
1175 wiersze
48 KiB

#include "OdmTexturing.hpp"
OdmTexturing::OdmTexturing() : log_(false)
logFilePath_ = "odm_texturing_log.txt";
bundleResizedTo_ = 1200.0;
textureWithSize_ = 2000.0;
textureResolution_ = 4096.0;
nrTextures_ = 0;
padding_ = 15.0;
mesh_ = pcl::TextureMeshPtr(new pcl::TextureMesh);
patches_ = std::vector<Patch>(0);
tTIA_ = std::vector<int>(0);
int OdmTexturing::run(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc <= 1)
parseArguments(argc, argv);
catch (const OdmTexturingException& e)
log_ << "Error in OdmTexturing:\n";
log_ << e.what() << "\n";
log_ << "For more detailed information, see log file." << "\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
log_ << "Error in OdmTexturing:\n";
log_ << e.what() << "\n";
log_ << "For more detailed information, see log file." << "\n";
catch (...)
log_ << "Unknown error in OdmTexturing:\n";
log_ << "For more detailed information, see log file." << "\n";
void OdmTexturing::parseArguments(int argc, char** argv)
for(int argIndex = 1; argIndex < argc; ++argIndex)
// The argument to be parsed
std::string argument = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
if (argument == "-help")
else if (argument == "-verbose")
else if (argument == "-bundleFile")
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw OdmTexturingException("Missing argument for '" + argument + "'.");
bundlePath_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
std::ifstream testFile(bundlePath_.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
if (!testFile.is_open())
throw OdmTexturingException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value (file not accessible).");
log_ << "Bundle path was set to: " << bundlePath_ << "\n";
else if (argument == "-imagesPath")
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw OdmTexturingException("Missing argument for '" + argument + "'.");
std::stringstream ss(argv[argIndex]);
ss >> imagesPath_;
if (ss.bad())
throw OdmTexturingException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value. (wrong type)");
log_ << "Images path was set to: " << imagesPath_ << "\n";
else if (argument == "-imagesListPath")
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw OdmTexturingException("Missing argument for '" + argument + "'.");
imagesListPath_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
std::ifstream testFile(imagesListPath_.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
if (!testFile.is_open())
throw OdmTexturingException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value (file not accessible).");
log_ << "Images list path was set to: " << imagesListPath_ << "\n";
else if (argument == "-inputModelPath")
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw OdmTexturingException("Missing argument for '" + argument + "'.");
inputModelPath_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
std::ifstream testFile(inputModelPath_.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
if (!testFile.is_open())
throw OdmTexturingException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value (file not accessible).");
log_ << "Input model path was set to: " << inputModelPath_ << "\n";
else if (argument == "-outputFolder")
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw OdmTexturingException("Missing argument for '" + argument + "'.");
std::stringstream ss(argv[argIndex]);
ss >> outputFolder_;
if (ss.bad())
throw OdmTexturingException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value. (wrong type)");
log_ << "Output folder path was set to: " << outputFolder_ << "\n";
else if (argument == "-logFile")
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw OdmTexturingException("Missing argument for '" + argument + "'.");
logFilePath_ = std::string(argv[argIndex]);
std::ofstream testFile(logFilePath_.c_str());
if (!testFile.is_open())
throw OdmTexturingException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value.");
log_ << "Log file path was set to: " << logFilePath_ << "\n";
else if (argument == "-textureResolution")
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw OdmTexturingException("Missing argument for '" + argument + "'.");
std::stringstream ss(argv[argIndex]);
ss >> textureResolution_;
if (ss.bad())
throw OdmTexturingException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value. (wrong type)");
log_ << "The texture resolution was set to: " << textureResolution_ << "\n";
else if (argument == "-textureWithSize")
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw OdmTexturingException("Missing argument for '" + argument + "'.");
std::stringstream ss(argv[argIndex]);
ss >> textureWithSize_;
if (ss.bad())
throw OdmTexturingException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value. (wrong type)");
log_ << "The resolution to texture with was set to: " << textureWithSize_ << "\n";
else if (argument == "-bundleResizedTo")
if (argIndex >= argc)
throw OdmTexturingException("Missing argument for '" + argument + "'.");
std::stringstream ss(argv[argIndex]);
ss >> bundleResizedTo_;
if (ss.bad())
throw OdmTexturingException("Argument '" + argument + "' has a bad value. (wrong type)");
log_ << "The resized resolution used in bundler was set to: " << bundleResizedTo_ << "\n";
throw OdmTexturingException("Unrecognized argument '" + argument + "'.");
if (textureWithSize_ > textureResolution_)
textureWithSize_ = textureResolution_;
log_ << "textureWithSize parameter was set to a lower value since it can not be greater than the texture resolution.\n";
void OdmTexturing::loadMesh()
// Read model from ply-file
pcl::PolygonMeshPtr plyMeshPtr(new pcl::PolygonMesh);
if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile(inputModelPath_, *plyMeshPtr.get()) == -1)
throw OdmTexturingException("Error when reading model from:\n" + inputModelPath_ + "\n");
log_ << "Successfully loaded " << plyMeshPtr->polygons.size() << " polygons from file.\n";
// Transfer data from ply file to TextureMesh
mesh_->cloud = plyMeshPtr->cloud;
std::vector<pcl::Vertices> polygons;
// Push faces from ply-mesh into TextureMesh
for (size_t i = 0; i < plyMeshPtr->polygons.size(); ++i)
polygons[i] = plyMeshPtr->polygons[i];
void OdmTexturing::loadCameras()
std::ifstream bundleFile, imageListFile;, std::ios_base::binary);, std::ios_base::binary);
// Check if file is open
throw OdmTexturingException("Error when reading the bundle file.");
log_ << "Successfully read the bundle file.\n";
if (!imageListFile.is_open())
throw OdmTexturingException("Error when reading the image list file.");
log_ << "Successfully read the image list file.\n";
// A temporary storage for a line from the file.
std::string dummyLine = "";
std::getline(bundleFile, dummyLine);
int nrCameras= 0;
bundleFile >> nrCameras;
bundleFile >> dummyLine;
for (int i = 0; i < nrCameras;++i)
double val;
pcl::TextureMapping<pcl::PointXYZ>::Camera cam;
Eigen::Affine3f transform;
bundleFile >> val; //Read focal length from bundle file
cam.focal_length = val;
bundleFile >> val; //Read k1 from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; //Read k2 from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(0,0) = val; // Read rotation (0,0) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(0,1) = val; // Read rotation (0,1) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(0,2) = val; // Read rotation (0,2) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(1,0) = val; // Read rotation (1,0) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(1,1) = val; // Read rotation (1,1) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(1,2) = val; // Read rotation (1,2) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(2,0) = val; // Read rotation (2,0) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(2,1) = val; // Read rotation (2,1) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(2,2) = val; // Read rotation (2,2) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(0,3) = val; // Read translation (0,3) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(1,3) = val; // Read translation (1,3) from bundle file
bundleFile >> val; transform(2,3) = val; // Read translation (2,3) from bundle file
transform(3,0) = 0.0;
transform(3,1) = 0.0;
transform(3,2) = 0.0;
transform(3,3) = 1.0;
transform = transform.inverse();
// Column negation
transform(0,2) = -1.0*transform(0,2);
transform(1,2) = -1.0*transform(1,2);
transform(2,2) = -1.0*transform(2,2);
transform(0,1) = -1.0*transform(0,1);
transform(1,1) = -1.0*transform(1,1);
transform(2,1) = -1.0*transform(2,1);
// Set values from bundle to current camera
cam.pose = transform;
std::getline(imageListFile, dummyLine);
size_t firstWhitespace = dummyLine.find_first_of(" ");
if (firstWhitespace != std::string::npos)
cam.texture_file = imagesPath_ + "/" + dummyLine.substr(2,firstWhitespace-2);
cam.texture_file = imagesPath_ + "/" + dummyLine.substr(2);
// Read image to get full resolution size
cv::Mat image = cv::imread(cam.texture_file);
if (image.empty())
throw OdmTexturingException("Failed to read image:\n'" + cam.texture_file + "'\n");
double imageWidth = static_cast<double>(image.cols);
double textureWithWidth = static_cast<double>(textureWithSize_);
// Calculate scale factor to texture with textureWithSize
double factor = textureWithWidth/imageWidth;
if (factor > 1.0f)
factor = 1.0f;
// Update camera size and focal length
cam.height = static_cast<int>(std::floor(factor*(static_cast<double>(image.rows))));
cam.width = static_cast<int>(std::floor(factor*(static_cast<double>(image.cols))));
cam.focal_length *= static_cast<double>(cam.width)/bundleResizedTo_;
// Add camera
void OdmTexturing::triangleToImageAssignment()
// Resize the triangleToImageAssigmnent vector to match the number of faces in the mesh
// Set all values in the triangleToImageAssignment vector to a default value (-1) if there are no optimal camera
for (size_t i = 0; i < tTIA_.size(); ++i)
tTIA_[i] = -1;
// Vector containing information if the face has been given an optimal camera or not
std::vector<bool> hasOptimalCamera = std::vector<bool>(mesh_->tex_polygons[0].size());
//Vector containing minimal distances to optimal camera
std::vector<double> tTIA_distances(mesh_->tex_polygons[0].size(),DBL_MAX);
//Vector containing minimal angles of face to cameraplane normals
std::vector<double> tTIA_angles(mesh_->tex_polygons[0].size(),DBL_MAX);
// Set default value that no face has an optimal camera
for (size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < hasOptimalCamera.size(); ++faceIndex)
hasOptimalCamera[faceIndex] = false;
// Convert vertices to pcl::PointXYZ cloud
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr meshCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (mesh_->cloud, *meshCloud);
// Create dummy point and UV-index for vertices not visible in any cameras
pcl::PointXY nanPoint;
nanPoint.x = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
nanPoint.y = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
pcl::texture_mapping::UvIndex uvNull;
uvNull.idx_cloud = -1;
uvNull.idx_face = -1;
for (size_t cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < cameras_.size(); ++cameraIndex)
// Move vertices in mesh into the camera coordinate system
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cameraCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::transformPointCloud (*meshCloud, *cameraCloud, cameras_[cameraIndex].pose);
// Cloud to contain points projected into current camera
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXY>::Ptr projections (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXY>);
// Vector containing information if the polygon is visible in current camera
std::vector<bool> visibility;
// Vector for remembering the correspondence between uv-coordinates and faces
std::vector<pcl::texture_mapping::UvIndex> indexUvToPoints;
// Count the number of vertices inside the camera frustum
int countInsideFrustum = 0;
// Frustum culling for all faces
for (size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < mesh_->tex_polygons[0].size(); ++faceIndex)
// Variables for the face vertices as projections in the camera plane
pcl::PointXY pixelPos0; pcl::PointXY pixelPos1; pcl::PointXY pixelPos2;
// If the face is inside the camera frustum
if (isFaceProjected(cameras_[cameraIndex],
pixelPos0, pixelPos1, pixelPos2))
// Add pixel positions in camera to projections
// Remember corresponding face
pcl::texture_mapping::UvIndex u1, u2, u3;
u1.idx_cloud = mesh_->tex_polygons[0][faceIndex].vertices[0];
u2.idx_cloud = mesh_->tex_polygons[0][faceIndex].vertices[1];
u3.idx_cloud = mesh_->tex_polygons[0][faceIndex].vertices[2];
u1.idx_face = faceIndex; u2.idx_face = faceIndex; u3.idx_face = faceIndex;
// Update visibility vector
visibility[faceIndex] = true;
// Update count
// If not visible set nanPoint and uvNull
// Update visibility vector
visibility[faceIndex] = false;
std::vector<double> local_tTIA_distances(mesh_->tex_polygons[0].size(),DBL_MAX);
std::vector<double> local_tTIA_angles(mesh_->tex_polygons[0].size(),DBL_MAX);
// If any faces are visible in the current camera perform occlusion culling
if (countInsideFrustum > 0)
// Set up acceleration structure
pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::PointXY> kdTree;
// Loop through all faces and perform occlusion culling for faces inside frustum
for (size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < mesh_->tex_polygons[0].size(); ++faceIndex)
if (visibility[faceIndex])
// Vectors to store output from radiusSearch in acceleration structure
std::vector<int> neighbors; std::vector<float> neighborsSquaredDistance;
// Variables for the vertices in face as projections in the camera plane
pcl::PointXY pixelPos0; pcl::PointXY pixelPos1; pcl::PointXY pixelPos2;
if (isFaceProjected(cameras_[cameraIndex],
pixelPos0, pixelPos1, pixelPos2))
// Variables for a radius circumscribing the polygon in the camera plane and the center of the polygon
double radius; pcl::PointXY center;
// Get values for radius and center
getTriangleCircumscribedCircleCentroid(pixelPos0, pixelPos1, pixelPos2, center, radius);
// Perform radius search in the acceleration structure
int radiusSearch = kdTree.radiusSearch(center, radius, neighbors, neighborsSquaredDistance);
// Extract distances for all vertices for face to camera
double d0 = cameraCloud->points[mesh_->tex_polygons[0][faceIndex].vertices[0]].z;
double d1 = cameraCloud->points[mesh_->tex_polygons[0][faceIndex].vertices[1]].z;
double d2 = cameraCloud->points[mesh_->tex_polygons[0][faceIndex].vertices[2]].z;
// Calculate largest distance and store in distance variable
double distance = std::max(d0, std::max(d1,d2));
//Get points
pcl::PointXYZ p0=cameraCloud->points[mesh_->tex_polygons[0][faceIndex].vertices[0]];
pcl::PointXYZ p1=cameraCloud->points[mesh_->tex_polygons[0][faceIndex].vertices[1]];
pcl::PointXYZ p2=cameraCloud->points[mesh_->tex_polygons[0][faceIndex].vertices[2]];
//Calculate face normal
pcl::PointXYZ diff0;
pcl::PointXYZ diff1;
pcl::PointXYZ normal;
double norm=sqrt(normal.x*normal.x+normal.y*normal.y+normal.z*normal.z);
//Angle of face to camera
double cos=normal.z/norm;
//Save distance of faceIndex to current camera
//Save angle of faceIndex to current camera
// If other projections are found inside the radius
if (radiusSearch > 0)
// Compare distance to all neighbors inside radius
for (size_t i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); ++i)
// Distance variable from neighbor to camera
double neighborDistance = cameraCloud->points[indexUvToPoints[neighbors[i]].idx_cloud].z;
// If the neighbor has a greater distance to the camera and is inside face polygon set it as not visible
if (distance < neighborDistance)
if (checkPointInsideTriangle(pixelPos0, pixelPos1, pixelPos2, projections->points[neighbors[i]]))
// Update visibility for neighbors
visibility[indexUvToPoints[neighbors[i]].idx_face] = false;
// Number of polygons that add current camera as the optimal camera
int count = 0;
// Update optimal cameras for faces visible in current camera
for (size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < visibility.size();++faceIndex)
if (visibility[faceIndex])
hasOptimalCamera[faceIndex] = true;
tTIA_[faceIndex] = cameraIndex;
void OdmTexturing::calculatePatches()
// Convert vertices to pcl::PointXYZ cloud
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr meshCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (mesh_->cloud, *meshCloud);
// Reserve size for patches_
// Vector containing vector with indicies to faces visible in corresponding camera index
std::vector<std::vector<int> > optFaceCameraVector = std::vector<std::vector<int> >(cameras_.size());
// Counter variables for visible and occluded faces
int countVis = 0;
int countOcc = 0;
Patch nonVisibleFaces;
nonVisibleFaces.optimalCameraIndex_ = -1;
nonVisibleFaces.materialIndex_ = -1;
nonVisibleFaces.placed_ = true;
// Setup vector containing vectors with all faces correspondning to camera according to triangleToImageAssignment vector
for (size_t i = 0; i < tTIA_.size(); ++i)
if (tTIA_[i] > -1)
// If face has an optimal camera add to optFaceCameraVector and update counter for visible faces
// Add non visible face to patch nonVisibleFaces
// Update counter for occluded faces
log_ << "Visible faces: "<<countVis<<"\n";
log_ << "Occluded faces: "<<countOcc<<"\n";
// Loop through all cameras
for (size_t cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < cameras_.size(); ++cameraIndex)
// Transform mesh into camera coordinate system
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cameraCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::transformPointCloud (*meshCloud, *cameraCloud, cameras_[cameraIndex].pose.inverse());
// While faces visible in camera remains to be assigned to a patch
while(0 < optFaceCameraVector[cameraIndex].size())
// Create current patch
Patch patch;
// Vector containing faces to check connectivity with current patch
std::vector<size_t> addedFaces = std::vector<size_t>(0);
// Add last face in optFaceCameraVector to faces to check connectivity and add it to the current patch
// Add first face to patch
// Remove face from optFaceCameraVector
// Declare uv-coordinates for face
pcl::PointXY uvCoord1; pcl::PointXY uvCoord2; pcl::PointXY uvCoord3;
// Calculate uv-coordinates for face in camera
if (isFaceProjected(cameras_[cameraIndex],
uvCoord1, uvCoord2, uvCoord3))
// Set minimum and maximum uv-coordinate value for patch
patch.minu_ = std::min(uvCoord1.x, std::min(uvCoord2.x, uvCoord3.x));
patch.minv_ = std::min(uvCoord1.y, std::min(uvCoord2.y, uvCoord3.y));
patch.maxu_ = std::max(uvCoord1.x, std::max(uvCoord2.x, uvCoord3.x));
patch.maxv_ = std::max(uvCoord1.y, std::max(uvCoord2.y, uvCoord3.y));
while(0 < addedFaces.size())
// Set face to check neighbors
size_t patchFaceIndex = addedFaces.back();
// Remove patchFaceIndex from addedFaces
// Check against all remaining faces with the same optimal camera
for (size_t i = 0; i < optFaceCameraVector[cameraIndex].size(); ++i)
size_t modelFaceIndex = optFaceCameraVector[cameraIndex][i];
// Don't check against self
if (modelFaceIndex != patchFaceIndex)
// Store indices for vertices of both faces
size_t face0v0 = mesh_->tex_polygons[0][modelFaceIndex].vertices[0];
size_t face0v1 = mesh_->tex_polygons[0][modelFaceIndex].vertices[1];
size_t face0v2 = mesh_->tex_polygons[0][modelFaceIndex].vertices[2];
size_t face1v0 = mesh_->tex_polygons[0][patchFaceIndex].vertices[0];
size_t face1v1 = mesh_->tex_polygons[0][patchFaceIndex].vertices[1];
size_t face1v2 = mesh_->tex_polygons[0][patchFaceIndex].vertices[2];
// Count the number of shared vertices
size_t nShared = 0;
nShared += (face0v0 == face1v0 ? 1 : 0) + (face0v0 == face1v1 ? 1 : 0) + (face0v0 == face1v2 ? 1 : 0);
nShared += (face0v1 == face1v0 ? 1 : 0) + (face0v1 == face1v1 ? 1 : 0) + (face0v1 == face1v2 ? 1 : 0);
nShared += (face0v2 == face1v0 ? 1 : 0) + (face0v2 == face1v1 ? 1 : 0) + (face0v2 == face1v2 ? 1 : 0);
// If sharing a vertex
if (nShared > 0)
// Declare uv-coordinates for face
pcl::PointXY uv1; pcl::PointXY uv2; pcl::PointXY uv3;
// Calculate uv-coordinates for face in camera
uv1, uv2, uv3);
// Update minimum and maximum uv-coordinate value for patch
patch.minu_ = std::min(patch.minu_, std::min(uv1.x, std::min(uv2.x, uv3.x)));
patch.minv_ = std::min(patch.minv_, std::min(uv1.y, std::min(uv2.y, uv3.y)));
patch.maxu_ = std::max(patch.maxu_, std::max(uv1.x, std::max(uv2.x, uv3.x)));
patch.maxv_ = std::max(patch.maxv_, std::max(uv1.y, std::max(uv2.y, uv3.y)));
// Add modelFaceIndex to patch
// Add modelFaceIndex from faces to check for neighbors with same optimal camera
// Remove modelFaceIndex from optFaceCameraVector to exclude it from comming iterations
optFaceCameraVector[cameraIndex].erase(optFaceCameraVector[cameraIndex].begin() + i);
// Set optimal camera for patch
patch.optimalCameraIndex_ = static_cast<int>(cameraIndex);
// Add patch to patches_ vector
Coords OdmTexturing::recursiveFindCoords(Node &n, float w, float h)
// Coordinates to return and place patch
Coords c;
if (NULL != n.lft_)
c = recursiveFindCoords(*(n.lft_), w, h);
if (c.success_)
return c;
return recursiveFindCoords(*(n.rgt_), w, h);
// If the patch is to large or occupied return success false for coord
if (n.used_ || w > n.width_ || h > n.height_)
c.success_ = false;
return c;
// If the patch matches perfectly, store it
if (w == n.width_ && h == n.height_)
n.used_ = true;
c.r_ = n.r_;
c.c_ = n.c_;
c.success_ = true;
return c;
// Initialize children for node
n.lft_ = new Node(n);
n.rgt_ = new Node(n);
n.rgt_->used_ = false;
n.lft_->used_ = false;
n.rgt_->rgt_ = NULL;
n.rgt_->lft_ = NULL;
n.lft_->rgt_ = NULL;
n.lft_->lft_ = NULL;
// Check how to adjust free space
if (n.width_ - w > n.height_ - h)
n.lft_->width_ = w;
n.rgt_->c_ = n.c_ + w;
n.rgt_->width_ = n.width_ - w;
n.lft_->height_ = h;
n.rgt_->r_ = n.r_ + h;
n.rgt_->height_ = n.height_ - h;
return recursiveFindCoords(*(n.lft_), w, h);
void OdmTexturing::sortPatches()
// Bool to set true when done
bool done = false;
// Material index
int materialIndex = 0;
// Number of patches left from last loop
size_t countLeftLastIteration = 0;
// Create container for current material
Node root;
root.width_ = textureResolution_;
root.height_ = textureResolution_;
// Set done to true
done = true;
// Number of patches that did not fit in current material
size_t countNotPlacedPatches = 0;
// Number of patches placed in current material
size_t placed = 0;
for (size_t patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < patches_.size(); ++patchIndex)
// Calculate dimensions of the patch
float w = patches_[patchIndex].maxu_ - patches_[patchIndex].minu_ + 2*padding_;
float h = patches_[patchIndex].maxv_ - patches_[patchIndex].minv_ + 2*padding_;
// Try to place patch in root container for this material
if ( w > 0.0 && h > 0.0)
patches_[patchIndex].c_ = recursiveFindCoords(root, w, h);
if (!patches_[patchIndex].c_.success_)
done = false;
// Set patch material as current material
patches_[patchIndex].materialIndex_ = materialIndex;
// Set patch as placed
patches_[patchIndex].placed_ = true;
// Update number of patches placed in current material
// Update patch with padding_
//patches_[patchIndex].c_.c_ += padding_;
//patches_[patchIndex].c_.r_ += padding_;
patches_[patchIndex].minu_ -= padding_;
patches_[patchIndex].minv_ -= padding_;
patches_[patchIndex].maxu_ = std::min((patches_[patchIndex].maxu_ + padding_), textureResolution_);
patches_[patchIndex].maxv_ = std::min((patches_[patchIndex].maxv_ + padding_), textureResolution_);
// Update material index
if (countLeftLastIteration == countNotPlacedPatches && countNotPlacedPatches != 0)
done = true;
countLeftLastIteration = countNotPlacedPatches;
// Set number of textures
nrTextures_ = materialIndex;
log_ << "Faces sorted into " << nrTextures_ << " textures.\n";
void OdmTexturing::createTextures()
// Convert vertices to pcl::PointXYZ cloud
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr meshCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (mesh_->cloud, *meshCloud);
// Container for faces according to submesh. Used to replace faces in mesh_.
std::vector<std::vector<pcl::Vertices> > faceVector = std::vector<std::vector<pcl::Vertices> >(nrTextures_ + 1);
// Container for texture coordinates according to submesh. Used to replace texture coordinates in mesh_.
std::vector<std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> > textureCoordinatesVector = std::vector<std::vector<Eigen::Vector2f> >(nrTextures_ + 1);
// Container for materials according to submesh. Used to replace materials in mesh_.
std::vector<pcl::TexMaterial> materialVector = std::vector<pcl::TexMaterial>(nrTextures_ + 1);
// Setup model according to patches placement
for (int textureIndex = 0; textureIndex < nrTextures_; ++textureIndex)
for (size_t patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < patches_.size(); ++patchIndex)
// If patch is placed in current mesh add all containing faces to that submesh
if (patches_[patchIndex].materialIndex_ == textureIndex)
// Transform mesh into camera
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cameraCloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::transformPointCloud (*meshCloud, *cameraCloud, cameras_[patches_[patchIndex].optimalCameraIndex_].pose.inverse());
// Loop through all faces in patch
for (size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < patches_[patchIndex].faces_.size(); ++faceIndex)
// Setup global face index in mesh_
size_t globalFaceIndex = patches_[patchIndex].faces_[faceIndex];
// Add current face to current submesh
// Pixel positions
pcl::PointXY pixelPos0; pcl::PointXY pixelPos1; pcl::PointXY pixelPos2;
// Get pixel positions in corresponding camera for the vertices of the face
getPixelCoordinates(cameraCloud->points[mesh_->tex_polygons[0][globalFaceIndex].vertices[0]], cameras_[patches_[patchIndex].optimalCameraIndex_], pixelPos0);
getPixelCoordinates(cameraCloud->points[mesh_->tex_polygons[0][globalFaceIndex].vertices[1]], cameras_[patches_[patchIndex].optimalCameraIndex_], pixelPos1);
getPixelCoordinates(cameraCloud->points[mesh_->tex_polygons[0][globalFaceIndex].vertices[2]], cameras_[patches_[patchIndex].optimalCameraIndex_], pixelPos2);
// Shorthands for patch variables
float c = patches_[patchIndex].c_.c_ + padding_;
float r = patches_[patchIndex].c_.r_ + padding_;
float minu = patches_[patchIndex].minu_ + padding_;
float minv = patches_[patchIndex].minv_ + padding_;
// Declare uv coordinates
Eigen::Vector2f uv1, uv2, uv3;
// Set uv coordinates according to patch
uv1(0) = (pixelPos0.x - minu + c)/textureResolution_;
uv1(1) = 1.0f - (pixelPos0.y - minv + r)/textureResolution_;
uv2(0) = (pixelPos1.x - minu + c)/textureResolution_;
uv2(1) = 1.0f - (pixelPos1.y - minv + r)/textureResolution_;
uv3(0) = (pixelPos2.x - minu + c)/textureResolution_;
uv3(1) = 1.0f - (pixelPos2.y - minv + r)/textureResolution_;
// Add uv coordinates to submesh
// Declare material and setup default values
pcl::TexMaterial meshMaterial;
meshMaterial.tex_Ka.r = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Ka.g = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Ka.b = 0.0f;
meshMaterial.tex_Kd.r = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Kd.g = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Kd.b = 0.0f;
meshMaterial.tex_Ks.r = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Ks.g = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Ks.b = 0.0f;
meshMaterial.tex_d = 1.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Ns = 200.0f; meshMaterial.tex_illum = 2;
std::stringstream tex_name;
tex_name << "texture_" << textureIndex;
tex_name >> meshMaterial.tex_name;
meshMaterial.tex_file = meshMaterial.tex_name + ".jpg";
materialVector[textureIndex] = meshMaterial;
// Add non visible patches to submesh
for (size_t patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < patches_.size(); ++patchIndex)
// If the patch does not have an optimal camera
if (patches_[patchIndex].optimalCameraIndex_ == -1)
// Add all faces and set uv coordinates
for (size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < patches_[patchIndex].faces_.size(); ++faceIndex)
// Setup global face index in mesh_
size_t globalFaceIndex = patches_[patchIndex].faces_[faceIndex];
// Add current face to current submesh
// Declare uv coordinates
Eigen::Vector2f uv1, uv2, uv3;
// Set uv coordinates according to patch
uv1(0) = 0.25f;//(pixelPos0.x - minu + c)/textureResolution_;
uv1(1) = 0.25f;//1.0f - (pixelPos0.y - minv + r)/textureResolution_;
uv2(0) = 0.25f;//(pixelPos1.x - minu + c)/textureResolution_;
uv2(1) = 0.75f;//1.0f - (pixelPos1.y - minv + r)/textureResolution_;
uv3(0) = 0.75f;//(pixelPos2.x - minu + c)/textureResolution_;
uv3(1) = 0.75f;//1.0f - (pixelPos2.y - minv + r)/textureResolution_;
// Add uv coordinates to submesh
// Declare material and setup default values for nonVisibileFaces submesh
pcl::TexMaterial meshMaterial;
meshMaterial.tex_Ka.r = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Ka.g = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Ka.b = 0.0f;
meshMaterial.tex_Kd.r = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Kd.g = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Kd.b = 0.0f;
meshMaterial.tex_Ks.r = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Ks.g = 0.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Ks.b = 0.0f;
meshMaterial.tex_d = 1.0f; meshMaterial.tex_Ns = 200.0f; meshMaterial.tex_illum = 2;
std::stringstream tex_name;
tex_name << "non_visible_faces_texture";
tex_name >> meshMaterial.tex_name;
meshMaterial.tex_file = meshMaterial.tex_name + ".jpg";
materialVector[nrTextures_] = meshMaterial;
// Replace polygons, texture coordinates and materials in mesh_
mesh_->tex_polygons = faceVector;
mesh_->tex_coordinates = textureCoordinatesVector;
mesh_->tex_materials = materialVector;
// Containers for image and the resized image used for texturing
cv::Mat image;
cv::Mat resizedImage;
for (int textureIndex = 0; textureIndex < nrTextures_; ++textureIndex)
// Current texture for corresponding material
cv::Mat texture = cv::Mat::zeros(textureResolution_, textureResolution_, CV_8UC3);
for (int cameraIndex = 0; cameraIndex < static_cast<int>(cameras_.size()); ++cameraIndex)
// Load image for current camera
image = cv::imread(cameras_[cameraIndex].texture_file,1);
// Calculate the resize factor to texturize with textureWithSize_
double resizeFactor = textureWithSize_ / static_cast<double>(image.cols);
if (resizeFactor > 1.0f)
resizeFactor = 1.0f;
// Resize image to the resolution used to texture with
cv::resize(image, resizedImage, cv::Size(), resizeFactor, resizeFactor, CV_INTER_AREA);
// Loop through all patches
for (size_t patchIndex = 0; patchIndex < patches_.size(); ++patchIndex)
// If the patch has the current camera as optimal camera
if (patches_[patchIndex].materialIndex_ == textureIndex && patches_[patchIndex].optimalCameraIndex_ == cameraIndex)
// Pixel coordinates to extract image information from
int extractX = static_cast<int>(floor(patches_[patchIndex].minu_));// + padding_);
int extractY = static_cast<int>(floor(patches_[patchIndex].minv_));// + padding_);
// Pixel coordinates to insert the image information to
int insertX = static_cast<int>(floor(patches_[patchIndex].c_.c_));
int insertY = static_cast<int>(floor(patches_[patchIndex].c_.r_));
// The size of the image information to use
int width = static_cast<int>(floor(patches_[patchIndex].maxu_)) - extractX - 1;
int height = static_cast<int>(floor(patches_[patchIndex].maxv_)) - extractY - 1;
// Get image information and add to texture
cv::Mat src = resizedImage(cv::Rect(extractX, extractY, width, height));
cv::Mat dst = texture(cv::Rect(insertX, insertY, width, height));
log_ <<"Saved " << mesh_->tex_materials[textureIndex].tex_file <<" to file.\n";
cv::imwrite(outputFolder_ + mesh_->tex_materials[textureIndex].tex_file, texture);
// Create nonVisibleFaces texture and save to file
cv::Mat nonVisibleFacesTexture = cv::Mat::zeros(50, 50, CV_8UC3) + cv::Scalar(255,255,255);
log_ <<"Saved " << mesh_->tex_materials[nrTextures_].tex_file <<" to file.\n";
cv::imwrite(outputFolder_ + mesh_->tex_materials[nrTextures_].tex_file, nonVisibleFacesTexture);
void OdmTexturing::writeObjFile()
if (saveOBJFile(outputFolder_ + "odm_textured_model.obj", *mesh_.get(), 7) == 0)
log_ <<"odm_textured_model.obj successfully saved.\n";
log_ << "Failed to save model.\n";
void OdmTexturing::printHelp()
log_ << "Purpose:\n";
log_ << "Create a textured mesh from pmvs output and a corresponding ply-mesh from OpenDroneMap-meshing.\n";
log_ << "Usage:\n";
log_ << "The program requires paths to a bundler.out file, a ply model file, an image list file, an image folder path, an output path and the resized resolution used in the bundler step.\n";
log_ << "All other input parameters are optional.\n\n";
log_ << "The following flags are available:\n";
log_ << "Call the program with flag \"-help\", or without parameters to print this message, or check any generated log file.\n";
log_ << "Call the program with flag \"-verbose\", to print log messages in the standard output.\n\n";
log_ << "Parameters are specified as: \"-<argument name> <argument>\", (without <>), and the following parameters are configurable:\n";
log_ << "\"-bundleFile <path>\" (mandatory)\n";
log_ << "Path to the bundle.out file from pmvs.\n";
log_ << "\"-imagesListPath <path>\" (mandatory)\n";
log_ << "Path to the list containing the image names used in the bundle.out file.\n";
log_ << "\"-imagesPath <path>\" (mandatory)\n";
log_ << "Path to the folder containing full resolution images.\n";
log_ << "\"-inputModelPath <path>\" (mandatory)\n";
log_ << "Path to the ply model to texture.\n";
log_ << "\"-outputFolder <path>\" (mandatory)\n";
log_ << "Path to store the textured model. The folder must exist.\n";
log_ << "\"-logFile <path>\" (optional)\n";
log_ << "Path to save the log file.\n";
log_ << "\"-bundleResizedTo <integer>\" (mandatory)\n";
log_ << "The resized resolution used in bundler.\n";
log_ << "\"-textureResolution_ <integer>\" (optional, default: 4096)\n";
log_ << "The resolution of the output textures. Must be greater than textureWithSize.\n";
log_ << "\"-textureWithSize <integer>\" (optional, default: 1200)\n";
log_ << "The resolution to rescale the images performing the texturing.\n";