libfec.vit, 0);
libfec.update(libfec.vit, encoded_bits, libfec.update_len);
libfec.chainback(libfec.vit, msg_cmp, 8 * msg_len, 0);
if (memcmp(msg_cmp, msg, msg_len) == 0) {
// match found
// resize list to make room
if (*polys_len == polys_cap) {
polys = resize_poly_list(polys, polys_cap * 2);
polys_cap *= 2;
polys[*polys_len] = i;
*polys_len = *polys_len + 1;
polys = resize_poly_list(polys, *polys_len);
*polys_dest = polys;
// we choose 2 bytes because we need a payload that's longer than
// the shift register under test. since that includes an order 15
// s.r., we need at least 15 bits.
size_t msg_len = 2;
void find_poly(size_t rate, size_t order, libfec_decoder_t libfec, correct_convolutional_polynomial_t *poly) {
// find the complete set of coefficients that are "baked in" to
// one particular method of libfec
// most of this method is described by find_poly_coeff
// for each coeff we want to find, we'll generate random 2-byte payloads and give
// them to find_poly_coeff. If find_poly_coeff returns an empty list, we
// try again. If it returns a nonempty list, then we find the intersection of
// all the coefficient values find_poly_coeff has given us so far (we start
// with the complete set). we are finished when only one coeff value remains
// we perform this process for each coeff e.g. 6 times for a rate 1/6 polynomial
uint8_t msg[msg_len];
// this is the list returned to us by find_poly_coeff
correct_convolutional_polynomial_t *polys;
// the list's length is written here
size_t polys_len;
printf("rate 1/%zu order %zu poly:", rate, order);
for (size_t search_coeff = 0; search_coeff < rate; search_coeff++) {
correct_convolutional_polynomial_t *fit = NULL;
size_t fit_len = 0;
size_t fit_cap = 0;
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < msg_len; i++) {
msg[i] = rand() % 256;
find_poly_coeff(rate, order, msg, msg_len, libfec, &polys, &polys_len, search_coeff);
if (polys_len == 0) {
// skip if none fit (this is a special case)
if (fit_len == 0) {
// the very first intersection
// we'll just copy the list handed to us
fit_cap = polys_len;
fit_len = polys_len;
fit = resize_poly_list(fit, fit_cap);
for (size_t i = 0; i < polys_len; i++) {
fit[i] = polys[i];
} else {
// find intersection
ptrdiff_t polys_iter = 0;
ptrdiff_t fit_iter = 0;
ptrdiff_t new_fit_iter = 0;
// the lists generated by find_poly_coeff are sorted
// so we just retain the sorted property and walk both
while (polys_iter < polys_len && fit_iter < fit_len) {
if (polys[polys_iter] < fit[fit_iter]) {
} else if (polys[polys_iter] > fit[fit_iter]) {
} else {
fit[new_fit_iter] = fit[fit_iter];
// if new_fit_iter is 0 here then we don't intersect at all
// in this case we have to restart the search for this coeff
if (new_fit_iter != 0) {
fit_len = new_fit_iter;
} else {
fit = NULL;
fit_cap = 0;
fit_len = 0;
if (fit_len == 1) {
poly[search_coeff] = fit[0];
if (order <= 9) {
printf(" %04o", fit[0]);
} else {
printf(" %06o", fit[0]);
done = true;
int main() {
libfec_decoder_t libfec;
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
correct_convolutional_polynomial_t poly[6];
libfec.vit = create_viterbi27(8 * msg_len);
libfec.update_len = 8 * msg_len + 6;
libfec.init = init_viterbi27;
libfec.update = update_viterbi27_blk;
libfec.chainback = chainback_viterbi27;
find_poly(2, 7, libfec, poly);
libfec.vit = create_viterbi29(8 * msg_len);
libfec.update_len = 8 * msg_len + 8;
libfec.init = init_viterbi29;
libfec.update = update_viterbi29_blk;
libfec.chainback = chainback_viterbi29;
find_poly(2, 9, libfec, poly);
libfec.vit = create_viterbi39(8 * msg_len);
libfec.update_len = 8 * msg_len + 8;
libfec.init = init_viterbi39;
libfec.update = update_viterbi39_blk;
libfec.chainback = chainback_viterbi39;
find_poly(3, 9, libfec, poly);
libfec.vit = create_viterbi615(8 * msg_len);
libfec.update_len = 8 * msg_len + 14;
libfec.init = init_viterbi615;
libfec.update = update_viterbi615_blk;
libfec.chainback = chainback_viterbi615;
find_poly(6, 15, libfec, poly);
return 0;