
1120 wiersze
44 KiB

* Meisei iMS-100
* sync header: correlation/matched filter
* files: meisei100mod.c demod_mod.c demod_mod.h bch_ecc_mod.c bch_ecc_mod.h
* compile, either (a) or (b):
* (a)
* gcc -c demod_mod.c
* gcc -DINCLUDESTATIC meisei100mod.c demod_mod.o -lm -o meisei100mod
* (b)
* gcc -c demod_mod.c
* gcc -c bch_ecc_mod.c
* gcc meisei100mod.c demod_mod.o bch_ecc_mod.o -lm -o meisei100mod
* usage:
* ./meisei100mod --ecc -v <audio.wav>
* author: zilog80
PCM-FM, 1200 baud biphase-S
1200 bit pro Sekunde: zwei Frames, die wiederum in zwei Subframes unterteilt werden koennen, d.h. 4 mal 300 bit.
Variante 1 (RS-11G ?)
<option -1>
049DCE1C667FDD8F537C8100004F20764630A20000000010040436 FB623080801F395FFE08A76540000FE01D0C2C1E75025006DE0A07
049DCE1C67008C73D7168200004F0F764B31A2FFFF000010270B14 FB6230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001D59
0x00..0x02 HEADER 0x049DCE
0x03..0x04 16 bit 0.5s-counter, count%2=0:
0x1B..0x1D HEADER 0xFB6230
0x20..0x23 32 bit GPS-lat * 1e7 (DD.dddddd)
0x24..0x27 32 bit GPS-lon * 1e7 (DD.dddddd)
0x28..0x2B 32 bit GPS-alt * 1e2 (m)
0x2C..0x2D 16 bit GPS-vH * 1e2 (m/s)
0x2E..0x2F 16 bit GPS-vD * 1e2 (degree) (0..360 unsigned)
0x30..0x31 16 bit GPS-vU * 1e2 (m/s)
0x32..0x35 32 bit date jjJJMMTT
0x00..0x02 HEADER 0x049DCE
0x03..0x04 16 bit 0.5s-counter, count%2=1:
0x17..0x18 16 bit time ms xxyy, 00.000-59.000
0x19..0x1A 16 bit time hh:mm
0x1B..0x1D HEADER 0xFB6230
0x049DCE ^ 0xFB6230 = 0xFFFFFE
Variante 2 (iMS-100 ?)
<option -2>
049DCE3E228023DBF53FA700003C74628430C100000000ABE00B3B FB62302390031EECCC00E656E42327562B2436C4C01CDB0F18B09A
049DCE3E23516AF62B3FC700003C7390D131C100000000AB090000 FB62300000000000032423222422202014211B13220000000067C4
0x00..0x02 HEADER 0x049DCE
0x03..0x04 16 bit 0.5s-counter, count%2=0:
0x07..0x0A 32 bit cfg[cnt%64] (float32); cfg[0,16,32,48]=SN
0x11..0x12 30xx, xx=C1(ims100?),A2(rs11?)
0x13..0x14 16 bit temperature, main sensor, raw
0x15..0x16 16 bit humidity, raw
0x17..0x18 16 bit time ms yyxx, 00.000-59.000
0x19..0x1A 16 bit time hh:mm
0x1B..0x1D HEADER 0xFB6230
0x1E..0x1F 16 bit ? date (TT,MM,JJ)=(date/1000,(date/10)%100,(date%10)+10)
0x20..0x23 32 bit GPS-lat * 1e4 (NMEA DDMM.mmmm)
0x24..0x27 32 bit GPS-lon * 1e4 (NMEA DDMM.mmmm)
0x28..0x2A 24 bit GPS-alt * 1e2 (m)
0x30..0x31 16 bit GPS-vD * 1e2 (degree)
0x32..0x33 16 bit GPS-vH * 1.944e2 (knots)
0x00..0x02 HEADER 0x049DCE
0x03..0x04 16 bit 0.5s-counter, count%2=1:
0x07..0x0A 32 bit cfg[cnt%64] (float32); freq=400e3+cfg[15]*1e2/kHz
0x11..0x12 31xx, xx=C1(ims100?),A2(rs11?)
0x17..0x18 16 bit 1024-counter yyxx, +0x400=1024; rollover synchron zu ms-counter, nach rollover auch +0x300=768
0x1B..0x1D HEADER 0xFB6230
0x22..0x23 yy00..yy03 (yy00: GPS PRN?)
Die 46bit-Bloecke sind BCH-Codewoerter. Es handelt sich um einen (63,51)-Code mit Generatorpolynom
gekuerzt auf (46,34), die letzten 12 bit sind die BCH-Kontrollbits.
Die 34 Nachrichtenbits sind aufgeteilt in 16+1+16+1, d.h. nach einem 16 bit Block kommt ein Paritaetsbit,
dass 1 ist, wenn die Anzahl 1en in den 16 bit davor gerade ist, und sonst 0.
2 "raw" symbols -> 1 biphase-symbol (bit): 2400 (raw) baud
ecc: option_b, exact symbol rate; if necessary, adjust --br <baud>
e.g. -b --br 2398
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef CYGWIN
#include <fcntl.h> // cygwin: _setmode()
#include <io.h>
// optional JSON "version"
// (a) set global
// gcc -DVERSION_JSN [-I<inc_dir>] ...
#include "version_jsn.h"
// or
// (b) set local compiler option, e.g.
// gcc -DVER_JSN_STR=\"0.0.2\" ...
//typedef unsigned char ui8_t;
//typedef unsigned short ui16_t;
//typedef unsigned int ui32_t;
//typedef short i16_t;
#include "demod_mod.h"
#include "bch_ecc_mod.c"
#include "bch_ecc_mod.h"
#define BITFRAME_LEN 1200
typedef struct {
int frnr; int frnr1;
int jahr; int monat; int tag;
int std; int min; float sek;
double lat; double lon; double alt;
double vH; double vD; double vV;
ui16_t f_ref;
float T; float RH;
char frame_rawbits[RAWBITFRAME_LEN+10];
ui8_t frame_bits[BITFRAME_LEN+10];
ui32_t ecc;
float cfg[64];
ui64_t cfg_valid;
ui32_t _sn;
float sn; // 0 mod 16
float fq; // 15 mod 64
int jsn_freq; // freq/kHz (SDR)
int frm0_count; int frm0_valid;
int frm1_count; int frm1_valid;
int vV_valid;
RS_t RS;
} gpx_t;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static float f32e2(ui32_t num) {
ui32_t val;
float f;
int i;
double e, s, m;
val = 0;
for (i=31;i>=24;i--) { val |= ((num>>i)&1)<<(i-24); }
e = (double)val-127-2; // exponent
val = 0;
for (i=22;i>= 0;i--) { val |= ((num>>i)&1)<<i; }
m = (double)val/(1<<23); // mantissa
s = (num>>23)&1 ? -1.0 : +1.0 ; // sign
f = s*(1+m)*pow(2,e);
val = (num & 0x800000)<<8; // sign
val |= (num>>1) & 0x7F800000; // exponent
val |= num & 0x7FFFFF; // mantissa
memcpy(&f, &val, 4);
f /= 4.0; // e -= 127+2;
return f;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define BAUD_RATE 2400 // raw symbol rate; bit=biphase_symbol, bitrate=1200
#define HEADLEN 24
static char header0x049DCE[] = // 0x049DCE =
"101010101011010100101011001101001100101011001101"; // 00000100 10011101 11001110
static char header0x049DCEbits[] = "000001001001110111001110";
static char header0xFB6230[] = // 0xFB6230 =
"110011001101001101001101010100101010110010101010"; // 11111011 01100010 00110000
static char header0xFB6230bits[] = "111110110110001000110000";
// 0x049DCE ^ 0xFB6230 = 0xFFFFFE
static char *rawheader = header0x049DCE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int biphi_s(char* frame_rawbits, ui8_t *frame_bits) {
int j = 0;
int byt;
j = 0;
while ((byt = frame_rawbits[2*j]) && frame_rawbits[2*j+1]) {
if ((byt < 0x30) || (byt > 0x31)) break;
if ( frame_rawbits[2*j] == frame_rawbits[2*j+1] ) { byt = 1; }
else { byt = 0; }
frame_bits[j] = byt;
frame_bits[j] = 0;
return j;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static ui32_t bits2val(ui8_t bits[], int len) {
int j;
ui8_t bit;
ui32_t val;
if ((len < 0) || (len > 32)) return -1;
val = 0;
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
bit = bits[j];
val |= (bit << (len-1-j)); // big endian
//val |= (bit << j); // little endian
return val;
static int get_w16(ui8_t *subframe_bits, int j) {
if (j < 0 || j > 11) return -1;
return bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*(j/2)+17*(j%2), 16);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int option_verbose = 0,
option_raw = 0,
option_inv = 0,
option_ecc = 0, // BCH(63,51)
option_jsn = 0; // JSON output (auto_rx)
int option_ptu;
int option_min = 0;
int option_iq = 0;
int option_iqdc = 0;
int option_lp = 0;
int option_dc = 0;
int option_noLUT = 0;
int option_softin = 0;
int option_pcmraw = 0;
int sel_wavch = 0;
int wavloaded = 0;
int cfreq = -1;
int option1 = 0,
option2 = 0;
float baudrate = -1;
FILE *fp;
char *fpname;
int subframe = 0;
int err_frm = 0;
int gps_chk_sum = 0;
int gps_err = 0;
int err_blks = 0;
ui8_t block_err[6];
int block;
ui8_t *subframe_bits;
int counter;
ui32_t val;
ui32_t dat2;
int lat, lat1, lat2,
lon, lon1, lon2,
alt, alt1, alt2;
ui16_t vH, vD;
i16_t vU;
double velH, velD, velU;
int latdeg,londeg;
double latmin, lonmin;
ui32_t t1, t2, ms, min, std, tt, mm, jj;
float sn = -1;
float freq = -1;
int k, j;
int bitpos = 0, bit;
int bitQ;
int header_found = 0;
float thres = 0.7;
float _mv = 0.0;
float lpIQ_bw = 16e3;
int symlen = 1;
int bitofs = 0; // 0..+1
int shift = 0;
int reset_gpx = 0;
pcm_t pcm = {0};
dsp_t dsp = {0}; //memset(&dsp, 0, sizeof(dsp));
hdb_t hdb = {0};
gpx_t gpx = {0};
#ifdef CYGWIN
_setmode(fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); // _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
fpname = argv[0];
while ((*argv) && (!wavloaded)) {
if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--help") == 0) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s <-n> [options] audio.wav\n", fpname);
fprintf(stderr, " n=1,2\n");
fprintf(stderr, " options:\n");
//fprintf(stderr, " -v, --verbose\n");
fprintf(stderr, " -r, --raw\n");
return 0;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-r") == 0) ) { option_raw = 1; }
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-i") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--invert") == 0) ) {
option_inv = 1; // nicht noetig
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-2") == 0) ) {
option2 = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-1") == 0) ) {
option1 = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ecc") == 0) { option_ecc = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ptu") == 0) {
option_ptu = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-v") == 0) ) { option_verbose = 1; }
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--br") == 0) ) {
if (*argv) {
baudrate = atof(*argv);
if (baudrate < 2200 || baudrate > 2400) baudrate = 2400; // default: 2400
else return -1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ch2") == 0) { sel_wavch = 1; } // right channel (default: 0=left)
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--softin") == 0) { option_softin = 1; } // float32 soft input
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--ths") == 0) {
if (*argv) {
thres = atof(*argv);
else return -1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-d") == 0) ) {
if (*argv) {
shift = atoi(*argv);
if (shift > 4) shift = 4;
if (shift < -4) shift = -4;
else return -1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq0") == 0) { option_iq = 1; } // differential/FM-demod
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq2") == 0) { option_iq = 2; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iq3") == 0) { option_iq = 3; } // iq2==iq3
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--iqdc") == 0) { option_iqdc = 1; } // iq-dc removal (iq0,2,3)
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--IQ") == 0) { // fq baseband -> IF (rotate from and decimate)
double fq = 0.0; // --IQ <fq> , -0.5 < fq < 0.5
if (*argv) fq = atof(*argv);
else return -1;
if (fq < -0.5) fq = -0.5;
if (fq > 0.5) fq = 0.5;
dsp.xlt_fq = -fq; // S(t) -> S(t)*exp(-f*2pi*I*t)
option_iq = 5;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--lpIQ") == 0) { option_lp |= LP_IQ; } // IQ/IF lowpass
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--lpbw") == 0) { // IQ lowpass BW / kHz
double bw = 0.0;
if (*argv) bw = atof(*argv);
else return -1;
if (bw > 4.6 && bw < 32.0) lpIQ_bw = bw*1e3;
option_lp |= LP_IQ;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--lpFM") == 0) { option_lp |= LP_FM; } // FM lowpass
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--dc") == 0) { option_dc = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--noLUT") == 0) { option_noLUT = 1; }
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--min") == 0) {
option_min = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--json") == 0) {
option_jsn = 1;
option_ecc = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--jsn_cfq") == 0) {
int frq = -1; // center frequency / Hz
if (*argv) frq = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
if (frq < 300000000) frq = -1;
cfreq = frq;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-") == 0) {
int sample_rate = 0, bits_sample = 0, channels = 0;
if (*argv) sample_rate = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
if (*argv) bits_sample = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
channels = 2;
if (sample_rate < 1 || (bits_sample != 8 && bits_sample != 16 && bits_sample != 32)) {
fprintf(stderr, "- <sr> <bs>\n");
return -1;
} = sample_rate;
pcm.bps = bits_sample;
pcm.nch = channels;
option_pcmraw = 1;
else {
if (option1 == 1 && option2 == 1) goto help_out;
if (!option_raw && option1 == 0 && option2 == 0) option2 = 1;
fp = fopen(*argv, "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: open %s\n", *argv);
return -1;
wavloaded = 1;
if (!wavloaded) fp = stdin;
if (option_iq == 5 && option_dc) option_lp |= LP_FM;
// LUT faster for decM, however frequency correction after decimation
// LUT recommonded if decM > 2
if (option_noLUT && option_iq == 5) dsp.opt_nolut = 1; else dsp.opt_nolut = 0;
if (cfreq > 0) gpx.jsn_freq = (cfreq+500)/1000;
#ifdef EXT_FSK
if (!option_softin) {
option_softin = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "reading float32 soft symbols\n");
if (!option_softin) {
if (option_iq == 0 && option_pcmraw) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: raw data not IQ\n");
return -1;
if (option_iq) sel_wavch = 0;
pcm.sel_ch = sel_wavch;
if (option_pcmraw == 0) {
k = read_wav_header(&pcm, fp);
if ( k < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: wav header\n");
return -1;
if (cfreq > 0) {
int fq_kHz = (cfreq - dsp.xlt_fq* + 500)/1e3;
gpx.jsn_freq = fq_kHz;
symlen = 1;
// init dsp
dsp.fp = fp; =;
dsp.bps = pcm.bps;
dsp.nch = pcm.nch; = pcm.sel_ch; = (float)BAUD_RATE;
dsp.sps = (float);
dsp.symlen = symlen;
dsp.symhd = 1;
dsp._spb = dsp.sps*symlen;
dsp.hdr = rawheader;
dsp.hdrlen = strlen(rawheader);
dsp.BT = 1.2; // bw/time (ISI) // 1.0..2.0
dsp.h = 2.4; // 2.8
dsp.opt_iq = option_iq;
dsp.opt_iqdc = option_iqdc;
dsp.opt_lp = option_lp;
dsp.lpIQ_bw = lpIQ_bw; //16e3; // IF lowpass bandwidth
dsp.lpFM_bw = 4e3; // FM audio lowpass
dsp.opt_dc = option_dc;
dsp.opt_IFmin = option_min;
if ( dsp.sps < 8 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "note: sample rate low (%.1f sps)\n", dsp.sps);
if (baudrate > 0) { = (float)baudrate;
dsp.sps = (float);
fprintf(stderr, "sps corr: %.4f\n", dsp.sps);
k = init_buffers(&dsp);
if ( k < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: init buffers\n");
return -1;
bitofs += shift;
else {
// init circular header bit buffer
hdb.hdr = rawheader;
hdb.len = strlen(rawheader);
//hdb.thb = 1.0 - 3.1/(float)hdb.len; // 1.0-max_bit_errors/hdrlen
hdb.bufpos = -1;
hdb.buf = NULL;
calloc(hdb.len, sizeof(char));
if (hdb.buf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: malloc\n");
return -1;
hdb.ths = 0.8; // caution/test false positive
hdb.sbuf = calloc(hdb.len, sizeof(float));
if (hdb.sbuf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: malloc\n");
return -1;
if (option_ecc) {
} = -1;
gpx.RH = NAN;
gpx.T = NAN;
while ( 1 )
if (option_softin) {
header_found = find_softbinhead(fp, &hdb, &_mv);
else { // FM-audio:
header_found = find_header(&dsp, thres, 1, bitofs, dsp.opt_dc); // optional 2nd pass: dc=0
_mv =;
if (header_found == EOF) break;
if (header_found) {
bitpos = 0;
for (j = 0; j < HEADLEN; j++) {
gpx.frame_bits[j] = header0x049DCEbits[j] - 0x30;
while (bitpos < RAWBITFRAME_LEN/2-RAWHEADLEN) { // 2*600-48
if (option_softin) {
float s = 0.0;
bitQ = f32soft_read(fp, &s);
if (bitQ != EOF) bit = (s>=0.0); // no soft decoding
else {
bitQ = read_slbit(&dsp, &bit, 0, bitofs, bitpos, -1, 0); // symlen=1
if (bitQ == EOF) { break; }
gpx.frame_rawbits[bitpos] = 0x30 + bit;
if (bitpos >= RAWBITFRAME_LEN/2-RAWHEADLEN) { // 2*600-48
gpx.frame_rawbits[bitpos] = '\0';
biphi_s(gpx.frame_rawbits, gpx.frame_bits+HEADLEN);
gps_chk_sum = 0;
gps_err = 0;
err_frm = 0;
err_blks = 0;
for (subframe = 0; subframe < 2; subframe++)
{ // option2:
subframe_bits = gpx.frame_bits; // subframe 0: 049DCE
if (subframe > 0) subframe_bits += BITFRAME_LEN/4; // subframe 1: FB6230
if (option_ecc) {
int errors;
ui8_t cw[63+1], // BCH(63,51), t=2
int check_err;
for (block = 0; block < 6; block++) {
// prepare block-codeword
for (j = 0; j < 46; j++) cw[45-j] = subframe_bits[HEADLEN + block*46+j];
for (j = 46; j < 63; j++) cw[j] = 0;
errors = rs_decode_bch_gf2t2(&gpx.RS, cw, err_pos, err_val);
// check parity,padding
if (errors >= 0) {
int par = 0;
check_err = 0;
for (j = 46; j < 63; j++) { if (cw[j] != 0) check_err = 0x1; }
par = 1;
for (j = 13; j < 13+16; j++) par ^= cw[j];
if (cw[12] != par) check_err |= 0x100;
par = 1;
for (j = 30; j < 30+16; j++) par ^= cw[j];
if (cw[29] != par) check_err |= 0x10;
if (check_err) errors = -3;
if (errors >= 0) // errors > 0
for (j = 0; j < 46; j++) subframe_bits[HEADLEN + block*46+j] = cw[45-j];
if (errors < 0) {
if (errors == -3) block_err[block] = 0xF;
else block_err[block] = 0xE;
err_frm += 1;
else block_err[block] = errors;
err_blks += (errors != 0);
if (!option2 && !option_raw) {
if (reset_gpx) {
memset(&gpx, sizeof(gpx), 0);
sn = -1;
freq = -1;
reset_gpx = 0;
if (header_found % 2 == 1)
ui16_t w16[2];
ui32_t w32;
//float *fcfg = (float *)&w32;
float fw32;
val = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN, 16);
counter = val & 0xFFFF;
printf("[%d] ", counter);
// 0x30yy, 0x31yy
val = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*3+17, 16);
if ( (val & 0xFF) >= 0xC0 && err_frm == 0) {
option2 = 1;
reset_gpx = 1;
goto jmpIMS;
w16[0] = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*1 , 16);
w16[1] = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*1+17, 16);
//w32 = (w16[1]<<16) | w16[0];
w32 = ( (w16[1]&0xFF00)>>8 | (w16[1]&0xFF)<<8 ) << 16
| ( (w16[0]&0xFF00)>>8 | (w16[0]&0xFF)<<8 );
fw32 = f32e2(w32);
if (err_blks == 0) // err_frm zu schwach
// SN
if (counter % 0x10 == 0) { sn = f32e2(w32); = f32e2(w32); gpx._sn = w32; }
// freq
if (counter % 64 == 15) { freq = 403700+fw32*100.0; gpx.fq = freq; }
if (counter % 2 == 1) {
t2 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46 , 8); // LSB
t1 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46+8, 8);
ms = (t1 << 8) | t2;
std = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46+17, 8);
min = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46+25, 8);
if (std < 24 && min < 60 && ms < 60000) { // ui32_t ms, min, std
printf(" ");
printf("%02d:%02d:%06.3f ", std, min, (double)ms/1000.0);
if (err_blks == 0) {
gpx.frnr1 = counter;
gpx.std = std;
gpx.min = min;
gpx.sek = (double)ms/1000.0;
if (option_jsn && err_blks==0 && gpx.frnr1-gpx.frnr==1) {
char *ver_jsn = NULL;
char id_str[] = "xxxxxx\0\0\0\0\0\0";
//if (gpx._sn > 0) { sprintf(id_str, "%08x", gpx._sn); }
if ( > 0 && < 1e9) {
sprintf(id_str, "%.0f",;
printf("{ \"type\": \"%s\"", "MEISEI");
printf(", \"frame\": %d, \"id\": \"RS11G-%s\", \"datetime\": \"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%06.3fZ\", \"lat\": %.5f, \"lon\": %.5f, \"alt\": %.5f, \"vel_h\": %.5f, \"heading\": %.5f, \"vel_v\": %.5f",
gpx.frnr, id_str, gpx.jahr, gpx.monat, gpx.tag, gpx.std, gpx.min, gpx.sek,, gpx.lon, gpx.alt, gpx.vH, gpx.vD, gpx.vV );
printf(", \"subtype\": \"RS11G\"");
if (gpx.jsn_freq > 0) {
printf(", \"freq\": %d", gpx.jsn_freq);
if (gpx.fq > 0) { // include frequency derived from subframe information if available
fprintf(stdout, ", \"tx_frequency\": %.0f", gpx.fq );
// Reference time/position
printf(", \"ref_datetime\": \"%s\"", "UTC" ); // {"GPS", "UTC"} GPS-UTC=leap_sec
printf(", \"ref_position\": \"%s\"", "MSL" ); // {"GPS", "MSL"} GPS=ellipsoid , MSL=geoid
#ifdef VER_JSN_STR
ver_jsn = VER_JSN_STR;
if (ver_jsn && *ver_jsn != '\0') printf(", \"version\": \"%s\"", ver_jsn);
printf(" }\n");
if (header_found % 2 == 0)
if (counter % 2 == 0) {
lat1 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*0+17, 16);
lat2 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*1 , 16);
lon1 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*1+17, 16);
lon2 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*2 , 16);
alt1 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*2+17, 16);
alt2 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*3 , 16);
lat = (lat1 << 16) | lat2;
lon = (lon1 << 16) | lon2;
alt = (alt1 << 16) | alt2;
//printf("%08X %08X %08X : ", lat, lon, alt);
printf(" ");
printf("lat: %.5f lon: %.5f alt: %.2f", (double)lat/1e7, (double)lon/1e7, (double)alt/1e2);
printf(" ");
vH = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*3+17, 16);
vD = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*4 , 16);
vU = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*4+17, 16);
velH = (double)vH/1e2;
velD = (double)vD/1e2;
velU = (double)vU/1e2;
printf(" vH: %.2fm/s D: %.1f vV: %.2fm/s", velH, velD, velU);
printf(" ");
jj = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46+ 8, 8) + 0x0700;
mm = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46+17, 8);
tt = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46+25, 8);
if (jj > 1980 && mm > 0 && mm < 13 && tt > 0 && tt < 32) { // ui32_t tt, mm, jj
printf(" %4d-%02d-%02d ", jj, mm, tt);
if (err_blks == 0) { // err_frm zu schwach
gpx.frnr = counter;
gpx.tag = tt;
gpx.monat = mm;
gpx.jahr = jj; = (double)lat/1e7;
gpx.lon = (double)lon/1e7;
gpx.alt = (double)alt/1e2;
gpx.vH = velH;
gpx.vD = velD;
gpx.vV = velU;
if (err_blks == 0 && counter%0x10==0 && gpx._sn > 0) {
if (option_verbose) {
fprintf(stdout, " : sn %.0f (0x%08x)",, gpx._sn);
if (option_verbose && err_blks == 0) {
if (sn > 0) {
printf(" : sn %.0f (0x%08x)", sn, gpx._sn);
sn = -1;
if (freq > 0) {
printf(" : fq %.0f", freq); // kHz
freq = -1;
else if (option2 && !option_raw) { // iMS-100
if (reset_gpx) {
memset(&gpx, sizeof(gpx), 0);
sn = -1;
freq = -1;
reset_gpx = 0;
if (header_found % 2 == 1) { // 049DCE
ui16_t w16[2];
ui32_t w32;
float *fcfg = (float *)&w32;
// 1st subframe
for (j = 10; j < 12; j++) gps_chk_sum += get_w16(subframe_bits, j);
// 0x30C1, 0x31C1
val = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*3+17, 16);
if ( (val & 0xFF) < 0xC0 && err_frm == 0) {
option2 = 0;
reset_gpx = 1;
goto jmpRS11;
val = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN, 16);
counter = val & 0xFFFF;
/*if (counter % 2 == 0)*/ printf("[%d] ", counter);
w16[0] = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*1 , 16);
w16[1] = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*1+17, 16);
w32 = (w16[1]<<16) | w16[0];
// counter ok and w16[] ok (max 1 error)
if (err_frm == 0 && block_err[0] < 2 && block_err[1] < 2)
gpx.cfg[counter%64] = *fcfg;
gpx.cfg_valid |= 1uLL << (counter%64);
// (main?) SN
if (counter % 0x10 == 0) { sn = *fcfg; = sn; gpx._sn = w32; }
// freq
if (counter % 64 == 15) { freq = 400e3+(*fcfg)*100.0; gpx.fq = freq; }
if (counter % 2 == 0) {
gpx.frnr = counter;
t1 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46 , 8); // MSB
t2 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46+8, 8);
ms = (t1 << 8) | t2;
std = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46+17, 8);
min = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+5*46+25, 8);
gpx.sek = (float)ms/1000.0;
gpx.std = std;
gpx.min = min;
printf(" ");
printf("%02d:%02d:%06.3f ", gpx.std, gpx.min, gpx.sek);
printf(" ");
//PTU: main sensor temperature, humidity
if (counter % 4 == 0) {
gpx.f_ref = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+0*46+17, 16);
if (gpx.f_ref != 0) { // must know the reference frequency
if ((gpx.cfg_valid & 0x01E01FFE1FFE0000LL) == 0x01E01FFE1FFE0000LL) { // cfg[56:53,44:33,28:17]
ui16_t t_raw = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+2*46+17, 16);
float f = ((float)t_raw / (float)gpx.f_ref) * 4.0f;
if (f > 1.0f) {
f = 1.0f / (f - 1.0f);
f = gpx.cfg[53] + gpx.cfg[54]*f + gpx.cfg[55]*f*f + gpx.cfg[56]*f*f*f;
if (f <= gpx.cfg[33]) {
gpx.T = gpx.cfg[17];
} else if (f >= gpx.cfg[44]) {
gpx.T = gpx.cfg[28];
} else {
for (j = 0; j < 11; j++) {
if (f < gpx.cfg[34+j]) {
f = (logf(f) - logf(gpx.cfg[33+j])) / (logf(gpx.cfg[34+j]) - logf(gpx.cfg[33+j]));
gpx.T = gpx.cfg[17+j] - f*(gpx.cfg[17+j] - gpx.cfg[18+j]);
if ((gpx.cfg_valid & 0x001E000000000000LL) == 0x001E000000000000LL) { // cfg[52:49]
ui16_t u_raw = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+3*46, 16);
float f = ((float)u_raw / (float)gpx.f_ref) * 4.0f;
gpx.RH = gpx.cfg[49] + gpx.cfg[50]*f + gpx.cfg[51]*f*f + gpx.cfg[52]*f*f*f;
// Limit to 0...100%
gpx.RH = fmaxf(gpx.RH, 0.0f);
gpx.RH = fminf(gpx.RH, 100.0f);
if (header_found % 2 == 0) // FB6230
// 2nd subframe
for (j = 0; j < 11; j++) gps_chk_sum += get_w16(subframe_bits, j);
gps_err = (gps_chk_sum & 0xFFFF) != get_w16(subframe_bits, 11); // 1st+2nd subframe
if (counter % 2 == 0) {
int _y = 0;
dat2 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN, 16);
gpx.tag = dat2/1000;
gpx.monat = (dat2/10)%100;
_y = (dat2%10)+10;
if (_y < 14) _y += 10; // 2020
gpx.jahr = 2000 + _y;
//if (option_verbose) printf("%05u ", dat2);
//printf("(%02d-%02d-%02d) ", gpx.tag, gpx.monat, gpx.jahr%100); // 2020: +20 ?
printf("(%04d-%02d-%02d) ", gpx.jahr, gpx.monat, gpx.tag); // 2020: +20 ?
lat1 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*0+17, 16);
lat2 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*1 , 16);
lon1 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*1+17, 16);
lon2 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*2 , 16);
alt1 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*2+17, 16);
alt2 = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*3 , 8);
// NMEA?
lat = (lat1 << 16) | lat2;
lon = (lon1 << 16) | lon2;
alt = (alt1 << 8) | alt2;
latdeg = (int)lat / 1e6;
latmin = (double)(lat/1e6-latdeg)*100/60.0;
londeg = (int)lon / 1e6;
lonmin = (double)(lon/1e6-londeg)*100/60.0; = (double)latdeg+latmin;
gpx.lon = (double)londeg+lonmin;
gpx.alt = (double)alt/1e2;
printf(" ");
printf("lat: %.5f lon: %.5f alt: %.2f",, gpx.lon, gpx.alt);
printf(" ");
vD = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*4+17, 16);
vH = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*5 , 16);
velD = (double)vD/1e2; // course, true
velH = (double)vH/1.94384e2; // knots -> m/s
gpx.vH = velH;
gpx.vD = velD;
printf(" (vH: %.1fm/s D: %.2f)", gpx.vH, gpx.vD);
printf(" ");
if (counter % 2 == 1) {
// cf. DF9DQ
vU = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*0+17, 16);
velU = (double)vU/1.94384e1; // knots -> m/s
gpx.vV = velU;
gpx.vV_valid = (vU != 0);
if (gpx.vV_valid) {
printf(" (vV: %.1fm/s)", gpx.vV);
else {
printf(" (vV: --- m/s)");
printf(" ");
if (counter % 2 == 0) {
gpx.frm0_count = counter;
if (option_ecc) {
if (gps_err) printf("(no)"); else printf("(ok)");
if (err_frm) printf("[NO]"); else printf("[OK]");
gpx.frm0_valid = (err_frm==0 && gps_err==0);
if (option_verbose) {
if (sn > 0) { // cfg[0,16,32,48]=SN
printf(" : sn %.0f", sn);
sn = -1;
if (counter % 2 == 1) {
gpx.frm1_count = counter;
if (option_ecc) {
if (gps_err) printf("(no)"); else printf("(ok)");
if (err_frm) printf("[NO]"); else printf("[OK]");
gpx.frm1_valid = (err_frm==0 && gps_err==0);
if (option_verbose) {
if (freq > 0) { // cfg[15]=freq
printf(" : fq %.0f", freq); // kHz
freq = -1;
if (option_jsn && gpx.frm0_valid) {
char *ver_jsn = NULL;
char id_str[] = "xxxxxx\0\0\0\0\0\0";
if ( > 0 && < 1e9) {
sprintf(id_str, "%.0f",;
printf("{ \"type\": \"%s\"", "MEISEI"); // alt: "IMS100"
printf(", \"frame\": %d, \"id\": \"IMS100-%s\", \"datetime\": \"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%06.3fZ\", \"lat\": %.5f, \"lon\": %.5f, \"alt\": %.5f, \"vel_h\": %.5f, \"heading\": %.5f",
gpx.frnr, id_str, gpx.jahr, gpx.monat, gpx.tag, gpx.std, gpx.min, gpx.sek,, gpx.lon, gpx.alt, gpx.vH, gpx.vD );
if (gpx.frm1_valid && (gpx.frm1_count == gpx.frm0_count + 1)) {
if (gpx.vV_valid) printf(", \"vel_v\": %.5f", gpx.vV );
printf(", \"subtype\": \"IMS100\"");
if (gpx.jsn_freq > 0) { // not gpx.fq, because not in every frame
printf(", \"freq\": %d", gpx.jsn_freq);
if (gpx.fq > 0) { // include frequency derived from subframe information if available
fprintf(stdout, ", \"tx_frequency\": %.0f", gpx.fq );
// Reference time/position
printf(", \"ref_datetime\": \"%s\"", "UTC" ); // {"GPS", "UTC"} GPS-UTC=leap_sec
printf(", \"ref_position\": \"%s\"", "MSL" ); // {"GPS", "MSL"} GPS=ellipsoid , MSL=geoid
#ifdef VER_JSN_STR
ver_jsn = VER_JSN_STR;
if (ver_jsn && *ver_jsn != '\0') printf(", \"version\": \"%s\"", ver_jsn);
printf(" }\n");
else { // raw
val = bits2val(subframe_bits, HEADLEN);
printf("%06X ", val & 0xFFFFFF);
//printf(" ");
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
val = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*j , 16);
printf("%04X ", val & 0xFFFF);
val = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*j+17, 16);
printf("%04X ", val & 0xFFFF);
//val = bits2val(subframe_bits+HEADLEN+46*j+34, 12);
//printf("%03X ", val & 0xFFF);
//printf(" ");
if (option_ecc && option_verbose) {
for (block = 0; block < 6; block++) printf("%X", block_err[block]);
printf("# ");
if (subframe > 0) printf("\n");
bitpos = 0;
header_found += 1;
header_found = 0;
if (!option_softin) free_buffers(&dsp);
else {
if (hdb.buf) { free(hdb.buf); hdb.buf = NULL; }
return 0;