dft_detect: option -d2, detect twice

Zilog80 2023-06-22 23:13:17 +02:00
rodzic 81eeb0f84c
commit 08af407e24
2 zmienionych plików z 144 dodań i 10 usunięć

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
## detect radiosonde type
#### Files
* `dft_detect.c`
#### Compile
`gcc dft_detect.c -lm -o dft_detect`
#### Usage
`./dft_detect [options] <file>` <br />
options:<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; `--IQ <fq>` &nbsp;:&nbsp; IQ data input, where `<fq>` is the relative frequency in `-0.5..0.5` <br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; `-v` &nbsp;:&nbsp; sample count <br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; `-c` &nbsp;:&nbsp; continuous output<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; `-t <sec>` &nbsp;:&nbsp; time limit <br />
(input `<file>` can be `stdin`)
<br />
FM data:<br />
`./dft_detect <fm_audio.wav>` <br />
IQ data:<br />
`./dft_detect --IQ <fq> <iq_data.wav>` <br />
For IQ data (i.e. 2 channels) it is possible to read raw data (without wav header): <br />
`./dft_detect --IQ <fq> - <sr> <bs> <iq_data.raw>` <br />
where <br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; `<sr>` &nbsp;:&nbsp; sample rate <br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; `<bs>=8,16,32` &nbsp;:&nbsp; bits per (real) sample (u8, s16 or f32)
`dft_detect` stops, if a (potential) radiosonde signal is detected, or if a time limit is set with option `-t`. <br />
With option `-c` detection is continued, but a time limit can be set with `-t`.
Output is of the form `<TYPE>: <score>` where the correlation score is a normalized value in `-1..+1`.
#### Examples
$ ./dft_detect fm_audio.wav
sample_rate: 48000
bits : 8
channels : 1
RS41: 0.9885
$ ./dft_detect -c fm_audio.wav 2>/dev/null
RS41: 0.9885
RS41: 0.9851
RS41: 0.9784
RS41: 0.9869
RS41: 0.9845
RS41: 0.9828
RS41: 0.9814
RS41: 0.9821
RS41: 0.9823
RS41: 0.9882
$ ./dft_detect -c -t 4 fm_audio.wav 2>/dev/null
RS41: 0.9885
RS41: 0.9851
RS41: 0.9784
RS41: 0.9869
RS41: 0.9845
$ ./dft_detect -v -c -t 2 fm_audio.wav 2>/dev/null
sample: 39801
RS41: 0.9885
sample: 87824
RS41: 0.9851
sample: 135831
RS41: 0.9784
Ex.5<br />
Some radiosonde types have similar signals, false detection is possible.
$ ./dft_detect -c -t 4 fm_meisei.wav 2>/dev/null
MEISEI: 0.9802
MRZ: -0.9720
MEISEI: 0.9829
Here a Meisei radiosonde seems to be more likely.
Ex.6<br />
Confirmed detection (two hits):
$ ./dft_detect -d2 -t 4 fm_meisei.wav 2>/dev/null
MEISEI: 0.9829

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ static int option_verbose = 0, // ausfuehrliche Anzeige
option_dc = 0,
option_silent = 0,
option_cont = 0,
option_d2 = 0,
option_pcmraw = 0,
option_singleLpIQ = 0,
wavloaded = 0;
@ -178,6 +179,23 @@ static int idx_MTS01 = -1,
idx_IMET1AB = -1;
static int rs_detect2[Nrs];
static int rs_d2() {
int tn = 0;
for (tn = 0; tn < Nrs; tn++) {
if ( rs_detect2[tn] > 1 ) break;
return tn;
static int reset_d2() {
int n = 0;
for (n = 0; n < Nrs; n++) rs_detect2[n] = 0;
return 0;
// m10-false-positive:
// m10-preamble similar to rs41-preamble, parts of rs92/imet1ab, imet1ab; diffs:
@ -1302,6 +1320,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int j_max;
float mv_max;
int d2_tn = Nrs;
#ifdef CYGWIN
_setmode(fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); // _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);
@ -1364,6 +1384,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (*argv) tl = atof(*argv);
else return -50;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "-d2") == 0) ) {
option_d2 = 1;
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--ch2") == 0) ) { wav_channel = 1; } // right channel (default: 0=left)
else if ( (strcmp(*argv, "--ths") == 0) ) {
@ -1397,6 +1420,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (!wavloaded) fp = stdin;
if (option_d2) {
option_cont = 0;
if (option_pcmraw == 0) {
j = read_wav_header(fp, wav_channel);
@ -1547,16 +1573,23 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (header_found) {
if (!option_silent && (mv[j] > rs_hdr[j].thres || mv[j] < -rs_hdr[j].thres)) {
if (option_verbose) fprintf(stdout, "sample: %d\n", mv_pos[j]);
fprintf(stdout, "%s: %.4f", rs_hdr[j].type, mv[j]);
if (option_dc && option_iq) {
fprintf(stdout, " , %+.1fHz", rs_hdr[j].df*sr_base);
if (option_verbose) {
fprintf(stdout, " [ fq-ofs: %+.6f", rs_hdr[j].df);
fprintf(stdout, " = %+.1fHz ]", rs_hdr[j].df*sr_base);
if (option_d2) {
rs_detect2[j] += 1;
d2_tn = rs_d2();
if ( d2_tn == Nrs ) header_found = 0;
if ( !option_d2 || j == d2_tn ) {
if (option_verbose) fprintf(stdout, "sample: %d\n", mv_pos[j]);
fprintf(stdout, "%s: %.4f", rs_hdr[j].type, mv[j]);
if (option_dc && option_iq) {
fprintf(stdout, " , %+.1fHz", rs_hdr[j].df*sr_base);
if (option_verbose) {
fprintf(stdout, " [ fq-ofs: %+.6f", rs_hdr[j].df);
fprintf(stdout, " = %+.1fHz ]", rs_hdr[j].df*sr_base);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
// if ((j < 3) && mv[j] < 0) header_found = -1;
@ -1570,7 +1603,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (header_found && !option_cont) break;
if (header_found && !option_cont || d2_tn < Nrs) break;
header_found = 0;
for (j = 0; j < Nrs; j++) mv[j] = 0.0;