
143 wiersze
4.7 KiB

import os, glob
import gippy
import numpy
from scipy import ndimage
from datetime import datetime
from opendm import log
from loky import get_reusable_executor
from functools import partial
from . import pdal
def classify(lasFile, slope=0.15, cellsize=1, maxWindowSize=18, verbose=False):
start =
pdal.run_pdaltranslate_smrf(lasFile, lasFile, slope, cellsize, maxWindowSize, verbose)
raise Exception("Error creating classified file %s" % fout)
log.ODM_INFO('Created %s in %s' % (os.path.relpath(lasFile), - start))
return lasFile
def create_dems(filenames, demtype, radius=['0.56'], gapfill=False,
outdir='', suffix='', resolution=0.1, max_workers=None, **kwargs):
""" Create DEMS for multiple radii, and optionally gapfill """
fouts = []
create_dem_for_radius = partial(create_dem,
filenames, demtype,
outdir=outdir, suffix=suffix, resolution=resolution, **kwargs)
with get_reusable_executor(max_workers=max_workers, timeout=None) as e:
fouts = list(, radius))
fnames = {}
# convert from list of dicts, to dict of lists
for product in fouts[0].keys():
fnames[product] = [f[product] for f in fouts]
fouts = fnames
# gapfill all products
_fouts = {}
if gapfill:
for product in fouts.keys():
# output filename
fout = os.path.join(outdir, '%s%s.tif' % (demtype, suffix))
gap_fill(fouts[product], fout)
_fouts[product] = fout
# only return single filename (first radius run)
for product in fouts.keys():
_fouts[product] = fouts[product][0]
return _fouts
def create_dem(filenames, demtype, radius, decimation=None,
products=['idw'], outdir='', suffix='', verbose=False, resolution=0.1):
""" Create DEM from collection of LAS files """
start =
# filename based on demtype, radius, and optional suffix
bname = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(outdir), '%s_r%s%s' % (demtype, radius, suffix))
ext = 'tif'
fouts = {o: bname + '.%s.%s' % (o, ext) for o in products}
prettyname = os.path.relpath(bname) + ' [%s]' % (' '.join(products))
log.ODM_INFO('Creating %s from %s files' % (prettyname, len(filenames)))
# JSON pipeline
json = pdal.json_gdal_base(bname, products, radius, resolution)
if demtype == 'dsm':
json = pdal.json_add_classification_filter(json, 2, equality='max')
elif demtype == 'dtm':
json = pdal.json_add_classification_filter(json, 2)
if decimation is not None:
json = pdal.json_add_decimation_filter(json, decimation)
pdal.json_add_readers(json, filenames)
pdal.run_pipeline(json, verbose=verbose)
# verify existence of fout
exists = True
for f in fouts.values():
if not os.path.exists(f):
exists = False
if not exists:
raise Exception("Error creating dems: %s" % ' '.join(fouts))
log.ODM_INFO('Completed %s in %s' % (prettyname, - start))
return fouts
def gap_fill(filenames, fout):
""" Gap fill from higher radius DTMs, then fill remainder with interpolation """
start =
if len(filenames) == 0:
raise Exception('No filenames provided!')
log.ODM_INFO('Starting gap-filling with nearest interpolation...')
filenames = sorted(filenames)
imgs = map(gippy.GeoImage, filenames)
nodata = imgs[0][0].nodata()
arr = imgs[0][0].read()
for i in range(1, len(imgs)):
locs = numpy.where(arr == nodata)
arr[locs] = imgs[i][0].read()[locs]
# Nearest neighbor interpolation at bad points
indices = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(arr == nodata,
arr = arr[tuple(indices)]
# Median filter (careful, changing the value 5 might require tweaking)
# the lines below. There's another numpy function that takes care of
# these edge cases, but it's slower.
from scipy import signal
arr = signal.medfilt(arr, 5)
# Fill corner points with nearest value
if arr.shape >= (4, 4):
arr[0][:2] = arr[1][0] = arr[1][1]
arr[0][-2:] = arr[1][-1] = arr[2][-1]
arr[-1][:2] = arr[-2][0] = arr[-2][1]
arr[-1][-2:] = arr[-2][-1] = arr[-2][-2]
# write output
imgout = gippy.GeoImage.create_from(imgs[0], fout)
fout = imgout.filename()
imgout = None
log.ODM_INFO('Completed gap-filling to create %s in %s' % (os.path.relpath(fout), - start))
return fout