#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; ## ## gcc scan_fft_pow.c -lm -o scan_pow ## gcc dft_detect.c -lm -o dft_detect ## #build decoders in RS/demod/mod/ and RS/imet/imet4iq.c ## ## #make FIFOs ## mkfifo /tmp/sdr.0; mkfifo log.0 ## mkfifo /tmp/sdr.1; mkfifo log.1 ## mkfifo /tmp/sdr.2; mkfifo log.2 ## #use scan_multi.sh ## my $verbose = 1; my $stderr_null = " 2>/dev/null "; my $j; my $max_terms = 3; # mkfifo /tmp/sdr.X # mkfifo log.X , X=0,1,2 my $log = "log"; my $sdr = "/tmp/sdr"; my $ppm = 0; # set ppm offset of rtl-sdr my $gain = 20.7; # set gain, e.g. 40.2 my $center_freq = 403420e3; # off-center, rtl_sdr-mirrors ... e.g. 404620e3 my $if_sr = 48e3; my $decimate = 40; # 20..50 # 32*48000 = 1536000 my $band_sr = $if_sr * $decimate; # 40*48000 = 1920000 if ($ARGV[0]) { $band_sr = $ARGV[0]; if ($ARGV[1]) { $decimate = $ARGV[1]; if ($decimate < 20) { $decimate = 20; } if ($decimate > 50) { $decimate = 50; } $if_sr = $band_sr / $decimate; if ($ARGV[2]) { $center_freq = $ARGV[2]; } } } print "\n"; print "[scan ".($center_freq-$band_sr/2).":".($center_freq).":".($center_freq+$band_sr/2)."]\n"; print "\n"; my $str_rtlsdr = "rtl_sdr -g $gain -p ".$ppm." -f ".$center_freq." -s ".$band_sr; print $str_rtlsdr."\n"; my $bps = 8; # rtl-sdr: 8bit print "\n"; my $iqraw = "rtlsdr.raw"; my $ts = "-n ".(8*$band_sr); system("$str_rtlsdr $ts $iqraw"); my $powfile = "peaks.txt"; system("./scan_pow - $band_sr $bps $iqraw > $powfile"); system("python plot_fft_pow.py &"); my @rs_matrix; $rs_matrix[2][0] = "dfm"; # tn_DFM=2 $rs_matrix[2][1] = "9600"; # lp-filter bw $rs_matrix[2][2] = "./dfm09mod --ecc --ptu -vv --IQ"; # --auto ## DFM9 = DFM $rs_matrix[3][0] = "rs41"; # tn_RS41=3 $rs_matrix[3][1] = "9600"; # lp-filter bw $rs_matrix[3][2] = "./rs41mod --ptu2 -vx --IQ"; # --auto $rs_matrix[4][0] = "rs92"; # tn_RS92=4 $rs_matrix[4][1] = "9600"; $rs_matrix[4][2] = "./rs92mod --ecc --crc -v --IQ"; # -e brdc / -a almanac $rs_matrix[5][0] = "m10"; # tn_M10=5 $rs_matrix[5][1] = "9600"; # scan: carrier offset $rs_matrix[5][2] = "./m10mod -c --ptu -v --dc --IQ"; $rs_matrix[6][0] = "m20"; # tn_M20=6 $rs_matrix[6][1] = "9600"; # scan: carrier offset $rs_matrix[6][2] = "./mXXmod -c --ptu -v --dc --IQ"; $rs_matrix[7][0] = "imet4"; # tn_IMET4=26 $rs_matrix[7][1] = "12000"; $rs_matrix[7][2] = "./imet4iq -v --dc --lpIQ --iq"; $rs_matrix[8][0] = "lms6"; # tn_LMS6=8 $rs_matrix[8][1] = "9600"; $rs_matrix[8][2] = "./lms6Xmod --vit2 --ecc -v --IQ"; $rs_matrix[10][0] = ""; my $detect = "./dft_detect"; my $fh; open ($fh, '<', "$powfile") or die "error open '$powfile': $!\n"; my @rs_array = (); my @peakarray = (); my $num_peaks; my $num_lines = 0; my $line; my $ret; my $filter = 12e3; # 12kHz detect-bw while ($line = <$fh>) { $num_lines += 1; if ( ($line =~ /peak: *([+-]?\d*\.\d*) = .*/) ) { my $fq = $1; if ($verbose) { print "[ $fq ] "; } print $line; # no chomp my $cmd = "$detect -t 10 --IQ $fq - $band_sr $bps $iqraw 2>/dev/null"; #if ($verbose) { print $cmd."\n"; } system("$cmd"); $ret = $? >> 8; if ($ret & 0x80) { $ret = - (0x100 - $ret); # ($ret & 0x80) = core dump } if (abs($ret) == 26) { $ret = 7; } # imet4 if ($ret) { push @peakarray, $fq; push @rs_array, $ret; print "\n"; } } } $num_peaks = scalar(@peakarray); print "rs-peaks: ".$num_peaks."\n"; my $rs; my $decoder; # mkfifo /tmp/sdr.X ... # mkfifo log.X my $tee = " > $sdr.0"; for ($j = 0; $j < $num_peaks; $j++) { if ($j < $max_terms) { if ($j > 0) { $tee = " | tee $sdr.$j ".$tee; } my $idx = abs($rs_array[$j]); if ($idx > 1 && $idx < 9) { $rs = $rs_matrix[$idx][0]; $filter = $rs_matrix[$idx][1]; my $inv = ($rs_array[$j] < 0 ? "-i" : ""); if ($idx >= 5 && $idx <= 7) { $inv = ""; } # || $idx==8 $decoder = sprintf("%s", $rs_matrix[$idx][2]); my $pid = fork(); die if not defined $pid; if (not $pid) { my $rs_str = sprintf("%s_%.0fkHz", $rs, ($center_freq+$band_sr*$peakarray[$j])*1e-3); if ($verbose) { print "\nrs: <".$rs_str.">\n"; } my $cmd = "$decoder ".($peakarray[$j])." $inv - $band_sr $bps $sdr.$j 2>/dev/null > $log.$j"; if ($verbose) { print $cmd."\n"; } system("$cmd"); exit; } } } } sleep(1); print "\n"; $ts = "-n ".(120*$band_sr); #$ts = ""; if ($num_peaks > 0) { my $cmd = "$str_rtlsdr $ts - $tee"; if ($verbose) { print $cmd."\n"; } system("$cmd"); # timeout } #wait();