
1071 wiersze
32 KiB

* compile:
* gcc -Ofast -c iq_base.c
* gcc -O2 iq_server.c iq_base.o -lm -pthread -o iq_server
* (gcc -O2 iq_client.c -o iq_client)
* usage:
* ./iq_server [--enable_clsv_out] [--port <pn>] [iq_baseband.wav]
* no wav-file: stdin
* ./iq_server [--bo <b>] - <sr> <bs> [iq_baseband.raw]
* <b>=8,16,32 bit client/IF output
* ./iq_server <fft_opt> <m> <filename> [iq_baseband.wav] # FFT csv output
* <fft_opt>:
* --fft_avg
* --fft_all
* <m>:
* _avg: m avg-FFTs
* _all: m*FFT_FPS/2 FFTs
* m = -1 : continuous FFT output
* <filename>:
* csv filename ("-": stdout)
* author: zilog80
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h> // open(),close()
#include <fcntl.h> // O_RDONLY //... setmode()/cygwin
#include <signal.h>
#ifdef CYGWIN
#include <io.h>
#include "iq_svcl.h"
#include "iq_base.h"
#define FFT_AVG 2 // fft_avg: integrate FFT_AVG seconds, 2*FFT_FPS FFTs
#define FFT_FPS 16 // fft_all: output (ca.) FFT_FPS/2 per sec
#define FPOUT stderr
static int option_dbg = 0;
static int option_clsv_out = 0;
static int tcp_eof = 0;
static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
//static pthread_rwlock_t lock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
static float complex *block_decMB;
extern int rbf1; // iq_base.c
extern int bufeof; // iq_base.c
#define IF_SAMPLE_RATE 48000
#define IF_SAMPLE_RATE_MIN 32000
static int pcm_dec_init(pcm_t *p) {
int IF_sr = IF_SAMPLE_RATE; // designated IF sample rate
int decM = 1; // decimate M:1
int sr_base = p->sr;
float f_lp; // dec_lowpass: lowpass_bandwidth/2
float tbw; // dec_lowpass: transition_bandwidth/Hz
int taps; // dec_lowpass: taps
if (p->opt_IFmin) IF_sr = IF_SAMPLE_RATE_MIN;
if (IF_sr > sr_base) IF_sr = sr_base;
if (IF_sr < sr_base) {
while (sr_base % IF_sr) IF_sr += 1;
decM = sr_base / IF_sr;
f_lp = (IF_sr+20e3)/(4.0*sr_base);
tbw = (IF_sr-20e3)/*/2.0*/;
if (p->opt_IFmin) {
tbw = (IF_sr-12e3);
if (tbw < 0) tbw = 10e3;
taps = sr_base*4.0/tbw; if (taps%2==0) taps++;
taps = decimate_init(f_lp, taps);
if (taps < 0) return -1;
p->dectaps = (ui32_t)taps;
p->sr_base = sr_base;
p->sr = IF_sr; // sr_base/decM
p->decM = decM;
if (p->bps_out == 0) p->bps_out = p->bps;
fprintf(stderr, "IF : %d\n", IF_sr);
fprintf(stderr, "dec: %d\n", decM);
fprintf(stderr, "bps: %d\n", p->bps_out);
if (option_dbg) {
fprintf(stderr, "taps: %d\n", taps);
fprintf(stderr, "transBW: %.4f = %.1f Hz\n", tbw/sr_base, tbw);
fprintf(stderr, "f: +/-%.4f = +/-%.1f Hz\n", f_lp, f_lp*sr_base);
return 0;
static int write_cpx(dsp_t *dsp, int fd, float complex z) {
short b[2];
ui8_t u[2];
float x, y;
int bps = dsp->bps_out;
x = creal(z);
y = cimag(z);
if (bps == 32) {
write(fd, &x, bps/8);
write(fd, &y, bps/8);
else {
x *= 128.0; // 127.0
y *= 128.0; // 127.0
if (bps == 8) {
x += 128.0; // x *= scale8b;
u[0] = (ui8_t)(x); //b = (int)(x+0.5);
y += 128.0; // x *= scale8b;
u[1] = (ui8_t)(y); //b = (int)(y+0.5);
write(fd, u, 2*bps/8);
else { // bps == 16
x *= 256.0;
y *= 256.0;
b[0] = (short)x; //b = (int)(x+0.5);
b[1] = (short)y; //b = (int)(y+0.5);
write(fd, b, 2*bps/8);
return 0;
static int write_cpx_blk(dsp_t *dsp, int fd, float complex *z, int len) {
int j, l;
short b[2*len];
ui8_t u[2*len];
float xy[2*len];
int bps = dsp->bps_out;
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
xy[2*j ] = creal(z[j]);
xy[2*j+1] = cimag(z[j]);
if (bps == 32) {
l = write(fd, xy, 2*len*bps/8);
else {
for (j = 0; j < 2*len; j++) xy[j] *= 128.0; // 127.0
if (bps == 8) {
for (j = 0; j < 2*len; j++) {
xy[j] += 128.0; // x *= scale8b;
u[j] = (ui8_t)(xy[j]); //b = (int)(x+0.5);
l = write(fd, u, 2*len*bps/8);
else { // bps == 16
for (j = 0; j < 2*len; j++) {
xy[j] *= 256.0;
b[j] = (short)xy[j]; //b = (int)(x+0.5);
l = write(fd, b, 2*len*bps/8);
return l*8/(2*bps);
#define ZLEN 64
static void *thd_IF(void *targs) { // pcm_t *pcm, double xlt_fq
thargs_t *tharg = targs;
pcm_t *pcm = &(tharg->pcm);
int k;
int bitQ = 0;
int n = 0;
int len = ZLEN;
int l;
float complex z_vec[ZLEN];
char msg[HDRLEN];
dsp_t dsp = {0}; //memset(&dsp, 0, sizeof(dsp));
// init dsp
dsp.fp = pcm->fp; = pcm->sr;
dsp.bps = pcm->bps;
dsp.nch = pcm->nch;
dsp.sr_base = pcm->sr_base;
dsp.dectaps = pcm->dectaps;
dsp.decM = pcm->decM; = &(tharg->thd);
dsp.opt_dbg = option_dbg;
// default: bps_out = bps_in
// bps_out < f32: IQ-dc offset (iq_client/decoder)
// bps_out = 32 recommended
dsp.bps_out = pcm->bps_out;
if (option_dbg) {
fprintf(stderr, "init IF buffers\n");
k = init_buffers(&dsp);
if ( k < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: init buffers\n");
goto exit_thread;
// header
k = 0;
memset(msg, 0, HDRLEN);
snprintf(msg, HDRLEN, "client: %d\nsr: %d\nbsp: %d\n", (>tn,, dsp.bps_out);
k = strlen(msg);
l = write(tharg->fd, msg, HDRLEN);
bitQ = 0;
while ( bitQ != EOF )
bitQ = read_ifblock(&dsp, z_vec+n);
if (n == len || bitQ == EOF) {
if (bitQ == EOF) n--;
l = write_cpx_blk(&dsp, tharg->fd, z_vec, n);
if (option_dbg && l != n) {
fprintf(stderr, "l: %d n: %d\n", l, n);
if (l <= 0) {
bitQ = read_ifblock(&dsp, z_vec+n);
(>used = 0;
n = 0;
if ( (>used == 0 )
pthread_mutex_lock( (>mutex );
fprintf(FPOUT, "<%d: CLOSE>\n", (>tn);
pthread_mutex_unlock( (>mutex );
(>used = 0;
if (bitQ == EOF) {
fprintf(stderr, "<%d: EOF>\n", (>tn);
tcp_eof = (bitQ == EOF);
return NULL;
static int fft_txt_prn(FILE *fpo, dft_t *dft, float *db) {
int j;
fprintf(fpo, "# <freq/sr>;<dB> ## sr:%d , N:%d\n", dft->sr, dft->N);
for (j = dft->N/2; j < dft->N/2 + dft->N; j++) {
fprintf(fpo, "%+11.8f;%7.2f\n", bin2fq(dft, j % dft->N), db[j % dft->N]);
return 0;
static int fft_txt_tcp(int fd, dft_t *dft, float *db) {
char sendln[LINELEN+1];
int sendln_len;
int j, l;
snprintf(sendln, LINELEN, "# <freq/sr>;<dB> ## sr:%d , N:%d\n", dft->sr, dft->N);
sendln_len = strlen(sendln);
l = write(fd, sendln, sendln_len);
for (j = dft->N/2; j < dft->N/2 + dft->N; j++) {
memset(sendln, 0, LINELEN+1);
snprintf(sendln, LINELEN, "%+11.8f;%7.2f\n", bin2fq(dft, j % dft->N), db[j % dft->N]);
sendln_len = strlen(sendln);
l = write(fd, sendln, sendln_len);
return 0;
static int fft_csv_prn(FILE *fpo, dft_t *dft, float *db, double t_sec) {
int j;
fprintf(fpo, "%7.3f, ", t_sec);
fprintf(fpo, "%d, %d, ", (int)bin2freq(dft, dft->N/2), (int)bin2freq(dft, dft->N/2 - 1));
fprintf(fpo, "%.2f, ", dft->sr/(double)dft->N);
fprintf(fpo, "%d, ", dft->N);
for (j = dft->N/2; j < dft->N/2 + dft->N; j++) {
fprintf(fpo, "%7.2f%c", db[j % dft->N], j < dft->N/2 + dft->N-1 ? ',' : '\n');
return 0;
static int fft_csv_tcp(int fd, dft_t *dft, float *db, double t_sec) {
char sendln[LINELEN+1];
int sendln_len;
int j, l;
snprintf(sendln, LINELEN, "%7.3f, %d, %d, %.2f, %d, ",
t_sec, (int)bin2freq(dft, dft->N/2), (int)bin2freq(dft, dft->N/2 - 1), dft->sr/(double)dft->N, dft->N);
sendln_len = strlen(sendln);
l = write(fd, sendln, sendln_len);
for (j = dft->N/2; j < dft->N/2 + dft->N; j++) {
memset(sendln, 0, LINELEN+1);
snprintf(sendln, LINELEN, "%7.2f%c", db[j % dft->N], j < dft->N/2 + dft->N-1 ? ',' : '\n');
sendln_len = strlen(sendln);
l = write(fd, sendln, sendln_len);
return 0;
static void *thd_FFT(void *targs) {
thargs_t *tharg = targs;
pcm_t *pcm = &(tharg->pcm);
int k;
int bitQ = 0;
float complex *z = NULL;
float *db = NULL;
float *all_rZ = NULL;
float *avg_rZ = NULL;
float *avg_db = NULL;
dsp_t dsp = {0}; //memset(&dsp, 0, sizeof(dsp));
// init dsp
dsp.fp = pcm->fp; = pcm->sr;
dsp.bps = pcm->bps;
dsp.nch = pcm->nch;
dsp.sr_base = pcm->sr_base;
dsp.dectaps = pcm->dectaps;
dsp.decM = pcm->decM; = &(tharg->thd);
dsp.opt_dbg = option_dbg;
dsp.bps_out = pcm->bps_out;
if (option_dbg) {
fprintf(stderr, "init FFT buffers\n");
k = init_buffers(&dsp);
if ( k < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: init buffers\n");
goto exit_thread;
z = calloc(dsp.decM+1, sizeof(float complex)); if (z == NULL) goto exit_thread;
db = calloc(dsp.DFT.N+1, sizeof(float)); if (db == NULL) goto exit_thread;
all_rZ = calloc(dsp.DFT.N+1, sizeof(float)); if (all_rZ == NULL) goto exit_thread;
avg_rZ = calloc(dsp.DFT.N+1, sizeof(float)); if (avg_rZ == NULL) goto exit_thread;
avg_db = calloc(dsp.DFT.N+1, sizeof(float)); if (avg_db == NULL) goto exit_thread;
int j, n = 0;
int len = dsp.DFT.N / dsp.decM;
int mlen = len*dsp.decM;
int sum_n = 0;
int sum_fft = 0;
int avg_sec = FFT_AVG;
int fft_step = (int)(dsp.sr_base/(double)(dsp.DFT.N*FFT_FPS) + 0.5);
int n_fft = 0;
int th_used = 0;
int readSamples = 1;
int n_out = 0;
bitQ = 0;
while ( bitQ != EOF )
//// // th_used = 0; for (j = 0; j < MAX_FQ; j++) th_used += tharg[j].thd.used;
if (rbf1 == 0) { // if (readSamples == 0 && th_used == 1) ...
readSamples = 1;
pthread_mutex_lock( (>mutex );
rbf1 |= (>tn_bit;
pthread_mutex_unlock( (>mutex );
n = 0;
n_fft = 0;
sum_n = 0;
if ( readSamples )
bitQ = read_fftblock(&dsp);
for (j = 0; j < dsp.decM; j++) dsp.DFT.Z[n*dsp.decM + j] = dsp.decMbuf[j];
if (n == len) { // mlen = len * decM <= DFT.N
if ( (>fft )
if ((>fft_num == 0)
if ( tharg->fpo ) { fclose(tharg->fpo); tharg->fpo = NULL; }
else if ( tharg->fd > STDIN_FILENO ) { close(tharg->fd); tharg->fd = -1; }
(>fft = 0;
n_fft += 1;
if (sum_n*n_fft*mlen < avg_sec*dsp.sr_base && n_fft >= fft_step) {
n_fft = fft_step;
if (sum_fft == 0) {
pthread_mutex_lock( (>mutex );
fprintf(FPOUT, "<%d: FFT_START>\n", (>tn);
pthread_mutex_unlock( (>mutex );
for (j = 0; j < mlen; j++) {
dsp.DFT.Z[j] *=[j];
while (j < dsp.DFT.N) dsp.DFT.Z[j++] = 0.0; // dft(Z[...]) != 0
raw_dft(&(dsp.DFT), dsp.DFT.Z);
for (j = 0; j < dsp.DFT.N; j++) {
float rZ = cabs(dsp.DFT.Z[j]);
avg_rZ[j] += rZ;
all_rZ[j] += rZ;
if ( (sum_fft&1)==1 && ((>fft & OPT_FFT_AVG) == 0 ) {
double t_sec = sum_fft*n_fft*mlen / (double)dsp.sr_base;
for (j = 0; j < dsp.DFT.N; j++) { // if sum_fft odd,
db[j] = 20.0*log10(0.5*all_rZ[j]/dsp.DFT.N+1e-20); // 0.5: rZ_0+rZ_1
all_rZ[j] = 0.0f;
//, freq_min, freq_max, Hz/bin, N_bins, db_1, ..., db_N
if ( tharg->fpo ) { // save FFT at server
fft_csv_prn(tharg->fpo, &(dsp.DFT), db, t_sec);
else if ( tharg->fd > STDIN_FILENO ) {
fft_csv_tcp(tharg->fd, &(dsp.DFT), db, t_sec);
n_fft = 0;
if (sum_n*fft_step*mlen >= avg_sec*dsp.sr_base) {
float nN = 1.0/(dsp.DFT.N*(float)sum_n);
for (j = 0; j < dsp.DFT.N; j++) {
avg_db[j] = 20.0*log10(nN*avg_rZ[j]+1e-20);
avg_rZ[j] = 0.0f;
if ( (>fft & OPT_FFT_AVG ) {
double t_sec = sum_fft*fft_step*mlen / (double)dsp.sr_base;
if ( tharg->fpo ) { // send FFT data to client
fft_csv_prn(tharg->fpo, &(dsp.DFT), avg_db, t_sec);
else if ( tharg->fd > STDIN_FILENO ) {
fft_csv_tcp(tharg->fd, &(dsp.DFT), avg_db, t_sec);
if ((>fft_num > 0 && n_out >= (>fft_num)
if ( tharg->fpo ) { fclose(tharg->fpo); tharg->fpo = NULL; }
else if ( tharg->fd > STDIN_FILENO ) { close(tharg->fd); tharg->fd = -1; }
(>fft = 0;
sum_fft = 0;
n_out = 0;
pthread_mutex_lock( (>mutex );
fprintf(FPOUT, "<%d: FFT_STOP>\n", (>tn);
pthread_mutex_unlock( (>mutex );
sum_n = 0;
th_used = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MAX_FQ; j++) th_used += tharg[j].thd.used;
if (th_used > 1) {
readSamples = 0;
n = 0;
if ( (>used == 0 )
(>fft = 0;
pthread_mutex_lock( (>mutex );
fprintf(FPOUT, "<%d: CLOSE>\n", (>tn);
pthread_mutex_unlock( (>mutex );
if ( (>stop_fft > 0 )
if ( tharg->fpo ) { fclose(tharg->fpo); tharg->fpo = NULL; }
else if ( tharg->fd > STDIN_FILENO ) { close(tharg->fd); tharg->fd = -1; }
(>fft = 0;
(>stop_fft = 0;
sum_fft = 0;
sum_n = 0;
n_out = 0;
pthread_mutex_lock( (>mutex );
fprintf(FPOUT, "<%d: STOP_FFT>\n", (>tn);
pthread_mutex_unlock( (>mutex );
if ((>fft_num < 0)
if ( tharg->fpo ) { fclose(tharg->fpo); tharg->fpo = NULL; }
else if ( tharg->fd > STDIN_FILENO ) { close(tharg->fd); tharg->fd = -1; }
(>fft = 0;
pthread_mutex_lock( (>mutex );
fprintf(FPOUT, "<%d: FFT_STOP>\n", (>tn);
pthread_mutex_unlock( (>mutex );
if (bitQ == EOF) {
pthread_mutex_lock( (>mutex );
fprintf(FPOUT, "<%d: EOF>\n", (>tn);
pthread_mutex_unlock( (>mutex );
if (z) { free(z); z = NULL; }
if (db) { free(db); db = NULL; }
if (all_rZ) { free(all_rZ); all_rZ = NULL; }
if (avg_rZ) { free(avg_rZ); avg_rZ = NULL; }
if (avg_db) { free(avg_db); avg_db = NULL; }
(>used = 0;
tcp_eof = (bitQ == EOF);
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *fp = NULL;
int wavloaded = 0;
int k;
int xlt_cnt = 0;
double base_fqs[MAX_FQ];
void *rstype[MAX_FQ];
int option_pcmraw = 0,
option_min = 0;
char *fname_fft = "db_fft.txt";
// TCP
sa_in_t serv_addr;
int serv_port = PORT;
int listen_fd;
char tcp_buf[TCPBUF_LEN];
int th_used = 0;
int tn_fft = -1;
int opt_fft = 0;
int fft_num = 0;
pcm_t pcm = {0};
#ifdef CYGWIN
_setmode(fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); // _fileno(stdin)
//setbuf(FPOUT, NULL);
sigaction(SIGPIPE, &(struct sigaction){SIG_IGN}, NULL);
for (k = 0; k < MAX_FQ; k++) base_fqs[k] = 0.0;
// server options
while ((*argv) && (!wavloaded)) {
if (strcmp(*argv, "--dbg") == 0) {
option_dbg = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--enable_clsv_out") == 0) {
option_clsv_out = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--port") == 0) {
int port = 0;
if (*argv) port = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
if (port < PORT_LO || port > PORT_HI) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: port %d..%d\n", PORT_LO, PORT_HI);
else serv_port = port;
else if (strncmp(*argv, "--fft", 5) == 0) {
char *arg_fft = *argv;
if (strncmp(arg_fft+5, "_avg", 4) == 0) opt_fft = OPT_FFT_SERV | OPT_FFT_AVG;
else if (strncmp(arg_fft+5, "_all", 4) == 0) opt_fft = OPT_FFT_SERV;
else return -1;
if (xlt_cnt < MAX_FQ) {
base_fqs[xlt_cnt] = 0.0;
rstype[xlt_cnt] = thd_FFT;
tn_fft = xlt_cnt;
if (*argv) fft_num = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
if (*argv) fname_fft = *argv; else return -1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "-") == 0) {
int sample_rate = 0, bits_sample = 0, channels = 0;
if (*argv) sample_rate = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
if (*argv) bits_sample = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
channels = 2;
if (sample_rate < 1 || (bits_sample != 8 && bits_sample != 16 && bits_sample != 32)) {
fprintf(stderr, "- <sr> <bs>\n");
return -1;
} = sample_rate;
pcm.bps = bits_sample;
pcm.nch = channels;
option_pcmraw = 1;
else if (strcmp(*argv, "--bo") == 0) {
int bps_out = 0;
if (*argv) bps_out = atoi(*argv); else return -1;
if ((bps_out != 8 && bps_out != 16 && bps_out != 32)) {
bps_out = 0;
pcm.bps_out = bps_out;
else {
fp = fopen(*argv, "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error open %s\n", *argv);
return -1;
wavloaded = 1;
if (!wavloaded) fp = stdin;
pcm.fp = fp;
if (option_pcmraw == 0) {
k = read_wav_header( &pcm );
if ( k < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: wav header\n");
return -1;
if (pcm.nch < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: iq channels < 2\n");
return -50;
pcm.opt_IFmin = option_min;
pcm_dec_init( &pcm );
block_decMB = calloc(pcm.decM*blk_sz+1, sizeof(float complex)); if (block_decMB == NULL) return -1;
thargs_t tharg[MAX_FQ]; // xlt_cnt<=MAX_FQ
for (k = 0; k < MAX_FQ; k++) tharg[k].thd.used = 0;
for (k = 0; k < MAX_FQ; k++) tharg[k].thd.fft = 0;
for (k = 0; k < xlt_cnt; k++) {
if (k == tn_fft) {
tharg[k].thd.fft = opt_fft;
tharg[k].fname = fname_fft;
tharg[k].thd.fft_num = fft_num;
tharg[k].thd.stop_fft = 0;
if ( (tharg[k].thd.fft & 0xF) == OPT_FFT_SERV ) { // save FFT at server
if (fname_fft) {
if (fname_fft[0] == '-') tharg[k].fpo = stdout;
else tharg[k].fpo = fopen(fname_fft, "wb");
else return -1;
if (tharg[k].fpo == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: open %s\n", fname_fft);
tharg[k] = k;
tharg[k].thd.tn_bit = (1<<k);
tharg[k].thd.mutex = &mutex;
tharg[k].thd.cond = &cond;
//tharg[k].thd.lock = &lock;
tharg[k].thd.blk = block_decMB;
tharg[k].thd.max_fq = xlt_cnt;
tharg[k].thd.xlt_fq = -base_fqs[k]; // S(t)*exp(-f*2pi*I*t): fq baseband -> IF (rotate from and decimate)
tharg[k].pcm = pcm;
rbf1 |= tharg[k].thd.tn_bit;
tharg[k].thd.used = 1;
for (k = 0; k < xlt_cnt; k++) {
pthread_create(&tharg[k].thd.tid, NULL, rstype[k], &tharg[k]);
// TCP server
memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr));
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htons(INADDR_ANY);
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(serv_port);
listen_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); // TCP
if (listen_fd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: socket\n");
return 1;
int sockopt = 1;
if ( setsockopt(listen_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &sockopt, sizeof(sockopt)) < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: reuse socket\n");
if ( bind(listen_fd, (sa_t *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: bind\n");
return 2;
if ( listen(listen_fd, SERV_BACKLOG) < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: listen\n");
return 3;
while ( 1 ) {
int l = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "waiting on port %d\n", serv_port);
int conn_fd = accept(listen_fd, (sa_t *)NULL, NULL);
if (conn_fd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: connect\n");
return 4;
if (option_dbg) {
fprintf(stderr, "conn_fd: %d\n", conn_fd);
memset(tcp_buf, 0, TCPBUF_LEN);
l = read(conn_fd, tcp_buf, TCPBUF_LEN-1);
if (l < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: read socket\n");
return 5;
if (option_dbg) {
fprintf(FPOUT, "\"%s\"\n", tcp_buf);
th_used = 0;
for (k = 0; k < MAX_FQ; k++) th_used += tharg[k].thd.used;
//if (th_used == 0) break;
// client commands
if ( l > 1 ) {
char *freq = tcp_buf;
while (l > 1 && tcp_buf[l-1] < 0x20) l--;
tcp_buf[l] = '\0'; // remove \n, terminate string
if (strncmp(tcp_buf, "--freq ", 7) == 0) {
freq = tcp_buf + 7;
else {
if ( strcmp(tcp_buf, "--stop") == 0 ) {
for (k = 0; k < MAX_FQ; k++) tharg[k].thd.used = 0;
else if ( strncmp(tcp_buf, "--fft", 5) == 0 ) {
opt_fft = 0;
if (strncmp(tcp_buf+5, "_avg", 4) == 0) opt_fft = OPT_FFT_AVG;
else if (strncmp(tcp_buf+5, "_all", 4) != 0) return -1;
if (strncmp(tcp_buf+5+4, "_cl", 3) == 0) opt_fft |= OPT_FFT_CLNT;
else if (strncmp(tcp_buf+5+4, "_sv", 3) == 0) {
if (option_clsv_out) opt_fft |= OPT_FFT_SERV;
else {
pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );
fprintf(FPOUT, "<NO CLSV OUT>\n");
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );
else return -1;
if (tcp_buf+5+4+4) fft_num = atoi(tcp_buf+5+4+4); else fft_num = 0;
char *fname_fft_cl = "db_fft_cl.txt";
char *pbuf = tcp_buf;
for (pbuf = tcp_buf+5+4+4; *pbuf; pbuf++) {
if (*pbuf == ' ') break;
if (*pbuf == ' ') {
fname_fft_cl = pbuf+1;
if ( !tcp_eof )
if (tn_fft >= 0) {
if (tharg[tn_fft].thd.fft == 0) {
tharg[tn_fft].thd.fft_num = fft_num;
tharg[tn_fft].thd.stop_fft = 0;
tharg[tn_fft].fname = fname_fft_cl;
tharg[tn_fft].fd = conn_fd;
if ( (opt_fft & 0xF) == OPT_FFT_SERV ) { // save FFT at server
if (fname_fft_cl) {
if (fname_fft_cl[0] == '-') tharg[tn_fft].fpo = stdout;
else tharg[tn_fft].fpo = fopen(fname_fft_cl, "wb");
else return -1;
if (tharg[tn_fft].fpo == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: open %s\n", fname_fft_cl);
close(tharg[tn_fft].fd); tharg[tn_fft].fd = -1; // tharg[tn_fft].fd == conn_fd
else { // (opt_fft & 0xF) == OPT_FFT_CLNT : send FFT to client
tharg[tn_fft].fpo = NULL;
tharg[tn_fft].thd.fft = opt_fft;
else {
pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );
fprintf(FPOUT, "<%d: FFT running>\n", tn_fft);
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );
else {
for (k = 0; k < MAX_FQ; k++) {
if (tharg[k].thd.used == 0) {
if (k != tn_fft) break;
if (k < MAX_FQ) {
tharg[k].thd.fft_num = fft_num;
tharg[k].thd.stop_fft = 0;
tharg[k].fname = fname_fft_cl;
tharg[k].fd = conn_fd;
tn_fft = k;
tharg[k] = k;
tharg[k].thd.tn_bit = (1<<k);
tharg[k].thd.mutex = &mutex;
tharg[k].thd.cond = &cond;
//tharg[k].thd.lock = &lock;
tharg[k].thd.blk = block_decMB;
tharg[k].thd.xlt_fq = 0.0;
tharg[k].pcm = pcm;
if ( (opt_fft & 0xF) == OPT_FFT_SERV ) { // save FFT at server
if (fname_fft_cl) {
if (fname_fft_cl[0] == '-') tharg[k].fpo = stdout;
else tharg[k].fpo = fopen(fname_fft_cl, "wb");
else return -1;
if (tharg[k].fpo == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: open %s\n", fname_fft_cl);
close(tharg[k].fd); tharg[k].fd = -1; // tharg[k].fd == conn_fd
else { // (opt_fft & 0xF) == OPT_FFT_CLNT : send FFT to client
tharg[k].fpo = NULL;
rbf1 |= tharg[k].thd.tn_bit;
tharg[k].thd.used = 1;
tharg[k].thd.fft = opt_fft;
pthread_create(&tharg[k].thd.tid, NULL, thd_FFT, &tharg[k]);
if (k > xlt_cnt) xlt_cnt = k;
for (k = 0; k < xlt_cnt; k++) {
tharg[k].thd.max_fq = xlt_cnt;
else {
else {
else if (tcp_buf[0] == '-') { // -<n> : close <n>
int num = atoi(tcp_buf+1);
if (num >= 0 && num < MAX_FQ) {
if (num != tn_fft)
tharg[num].thd.used = 0;
tharg[num].thd.stop_fft = 1;
double fq = 0.0;
if (freq) fq = atof(freq);
else return -1;
if (fq < -0.5) fq = -0.5;
if (fq > 0.5) fq = 0.5;
// find slot
for (k = 0; k < MAX_FQ; k++) {
if (tharg[k].thd.used == 0) break;
if (k < MAX_FQ) {
double base_fq = fq;
tharg[k] = k;
tharg[k].thd.tn_bit = (1<<k);
tharg[k].thd.mutex = &mutex;
tharg[k].thd.cond = &cond;
//tharg[k].thd.lock = &lock;
tharg[k].thd.blk = block_decMB;
tharg[k].thd.xlt_fq = -base_fq;
tharg[k].pcm = pcm;
tharg[k].fd = conn_fd;
rbf1 |= tharg[k].thd.tn_bit;
tharg[k].thd.used = 1;
tharg[k].thd.fft = 0;
tharg[k].thd.stop_fft = 0;
pthread_create(&tharg[k].thd.tid, NULL, thd_IF, &tharg[k]);
pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );
fprintf(FPOUT, "<%d: ADD f=%+.4f>\n", k, base_fq);
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );
if (k > xlt_cnt) xlt_cnt = k;
for (k = 0; k < xlt_cnt; k++) {
tharg[k].thd.max_fq = xlt_cnt;
for (k = 0; k < xlt_cnt; k++) {
pthread_join(tharg[k].thd.tid, NULL);
th_used = 1;
while (th_used) {
th_used = 0;
for (k = 0; k < MAX_FQ; k++) th_used += tharg[k].thd.used;
if (block_decMB) { free(block_decMB); block_decMB = NULL; }
return 0;