/* dropsonde RD94 frames,position: 2Hz velocity(wind): 4Hz */ #include #include #include typedef unsigned char ui8_t; typedef unsigned short ui16_t; typedef unsigned int ui32_t; int option_verbose = 0, // ausfuehrliche Anzeige option_raw = 0, // rohe Frames option_inv = 0, // invertiert Signal fileloaded = 0, option_res = 0, rawin = 0; typedef struct { int frnr; unsigned id; int week; int gpstow; int jahr; int monat; int tag; int wday; int std; int min; int sek; int ms; double lat; double lon; double alt; double X; double Y; double Z; double pAcc; double vX1; double vY1; double vZ1; double sAcc1; int sats1; double vX2; double vY2; double vZ2; double sAcc2; int sats2; double vN; double vE; double vU; double vH; double vD; double vD2; double P; double T; double U1; double U2; double bat; double iT; } gpx_t; gpx_t gpx; #define BITS (1+8+1) // 8N1 = 10bit/byte #define HEADLEN (40) #define HEADOFS (40) char header[] = "10100110010110101001" // 0x1A = 0 01011000 1 "10010101011010010101" // 0xCF = 0 11110011 1 "10101001010101010101" // 0xFC = 0 00111111 1 "10011001010110101001"; // 0x1D = 0 10111000 1 //"10011010101010101001" // 0x01 = 0 10000000 1 char buf[HEADLEN+1] = "x"; int bufpos = -1; #define FRAME_LEN 120 // 240/sec -> 120/frame #define BITFRAME_LEN (FRAME_LEN*BITS) #define RAWBITFRAME_LEN (FRAME_LEN*BITS*2) char frame_rawbits[RAWBITFRAME_LEN+8]; char frame_bits[BITFRAME_LEN+4]; ui8_t frame_bytes[FRAME_LEN+10]; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define BAUD_RATE 4800 int sample_rate = 0, bits_sample = 0, channels = 0; float samples_per_bit = 0; int findstr(char *buf, char *str, int pos) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (buf[(pos+i)%4] != str[i]) break; } return i; } int read_wav_header(FILE *fp) { char txt[4+1] = "\0\0\0\0"; unsigned char dat[4]; int byte, p=0; if (fread(txt, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1; if (strncmp(txt, "RIFF", 4)) return -1; if (fread(txt, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1; // pos_WAVE = 8L if (fread(txt, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1; if (strncmp(txt, "WAVE", 4)) return -1; // pos_fmt = 12L for ( ; ; ) { if ( (byte=fgetc(fp)) == EOF ) return -1; txt[p % 4] = byte; p++; if (p==4) p=0; if (findstr(txt, "fmt ", p) == 4) break; } if (fread(dat, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1; if (fread(dat, 1, 2, fp) < 2) return -1; if (fread(dat, 1, 2, fp) < 2) return -1; channels = dat[0] + (dat[1] << 8); if (fread(dat, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1; memcpy(&sample_rate, dat, 4); //sample_rate = dat[0]|(dat[1]<<8)|(dat[2]<<16)|(dat[3]<<24); if (fread(dat, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1; if (fread(dat, 1, 2, fp) < 2) return -1; //byte = dat[0] + (dat[1] << 8); if (fread(dat, 1, 2, fp) < 2) return -1; bits_sample = dat[0] + (dat[1] << 8); // pos_dat = 36L + info for ( ; ; ) { if ( (byte=fgetc(fp)) == EOF ) return -1; txt[p % 4] = byte; p++; if (p==4) p=0; if (findstr(txt, "data", p) == 4) break; } if (fread(dat, 1, 4, fp) < 4) return -1; fprintf(stderr, "sample_rate: %d\n", sample_rate); fprintf(stderr, "bits : %d\n", bits_sample); fprintf(stderr, "channels : %d\n", channels); if ((bits_sample != 8) && (bits_sample != 16)) return -1; samples_per_bit = sample_rate/(float)BAUD_RATE; fprintf(stderr, "samples/bit: %.2f\n", samples_per_bit); return 0; } #define EOF_INT 0x1000000 int read_signed_sample(FILE *fp) { // int = i32_t int byte, i, ret; // EOF -> 0x1000000 for (i = 0; i < channels; i++) { // i = 0: links bzw. mono byte = fgetc(fp); if (byte == EOF) return EOF_INT; if (i == 0) ret = byte; if (bits_sample == 16) { byte = fgetc(fp); if (byte == EOF) return EOF_INT; if (i == 0) ret += byte << 8; } } if (bits_sample == 8) return ret-128; // 8bit: 00..FF, centerpoint 0x80=128 if (bits_sample == 16) return (short)ret; return ret; } int par=1, par_alt=1; unsigned long sample_count = 0; int read_bits_fsk(FILE *fp, int *bit, int *len) { static int sample; int n, y0; float l, x1; static float x0; n = 0; do { y0 = sample; sample = read_signed_sample(fp); if (sample == EOF_INT) return EOF; sample_count++; par_alt = par; par = (sample >= 0) ? 1 : -1; // 8bit: 0..127,128..255 (-128..-1,0..127) n++; } while (par*par_alt > 0); if (!option_res) l = (float)n / samples_per_bit; else { // genauere Bitlaengen-Messung x1 = sample/(float)(sample-y0); // hilft bei niedriger sample rate l = (n+x0-x1) / samples_per_bit; // meist mehr frames (nicht immer) x0 = x1; } *len = (int)(l+0.5); if (!option_inv) *bit = (1+par_alt)/2; // oben 1, unten -1 else *bit = (1-par_alt)/2; // sdr#10,0->01: 1.bit // manchester2 0->10,1->01: 2.bit void manchester2(char* frame_rawbits, char *frame_bits) { int i; char bit, bits[2]; for (i = 0; i < BITFRAME_LEN; i++) { bits[0] = frame_rawbits[2*i]; bits[1] = frame_rawbits[2*i+1]; if ((bits[0] == '0') && (bits[1] == '1')) bit = '1'; else if ((bits[0] == '1') && (bits[1] == '0')) bit = '0'; else bit = 'x'; frame_bits[i] = bit; } } int bits2bytes(char *bitstr, ui8_t *bytes) { int i, bit, d, byteval; int bitpos, bytepos; bitpos = 0; bytepos = 0; while (bytepos < FRAME_LEN) { byteval = 0; d = 1; for (i = 1; i < BITS-1; i++) { bit=*(bitstr+bitpos+i); /* little endian */ //bit=*(bitstr+bitpos+BITS-1-i); /* big endian */ if (bit == '1') byteval += d; else /*if ((bit == '0') */ byteval += 0; d <<= 1; } bitpos += BITS; bytes[bytepos++] = byteval; } //while (bytepos < FRAME_LEN) bytes[bytepos++] = 0; return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* * Convert GPS Week and Seconds to Modified Julian Day. * - Adapted from sci.astro FAQ. * - Ignores UTC leap seconds. */ void Gps2Date(long GpsWeek, long GpsSeconds, int *Year, int *Month, int *Day) { long GpsDays, Mjd; long J, C, Y, M; GpsDays = GpsWeek * 7 + (GpsSeconds / 86400); Mjd = 44244 + GpsDays; J = Mjd + 2468570; C = 4 * J / 146097; J = J - (146097 * C + 3) / 4; Y = 4000 * (J + 1) / 1461001; J = J - 1461 * Y / 4 + 31; M = 80 * J / 2447; *Day = J - 2447 * M / 80; J = M / 11; *Month = M + 2 - (12 * J); *Year = 100 * (C - 49) + Y + J; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define OFS (0x02) // HEADLEN/(2*BITS) #define pos_FrameNb (OFS+0x01) // 2 byte // ublox5 NAV-SOL #define pos_GPSTOW (OFS+0x18) // iTow 4 byte (+ fTOW? 4 byte) #define pos_GPSweek (OFS+0x20) // 2 byte #define pos_GPSecefX (OFS+0x24) // 4 byte #define pos_GPSecefY (OFS+0x28) // 4 byte #define pos_GPSecefZ (OFS+0x2C) // 4 byte #define pos_GPSpAcc (OFS+0x30) // 4 byte #define pos_GPSecefV1 (OFS+0x34) // 3*4 byte #define pos_GPSsAcc1 (OFS+0x40) // 4 byte #define pos_GPSsats1 (OFS+0x46) // 1 byte #define pos_GPSecefV2 (OFS+0x4A) // 3*4 byte #define pos_GPSsAcc2 (OFS+0x56) // 4 byte #define pos_GPSsats2 (OFS+0x5A) // 1 byte // PTUsensors #define pos_sensorP (OFS+0x05) // 4 byte float32 #define pos_sensorT (OFS+0x09) // 4 byte float32 #define pos_sensorU1 (OFS+0x0D) // 4 byte float32 #define pos_sensorU2 (OFS+0x11) // 4 byte float32 // internal #define pos_sensorTi (OFS+0x68) // 4 byte float32 #define pos_ID (OFS+0x5D) // 4 byte #define pos_rev (OFS+0x61) // 2 byte char? // e.g. "A5" #define pos_bat (OFS+0x66) // 2 byte // checksums #define pos_chkFrNb (pos_FrameNb-1 + 3) // 16 bit #define pos_chkPTU (pos_sensorP + 17) // 16 bit #define pos_chkGPS1 (pos_GPSTOW + 47) // 16 bit #define pos_chkGPS2 (pos_GPSecefV2-1 + 18) // 16 bit #define pos_chkInt (pos_ID + 21) // 16 bit unsigned check16(ui8_t *bytes, int len) { unsigned sum1, sum2; int i; sum1 = sum2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { sum1 = (sum1 + bytes[i]) % 0x100; sum2 = (sum2 + sum1) % 0x100; } //return sum1 | (sum2<<8); return sum2 | (sum1<<8); } int get_ID() { int i; unsigned byte; byte = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // big endian byte |= frame_bytes[pos_ID + i] << (24-8*i); } gpx.id = byte; return 0; } int get_FrameNb() { int i; unsigned byte; ui8_t frnr_bytes[4]; int frnr; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { byte = frame_bytes[pos_FrameNb + i]; frnr_bytes[i] = byte; } frnr = frnr_bytes[0] + (frnr_bytes[1] << 8); gpx.frnr = frnr; return 0; } int get_GPSweek() { int i; unsigned byte; ui8_t gpsweek_bytes[2]; int gpsweek; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { byte = frame_bytes[pos_GPSweek + i]; gpsweek_bytes[i] = byte; } gpsweek = gpsweek_bytes[0] + (gpsweek_bytes[1] << 8); if (gpsweek < 0) { gpx.week = -1; return 0x0300; } gpx.week = gpsweek; return 0; } char weekday[7][3] = { "So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"}; int get_GPStime() { int i; unsigned byte; ui8_t gpstime_bytes[4]; int gpstime = 0, // 32bit day; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte = frame_bytes[pos_GPSTOW + i]; gpstime_bytes[i] = byte; } memcpy(&gpstime, gpstime_bytes, 4); gpx.gpstow = gpstime; gpx.ms = gpstime % 1000; gpstime /= 1000; day = gpstime / (24 * 3600); gpstime %= (24*3600); if ((day < 0) || (day > 6)) return 0x0100; gpx.wday = day; gpx.std = gpstime / 3600; gpx.min = (gpstime % 3600) / 60; gpx.sek = gpstime % 60; return 0; } #define EARTH_a 6378137.0 #define EARTH_b 6356752.31424518 #define EARTH_a2_b2 (EARTH_a*EARTH_a - EARTH_b*EARTH_b) double a = EARTH_a, b = EARTH_b, a_b = EARTH_a2_b2, e2 = EARTH_a2_b2 / (EARTH_a*EARTH_a), ee2 = EARTH_a2_b2 / (EARTH_b*EARTH_b); void ecef2elli(double X[], double *lat, double *lon, double *h) { double phi, lam, R, p, t; lam = atan2( X[1] , X[0] ); p = sqrt( X[0]*X[0] + X[1]*X[1] ); t = atan2( X[2]*a , p*b ); phi = atan2( X[2] + ee2 * b * sin(t)*sin(t)*sin(t) , p - e2 * a * cos(t)*cos(t)*cos(t) ); R = a / sqrt( 1 - e2*sin(phi)*sin(phi) ); *h = p / cos(phi) - R; *lat = phi*180/M_PI; *lon = lam*180/M_PI; } int get_GPSkoord() { int i, k; unsigned byte; ui8_t XYZ_bytes[4]; int XYZ; // 32bit double X[3], lat, lon, h; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte = frame_bytes[pos_GPSecefX + 4*k + i]; XYZ_bytes[i] = byte; } memcpy(&XYZ, XYZ_bytes, 4); X[k] = XYZ / 100.0; } // ECEF-Position ecef2elli(X, &lat, &lon, &h); gpx.lat = lat; gpx.lon = lon; gpx.alt = h; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte = frame_bytes[pos_GPSpAcc + i]; XYZ_bytes[i] = byte; } memcpy(&XYZ, XYZ_bytes, 4); gpx.pAcc = XYZ / 100.0; gpx.X = X[0]; gpx.Y = X[1]; gpx.Z = X[2]; if ((h < -1000) || (h > 80000)) return 0x0200; /* for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte = frame_bytes[pos_GPSecefV1 + 4*k + i]; XYZ_bytes[i] = byte; } memcpy(&XYZ, XYZ_bytes, 4); V[k] = XYZ / 100.0; } // ECEF-Velocities // ECEF-Vel -> NorthEastUp phi = lat*M_PI/180.0; lam = lon*M_PI/180.0; gpx.vN = -V[0]*sin(phi)*cos(lam) - V[1]*sin(phi)*sin(lam) + V[2]*cos(phi); gpx.vE = -V[0]*sin(lam) + V[1]*cos(lam); gpx.vU = V[0]*cos(phi)*cos(lam) + V[1]*cos(phi)*sin(lam) + V[2]*sin(phi); // NEU -> HorDirVer gpx.vH = sqrt(gpx.vN*gpx.vN+gpx.vE*gpx.vE); // alpha = atan2(gpx.vN, gpx.vE)*180/M_PI; // ComplexPlane (von x-Achse nach links) - GeoMeteo (von y-Achse nach rechts) dir = 90-alpha; // z=x+iy= -> i*conj(z)=y+ix=re(i(pi/2-t)), Achsen und Drehsinn vertauscht if (dir < 0) dir += 360; // atan2(y,x)=atan(y/x)=pi/2-atan(x/y) , atan(1/t) = pi/2 - atan(t) gpx.vD2 = dir; // dir = atan2(gpx.vE, gpx.vN) * 180 / M_PI; if (dir < 0) dir += 360; gpx.vD = dir; */ return 0; } int get_GPSvel() { int i, k; unsigned byte; ui8_t XYZ_bytes[4]; int XYZ; // 32bit double V[3]; double phi, lam, dir; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte = frame_bytes[pos_GPSecefV1 + 4*k + i]; XYZ_bytes[i] = byte; } memcpy(&XYZ, XYZ_bytes, 4); V[k] = XYZ / 100.0; } gpx.vX1 = V[0]; gpx.vY1 = V[1]; gpx.vZ1 = V[2]; gpx.sats1 = frame_bytes[pos_GPSsats1]; phi = gpx.lat*M_PI/180.0; lam = gpx.lon*M_PI/180.0; gpx.vN = -V[0]*sin(phi)*cos(lam) - V[1]*sin(phi)*sin(lam) + V[2]*cos(phi); gpx.vE = -V[0]*sin(lam) + V[1]*cos(lam); gpx.vU = V[0]*cos(phi)*cos(lam) + V[1]*cos(phi)*sin(lam) + V[2]*sin(phi); gpx.vH = sqrt(gpx.vN*gpx.vN+gpx.vE*gpx.vE); dir = atan2(gpx.vE, gpx.vN) * 180 / M_PI; if (dir < 0) dir += 360; gpx.vD = dir; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte = frame_bytes[pos_GPSsAcc1 + i]; XYZ_bytes[i] = byte; } memcpy(&XYZ, XYZ_bytes, 4); gpx.sAcc1 = XYZ / 100.0; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte = frame_bytes[pos_GPSecefV2 + 4*k + i]; XYZ_bytes[i] = byte; } memcpy(&XYZ, XYZ_bytes, 4); V[k] = XYZ / 100.0; } gpx.vX2 = V[0]; gpx.vY2 = V[1]; gpx.vZ2 = V[2]; gpx.sats2 = frame_bytes[pos_GPSsats2]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte = frame_bytes[pos_GPSsAcc2 + i]; XYZ_bytes[i] = byte; } memcpy(&XYZ, XYZ_bytes, 4); gpx.sAcc2 = XYZ / 100.0; return 0; } float float32(unsigned idx) { int i; unsigned num, val; float f; // double e, s, m; num = 0; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { num |= frame_bytes[idx+i] << (24-8*i); } /* val = 0; for (i=31;i>=24;i--) { val |= ((num>>i)&1)<<(i-24); } e = (double)val-127; // exponent val = 0; for (i=22;i>= 0;i--) { val |= ((num>>i)&1)<>23)&1 ? -1.0 : +1.0 ; // sign f = s*(1+m)*pow(2,e); */ val = (num & 0x800000)<<8; // sign val |= (num>>1) & 0x7F800000; // exponent val |= num & 0x7FFFFF; // mantissa memcpy(&f, &val, 4); return f; } int get_Sensors1() { gpx.P = float32(pos_sensorP); gpx.T = float32(pos_sensorT); gpx.U1 = float32(pos_sensorU1); gpx.U2 = float32(pos_sensorU2); return 0; } int get_Sensors2() { int val; gpx.iT = float32(pos_sensorTi); val = frame_bytes[pos_bat] | (frame_bytes[pos_bat+1]<<8); gpx.bat = val/1e3; return 0; } int getBlock_FrNb(){ // block 0: frame counter unsigned byte; unsigned checksum; int chk = 0; // header (next frame) if ( frame_bytes[OFS+116] != 0x1A ) { chk |= (0x1 << 6); } if ( frame_bytes[OFS+117] != 0xCF ) { chk |= (0x1 << 7); } byte = check16(frame_bytes+pos_chkFrNb-3, 3); checksum = (frame_bytes[pos_chkFrNb]<<8) | frame_bytes[pos_chkFrNb+1]; if (byte != checksum) chk |= (0x1 << 0); get_FrameNb(); return chk; } int getBlock_PTU(){ // block 1: sensors P, T, U1, U2 unsigned byte; unsigned checksum; int chk = 0; byte = check16(frame_bytes+pos_chkPTU-17, 17); checksum = (frame_bytes[pos_chkPTU]<<8) | frame_bytes[pos_chkPTU+1]; if (byte != checksum) chk |= (0x1 << 1); get_Sensors1(); return chk; } int getBlock_GPS(){ // block 2,3: GPS pos+vel1, vel2 unsigned byte; unsigned checksum; int chk = 0, err = 0; byte = check16(frame_bytes+pos_chkGPS1-47, 47); checksum = (frame_bytes[pos_chkGPS1]<<8) | frame_bytes[pos_chkGPS1+1]; if (byte != checksum) chk |= (0x1 << 2); byte = check16(frame_bytes+pos_chkGPS2-18, 18); checksum = (frame_bytes[pos_chkGPS2]<<8) | frame_bytes[pos_chkGPS2+1]; if (byte != checksum) chk |= (0x1 << 3); err |= get_GPSweek(); err |= get_GPStime(); err |= get_GPSkoord(); err |= get_GPSvel(); return chk | (err<<8); } int getBlock_Int(){ // block 4: SondeID, internalTemp, battery unsigned byte; unsigned checksum; int chk = 0; byte = check16(frame_bytes+pos_chkInt-21, 21); checksum = (frame_bytes[pos_chkInt]<<8) | frame_bytes[pos_chkInt+1]; if (byte != checksum) chk |= (0x1 << 4); get_ID(); //if (option_verbose) get_Sensors2(); return chk; } void print_frame() { int i, err=0; unsigned chk=0; if (option_raw) { for (i = 0; i < FRAME_LEN; i++) { fprintf(stdout, "%02x", frame_bytes[i]); //fprintf(stdout, "%02X ", frame_bytes[i]); if (option_raw == 2) { if ( i==OFS-1 || i==OFS+0 || i==OFS+2 // frame-counter || i==OFS+4 || i==OFS+8 || i==OFS+12 || i==OFS+16 // sensors (P,T,U1,U2) || i==OFS+20 || i==OFS+21 || i==OFS+23 || i==OFS+27 // TOW || i==OFS+31 || i==OFS+33 // week || i==OFS+35 || i==OFS+39 || i==OFS+43 // ECEF-pos || i==OFS+47 || i==OFS+51 || i==OFS+55 || i==OFS+59 // ECEF-vel1 || i==OFS+63 || i==OFS+67 || i==OFS+69 || i==OFS+70 // sats-1 || i==OFS+72 || i==OFS+73 || i==OFS+77 || i==OFS+81 // ECEF-vel2 || i==OFS+85 || i==OFS+89 || i==OFS+90 // sats-2 || i==OFS+92 || i==OFS+96 || i==OFS+98 // SondeID, Rev? || i==OFS+101 // bat || i==OFS+103 || i==OFS+107 // internT || i==OFS+113 || i==OFS+115 ) fprintf(stdout, " "); if ( i==pos_chkFrNb -4 ) fprintf(stdout, " "); if ( i==pos_chkFrNb +1 ) fprintf(stdout, "[%04X] ", check16(frame_bytes+pos_chkFrNb-3, 3)); if ( i==pos_chkPTU -18 ) fprintf(stdout, " "); if ( i==pos_chkPTU +1 ) fprintf(stdout, "[%04X] ", check16(frame_bytes+pos_chkPTU-17, 17)); if ( i==pos_chkGPS1 -48 ) fprintf(stdout, " "); if ( i==pos_chkGPS1 +1 ) fprintf(stdout, "[%04X] ", check16(frame_bytes+pos_chkGPS1-47, 47)); if ( i==pos_chkGPS2 -19 ) fprintf(stdout, " "); if ( i==pos_chkGPS2 +1 ) fprintf(stdout, "[%04X] ", check16(frame_bytes+pos_chkGPS2-18, 18)); if ( i==pos_chkInt -22 ) fprintf(stdout, " "); if ( i==pos_chkInt +1 ) fprintf(stdout, "[%04X] ", check16(frame_bytes+pos_chkInt-21, 21)); if ( i==pos_chkInt +1 ) fprintf(stdout, " "); } } /* // chk = checkBlocks(); if (option_raw == 2) { printf(" # check: "); // blocks: 0=F, 1=S, 2=G1, 3=G2, 4=I, 6=H1, 7=H2 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d", (chk>>i)&1); fprintf(stdout, "_"); for (i = 6; i < 8; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d", (chk>>i)&1); } */ fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } else { err = 0; err |= getBlock_FrNb(); err |= getBlock_PTU(); err |= getBlock_GPS(); err |= getBlock_Int(); if (! (err & 0xFF00) ) { Gps2Date(gpx.week, gpx.gpstow/1000, &gpx.jahr, &gpx.monat, &gpx.tag); fprintf(stdout, "[%5d] ", gpx.frnr); fprintf(stdout, "%s ", weekday[gpx.wday]); fprintf(stdout, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", gpx.jahr, gpx.monat, gpx.tag, gpx.std, gpx.min, gpx.sek, gpx.ms); if (option_verbose) fprintf(stdout, " (W %d)", gpx.week); fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, " lat: %.5f° ", gpx.lat); fprintf(stdout, " lon: %.5f° ", gpx.lon); fprintf(stdout, " alt: %.2fm ", gpx.alt); if (option_verbose == 2) { //fprintf(stdout," (%7.2f,%7.2f,%7.2f) ", gpx.X, gpx.Y, gpx.Z); fprintf(stdout, " (E:%.2fm) ", gpx.pAcc); } if (option_verbose) fprintf(stdout," sats: %2d ", gpx.sats1); if (option_verbose == 2) { fprintf(stdout," V1: (%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f) ", gpx.vX1, gpx.vY1, gpx.vZ1); fprintf(stdout, "(E:%.2fm/s) ", gpx.sAcc1); } fprintf(stdout," vH: %.1fm/s D: %.1f° vV: %.1fm/s ", gpx.vH, gpx.vD, gpx.vU); if (option_verbose == 2) { fprintf(stdout," ENU=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) ", gpx.vE, gpx.vN, gpx.vU); fprintf(stdout," V2: (%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f) ", gpx.vX2, gpx.vY2, gpx.vZ2); fprintf(stdout, "(E:%.2fm/s) ", gpx.sAcc2); fprintf(stdout," sats: %2d ", gpx.sats2); } fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, " P=%.2fhPa ", gpx.P); fprintf(stdout, " T=%.2f°C ", gpx.T); fprintf(stdout, " H1=%.2f%% ", gpx.U1); fprintf(stdout, " H2=%.2f%% ", gpx.U2); fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, " (%09d) ", gpx.id); if (option_verbose) { fprintf(stdout, " "); fprintf(stdout, " Ti=%.2f°C ", gpx.iT); fprintf(stdout, " Bat=%.2fV ", gpx.bat); } chk = err & 0xFF; printf(" # check: "); // blocks: 0=F, 1=S, 2=G1, 3=G2, 4=I, 6=H1, 7=H2 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d", (chk>>i)&1); fprintf(stdout, "_"); for (i = 6; i < 8; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%d", (chk>>i)&1); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); // fflush(stdout); } } } void print_bitframe(int len) { int i; for (i = len; i < RAWBITFRAME_LEN; i++) frame_rawbits[i] = '0'; manchester2(frame_rawbits, frame_bits); bits2bytes(frame_bits, frame_bytes); print_frame(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fp = NULL; char *fpname; char *pbuf = NULL; int header_found = 0; int i, pos, bit, len; fpname = argv[0]; ++argv; while ((*argv) && (!fileloaded)) { if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-h") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "--help") == 0) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s [options] \n", fpname); fprintf(stderr, " file: audio.wav or raw_data\n"); fprintf(stderr, " options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v, (verbose)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -r, (output: rawbytes)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -R, (output: raw_bytes)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -i (invert polarity)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --inbits (input: bits)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --inbytes (input: bytes)\n"); return 0; } else if ( strcmp(*argv, "-v") == 0 ) { option_verbose = 1; } else if ( strcmp(*argv, "-vv") == 0 ) { option_verbose = 2; } else if ( strcmp(*argv, "-r") == 0 ) { option_raw = 1; } else if ( strcmp(*argv, "-R") == 0 ) { option_raw = 2; } else if ( strcmp(*argv, "-i") == 0 ) { option_inv = 1; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "--inbits") == 0) { rawin = 1; } // rawbits input else if (strcmp(*argv, "--inbytes") == 0) { rawin = 2; } // rawbytes input else { if (!rawin) fp = fopen(*argv, "rb"); else fp = fopen(*argv, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s konnte nicht geoeffnet werden\n", *argv); return -1; } fileloaded = 1; } ++argv; } if (!fileloaded) fp = stdin; if (!rawin) { i = read_wav_header(fp); if (i) { fclose(fp); return -1; } for (pos = 0; pos < HEADLEN; pos++) { frame_rawbits[pos] = header[HEADOFS+pos]; } while (!read_bits_fsk(fp, &bit, &len)) { if (len == 0) { // reset_frame(); /* if (pos > 2*BITS*pos_GPSV) { print_bitframe(pos); pos = HEADLEN; header_found = 0; } */ continue; // ... } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { inc_bufpos(); buf[bufpos] = 0x30+bit; if (!header_found) { header_found = compare(); } else { frame_rawbits[pos] = 0x30+bit; //printf("%d", bit); pos++; if (pos == RAWBITFRAME_LEN) { //frames++; print_bitframe(pos); header_found = 0; pos = HEADLEN; } } } } } else if (rawin==1) { // input: bits while (1 > 0) { pbuf = fgets(frame_rawbits, RAWBITFRAME_LEN+4, fp); if (pbuf == NULL) break; frame_rawbits[RAWBITFRAME_LEN+1] = '\0'; len = strlen(frame_rawbits); if (len > 2*BITS*pos_GPSpAcc) print_bitframe(len); } } else { // input: bytes while (1 > 0) { // rawin=2: 2chars->1byte pbuf = fgets(frame_rawbits, rawin*FRAME_LEN+4, fp); if (pbuf == NULL) break; frame_rawbits[rawin*FRAME_LEN+1] = '\0'; len = strlen(frame_rawbits) / rawin; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { //%2x SCNx8=%hhx(inttypes.h) sscanf(frame_rawbits+rawin*i, "%2hhx", frame_bytes+i); } for (i = len; i < FRAME_LEN; i++) frame_bytes[i] = 0x00; if (frame_bytes[0] == 0xFC && frame_bytes[1] == 0x1D) { // Header: 1A CF FC 1D print_frame(); } } } fclose(fp); return 0; }