import os from opendm import log from opendm import system from opendm.cropper import Cropper from opendm.concurrency import get_max_memory import math import numpy as np import rasterio import fiona from scipy import ndimage from rasterio.transform import Affine, rowcol from rasterio.mask import mask from opendm import io def get_orthophoto_vars(args): return { 'TILED': 'NO' if args.orthophoto_no_tiled else 'YES', 'COMPRESS': args.orthophoto_compression, 'PREDICTOR': '2' if args.orthophoto_compression in ['LZW', 'DEFLATE'] else '1', 'BIGTIFF': 'IF_SAFER', 'BLOCKXSIZE': 512, 'BLOCKYSIZE': 512, 'NUM_THREADS': args.max_concurrency } def build_overviews(orthophoto_file): log.ODM_INFO("Building Overviews") kwargs = {'orthophoto': orthophoto_file} # Run gdaladdo'gdaladdo -ro -r average ' '--config BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW IF_SAFER ' '--config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG ' '{orthophoto} 2 4 8 16'.format(**kwargs)) def generate_png(orthophoto_file): log.ODM_INFO("Generating PNG") base, ext = os.path.splitext(orthophoto_file) orthophoto_png = base + '.png''gdal_translate -of png "%s" "%s" ' '--config GDAL_CACHEMAX %s%% ' % (orthophoto_file, orthophoto_png, get_max_memory())) def post_orthophoto_steps(args, bounds_file_path, orthophoto_file): if args.crop > 0: Cropper.crop(bounds_file_path, orthophoto_file, get_orthophoto_vars(args), warp_options=['-dstalpha']) if args.build_overviews: build_overviews(orthophoto_file) if args.orthophoto_png: generate_png(orthophoto_file) def compute_mask_raster(input_raster, vector_mask, output_raster, blend_distance=20, only_max_coords_feature=False): if not os.path.exists(input_raster): log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot mask raster, %s does not exist" % input_raster) return if not os.path.exists(vector_mask): log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot mask raster, %s does not exist" % vector_mask) return with, 'r') as rast: with as src: burn_features = src if only_max_coords_feature: max_coords_count = 0 max_coords_feature = None for feature in src: if feature is not None: # No complex shapes if len(feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0]) > max_coords_count: max_coords_count = len(feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0]) max_coords_feature = feature if max_coords_feature is not None: burn_features = [max_coords_feature] shapes = [feature["geometry"] for feature in burn_features] out_image, out_transform = mask(rast, shapes, nodata=0) if blend_distance > 0: if out_image.shape[0] >= 4: # rast_mask = rast.dataset_mask() rast_mask = out_image[-1] dist_t = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(rast_mask) dist_t[dist_t <= blend_distance] /= blend_distance dist_t[dist_t > blend_distance] = 1 np.multiply(rast_mask, dist_t, out=rast_mask, casting="unsafe") else: log.ODM_WARNING("%s does not have an alpha band, cannot blend cutline!" % input_raster) with, 'w', **rast.profile) as dst: dst.write(out_image) return output_raster def merge(input_ortho_and_ortho_cuts, output_orthophoto, orthophoto_vars={}): """ Based on Merge orthophotos around cutlines using a blend buffer. """ inputs = [] bounds=None precision=7 divider=255.0 for o, c in input_ortho_and_ortho_cuts: if not io.file_exists(o): log.ODM_WARNING("%s does not exist. Will skip from merged orthophoto." % o) continue if not io.file_exists(c): log.ODM_WARNING("%s does not exist. Will skip from merged orthophoto." % c) continue inputs.append((o, c)) if len(inputs) == 0: log.ODM_WARNING("No input orthophotos, skipping merge.") return with[0][0]) as first: res = first.res dtype = first.dtypes[0] profile = first.profile # Handle 16bit rasters if dtype == 'uint16': divider = 65535.0 log.ODM_INFO("%s valid orthophoto rasters to merge" % len(inputs)) sources = [(, for o,c in inputs] # scan input files. # while we're at it, validate assumptions about inputs xs = [] ys = [] for src, _ in sources: left, bottom, right, top = src.bounds xs.extend([left, right]) ys.extend([bottom, top]) if src.profile["count"] != 4: raise ValueError("Inputs must be 4-band rasters") dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n = min(xs), min(ys), max(xs), max(ys) log.ODM_INFO("Output bounds: %r %r %r %r" % (dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n)) output_transform = Affine.translation(dst_w, dst_n) output_transform *= Affine.scale(res[0], -res[1]) # Compute output array shape. We guarantee it will cover the output # bounds completely. output_width = int(math.ceil((dst_e - dst_w) / res[0])) output_height = int(math.ceil((dst_n - dst_s) / res[1])) # Adjust bounds to fit. dst_e, dst_s = output_transform * (output_width, output_height) log.ODM_INFO("Output width: %d, height: %d" % (output_width, output_height)) log.ODM_INFO("Adjusted bounds: %r %r %r %r" % (dst_w, dst_s, dst_e, dst_n)) profile["transform"] = output_transform profile["height"] = output_height profile["width"] = output_width profile["tiled"] = orthophoto_vars.get('TILED', 'YES') == 'YES' profile["blockxsize"] = orthophoto_vars.get('BLOCKXSIZE', 512) profile["blockysize"] = orthophoto_vars.get('BLOCKYSIZE', 512) profile["compress"] = orthophoto_vars.get('COMPRESS', 'LZW') profile["predictor"] = orthophoto_vars.get('PREDICTOR', '2') profile["bigtiff"] = orthophoto_vars.get('BIGTIFF', 'IF_SAFER') profile.update() # create destination file with, "w", **profile) as dstrast: for idx, dst_window in dstrast.block_windows(): left, bottom, right, top = dstrast.window_bounds(dst_window) blocksize = dst_window.width dst_rows, dst_cols = (dst_window.height, dst_window.width) # initialize array destined for the block dst_count = first.count dst_shape = (dst_count, dst_rows, dst_cols) # First pass, write all rasters naively dstarr = np.zeros(dst_shape, dtype=dtype) for src, _ in sources: src_window = tuple(zip(rowcol( src.transform, left, top, op=round, precision=precision ), rowcol( src.transform, right, bottom, op=round, precision=precision ))) temp = np.zeros(dst_shape, dtype=dtype) temp = out=temp, window=src_window, boundless=True, masked=False ) # pixels without data yet are available to write write_region = np.logical_and( (dstarr[3] == 0), (temp[3] != 0) # 0 is nodata ) np.copyto(dstarr, temp, where=write_region) # check if dest has any nodata pixels available if np.count_nonzero(dstarr[3]) == blocksize: break # Second pass, write cut rasters for _, cut in sources: src_window = tuple(zip(rowcol( cut.transform, left, top, op=round, precision=precision ), rowcol( cut.transform, right, bottom, op=round, precision=precision ))) temp = np.zeros(dst_shape, dtype=dtype) temp = out=temp, window=src_window, boundless=True, masked=False ) # For each band, average alpha values between # destination raster and cut raster for b in range(0, 3): blended = temp[3] / divider * temp[b] + (1 - temp[3] / divider) * dstarr[b] np.copyto(dstarr[b], blended, casting='unsafe', where=temp[3]!=0) dstrast.write(dstarr, window=dst_window) return output_orthophoto