import os import json from opendm import context from opendm import io from opendm import types from import PhotoCorruptedException from opendm import log from opendm import system from opendm.geo import GeoFile from shutil import copyfile from opendm import progress from opendm import boundary from opendm import ai from opendm.skyremoval.skyfilter import SkyFilter from opendm.bgfilter import BgFilter from opendm.concurrency import parallel_map def save_images_database(photos, database_file): with open(database_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps([p.__dict__ for p in photos])) log.ODM_INFO("Wrote images database: %s" % database_file) def load_images_database(database_file): # Empty is used to create types.ODM_Photo class # instances without calling __init__ class Empty: pass result = [] log.ODM_INFO("Loading images database: %s" % database_file) with open(database_file, 'r') as f: photos_json = json.load(f) for photo_json in photos_json: p = Empty() for k in photo_json: setattr(p, k, photo_json[k]) p.__class__ = types.ODM_Photo result.append(p) return result class ODMLoadDatasetStage(types.ODM_Stage): def process(self, args, outputs): outputs['start_time'] = system.now_raw() tree = types.ODM_Tree(args.project_path, args.gcp, args.geo) outputs['tree'] = tree if args.time and io.file_exists(tree.benchmarking): # Delete the previously made file os.remove(tree.benchmarking) with open(tree.benchmarking, 'a') as b: b.write('ODM Benchmarking file created %s\nNumber of Cores: %s\n\n' % (, context.num_cores)) # check if the image filename is supported def valid_image_filename(filename): (pathfn, ext) = os.path.splitext(filename) return ext.lower() in context.supported_extensions and pathfn[-5:] != "_mask" # Get supported images from dir def get_images(in_dir): log.ODM_DEBUG(in_dir) entries = os.listdir(in_dir) valid, rejects = [], [] for f in entries: if valid_image_filename(f): valid.append(f) else: rejects.append(f) return valid, rejects def find_mask(photo_path, masks): (pathfn, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(photo_path)) k = "{}_mask".format(pathfn) mask = masks.get(k) if mask: # Spaces are not supported due to OpenSfM's mask_list.txt format reqs if not " " in mask: return mask else: log.ODM_WARNING("Image mask {} has a space. Spaces are currently not supported for image masks.".format(mask)) # get images directory images_dir = tree.dataset_raw # define paths and create working directories system.mkdir_p(tree.odm_georeferencing) log.ODM_INFO('Loading dataset from: %s' % images_dir) # check if we rerun cell or not images_database_file = os.path.join(tree.root_path, 'images.json') if not io.file_exists(images_database_file) or self.rerun(): if not os.path.exists(images_dir): raise system.ExitException("There are no images in %s! Make sure that your project path and dataset name is correct. The current is set to: %s" % (images_dir, args.project_path)) files, rejects = get_images(images_dir) if files: # create ODMPhoto list path_files = [os.path.join(images_dir, f) for f in files] # Lookup table for masks masks = {} for r in rejects: (p, ext) = os.path.splitext(r) if p[-5:] == "_mask" and ext.lower() in context.supported_extensions: masks[p] = r photos = [] with open(tree.dataset_list, 'w') as dataset_list: log.ODM_INFO("Loading %s images" % len(path_files)) for f in path_files: try: p = types.ODM_Photo(f) p.set_mask(find_mask(f, masks)) photos.append(p) dataset_list.write(photos[-1].filename + '\n') except PhotoCorruptedException: log.ODM_WARNING("%s seems corrupted and will not be used" % os.path.basename(f)) # Check if a geo file is available if tree.odm_geo_file is not None and os.path.isfile(tree.odm_geo_file): log.ODM_INFO("Found image geolocation file") gf = GeoFile(tree.odm_geo_file) updated = 0 for p in photos: entry = gf.get_entry(p.filename) if entry: p.update_with_geo_entry(entry) p.compute_opk() updated += 1 log.ODM_INFO("Updated %s image positions" % updated) # GPSDOP override if we have GPS accuracy information (such as RTK) if 'gps_accuracy_is_set' in args: log.ODM_INFO("Forcing GPS DOP to %s for all images" % args.gps_accuracy) for p in photos: p.override_gps_dop(args.gps_accuracy) # Override projection type if args.camera_lens != "auto": log.ODM_INFO("Setting camera lens to %s for all images" % args.camera_lens) for p in photos: p.override_camera_projection(args.camera_lens) # Automatic sky removal if args.sky_removal: # For each image that : # - Doesn't already have a mask, AND # - Is not nadir (or if orientation info is missing), AND # - There are no spaces in the image filename (OpenSfM requirement) # Automatically generate a sky mask # Generate list of sky images sky_images = [] for p in photos: if p.mask is None and (p.pitch is None or (abs(p.pitch) > 20)) and (not " " in p.filename): sky_images.append({'file': os.path.join(images_dir, p.filename), 'p': p}) if len(sky_images) > 0: log.ODM_INFO("Automatically generating sky masks for %s images" % len(sky_images)) model = ai.get_model("skyremoval", "", "v1.0.5") if model is not None: sf = SkyFilter(model=model) def parallel_sky_filter(item): try: mask_file = sf.run_img(item['file'], images_dir) # Check and set if mask_file is not None and os.path.isfile(mask_file): item['p'].set_mask(os.path.basename(mask_file)) log.ODM_INFO("Wrote %s" % os.path.basename(mask_file)) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot generate mask for %s" % img) except Exception as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot generate mask for %s: %s" % (img, str(e))) parallel_map(parallel_sky_filter, sky_images, max_workers=args.max_concurrency) log.ODM_INFO("Sky masks generation completed!") else: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot load AI model (you might need to be connected to the internet?)") else: log.ODM_INFO("No sky masks will be generated (masks already provided, or images are nadir)") # End sky removal # Automatic background removal if args.bg_removal: # For each image that : # - Doesn't already have a mask, AND # - There are no spaces in the image filename (OpenSfM requirement) # Generate list of sky images bg_images = [] for p in photos: if p.mask is None and (not " " in p.filename): bg_images.append({'file': os.path.join(images_dir, p.filename), 'p': p}) if len(bg_images) > 0: log.ODM_INFO("Automatically generating background masks for %s images" % len(bg_images)) model = ai.get_model("bgremoval", "", "v2.9.0") if model is not None: bg = BgFilter(model=model) def parallel_bg_filter(item): try: mask_file = bg.run_img(item['file'], images_dir) # Check and set if mask_file is not None and os.path.isfile(mask_file): item['p'].set_mask(os.path.basename(mask_file)) log.ODM_INFO("Wrote %s" % os.path.basename(mask_file)) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot generate mask for %s" % img) except Exception as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot generate mask for %s: %s" % (img, str(e))) parallel_map(parallel_bg_filter, bg_images, max_workers=args.max_concurrency) log.ODM_INFO("Background masks generation completed!") else: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot load AI model (you might need to be connected to the internet?)") else: log.ODM_INFO("No background masks will be generated (masks already provided)") # End bg removal # Save image database for faster restart save_images_database(photos, images_database_file) else: raise system.ExitException('Not enough supported images in %s' % images_dir) else: # We have an images database, just load it photos = load_images_database(images_database_file) log.ODM_INFO('Found %s usable images' % len(photos)) log.logger.log_json_images(len(photos)) # Create reconstruction object reconstruction = types.ODM_Reconstruction(photos) if tree.odm_georeferencing_gcp and not args.use_exif: reconstruction.georeference_with_gcp(tree.odm_georeferencing_gcp, tree.odm_georeferencing_coords, tree.odm_georeferencing_gcp_utm, tree.odm_georeferencing_model_txt_geo, rerun=self.rerun()) else: reconstruction.georeference_with_gps(tree.dataset_raw, tree.odm_georeferencing_coords, tree.odm_georeferencing_model_txt_geo, rerun=self.rerun()) reconstruction.save_proj_srs(os.path.join(tree.odm_georeferencing, tree.odm_georeferencing_proj)) outputs['reconstruction'] = reconstruction # Try to load boundaries if args.boundary: if reconstruction.is_georeferenced(): outputs['boundary'] = boundary.load_boundary(args.boundary, reconstruction.get_proj_srs()) else: args.boundary = None log.ODM_WARNING("Reconstruction is not georeferenced, but boundary file provided (will ignore boundary file)") # If sfm-algorithm is triangulation, check if photos have OPK if args.sfm_algorithm == 'triangulation': for p in photos: if not p.has_opk(): log.ODM_WARNING("No omega/phi/kappa angles found in input photos (%s), switching sfm-algorithm to incremental" % p.filename) args.sfm_algorithm = 'incremental' break